Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6918|132 and Bush

There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special
for elections, all government business will be conducted in our language.

Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are

Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.

Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food
stamps, no
health care, or other government assistance programs.

Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to
times the daily minimum wage.

If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options
be restricted. You are not allowed waterfront property. That is reserved
citizens naturally born into this country.

Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no
political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, if you
you will be sent home.

If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent
straight to jail.

Harsh, you say?.................

The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of Mexico.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-03-16 05:06:55)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Mr. Bigglesworth
People change. Laws change. When these two countries really get together for the mutual benefit of both it will be a great thing. Canada, America, and Mexico will comprise the strongest most powerful continent in the world.

Last edited by rawls2 (2007-03-01 17:10:12)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7007|Tampa Bay Florida
ATG, I said no offense for a reason.  Chill out.  Unless you are willing to argue employing illegal aliens isn't a crime.......

I'd like to see your solution of stopping illegal immigration.  There is only one foolproof way of doing it, and that is cracking down on the people who employ illegals.  If illegals have no way to work, they will not come.

Last edited by Spearhead (2007-03-01 18:28:14)

+5,233|6847|Global Command
It is a crime. One I'm forced to commit to be in business.

My company;
available upon request.

Last edited by ATG (2007-03-01 19:28:44)


Kmarion wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

Half of Irelands young population used to jump ship to either America or England to work illegally. This trend went on since the founding fathers set foot on US soil. Its why we have such a low population. Traditionally young Irish families immigrated, illegally and legally in search of a better life. The UK and US being the most popular destinations. Now after all these years, the immigration of the Irish population has stopped, even went the other way, with English construction workers now coming here to make more money. And Irish immigrants returning home en mass.
Europe economically annexed Ireland through various socialist economic funds and helped by some good tax breaks we went from being officially a 2nd world country to being a competitor on the global market in 25 years.
Mexico is a much larger nation and their are a whole load of differences, but I am taking a working example used here and suggesting it be tried on "your side of the pond". Militarising one of your two borders or building a Berlin type wall seams to be the only suggestions I have heard so solve the problem.
I understand what you are saying but it is not nearly as simple as taking your example and making a carbon copy of it over here. Mexico in no way resembles Ireland. The country has very, very serious problems. The economic demise is only the start. The corruption is embedded in many aspects of the government. Drug running across the border now is at record highs. And quite honestly with health care the way it is now America could not afford to take them under their wing if they wanted to. Mexico needs to clean their house and make it more appeasing for it's citizens, and we need to deploy more resources to the border.
Ok, I'm going to argue for the sake of argument as I'm sure you are much better informed about the Mexican political system. Ireland has only recently cleaned out its corrupt government. It took along time and allot of the moneys thrown at us by Europe went into the corrupt politicians pockets, which slowed down the economic explosion in Ireland (Celtic Tiger).
As far as Ireland is concerned, it would seem that the bribery and corruption of the 70s and 80s was one of the factors which postponed the arrival of the Celtic Tiger. Back then, “pulling a stroke” was seen as preferable to genuine entrepreneurial activity.

The two Major Irish airports, Dublin and Shannon, were being used for years to bring drugs into Europe. IRA men would be bringing in drugs by the container load, telling the Corrupt customs staff that the containers contained guns for "the cause" so they went through unchecked. The drugs were then distributed throughout Europe. The IRA men involved were later executed when the IRA found out they were using their name to bring in drugs. I know this as my friend was close to one of the executed IRA men.

I concede that the Mexico 'problem' is much much larger, but their are allot of similarities, be it on a much smaller scale. My point is, that the 'house cleaning' needed in Mexican politics will only take place when the economy is strengthened. Mexico like Ireland once did, ran on kick backs and bribes, its how the economy worked. When they are presented with a different, transparent economy the politicians become more transparent and in house investigations will clean them out. There is an time overlap of corruption and economic growth. When the economy strengthens, so will the government and so will their control of drug production.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7007|Tampa Bay Florida

ATG wrote:

It is a crime. One I'm forced to commit to be in business.

My company;
available upon request.
Exactly.  We have to fix the system so you don't HAVE to hire illegal aliens, so we can narrow it down to those who are doing it just to remain in business, and those who are purposely exploiting cheap labor for their own profits.  If there's no work available for the illegals, they simply won't come

ATG wrote:

ps, my daughter is 25% Mexican. Call me a racist and I'll fucking kill you.
Yes......yes......yes...!!!!   Strike him down with your anger!  Feel it pulse through your body!  Yes....YES!!!
this is the best we can do?
+5,233|6847|Global Command

smtt686 wrote:

Another reason to put up a fence. … -9875r.htm
Ah, more great news from the border.

I got news for people too. The economy is beginning to tank in Southern California. Forget the papers and what they say, construction is in the toilet, and a lot of people are hurting financially, including now me.

What's the first indicator? Try going to  a Home Depot ( as evil as Walmart ). You will mobbed by the 50-100 illegal aliens, now getting hungry, in the far reaches of the parking lot.
Oh yes, as the situation continues to slide, more and more illegal aliens flood across, making life hard for the illegals that came before them. And me.

How long befrore the revolution and where do I sign up?

ATG wrote:

The economy is beginning to tank in Southern California. Forget the papers and what they say, construction is in the toilet, and a lot of people are hurting financially, including now me.
New construction yes.  Home builders, yes.  But the secondary real estate market is hot right now, what with teasers rates starting to expire.  The IT sector is prospering too.  Some major hirings going on.  So, no, the Southern California economy is not tanking...
+51|6771|Peoples Republic of Portland
Don't hire them. I understand you think it's the Government's fault, but it isn't. If Americans such as yourself who  hire illegals to save money would take the financial hit by hiring citizens the problem would go away. Price would rise in this scenario, but the truth is there would be far fewer immigrants if there was no work for them. Don't get me wrong, I understand to drop your bottom line and business costs you hire them. If you do hire them, don't complain since your part of the system.
+5,233|6847|Global Command

liquix wrote:

Don't hire them. I understand you think it's the Government's fault, but it isn't. If Americans such as yourself who  hire illegals to save money would take the financial hit by hiring citizens the problem would go away. Price would rise in this scenario, but the truth is there would be far fewer immigrants if there was no work for them. Don't get me wrong, I understand to drop your bottom line and business costs you hire them. If you do hire them, don't complain since your part of the system.
So, where exactly do you go to hire citizens that aren't total rejects?

I pay $17.50 + per hour + 75% of private medical insurance + cash bonuses to my top guys.

The way I see it, the situation will continue to stagnate until the American politicians are forced to change via violence, or somebody starts hurling molotave cocktails into the crowds of day laborers.

Easy on that report button noob, I didn't advocate that, I said I see it happening if things go far enough.
conservative hatemonger

incorrect.  The government prefers to keep shipping illegals over because it keeps the social security system going (which should have died a while ago) and gives the government officials free votes.  The government wants illegals over here almost as badly as the big businesses
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6792|Foothills of S. Carolina

I see a lot of central and south Americans in my line of work. I hesitate to use the word Mexican as all illegals are not from Mexico as my supposed future brother in law recently pointed out. Now I openly assume that most of them are here legally, though I could be wrong. And most that I meet are in the restaurant business, either as cooks or busboys and dishwashers. The one thing that I have not read in this debate is the fact that many of them come here illegally so that their children, once born on American soil, will be legal and have a better life than they do. And while I do not support them coming illegally, I would have no problems if they would come legally. After all, don't we all as parents want better for our children than what we had growing up.

Now for the unhappy side of me. Having said that I meet most of them in restaurants, legal or illegal, the one thing I wish they would do is learn to speak english. There is nothing I hate more than going to repair a piece of equipment and not being able to find out what is wrong because not one person in the place can speak english.

As far as a solution to immigration, cut off the hand that feeds. And I don't mean the self employed guy who has to hire a few to get a job done. Stop the financial institutions from catering to them, stop the hospitals from treating them freely, stop western union from shipping large amounts of US Dollars to Mexico. If the current government wont do anything, then for petes sake, rather than talk about electing different people and come election time, putting the same people in office, actually elect new people.
conservative hatemonger
unfortunately this is not possible

the way american law works is if you are born in america you are automatically a citizen, and a hospital cannot refuse treatment.

because of this, many of the hospital emergency rooms in southern california have been forced to close because of the flood of pregnant mexicans(primarily) sapping up the hospital's money.  This does nothing but raise the price of healthcare/insurance in the rest of california.  The situation is just so bad its ridiculous ATM.  Illegal aliens are doing nothing but destroying the economy of california. 

and of course language barriers are pathetic as well, its bad enough where i live...  If you work in any fast food place, especially taco bell, you are almost required to know spanish because of the huge amount of people who only speak spanish.  And the High school exit exam program is also suffering from severe problems, and it is only because...

the aliens can't speak english and fail the exit exam, and they then turn around and sue the school system because they didn't graduate
+5,233|6847|Global Command

Blehm98 wrote:


incorrect.  The government prefers to keep shipping illegals over because it keeps the social security system going (which should have died a while ago) and gives the government officials free votes.  The government wants illegals over here almost as badly as the big businesses
Jesus, God, Amen.

You understand the situation completely.

Canin wrote:

I see a lot of central and south Americans in my line of work. I hesitate to use the word Mexican as all illegals are not from Mexico as my supposed future brother in law recently pointed out. Now I openly assume that most of them are here legally, though I could be wrong. And most that I meet are in the restaurant business, either as cooks or busboys and dishwashers. The one thing that I have not read in this debate is the fact that many of them come here illegally so that their children, once born on American soil, will be legal and have a better life than they do. And while I do not support them coming illegally, I would have no problems if they would come legally. After all, don't we all as parents want better for our children than what we had growing up.

Now for the unhappy side of me. Having said that I meet most of them in restaurants, legal or illegal, the one thing I wish they would do is learn to speak english. There is nothing I hate more than going to repair a piece of equipment and not being able to find out what is wrong because not one person in the place can speak english.

As far as a solution to immigration, cut off the hand that feeds. And I don't mean the self employed guy who has to hire a few to get a job done. Stop the financial institutions from catering to them, stop the hospitals from treating them freely, stop western union from shipping large amounts of US Dollars to Mexico. If the current government wont do anything, then for petes sake, rather than talk about electing different people and come election time, putting the same people in office, actually elect new people.
Hopefully new legislation will pass soon ending the retarded allowance of " anchor babies " becoming automatic citizens.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
OK the problem isn't with the Illegal Aliens at all. The problem is with the system that we have in place, it's probably cheaper for ATG to hire an illegal alien at a decent wage then to hire an American Citizen at a cheaper wage.

Our system of Income tax is broke, you take away the benifit for hiring Illegals then you take away the reason for them. There are a few ways of doing this, a flat tax in place of an income tax, also a socialized health care system..
+5,233|6847|Global Command

cpt.fass1 wrote:

OK the problem isn't with the Illegal Aliens at all. The problem is with the system that we have in place, it's probably cheaper for ATG to hire an illegal alien at a decent wage then to hire an American Citizen at a cheaper wage.

Our system of Income tax is broke, you take away the benifit for hiring Illegals then you take away the reason for them. There are a few ways of doing this, a flat tax in place of an income tax, also a socialized health care system..
Would you like a job? Would you like me to scan payroll reports to show what I am paying?

Please Capt, read the thread before you post, otherwise you are just asking for it, and I like you.
GunSlinger OIF II
i need a job
+5,233|6847|Global Command

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

i need a job
Slinga, you have my cell #
O Canada
+1,596|6723|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

Where to begin...
Okay, DOT is a government entity. You, using common sense have deduced that the federal government itself has hired illegal aliens. Congrats, you begin to smell smoke.
I was talking about my state's DOT.  The NCDOT, in other words.  But yes, state governments often hire illegals....

ATG wrote:

If they are here you have to compete with them. Like I said Julio comes to pick strawberries, realizes hanging drywall payes more in the cities, moves onto more advanced services as he learns the language eventually starts his own business.

Would you like a goddamned example!?!

">How seamless raingutters are made.
I understand what you're saying, but I meant that statement in the sense of "if our education system was better, we wouldn't have to compete with illegals for work."

ATG wrote:

This is the kind of work a gringo has to do to survive;
...only an unskilled gringo.

ATG wrote:

The rest of your post is somewhat contradictory.
Not everyone is going to do well in college. Flipping burgers is a vocation.
Again...  if vocational programs were more widespread at the high school level, then no, no American adult would have to flip burgers.  One might do so for some extra cash in high school though.  But yes, currently, this is the case.

Most of my post was hypothetical in nature.  I was looking to the future, not the present.
+51|7092|North Hollywood

ATG wrote:

A few months ago I worked on a high school in Bell, which borders Cudahy. I took video of the student population while on break and had considered creating a thread about what I saw.

I didn't for two reasons; the obvious violation of policy and privacy and the fact that I saw no way to frame to the thread in a way that would not get me branded instantly as racist.
Now that the issue is finally making mainstream news it seems worth debating.

First, let's talk about my source for the Cudahy story; The L.A. Weekly. It's known as a borderline radical leftist puplication. I read the sister rag the O.C. Weekly, and let me tell you the Bush hate there makes this forum seems like a Whitehouse lovefest.
I am usually somewhat bemused when people dismiss a link because its from FOX or WND without even bothering to read it. Thats shortsighted. You know one reason why I have liberal, and conservative views? Because I'm open minded and well read.

Now, lets see if you can refute what I'm saying without name calling. … got/15731/  ( source )
"Cudahy resembles a Mexican border town more than it does a Los Angeles suburb. Entrenched gangs and Mexican drug trafficking have trapped working-class legal and illegal immigrants in a cycle of violence and fear, in a city where less than a quarter of the 28,000 residents are eligible to vote. An uneducated city council, a deeply troubled police force imported from Maywood two towns over, and the raw power of the 18th Street Gang — a complex criminal organization with a knack for setting up business fronts and obscuring underground drug activity — make Cudahy residents seem like hostages in their own city.

The high school I worked on is the 8th largest high school in the nation. I'm not linking to demographic data because it seems prudent not to mention the name of the school, but the gist of it is the the population is 90% hispanic, 40% of them being illegal aliens, 30% the legal children of illegal aliens and the rest natural born citizens.

The ways illegal immigration effects me directly is ( among other things );

1) Remember the " Day without a Immigrant Day " a few months back?
I remember it as the day with 30% of normal traffic. The civic planners did not account for tens of millions of peoples pouring unplanned across the border.
2) Remember when a good house painter could make 50k per year? ( many of you won't, but it was only 15 years ago )
That era is officially over. All of the trade skills have been devalued by desperate people coming across the border looking for work. Sure, they may come to pick crops, but the only do it for one season, next season they paint or flip burgers. Its still hard work, but the pay is better than picking crops at half of what it payed a citizen a few years back.
3) Taggers
Once they start to defile an area with their childish scribbles, the area is gone and you can't get it back.
1. i didnt know atg lived in my neck of the woods?
2. holy crap i agree with him for once
3. and dubya doesnt want to deport. hmmmm then we have already lost.
+51|7092|North Hollywood

klassekock wrote:

I have the perfect solution for you americans.

Why not embrace Mexico as one of your states? By doing so the mexicans people wouldn't need to go to america for work since they already are americans! Plus, they will start paying taxes aswell.
Fuck you thats my idea. Invade Mexico, annex it and force them to get their shit together as a state. Sure it would be a drain initially, but im sure the resources we acquire will offset some of the cost.
O Canada
+1,596|6723|North Carolina

golgoj4 wrote:

klassekock wrote:

I have the perfect solution for you americans.

Why not embrace Mexico as one of your states? By doing so the mexicans people wouldn't need to go to america for work since they already are americans! Plus, they will start paying taxes aswell.
Fuck you thats my idea. Invade Mexico, annex it and force them to get their shit together as a state. Sure it would be a drain initially, but im sure the resources we acquire will offset some of the cost.
eh...  Before we do that, we'll need to convince them that birth control is a very good thing.  Their birth rates are absurdly high (like most poor Catholic nations).  If you think the welfare situation is bad here now, annexing Mexico would bankrupt us in that respect.
+5,233|6847|Global Command

Turquoise wrote:

ATG wrote:

This is the kind of work a gringo has to do to survive;
...only an unskilled gringo.
Hey dumbass, I installed those gutters. I have 21 years experience and have jobs in three states.
You call me unskilled, I call you ignorant.

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