Nudity is not bad in the correct context. Like my wife's nudity when the two of us are alone . . . woohoo!
Sex certainly is natural and fortunately I see most of us agree kids don’t need to see sex and nudity. Why? Children haven’t matured enough to understand a mature body. They understand that their sexual organs function in the bathroom and that’s about it. When parents find that their kids are the right age to handle the info, the kids should be educated about the sexual nature of their bodies. That way, as some one else mentioned, their curiosity doesn’t get them in trouble and they end up being perverts.
unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Nudity is associated with the propriety aspect of certain cultures . . . Just mostly tasteless...ugh, I hate seeing beer bellies and ass cracks in restaurants. Think I want to see the whole deal? And using "caveman kids" as a basis for social comparison to the modern world is also invalid.
Agree. Beer bellies and buttcrack . . .yuck.
Dezerteagal5 wrote:
How about every other animal in the kingdom is nude along with there own special attributes and acts that we dont neccesarily have to copy.
Exactly, even if one believes we’re animals, we don’t have to act like them.
Cubanpenguin wrote:
The sad thing though is if we were all allowed to walk around naked and we saw naked woman on TV all the time it wouldn't be nearly as fun when we are finally able to take a chicks clothes off. So if the government wants to censer it, go ahead as long as I can still do it at home.
This is actually a good point. If full nudity surrounded us every day, it would lose it’s intrigue and special nature.
Ridir wrote:
On a serious note, nudity is an American Social Taboo due to lobbiest representing over protective parents. This is the same reason why you could be sued for just about anything, they want to restrict the freedoms you have. A topless woman is going to do less harm to someone of any age then seeing murder, slaughter, and combat in tv and movies. In my personal opinion nudity is fine for everyone, but porn and the act of sex isn't for the youngest.
Overprotective parents? Hmmm. If you have a daughter someday perhaps you will understand the instinct to protect her. Safety is a factor to be considered here. If a girl is showing off a lot of assets they’re much more likely to attract the wrong kind of attention. I, for one, do not see it as an advance in society that girls from 12-16 are having sex because they're not mature enough to make that decision yet. I feel bad for them when they're stuck dealing with all the consequences and the horny little guy they just had sex with is long gone.