Aye up duck!
+440|6862|England. Stoke
I have been using a logitech one eared headset (that came with SOCOM for PS2) when playing to use TS. I would normally start up BF2 then ctrl+alt+del plug in the headset then startup TS, now all the in game sound will come through my surround speakers, and TS will exculsively come through the headset. All of a sudden though the headset has stopped working the mic still seems to work but no sound playsback through it, dont know if its broke or what? My main question is though if I buy a new headset will I be able to get it again where I can have game sounds through the speakers and TS through the earpiece. Do any of you guys do this, because I much prefer not having TS coming through the speakers just makes it harder to hear people clearly.
Bringer Of Cookies.
a you shud run ts b4 u enter bf2

b never alt + tab out of games thats what causes problems

c have u made shure your input device is your soundcard and mic as the wave mapper in TS?

i use ventrilo my self so they might be differant but im shure the settings are similar
alt_tab doesent hert any thing
Bringer Of Cookies.
actually it does

windows has something called priority control on it and when u alt tab to desktop your system resources automatically a moved to what ever your doing i.e you alt tab out of bf2 and for say load a song on media player

windows thinks ahh thats my new system process and then splits the memory available into 2

same as when you go 2 desktop only in this case you activate the system idle process

u shud never alt tab out of ne programs

why do you think 75% of games say the use of alt + tab is not supported?

its coz it fucks things up thats why..
She looked 18 to me officer
USB headsets and mics = problems
Aye up duck!
+440|6862|England. Stoke
yeah all the settings are right on ts. The reason I start BF2 first is cus if I dont all the sound from the game comes through the headset.
Like I say will I be able to get a replacement that can give me the same setup?
Aye up duck!
+440|6862|England. Stoke
Alot of the headsets I seen have standard plugs for soundcard. Will these be able to do as I have described and have seperate channels, or do i need usb??
Aye up duck!
+440|6862|England. Stoke
Any suggestions guys, they would be much appreciated.
prince of insufficient light
I don't know what the fuck zero is talking about, I alt+tab out of BF2 all the time to get on TS and I've never seen a game that it doesn't work on. It never affects performance.

In TS go under settings, look for Options and then look at your input device, and tell us what that says.
Aye up duck!
+440|6862|England. Stoke
Like I said I dont think it anything to do with TS spefically (but it shows up as logitech usb sound device) because the headset wont play ANY other sounds through it.
I really just want an answer about how I can get the setup I had before (TS solely through headset, game through speakers).
prince of insufficient light
What i said would get sound just through teamspeak, that's how you have to set it up. Are you saying you can't play a single sound through the headset through anything?
+515|6808|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
First what if windows prioritizes memory; alt+tabbing wont cause problems, the only thing it could do is make your pc crash if it isnt that good.
I alt tab out of games all the time, all it does it take abit longer than usual to do whatever i wanted to.

I have a usb headset (sennheiser pc155) and i have bf out of the speakers and ts out of the headset.

All you need to do is check on control pannel --> sounds and audio devices, and check that under the audio tab that the default device for playback is your soundcard, and for sound recording: your headset.

Then check under the ts options that both the input and output devices are set as your headset.

Hope this helps
This is the trick...You have to tell windows to ONLY use the default device...BUT...that still allows you to tell TeamSpeak to use the other device, but windows wont choose based on "whats available"

I use Teamspeak on my onboard sound card with headphone/mic, and the game plays through my Sounblaster and desk speakers.

Here is the windows - control panel - sounds and audio - audio tab settings that I am using.

And here is my teamspeak settings.

I keep wondering what would happen if you take a bluetooth headset from a phone and bond it to the computer if it will become its own audio source or not...but seeing as how i dont have one of those it makes it hard to test.

Hope this helps.
Aye up duck!
+440|6862|England. Stoke
Yeah most of the time no sound what so ever comes out the headset, yet sometimes there is but it stupidly quiet and changing the volume levels does nothing, and I got working like twice (just by unplugging it and plugging it back, but I left it for 5 mins came back and it had stopped working and i tired on my PS2 with SOCOM and it worked!! so it cant be totally broke, its weird it just seems to have stopped working right on my PC. I think I figured it though I get a headset set it as primary recording device but still have my soundcard as output, then on TS set it as both input and output that should work then right?

Thanks guys had just figured the bit out about TS settings and stuff, thanks though +1 fot you all.

Last edited by coke (2006-12-03 08:03:21)

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