Go to windows/system32 and find the uxtheme.dll. Right click and choose properties, select version tab and it's the first bit of text there is..Sup wrote:
How can I know what version that .dll is? And where can I get that version?tupla_s wrote:
There's a patcher for sp3 here..Sup wrote:
Cos the theme multipatcher doesn't work on SP3. What theme are you using?
If you have tried the older patch for sp3 make sure the uxtheme.dll at windows/system32 is version 5512.** Otherwise you'll screw your windows up and can't boot it anymore. Happened to me, but luckily could start in safe mode and unpatch it.
EDIT: Oh, and the theme is Inspirat SE
Btw I downloaded this patcher long time ago and it didn't work. probably cos of that .dll. It didn't screw my Xp install It was just really hard to reset to XP theme.
It should be 5512 if you have sp3 installed and haven't tried patching it with older patches.