OMG CONSPIRACYScorpion0x17 wrote:
Hmmmm.... … imeqp4.png
The US government did it.Poseidon wrote:
OMG CONSPIRACYScorpion0x17 wrote:
Hmmmm.... … imeqp4.png
The problem is members are pushing limits of unacceptability no matter what the reason, according to boundaries not necessarily set by the mods. If people continue to push these absolute limits, there are going to be severe repercussions, in that the source will be removed completely.Lucien wrote:
Fine, I'll go first.
I believe that this forum is missing certain vital parts. For starters, the reason that brought us together has almost disappeared. We all came here because of Battlefield 2. how many old members still play it? How many of the regular contributors actually play and are interested in discussing BF2? Very few. The very basic element of any community - something almost everyone has in common - is missing. We're just people on a forum.
This decline has in itself caused a lack of genuine activity and has reduced the amount of prominent members. While there may still be things that make this forum interesting, the main source of enthusiasm is heavily damaged and people's interests have become divided, reducing the sense of community.
Do not underestimate the need every forum has for role model members. Every large social group has prominent, popular members. These people are moderators without even realizing it. Such an active, popular, and respected member is not only a role model, but also a creator of interesting discussions. This happens subtly, but rest assured that the bulk of a forum listens to the minority. You can't cut out that minority without the bulk changing, like water breaking a dam.
So, what happens when:
a) Interesting discussions happen less frequently and interest less people
b) there are few new prominent members
c) the popular members start leaving
The bulk of the forum - the people who follow others - will suddenly be at a loss. Given a free yet bland environment with nobody to remind them of how to act, they contribute on a far lower level.
The mods come into this at point c - Together with people leaving because of an increasingly stale forum, those loud members who remind the masses of where the extremes are at, get banned. Every community moderates itself: role models are created, along with social norms. Any person who acts outside of these, for example by spamming too much, will be negatively received by the community and will thus be discouraged from posting. Without a reminder of what is wrong, people gradually veer off into that wrong direction.
Another problem is that with a stale forum, people get bored and will want to do something to change that, forcing them towards territory outside of the rules. I believe that the mods are wrong by banning people that are being pushed away by problems in the forum itself, and not trying to tackle that underlying problem.
I agree that prominent members are important, and I do not enjoy seeing people like Cougar and ig go, but it is the price to pay to maintain valued sections of BF2S and its offspring. (DAST and JD respectively) If certain levels of maturity are not maintained, we will end up losing not just certain members, but sections of BF2S as a whole. Remember - BF2S is controlled by one person, and what he says goes. If you can't abide by the honestly relatively lax standards, even if you don't see them as such, please don't ruin it for the rest of us. We (the mods) don't want to ban you, but we also enjoy sections of this site more than we enjoy specific members, so if banning a handful of lost sheep means saving it for everyone else, it's an easy decision.
As for uncensored sections, it must be recognized there must be a line drawn somewhere. There is a legal line that can and will not be crossed, and with as much apparent trouble it is for some members to avoid stepping over lines, there is not much motivation to move it closer to the legal line. I can tell you that the more mature members are about abiding by what rules we do give you, the more likely it is to make the rules we do enforce more lax.
Docta, sorry, but you're out of your ever-loving-tree. I don't know what these people have told you about being banned for one offense, but I can assure you that no one has been banned after one minor offense.
This is the way I see it. There are only a select few that pay/donate in order for BF2s to be made possible. Respect the rules that they lay down, or suffer the consequences. They give up their hard earned money so thousands of people have some place to socialize as a community.
chuy makes the rules. The people that pay make it possible for chuy to make the rules, but chuy makes the rules.ebug9 wrote:
This is the way I see it. There are only a select few that pay/donate in order for BF2s to be made possible. Respect the rules that they lay down, or suffer the consequences. They give up their hard earned money so thousands of people have some place to socialize as a community.
But then we all make it worth chuy's while to make the rules that the people that pay make it possible for chuy to make.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
chuy makes the rules. The people that pay make it possible for chuy to make the rules, but chuy makes the rules.ebug9 wrote:
This is the way I see it. There are only a select few that pay/donate in order for BF2s to be made possible. Respect the rules that they lay down, or suffer the consequences. They give up their hard earned money so thousands of people have some place to socialize as a community.
ig once wrote wrote:

You'll be missed ig.
Free ig.ig wrote:

It won't be the same with out no u. I mean you.
Im crying TBQSAGF.
Baiz ;_;
Baiz ;_;
I'm not by all means "new" here. I have been around BF2s since the beginning (or very very close) and my previous account celebrated it's 2 year anniversary a few days ago. I read BF2s daily and only recently started to re-contribute to a forum that I believe I owe hours of entertainment too.
ig was by far a big influence on these forums, like a lot of other regular posters. I think that since the announcement of Trackr coming out, and the fact that most of the long time contributers here don't play BF2 anymore, or little at all, you are all really hanging for something new. You know Trackr is just around the corner and there is not much to do but recycle old threads and internet meme's too pass the time.
The transition to Trackr is going to be a big leap. I think the Moderators are being a little more strict in preperation for the relocation, but (and I only assume here) they want to get posters back on the right track. BF2s has a lot of traffic and it only handles Statistics for BF2 with the forums being very popular. When Trackr opens, it won't be restricted to one game, so that means a lot more traffic, a lot more interested parties registering, more work for the mods, more work for chuy.
The anticipation for trackr and people like ig leaving are going to create tensions. The last thing the Moderators need is to feel that all their VOLUNTEERED time is under-appreciated. I know exactly how it feels to put hundreds / thousands of hours of work into something to not get any appreciation for it, I'm sure some of you out there know how it feels too. Sure they may seem a little more hasty with AWM's and Bans, but if you listen and read what they have to say, their suggestions are only here to help you get on track, no Moderator / Administrator enjoys removing people from a site beyond popular belief, it's a last resort, just think about that.
ig I may not have known you very well, or been in your circle of friends, but you will be missed. Long live the wat -- no u's long into trackr!
ig was by far a big influence on these forums, like a lot of other regular posters. I think that since the announcement of Trackr coming out, and the fact that most of the long time contributers here don't play BF2 anymore, or little at all, you are all really hanging for something new. You know Trackr is just around the corner and there is not much to do but recycle old threads and internet meme's too pass the time.
The transition to Trackr is going to be a big leap. I think the Moderators are being a little more strict in preperation for the relocation, but (and I only assume here) they want to get posters back on the right track. BF2s has a lot of traffic and it only handles Statistics for BF2 with the forums being very popular. When Trackr opens, it won't be restricted to one game, so that means a lot more traffic, a lot more interested parties registering, more work for the mods, more work for chuy.
The anticipation for trackr and people like ig leaving are going to create tensions. The last thing the Moderators need is to feel that all their VOLUNTEERED time is under-appreciated. I know exactly how it feels to put hundreds / thousands of hours of work into something to not get any appreciation for it, I'm sure some of you out there know how it feels too. Sure they may seem a little more hasty with AWM's and Bans, but if you listen and read what they have to say, their suggestions are only here to help you get on track, no Moderator / Administrator enjoys removing people from a site beyond popular belief, it's a last resort, just think about that.
ig I may not have known you very well, or been in your circle of friends, but you will be missed. Long live the wat -- no u's long into trackr!
Last edited by Zombie_Affair (2008-06-05 22:20:45)
Yet again one of the reasons it is fun to log in and check the newest posts is gone. But no, kNOwing yoU... You'll be back with a fake mask some day and bring that stupid grin to every face reading these pages
And get yer ass to Finland as you already almost promised, or I'm gonna have to come over there and clean you out of your money in poker!!
Oh, and can someone fill me in on this one? Don't remember this at all. Although I read the forums for over a year before opening my account.
Yet again one of the reasons it is fun to log in and check the newest posts is gone. But no, kNOwing yoU... You'll be back with a fake mask some day and bring that stupid grin to every face reading these pages
And get yer ass to Finland as you already almost promised, or I'm gonna have to come over there and clean you out of your money in poker!!
Oh, and can someone fill me in on this one? Don't remember this at all. Although I read the forums for over a year before opening my account.
killer21 wrote:
I think that everything started to go downhill after the whole Trigger happy, Kim issue.
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
or otherwise we may have another TriggerHappy inicdent.
Ultrafunkula wrote:
Oh, and can someone fill me in on this one? Don't remember this at all. Although I read the forums for over a year before opening my account. wrote:
...of being a moderator, I say goodbye.
You may be wondering why? Apparently I'm not allowed to ban a moderator no matter what they do, even going so far as to flame me, constantly.
I have been demodded, a lot of you will probably be glad, and to you I say fuck off.
This is my last post, #3333
Probably best to check that out. It's a big issue that really doesn't need to crush ig's thread. Best to leave it at that.
Last edited by Zombie_Affair (2008-06-05 22:56:02)
Interesting read ... i think it is important to let off some steam from time to time, Zimmer and Lucien made some very good points in this thread that i fully agree on ...
Later ig ...
Later ig ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
I can understand mods want to get ready for trackr and all making sure the spam doesn't follow, but this was a bit harsh imo. … 0#p2122110
Zero tolerance without any warnings?
I can't see why trackr should mean the everything else forum should be modded any harder than it already is. … 0#p2122110
Zero tolerance without any warnings?
If you are serious about the spam then ban it from trackr. It's too hard to post everything relevent to bf2 when the game is dead/dying. Which is the reason for the move to trackr in the first place, or to make every post serious. The topic was in everything else, about a Nintendo Gamecube game.OH wrote:
Zero tolerance for spam from here on ... one spam = 3-day ban. If that isn't enough for you, I'll put you off these forums forever.
I can't see why trackr should mean the everything else forum should be modded any harder than it already is.

Cool, with mods like OH on here the only people left on here will be.........OH, get a fucking sense of humour.TheAussieReaper wrote:
I can understand mods want to get ready for trackr and all making sure the spam doesn't follow, but this was a bit harsh imo. … 0#p2122110
Zero tolerance without any warnings?If you are serious about the spam then ban it from trackr. It's too hard to post everything relevent to bf2 when the game is dead/dying. Which is the reason for the move to trackr in the first place, or to make every post serious. The topic was in everything else, about a Nintendo Gamecube game.OH wrote:
Zero tolerance for spam from here on ... one spam = 3-day ban. If that isn't enough for you, I'll put you off these forums forever.
I can't see why trackr should mean the everything else forum should be modded any harder than it already is.
Seeing as the AU chatter is nothing but spam i sense someone is getting a tad nervous
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Hoplite had never had any previous bans/awms had he?TheAussieReaper wrote:
I can understand mods want to get ready for trackr and all making sure the spam doesn't follow, but this was a bit harsh imo. … 0#p2122110
Zero tolerance without any warnings?
If you guys still don't understand the need for a cut back in spam after it being put right in your face, you aren't going to get it. Even ig gets it now. Don't come crying to us when your section gets taken away.
Couldn't agree more tbh, internet is NOT serious business mods.
Telling someone to get a "Fucking sense of humour" certainly won't help them any more. Every Moderator has a set of Rules, Regulations and Guidelines they must abide by, otherwise they will have their permissions terminated. However, (and I assume) some of these Rules / Guidelines allow the Moderator to exercise their own discretion in how they handle certain situations. Every Moderator is different, but they all work for the same goal.AWSMFOX wrote:
Cool, with mods like OH on here the only people left on here will be.........OH, get a fucking sense of humour.TheAussieReaper wrote:
I can understand mods want to get ready for trackr and all making sure the spam doesn't follow, but this was a bit harsh imo. … 0#p2122110
Zero tolerance without any warnings?If you are serious about the spam then ban it from trackr. It's too hard to post everything relevent to bf2 when the game is dead/dying. Which is the reason for the move to trackr in the first place, or to make every post serious. The topic was in everything else, about a Nintendo Gamecube game.OH wrote:
Zero tolerance for spam from here on ... one spam = 3-day ban. If that isn't enough for you, I'll put you off these forums forever.
I can't see why trackr should mean the everything else forum should be modded any harder than it already is.
Let me quote a part of the PSA: Fucking Hostile thread by Donfck
And another quote from Chuy himself in the thread "IF you have nothing to contribute..."Donfck wrote:
How do you expect this place to continue flourishing if you behave like it's your "special little club"?
chuyskywalker wrote:
A few members have found themselves bored of repeat topics by new people. They are jaded by the games, or just think there is little that hasn't already been said or done. They are taking joy in the art of annoying, derailing, insulting, and generally causing havoc in threads others make in earnest.
Naturally when anybody with authority, in this case, the BF2s Moderators begin to excerise discretion not normally seen before, people start to outrage. Give them a break, they are only doing what they have to do to insure this operation runs smoothly. In all honesty, you really shouldn't complain about the Moderators with out checking yourself out first, you wouldn't have Moderators breathing down your back if you didn't do anything wrong. If you're upset they keep Banning / Warning your friends, help your friends out, tell them to quit it when they start doing shit they aren't supposed to do.tF-voodoochild wrote:
if you continue to do nothing more than post pointless junk in otherwise relevant and meaningful threads, whether that junk is in image or text form, you will no longer be welcome on the forums
You can hate the Moderators / Administrators all you want, but that won't fix the problem. Before you all flame me, I'm just posting my point of view, you don't have to agree with it. If we all just pull our heads out, be responsible and just wait for Trackr we will all be fine! I feel bad for tarnishing ig's goodbye thread with this, sorry ig if you read this.
Last edited by Zombie_Affair (2008-06-06 01:45:26)
I'm a good pointy maker!Varegg wrote:
Interesting read ... i think it is important to let off some steam from time to time, Zimmer and Lucien made some very good points in this thread that i fully agree on ...
Later ig ...
Anyway, I knew that leaving this thread open would be beneficial and not bad.
Zero-tolerance, as he said. It doesn't matter.The Sheriff wrote:
Hoplite had never had any previous bans/awms had he?TheAussieReaper wrote:
I can understand mods want to get ready for trackr and all making sure the spam doesn't follow, but this was a bit harsh imo. … 0#p2122110
Zero tolerance without any warnings?
I'm sort of happy. I hated seeing every other thread getting hijacked with the stupid chat that should be happening on IRC, not the forums.

Spam? In my AU? Never...Varegg wrote:
Seeing as the AU chatter is nothing but spam i sense someone is getting a tad nervous
Cya ig, have fun ect.