I realize this is a THREE YEAR OLD THREAD but i cant resist posting my opinion.
back in 2006 when i first starting BF2-ing then later 2142-ing, i was allowed to game only in the weekends for 3 hours a day.
Anybody else would think that was enough and i would concentrate on school right ?
If Brandon followed this routine, he probaply would get less addicted, but for me it worked in the opposite way. I got more addicted, because 5 hours a week didnt satisfy my need for BF2. i spent more time studying UBAR and my stats than i did on Ancient Greek. this had its toll on my later education of course,
but Did i regret it ? No.
believe it or not 2006-2007 were my best years.
Back then (and up to now actually), a round of BF2 was much better than getting straights A's, i always scraped through marks anyway.
Now, the year of 2010, whilst many have switched to BC2, guess where u will find a Uni student ? lol back on the bf2 servers !
im only 4 times a week for 2 hours at Uni, so the rest of 4-8 hours a day are wasted on BF2, i certainly do enjoy it, but...i miss the days of playing only twice a week to be honest, BF2 IS taking over....