+1,175|6736|British Columbia, Canada
So, the Question Here is How did you Make Up your BF2 Nick... From other games? Parents? Friends? army... so on..

I got mine from playing CS. CS was my first FPS Game, and i only played it for less then a month before i got BF2.. Anyways I got owned so much in CS, that i thought i might as well just be called Victim, since Everyone kills me so much.. Someone Mentioned on the Server that i should be called "LT.Victim" Because i was probably the worst player Ever..

So once i got BF2, i carried my name over to BF2, and haven't Touched CS Since... For the First Little While.. people liked to say stuff like - "Ya you are my Victim" and stuff... But now they dont say Shit...

I think i've came along way from Getting owned on CS... and BF2 at the start...

Afterall, we all have to start Somewhere..

Last edited by LT.Victim (2006-07-16 19:02:58)

mine is from metal gear solid 1
It's a good day to die
+18|6834|Canada Eh?
from my fav movie: full metal jacket. Its written on the helmet on the cover and the main char wears that helmet.
Was ist Loos?
umm, i think i got destruktion from starcraft (i was 10 and it sounded cool at the time) and sum 1 already took destruktion, so i added the last 4 digits of my fone number.
+138|6680|New Zealand
aLi3nZ has been my online Alias since I was 10.

My BF2 Names are: [M.o.D]aLi3nZ and 9th.aLi3nZ (Different Clans)
Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6678|Melbourne, Australia
Windrider has been my handle since 1990; from my old BBS days.

I'm not a big FPS player; Wolfenstein, Doom, System Shock, Quake, ShogoMAD, Rainbow6...the original was my last FPS before BF2.

I used to play deathmatch Quake *so* badly that I used the handle Deadmeat. In fact that was the only other FPS I'd played multiplayer.

When I started playing BF2 the handle Windrider had gone already (to someone who still has zero points grrrr) so I added the first four letters of where I live; Windrider_Melb.

When I create a squad I use the custom name DEADMEAT because if how bad I am at FPS. Go look up my stats. Seriously. I suck. Sometimes I'll use JUSTJOINME as a squad name to get people to hop in with me.
The King of Beers
I got mine while drunk playing hidden and dangerous and then carried it on to UT.
I killed you,you just don't know it yet
it's my job

my friend's last name is Haffey and it's an inside joke between us...
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
+164|6938|Normal, IL
On my first day of high school i realized i needed an email account (this was back when barely anybody had email at home almost 11 years ago). I picked the name comet (it was my cats name) at hotmail, and they said it was taken, and suggested adding some numbers on the end of it. i punched three random numbers: 241 , and the rest is history. every single handle in every single game I play is Comet241, as well as all of my electronic handles like emails and forum crap, like this one here. Not an exciting story, but it is the beginning of 11 years of online gaming, all under Comet241.
my name is back from my C&C Generals days
Over the line!
+70|6922|Mark it zero.
i first started out with CS and DOD, i would just randomly make up a name very round (usually something funny). but one round in DOD i was just doing kamikaze runs up the middle of the map and i made my name Kamikaze. after that round everyone just called me Kamikaze so i kept the name. when i started BF2 the name Kamikaze was taken so i added the 17 which was my football and baseball number.
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6823|Washington DC

Mine comes from my alma mater, the University of Tennessee ... the school color is orange, and the mascot is a hound named Smokey.

Last edited by OrangeHound (2006-07-16 19:34:00)

Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|6878|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
Counter strike, I was BioHazard, Then I thought BioRaveN sounded better
I tried to think of the two stupidest words that could possibly be used to make a name possible. and because i was kinda in the phase of thinking Chomper was a funny word. i got ::

The back of something..
Cant recall, i think it was an aerosol can.
+917|6791|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
My initials, Kenneth Michael Alan Last name.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Pulls out gun, Watch him run
Mine started back in the days of Delta Force Land Warrior such a good that was it used to be GAZZIE but because the name GAZZIE had been already taken on BF2 i added some 1337N355 to it and came up with G4ZZI3
I knife Generals
+278|6710|Search Whore killing fields
I use to play black hawk down as Dirty Taco. Soon it turned into Dirty Mexican

Windrider_Melb wrote:

Windrider has been my handle since 1990; from my old BBS days.

I'm not a big FPS player; Wolfenstein, Doom, System Shock, Quake, ShogoMAD, Rainbow6...the original was my last FPS before BF2.

I used to play deathmatch Quake *so* badly that I used the handle Deadmeat. In fact that was the only other FPS I'd played multiplayer.

When I started playing BF2 the handle Windrider had gone already (to someone who still has zero points grrrr) so I added the first four letters of where I live; Windrider_Melb.

When I create a squad I use the custom name DEADMEAT because if how bad I am at FPS. Go look up my stats. Seriously. I suck. Sometimes I'll use JUSTJOINME as a squad name to get people to hop in with me.
I've been useing D3AD_M3AT sinse the early 90's wonder if your the other one people mistaken me for .....

My current nick is from another game some 0 point dood got dead meat before me and parked it
I am British!
+124|6856|England and damn proud
My hair is is a gingery colour, my brother called me rusty he then thought of my other hair and rustynuts was born but it looked boring so put a Z instead of an S.
my usual nick is dox, it was my cars name and licence plate (do-x 478, do stands for the city, in this case dortmund, the rest is for the birthdate, x equals roman 10, 478 stands for month and year[april '78]) later someone told me its a song written by sonny rollins, its modern jazz. another guy told me it means bitch in some language. these days wikipedia definition refers that its from the greek doxa, and means "thought" or "teaching". to sum it up, it suits me, its my birthday, i'm a bitch, at least sometimes , i like jazz and i like to read serious books and i like the idea of learning your whole life.
+151|6709|Forest Lake, Australia
School username...First letter is first letter of my first name and the last four letters are the first four letters of my last name...I didn't think I'd be playing much BF2, so I used that username because it was quick and easy...
+9|6922|Philly PA USA
My dad was a B-52 pilot in Vietnam and the name on his plane was Possum. And I was born in 1961 so that is were i got Possum61 from 
+32|6800|British Columbia, Canada

LT.Victim wrote:

So, the Question Here is How did you Make Up your BF2 Nick... From other games? Parents? Friends? army... so on..

I got mine from playing CS. CS was my first FPS Game, and i only played it for less then a month before i got BF2.. Anyways I got owned so much in CS, that i thought i might as well just be called Victim, since Everyone kills me so much.. Someone Mentioned on the Server that i should be called "LT.Victim" Because i was probably the worst player Ever..

So once i got BF2, i carried my name over to BF2, and haven't Touched CS Since... For the First Little While.. people liked to say stuff like - "Ya you are my Victim" and stuff... But now they dont say Shit...

I think i've came along way from Getting owned on CS... and BF2 at the start...

Afterall, we all have to start Somewhere..

I know this Thread has been done before, but not for over 2 months from my Searching So i thought i would give some of the Newer BF2s Members a Chance. And yes i know i Spelt it "you" not "your" my bad... can a MOD/ADMIN change that?
lol i got mine from Counter-strike and we're from the same place

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