+105|6805|Lexington, KY

Sgt.Gene wrote:

vanmani wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Ya, but in order for EA to see the sites you visit they scan your cookies. When you input information into your computer over the internet, it is stored in cookies. Which means, everything I do over the internet, everything I type into my borwser is recorded.
Why talk when you're clearly wrong?

a) the picture is not even a photoshop, it's done in MS paint I'll hazard. The creator wasn't even TRYING to make it look real.
b) Cookies are a terrible place to look to see what siets you visit, and it would be a very poorly designed web page that stored your input in cookies.

Cookies are just little pieces of data that the web page can specify to store on your computer, generally they can be used to identify some feature you want to the server. i.e. it might store what particular stylesheet you have chosen to use on a particular site.

When you fill in a form on a webpage it will generally just be sent to another script/page on the server, which will store that information or act on that information server-side. The only way this information would be stored on your local computer is if your browser has some browser specific "remember my form information" feature enabled.

People have THEORISED that 2142's spyware stuff may scan cookies to determine if you visit certain popular websites which do store cookies, although this could be thwarted by simply disabling cookies. Seems more likely to me that it would try and scan through your history lists for IE/Firefox/Safari/Opera or whatever. This could also be thwarted by turning off or clearing that list, if you really wanted to.

It does seem more likely to ME, as someone who actually knows something about what he's commenting on, that they would be looking at IP addresses to determine location. Location based targeting is probably as fine-grained as would be useful for an advertising service on BF2142. i.e. no point in giving an ad for Wal-mart in Australia, 'cos we don't have Wal-mart! Similarly, no point giving an ad for Woolworths in USA 'cos they don't have Woolworths!

I see very dubious value in knowing what sites you've visited to target ads. They already know you're a "game player" who "purchased and is playing BF2142 online". That's enough. Seems unlikely that they're going to send you ... comic book related ads just because you visited penny-arcade. Way too much maintenance involved in updating those kinds of lists, for virtually no gain. However, I won't say it's impossible.

In short, your browser only records what you tell it to. And there is browser specific implementations on how to do this. EA could use this to target ads, but there would be far too much maintenance involved in it for very limited benefit. Seems far more likely that they would just be pushing location based advertising, which can be done easily and cheaply based on your IP address, which is apparently what the guy in the interview said it did.

Edit: History has nothing to do with your cookies.
Ok, so will you please explain:
1. Why do they need a disclaimer, if they are just tracing my IP
2. What the fuck are they installing on my machine (besides the game)
3. If this has nothing to do with looking at anything on my own computer why not keep the ad's serverside?
Let me add to your list Sgt.Gene. 

4. They know what nation I am from, I choose it when I created a player, so why do you try to collect my IP?
5. If they know that I "purchased and is playing BF2142 online", why are they collecting anonymous information?
6.  Using my GUID, they can collect the information, like the time I logged in, as they stated they are doing with the software. So why install additional software?


Chaos81 wrote:

dubbs wrote:

It looks like I did that already.

The funny part is, you didn't.
Yea, and you keep coming back with the same generic responses.

Last edited by dubbs (2006-10-17 17:42:00)

Jesus.... some of you are paranoid! I'm a grey hat hacker myself and I'll tell you that EA isn't going to fuck up your machine with 2142. While I don't particularly like giving out my IP, nobody's going to see it. It's automated. They are installing software to look in your cookies. Cookies in fact DO have something to do with history. Among other things, cookies contain the domain that set them. If this software can find said domain, and compare it to a list of domains, then have the system select a picture to upload pertaining to said domain, you can get a "history" of the sites that have set cookies on your system, which is a lot nowadays. Now, I have a question: what if you were to, say, clear your cookies before installing, and play the game, what ads will it show? Anyone know if there are default presets?

The ads would be server side, but it would probably slow down the server to have it checking everyone's "histories", selecting presets from lists, and uploading custom data  to every player, dynamically. Either that, or EA was being too lazy to develop their own SS software, and decided to use the client side IGA Worldwide software, instead. The latter seems like a more logical idea, too. You'd have to compile a list of every domain to track, and every picture to display. Then again, it wouldn't be THAT hard.

And on the disclaimer, shame on you for not already knowing why disclaimers are issued in this day and age: nobody wants to be sued. Simple as that.

That last pic, BTW, doesn't look photoshopped. In fact, ads like that could add a bit of depth to the game IMO. To me, that looks nice ans subtle, not BIG SHINY LETTERING or the like.

If the ads are that nice, feel free to track my cookies. I don't have many to track, though


To answer all 3 of dubb's questions at the same time,

THEY ARE DOING THIS TO DELIVER TARGETED ADS TO YOU, THE PLAYER. There. Killed all 3 birds with one stone.

Last edited by -MP-Nuke1266 (2006-10-17 17:43:41)

+105|6805|Lexington, KY

-MP-Nuke1266 wrote:

Jesus.... some of you are paranoid! I'm a grey hat hacker myself and I'll tell you that EA isn't going to fuck up your machine with 2142. While I don't particularly like giving out my IP, nobody's going to see it. It's automated. They are installing software to look in your cookies. Cookies in fact DO have something to do with history. Among other things, cookies contain the domain that set them. If this software can find said domain, and compare it to a list of domains, then have the system select a picture to upload pertaining to said domain, you can get a "history" of the sites that have set cookies on your system, which is a lot nowadays. Now, I have a question: what if you were to, say, clear your cookies before installing, and play the game, what ads will it show? Anyone know if there are default presets?

The ads would be server side, but it would probably slow down the server to have it checking everyone's "histories", selecting presets from lists, and uploading custom data  to every player, dynamically. Either that, or EA was being too lazy to develop their own SS software, and decided to use the client side IGA Worldwide software, instead. The latter seems like a more logical idea, too. You'd have to compile a list of every domain to track, and every picture to display. Then again, it wouldn't be THAT hard.

And on the disclaimer, shame on you for not already knowing why disclaimers are issued in this day and age: nobody wants to be sued. Simple as that.

That last pic, BTW, doesn't look photoshopped. In fact, ads like that could add a bit of depth to the game IMO. To me, that looks nice ans subtle, not BIG SHINY LETTERING or the like.

If the ads are that nice, feel free to track my cookies. I don't have many to track, though


To answer all 3 of dubb's questions at the same time,

THEY ARE DOING THIS TO DELIVER TARGETED ADS TO YOU, THE PLAYER. There. Killed all 3 birds with one stone.
If they are doing this, then why do they have to install additional software on your computer for the game?  They can track all this information without installing any addtional software on your computer.  They do also do not need a disclaimer for that type of activity, since they are going on information that they already collect by default.

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Chaos81 wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Ya, but in order for EA to see the sites you visit they scan your cookies. When you input information into your computer over the internet, it is stored in cookies. Which means, everything I do over the internet, everything I type into my borwser is recorded.
Where does it say they scan your cookies? They aren't looking at the sites you visited, it's based off of the ads IGA is getting payed to promote. Depending on where you are located and what time it is, IGA chooses ads to display in game. It's not based off of where you go, or what you look at.

Think about it for a second. If it was based off of where you go or what you look at online, how would IGA make any money? They are payed by companies to place said companies ads into specific things. One of which being BF2142.

If someone can prove me wrong I'd like to see it, but I have yet to see any true info that states otherwise.
Then what fucking software are they installing? Im almost sure you cant get websites viewed fom your fucking IP. It states in the letter that you install the software on your machine to see what you visit. Now the only thing I can think of that has access to that would be scanning your cookies.
Listen, when you go to McDonalds, they have a caution sign that the coffe is hot. They do that JUST IN CASE you burn yourself. They got sued for it and now have to put those signs up. EA is just putting in the discoaimer so that JUST IN CASE something happens, to tell you it's not your fault. Basically, to cover their ass if your porn download goes wrong and you decide it's EA's fault.

If you don't like it, don't play it.

Last edited by -MP-Nuke1266 (2006-10-17 18:29:39)

The New Johnnie Cochran
gene, penis ads are not going to penetrate into your games.

and yes, there was a pun intended.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6890|Riva, MD

Private_Adam wrote:

Look what i found


Does this look photoshoped?
LMAO, Iraqi Coca-Cola

Last edited by _j5689_ (2006-10-17 19:01:35)

Im Ron Burgundy?
Yay Photoshop!
One Shot, One Kill ... Always
horrible photoshoping
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6890|Riva, MD
It won't be long till someone finds one for McDonalds or Burger King/Hungry Jacks, LMAOx2.
+269|6757|Marlton, New Jersey.
Can easily tell you faked it....ugh...
Your reticle is UNDER the adds, kind of easy to tell...
EA is fucking retarded
Unintentionally Verbose

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Ok, so will you please explain:
1. Why do they need a disclaimer, if they are just tracing my IP
2. What the fuck are they installing on my machine (besides the game)
3. If this has nothing to do with looking at anything on my own computer why not keep the ad's serverside?
My guess is they may have a central (or distributed I suppose) ad server. The software they will install on your computer will send information about you, probably I.P. address and game-playing time to the central ad server. The central ad server will then send you an ad pack which will appear in your game. It doesn't sound like the ads are controlled by the game itself, but rather a seperate entity. I suppose in theory it could be done through BF account server, but that poor puppy does enough work as it is, and I'm pretty sure they have some contract with an external advertising provider?

The ads can't be serverside, or you wouldn't be able to see them. All game content is local, irrevocably. They just send you some small parts of the content (ad textures) periodically, is my guess.

I will point out though, I don't have the game, I haven't made any misguided attempts at reverse engineering their actual implementation. This is just how I might solve the requirement were it given to me, as a software developer. I see flaws in what some people are saying, and I am happy to point those flaws out, but I can't actually tell you what their implementation actually does, since I'm not involved with it in any way shape or form.

You're an idiot... It's photoshopped and don't believe every piece of garbage thats passed to you...

Look at the f'in reticle... It's covered by the target ad...

EA wouldn't make the ADs this fuckin blatant...
Goodbye :)
+399|6653|Somewhere else

Either way, the adds is just greed rubbed in the gamers face. BF2 had no ads (besides the occasional DICE logo) and did it fare well? BF2s.com is your answer. 2142's adds is nothing more than EA trying to get an extra buck out of its games. ITS FUCKING EA. EA is not poor. 2142 would be fine without the ads. it would still turn a rediculous profit. but greed is greed. adding ads to a game to make even more money is FTW to them.

yes, i and we know ads are really no big deal, truthfully. but its still a smack in the face.  In the next BF installment. I predict Commercial breaks from combat. Line up your sniper shot and!!!! "This round was brought to you by pepsi, smooth refreshing pepsi, always quenches your thirst" back to your lined up shot. and since you don't have a 9k$ computer your ass got smeared, your ass got smeared brought to you by pepsi, take a drink of smooth refresing pepsi while you wait to respawn. SAH!!!!WEET!!!

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2006-10-17 20:06:08)

+98|6639|Life in a vacuum sucks
did u use photo shop or something else?
fuck it
For only 100 Burger King Whopper proof-of-purchase, you can get BF3 for the low price of $70! Upgrade your purchase with the 1.1 patch for an additional $35, and get a free Large Fries!
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Has photoshop writen all over it.
More like MS paint

There are no ads in 2142 yet.

I need around tree fiddy.
+262|6696|North Norway

the tracker is of the same kind of the one that make shure the google ads I see on the net are norwegian... it sees were you are from and sends you ads for that country
Seriously, some of you need to chill the fuck out.

1.  EA is not going to maliciously track your movements and try to sell you shit.  Obviously the rest of you are like me and already sucked into their bullshit games so they don't need you for anything else except to be repeat customers.

2.  So what if you see a Coke ad?  I personally will love wasting some noob in front of the Coke add and screening myself teabagging his dead body in front of it.

3.  Yeah, the game doesn't feel like a brand new game, but it's $50 well spent.  I just fucking spent $50 on fucking gas to put in my truck which will last me all of 2 fucking weeks if I'm lucky.  I can play 2142 for MONTHS if not YEARS and get plenty of enjoyment out of it even with 20 zillion patches.  At least in this game there won't be fucking jet whores and M95s.  That alone is worth $50 IMHO.
+51|6948|North Hollywood
Well...its nice to see that so many of you have faith in corporate America. I on the other hand remember the SONY/BMG rootkit issue. I remember how much personal info gets 'lost' or 'stolen'. They less info out there the better. The funny part is i pre-purchased this game a while ago before i found this out. And it shall sit until i can get a refund or @ worst send EA a shitty email / day for not disclosing that their shite money grubbing plan is unacceptable to me. You wanna bombard me with ads AND charge me? And to the people who say 'this is how it will be', way to give up and be the ideal consumer. Im sure they love you. I know that people can play or not play and its their choice. Just stop calling us people who dont let EA or any other corporate entity walk all over us 'paranoid'. And no, i dont see how a hot coffee disclaimer is the same as a disclaimer for personal information data mining.

just my 2 cents...
btw, why the fuck am i paying full price if this shite is ad subidized?
Ok, those who are sooooooooooooooooooo afraid of this, I just wanna tell you this.

IF you got a broadband company you should be more worried about it. Why?

1: They ARE monitor WHERE you visit, WHAT you download and maybe even KNOW what you type for the moment.

EA should be the LEAST of your problem when your broadband company monitor your action all the time. BUT did you know that they ain't ALLOWED TO GIVE OUT THE DAMN INFORMATION. Not even to the police if they need it. Because they can get SUED FOR IT AND IT WAS IN THE BLOODY CONTRACT!

It's like those people who are againts video cameras in certain areas and they go "Now they can monitor ME and ONLY ME wherever I go"
+540|6676|Shanghai, ethnicity=German
You know that we ain't that stupid... we can photoshop too... DUH>>>..<<<

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