
First of all, I wonne say that my Engelse language is not so good (canreading and understand it but write and speak is difficult for me) I hope you understand my meaning. I work to it, but it is difficult.

I was reading on a local forum (in Dutch language) over the news programs in the USA. I was shocked over the lies the spread. I saw a small pieces from a 'Fox News Program' (The Oreilly Zone or something) on the problems in France. Most of the saided things where false, there is no Moslime probleme. But a probleme with lower educated popele. There is no financial security for these popele, the France government didden't do anything to change the situation. Now the have a riot one ther hand, nothing to do with belief or anything

It is a beautiful example for my point, is all the news from Europe so negative in the USA?
And are ther more lies spread? We Europeans (most of us) don't like the american mentality.
But we respect eachother. I don't go one whit it, and love America but there is some truth in it.

Is there a growing conflict between our nations?

Link of the small video I saw (dutch subtitles and some dutch crap afterwards) (Is working 19 Nov 2005 hour of post GMT)
Well for one, Bill O'reily is a bastard, and everyone hates him. He has his own opinions and exagerates a lot, last I heard people were demanding he be fired. And 2nd off, I think they said that the people in the riots were the lower paid, and un-educated Muslim immigrants.  But I heard this from CNN world news and MSNBC also, two very good news stations. But don't worry, Theres no news spreading lies or bad rumors about Europe

After watching the program, I see what you mean. He reffers the the rioters as "insurgents" almost like they are terorrist or something. That part he is wrong about.  When he talks about Chirac being weak, I think he just means that the President is not taking charge and calling for the Military to stop the riots. From what i've heard from World news, only the police have handled them so far. And as far as I know, France has no immigrant laws, anyone can come in. But, no every American news program is not like this ! Bill O'reily makes America look bad.

Last edited by -xDookiex- (19 years, 1 month ago)

Sadly you are right Mars. I'm from Canada and it is trully amazing the news they feed to people. The bulk of that story was that there was a problem with the imigrants in France, not the problems with the way the french govenment has handed things over the last 20 years. Every nation has its problems but don't be fooled. Most news is fabricated to "someones" liking and released. I'll leave it at that. This topic could get very ugly.
Thanks for the reply.
Its not a big deal if there are bad rumors about Europe, its only that many Europians hear about it.
And so we have a bad impression and idea of your Americans.

I read on the forums here (my continent) not to match possitive reactions about your Americans. We having a wrong idea because our media is also not 100% nutraal...

You have a point about CNN World, there we have in most of the cases the real news, not manipulated news. MSNBC we don't have here, BBC world is also very good. Its pity that FOX is not nutraal and give the bad impression

I'll leave it at that. This topic could get very ugly
I don't hope so, I only wanne say my opinion and hear/read the reactions.
Don't wonne start a fight, but the 'conflict' is already here, and growing.

Perhaps its good that we can talk about it.
So we can hear each other's opinion.
Say what u wanna say!

Last edited by Marsmillo (19 years, 1 month ago)

Pew Pew!
+216|7101|San Francisco

Yeah... Bill O'Reilly is probably one of the most biased 'reporters' there are, not to mention that he is just a big fat jackass. I don't know how he keeps finding people to come on his show because if they say *ANYTHING* at all that he doesn't agree with/cannot refute then he just tells them to shutup and pulls their mic.
Well for one, Bill O'reily is a bastard, and everyone hates him. He has his own opinions and exagerates a lot, last I heard people were demanding he be fired.  And 2nd off, I think they said that the people in the riots were the lower paid, and un-educated Muslim immigrants.  But I heard this from CNN world news and MSNBC also, two very good news stations. But don't worry, Theres no news spreading lies or bad rumors about Europe

MY GOD..... you hit the nail right on the head!!!!!
I was watching BBC World News and I really wish there was some way i could get that here in america that would be fantastic!

Last edited by killazpdx (19 years, 1 month ago)


I agree 110% that americans are fed a bunch of crap on the news, but let me ask you this, do you think countries in the EU are any more objective when covering the United States? I'll be the first to admit we do plenty of things to stir the pot ourselves, but when iw as in Europe recently recruiting I thought the news was comical when it came to reporting on the United States. Door swings both ways, and you'll find media everywhere is slanted and liberal (and I'm even a liberal myself!) but it is as bad if not worse in Europe.

uh, killa... if you can't get BBC world news "here in america" than how were you watching it to have this epiphony in the first place?
Horseman 77

-xDookiex- wrote:

Well for one, Bill O'reily is a bastard, and everyone hates him. He has his own opinions and exagerates a lot, last I heard people were demanding he be fired. And 2nd off, I think they said that the people in the riots were the lower paid, and un-educated Muslim immigrants.  But I heard this from CNN world news and MSNBC also, two very good news stations. But don't worry, Theres no news spreading lies or bad rumors about Europe

After watching the program, I see what you mean. He reffers the the rioters as "insurgents" almost like they are terorrist or something. That part he is wrong about.  When he talks about Chirac being weak, I think he just means that the President is not taking charge and calling for the Military to stop the riots. From what i've heard from World news, only the police have handled them so far. And as far as I know, France has no immigrant laws, anyone can come in. But, no every American news program is not like this ! Bill O'reily makes America look bad.
Right Real Americans Get there News from NPR Go hillary Go !
First off you have to understand the source. Fox News is about the most biased news source you can find and the Americans who think for themselves know it to be true. They present a very biased right wing view of the world, which is quite different from the very biased left wing view most news sources present to Americans.

I've found ( and my friends with me ) that the only way to get the whole story on world events is to search the web for international news sources.

However, don't believe that they aren't biased as well. I have seen many stories presented to the EU about America that simply are not true.

The best thing to do is to read ALL the sources you can find then draw your own conclusions. Unfortunately, it's impossible to know who is presenting the "facts" and who is presenting outright fiction.

As for Hillary Clinton, well, if the Democrats think she can win the Presidency then they deserve to lose another election. Let's face it folks, she has no chance at all and to run her would be handing the Presidency right back to the Republicans.

Is it just me or are the Dems too far left and the Reps too far right for everyones tastes???

My father in law LOVES the Republicans but he spent an hour today telling me how evil Harry Potter is and how the new movie depicts hell is a favorable way. Now I havent seen the movie but Ive read all the Potter books and not once did Harry ever go to hell in the books sooooo....once again my father in law the FAR FAR FAR bible thumping epitome of what is wrong with this country was talking out of his...hrrrmmm.....again.

Personally, I think the conservative democrats and the liberal republicans ought to get together and form a new political party that will do right by Americans. I'm sooooo sick of the hot button issues every elction: Gay Marriage, School vouchers, Abortion, blah blah blah. Why can't they deal with the REAL issues like the fact that 5% of the country controls 95% of the wealth and they are moving it OUT of the country. Or the fact that Nafta screwed us and now Cafta is going to do the same by moving more and more American jobs out of the country. A redistribution of the wealth is a bad thing, but preserving the American job base is what the government should be most concerned about. After all, once we are all living below the poverty level ( 1 out of 3 children now live below the poverty level in America ) there wont be any consumers to make the rich richer.

bah sorry got lost on a tangent

Got Whiskey?
+63|7040|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'
i stand corrected, he's a political journalist.. Although, I did not hear your particular comments from O'reilly. However I've heard a few comments from him that IMHO needed to be said. However I do believe he needs to stay out of international politics/culture's. Stick to the USA.

Last edited by [GDC]SinnFein (19 years, 1 month ago)

Actually he's considered a political journalist. Why? Because he works for a news service. And therefore is listened to by some Americans who believe he is reputable news source. These are the same Americans who believe that Rush Limbaugh is a reputable news source as well.

Please remember that ALOT of Americans believe that the Republicans literally stole the last two elections ( though the evidence really only points to the 2000 election as being a set up. ) And the polarization of the two extremes is coming to a head here.

Bill O'Rielly is just another of the many voices in America that spread the same old America is great, everyone else sucks propaganda.

That being said, America IS great. We don't have people leaving America in rafts trying to get to another country.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, Bush's cronies are showing exactly how bad America can be. Unfortunately, because it shakes the average Americans faith in our system and shows the rest of the world that just because democracy is the best system of government the world has come up with, it still has it's monumental flaws, especially in a representational democracy. Fortunately, because as we find flaws in the system America has ( historically ) been very good at fixing those flaws, albeit gradually.

Our greatest flaws now are our press' shift towards extreme partisanism and the international corprotization of our government, which, in my opinion, is our biggest national issue, though our polititians will never admit it, because to be elected in this country, you absolutely MUST have corporate sponsership. Some would call it corporate campaign contributions, but I prefer the corporate sponsership term as it is more applicable, as it covers both the campaign contributions and the straight up bribes issued to our politicians, before and after elections, in order to get corporate favorable legislation passed.
The news in my country (sweden) about the USA are very divided. Sometimes youll hear about another school shootout, and how crazy the americans are, and sometimes youll see things (good things) about the US when we dont critize the US. Children in sweden are taught not to trust everything they hear on the TV. So i think that a lot of swedes are aware of the fact that they are sometimes fed with lies and such. However, there a still alot of prejudgements here. I guess the average swede thinks americans are super religious, slighty overweight and very stupid. This was probably true once, but i think that ameicans are aware of the fact that the world think they are stupid. I have never been to the US, but my mom and dad visited the empire state a few times. She told me this story: She was at a resturant, and the waitress could tell by her accent that she werent american. So she asked her: Where are you from then? And my mother answered: Sweden. And then the waitress says: Which state is that?

Well, ofcourse the waitress was probably an idiot, but it is easy to think that all americans are like this.
Another fact is that a lot of europeans think that all americans are super patriotic, hating all other countries and firing journalist who critizises the USA. And a lot of swedes saw the movie Fahrenheit 9/11, and michael moore isnt really a good rolemodel for the average american citizen. And the camp at guantanamo and Abu Gharib arent really helping either. But the EU and US are allies, and this must always be the primary objective. Damn, im gonna kill the bastard who invented stupidity...
bill o'reilley is an news sucks.the bush admin will soon end but not soon enough.
All journalists, all over the world, exaggerate, sensationalise and put a certain spin on a story, whether it's to increase newspaper sales, sell advertisement space or to spread political propaganda, it's the same un-ethical crap.
The sad part is that the majority of the population are too gullible or just don't care enough to figure out it's all a load of BS.
Yes sir, i can boogie!
Since I'm French I can tell you what it was going on in my country two months ago : simply ridiculous riots, suburbs' young people torching wreck cars and journalists saying that was civilian war : just bullshit ! This is all the Media's fault. Remember Los Angeles riots in 1992 or Detroit in the 60's ? That was REAL riots.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7008|The Netherlands
I think this problem is about the rumor that there are secret CIA prisons in europe where CIA agents torture terrorist suspects.
Rice said the US don't torture suspects however she didn't mention that the secret CIA prisons don't exist.
It would be very rude indeed when even the european leaders dont know anything about the existence of these prisons.
but untill now it still remains a rumour
Bush will be kicked off soon. Hope theyll get Clinton back.
+27|7024|Atlanta, GA USA

Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

Bush will be kicked off soon. Hope theyll get Clinton back.
LOL that's funny!  You obviously don't know how our system works.  A presidnet in the US can only serve two terms.  Bush is in his second term and can't run for reelection.  The only way he can be "kicked off" would be impeachment, which I doubt will happen.  Clinton has already served his two terms, and can't come back.
I wrote : Bush will be kicked off soon. I didnt say that i hope he will be kicked off soon. He will be kicked off soon

Horseman 77 wrote:

Right Real Americans Get there News from NPR Go hillary Go !
Looks like we have an O'Reilly/Faux News fan here.

fdcp_elmo wrote:

I think this problem is about the rumor that there are secret CIA prisons in europe where CIA agents torture terrorist suspects.
Rice said the US don't torture suspects however she didn't mention that the secret CIA prisons don't exist.
It would be very rude indeed when even the european leaders dont know anything about the existence of these prisons.
but untill now it still remains a rumour
See, the torture thing is utter nonesense. The US doesn't torture suspects and prisoners, but not because it's illegal. That certainly helps avoid abuses but the primary reason that torture isn't performed by CIA officers is because TORTURE DOES NOT WORK. No interrogator worth his salt would waste his time with torture because not only does it take a lot longer to get information from someone who has undoubtedly been trained to withstand those techniques but the plain and simple truth is that torture will more often than not result in false information.

A good interrogator knows that the best way to get reliable information is to get the suspect to trust you and to use his own conscience against him.
'twice cooked beef!'
people aren't always so rational, and when torture occurs it's not always to extract information. the feeling of empowerment for the guard/interrogator and humiliation for the prisoner can be reason enough to torture. i highly doubt what happened at abu ghraib was an isolated incident. the stanford prison experiment is a classic study of social psychology, in which college students PRETENDED to be prison guards and inmates. very quickly they sank into the roles and the guards became abusive, even though they had no real power and the 'inmates' had done nothing wrong. in this case, there was no information to extract in the first place. so i don't believe for a second that the CIA refrains from torture just because it doesn't work.

the USA admits to using sleep deprivation, while simultaneous maintaining that it does not torture. sleep deprivation, however, is torture because it does lead to physical and mental damage, and ultimately death if prolonged to such a degree.

moreover, have you considered the means by which prisoners are kept awake? light and sound stimulation aren't enough past a certain degree of fatigue. the answer, of course, is pain. that constitutes torture in my book.

i don't care that the USA tortures prisoners. it's just the way the world operates. but i do wish they would have the balls to own up to it.

Last edited by Krappyappy (19 years ago)

You with the face!
Mainstream american media (i.e. not Fox) is often biased.  They put spin on stories so that people will watch.  This is not to say that the stories are lies.  They often give favor to one side or another.  This is natural for people to do, we must learn to think for ourselves.  Yes the riots in France were often presented as a prelude to civil war, but "respectable" jounalists noted that economic conditions were a primary cause.  Many americans, in my opinion, were horrified, but knew it would end within a few days.

As to steriotypes, there are many extremely smart people in the USA, there are also quite a few idiots.  Yes many of us are overweight, but not all.  Many americans are VERY patriotic, but that does not mean we automatically hate everyone else.  Some do, we call them idiots.  Statistically, a larger percentage of Americans go to church than Europeans.  The Republican party is greatly influenced by christian beliefs.  As the Republicans control both houses of congress and the Presidency, the US government may seem "over religious" to some.

This is an old example.  When Walter Kronkite politely criticized the Vietnam war, President Johnson said that he knew he had lost most Americans support.  Americans are influenced by the media, which rarely covers international politics, and support most journalists.  Those journalists who are exposed as extremely biased or who simply lie loose much of their support and respect.

What I hate is when people suddenly start calling people extremists, fanatics, or claim some sort of national conspiracy.  IF you have evidence, let's hear it.  Otherwise, keep your sensationalized opinoin to yourself.
Raimius Ftw !

Last edited by Sh1fty2k5 (19 years ago)

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