20 heals IAR... How the hell am I supposed to manage that? I mean, I can get like 50 revives in a round easily, but heal points are another story... Any suggestions? I'm thinking a high points server on karkand.... but even then people are just going to die before I can get my heals

im sure its much easier than 20 repairs
...is a potty mouth
24 player IO Jalalabad  - Play as US and follow the snipers
Teh strogg!
+205|6632|Trondheim, Norway
try high points karkand or jalalabad with IO
+127|6811|WPB, FL. USA
Go into a small server {18-24} with 300 tickets, join a squad, medic whore ,and enjoy your bling!

I would suggest this server, map, and squad  -  "WON", Warlord, =1= Sq.  Just follow them or stay in the Palace if they get a good Palace fight going - just keep drooping those med packs

I got my Expert First Aid Badge pre-1.4 and pre-infantry only when you needed 25 heals.  I did it on Sharqi with a good squad {took a couple of days to hit the right circumstances and squad}. 

fyi - Expert Engineer is best done on a map with a small area and heavy vehicles and artillery {Great Wall, Karkand, Sharqi, etc.} or Pilot/Co-Pilot a chopper as an engineer and land and repair as you take damage {someone has to stay in the chopper to get a point}.  Good luck.

BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6772|inside the recesses of your...
Expert Medic was MUCH easier than Expert Repair.  Low man, high ticket Jalalabad or Warlord and you should get it easy.  Of course get in a squad.
I'm probably not one to give advice on this topic, since I only have my veteran first aid...  having said that:

You'll want a tight map with lots of infantry.  Join a squad (as always) and heal heal heal them.  Throw as many medic bags out as you possibly can, especially in stragetic areas that your other teammates are likely to run through, or duck into for cover once they get hit.

So, in short, look after your squadmates, healing them constantly, and throw out medic bags for the rest of your team to use.

im not flaming you .. but getting it is what makes you an expert.
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6772|inside the recesses of your...

JT_001 wrote:

I'm probably not one to give advice on this topic, since I only have my veteran first aid...  having said that:

You'll want a tight map with lots of infantry.  Join a squad (as always) and heal heal heal them.  Throw as many medic bags out as you possibly can, especially in stragetic areas that your other teammates are likely to run through, or duck into for cover once they get hit.

So, in short, look after your squadmates, healing them constantly, and throw out medic bags for the rest of your team to use.
Throw packs down at choke points too.  And don't afraid to run with the squad just HOLDING a med pack.  You'll have a healing aura and hopefully stay alive a while to get those points.
Give the flight deck on a 32/64 iron gator a try, that's usually a paradise for medics (and support) if there aren't too many teammates trying the same...
This topic seems to have no actual posts
stat padding ftw
+630|6797|The Netherlands
pistol knife server

it's easy to get more than 50 heals as medic in an pistol knife server, im playing on them with my other account.
+123|6617| Heaven
I did it when you needed 25 IAR just spam them out. Check the map dump a few near snipers find another and just carry on. Easy. Yeah 20 repairs points now that is hard..strugging to get 10 IAR. gggrrrrr
i went on a Infantry only KarKand and it was pretty full...like 20 people on each side and i just stayed behind my squad and healed them...ended with 21 heals:D
(cough) P/K servers.
Terror in the Skies
infantry only on a 300-ticket jalalabad
i had a round with a crappy us-team - we captured the lake and that was all - for the hole round the teams concentrated their efforts on this point - i made 47 (no joke) heal points this round (and 30 something revives) - it was ridicules
try infantry only karkand and it's easy
I've Seen the Saucers.
+38|6892|Norcal, usa
how do you stand playing medic for 100 hours anyway, most boring kit.
if i may say.
+26|6572|Qatar: Where The Players Play
Find a server where you're getting base raped and just throw out bags... I don't have enough hours for Expert Heal, but I've had well over 20 IAR before.
aka Nekrodamus
+52|6885|Germany, near Koblenz
Full men Palace fight on Warlord! Other ways may work somtimes, this one is hardly sure every time it happens.

Playing Medic here is also an easy way to get 45 team points in one round for some of the other awards.

commissargizz wrote:

I did it when you needed 25 IAR just spam them out. Check the map dump a few near snipers find another and just carry on. Easy. Yeah 20 repairs points now that is hard..strugging to get 10 IAR. gggrrrrr
For repair points I played iron gater, and had my friends on the other team blow the essex up repeatedly with their chopper... That's not stat padding is it???

I guess I'll have to try the warlord idea... i always forget about special forces lol.
when Hell is full...
karkand server as MEC! spray health @ the hotel area! worked for me!
Usque Ad Finem
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6802|Washington DC

elite.mafia wrote:

For repair points I played iron gater, and had my friends on the other team blow the essex up repeatedly with their chopper... That's not stat padding is it???
Yes ... that is stat-padding.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
I got this one last week!
On Karkand, of course hehe
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland
Unfortunately I didn't have the requirements for Expert Heal.. But Karkand, Infantry Only.. I got about 60 revives and over 140 team points


pretty easy actually. throw medic bags at EVERYONE!

Last edited by leetkyle (2006-10-15 07:41:11)

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