The following was taken from a post I had made before the 1.2 patch came out and increased the L85's damage. The thread, which can be found on the PBF forums, was titled "Most Underrated and Potentially Best Post 1.2 Patch Assault Rifle". With so much time passed since this critical change was made after 1.2, I found that alot more people have begun to realize the potential of the L85. I've found that alot more people are using it now compared to the g36e which was so dominant in the past. The essence of my predicitions about this gun have come true as well as my conclusion that the L85 is theoretically the best rifle in the game. Here's the post.
Most Underrated and Potentially Best Post 1.2 Patch Assault Rifle
I find it very upsetting that no one has even tried to make a case for possibly THE MOST underated gun: the l85. Whenever I play medic which is 95% of the time, I choose the l85 95% of the time. Why you might ask? Quite simply because it is the best assault rifle in the game.
Now before you all start flaming consider this. Take a look at my global ranking under assualt rifles. What's that... number 5? Now take a look at assault rifle accuracy... what's that 27? Ok now that we've established that this is no noob speaking, I can give you my reasons as to why l85 is the superior assault rifle. As far as the statistics go, which I will not overemphasize, the damage per shot is equal to that of the G36E. Now the kicker with the l85 is that it has the best scope barring any sniper rifles. When used properly at mid and long range the scope gives a user significant advantage over any other rifle. While many will argue that full auto on this gun is garbage, these people have also failed to undertake the steep learning curve that is required for skillfull aiming on the l85. In fact, I NEVER take the gun off of full auto.
The trick to the gun is learning how the burst scatters. This gun's slower rate of fire(compared to G36E) allows the user to make single fire shots with mere taps of the mouse. Now considering that the first two shots are fairly accurate, add the scope that enables headshot precision and you are left with one hell of a gun. Now I'm not here to argue that the l85 owns the G36E because it doesn't, but I will argue that in the right hands(mine in particular) the gun will hold its own. Now to make my final point about the l85.
Now the biggest criticism of the l85 has to be its close range capability. While I will say it isnt as good as the G36E in the area, once again it CAN be effective. When using the l85 at close range bursting is done quite differently than in long to mid range. You first have to know (and this comes only from experience) how the l85's full auto burst scatters while unzoomed. After pracicing bursting at close range with this gun, you will realize that the first 3-4 bullets are accurate enough to hit your target. Now keeping mind cone of fire and deviation standing vs. crouching along with funky aiming due to movement, the recipe to close quarters domination is this:
Note: this example is the technique to be used against a running or standing target a close quarters.
Once again, unzoomed, direct the first bullet of the burst towards the opponent's torso area. Now if you pull your aim up barely to the guy's neck/chest area right after releasing the burst, your second shot should him in the head, doing immense damage. Now your third and fourth shots may have hit the body at some place and usually this is enough for the kill. However in the case of armored targets you have the option of either: desperately trying to land another burst by continuing into a spray, or making your initial burst a bit tigher and pausing for a fraction of a moment to acquire accuracy and rebursting.
Now considering what can be done with this gun at the moment, I think it will no longer be even a question as to which gun will be better after the patch. Since they will be improving the L85's accuracy(meaning that most likely the deviation added per shot will go down), it will have an even tighter cone of fire which will enable players who already know how to use it to utterly dominate. And thats all...
Most Underrated and Potentially Best Post 1.2 Patch Assault Rifle
I find it very upsetting that no one has even tried to make a case for possibly THE MOST underated gun: the l85. Whenever I play medic which is 95% of the time, I choose the l85 95% of the time. Why you might ask? Quite simply because it is the best assault rifle in the game.
Now before you all start flaming consider this. Take a look at my global ranking under assualt rifles. What's that... number 5? Now take a look at assault rifle accuracy... what's that 27? Ok now that we've established that this is no noob speaking, I can give you my reasons as to why l85 is the superior assault rifle. As far as the statistics go, which I will not overemphasize, the damage per shot is equal to that of the G36E. Now the kicker with the l85 is that it has the best scope barring any sniper rifles. When used properly at mid and long range the scope gives a user significant advantage over any other rifle. While many will argue that full auto on this gun is garbage, these people have also failed to undertake the steep learning curve that is required for skillfull aiming on the l85. In fact, I NEVER take the gun off of full auto.
The trick to the gun is learning how the burst scatters. This gun's slower rate of fire(compared to G36E) allows the user to make single fire shots with mere taps of the mouse. Now considering that the first two shots are fairly accurate, add the scope that enables headshot precision and you are left with one hell of a gun. Now I'm not here to argue that the l85 owns the G36E because it doesn't, but I will argue that in the right hands(mine in particular) the gun will hold its own. Now to make my final point about the l85.
Now the biggest criticism of the l85 has to be its close range capability. While I will say it isnt as good as the G36E in the area, once again it CAN be effective. When using the l85 at close range bursting is done quite differently than in long to mid range. You first have to know (and this comes only from experience) how the l85's full auto burst scatters while unzoomed. After pracicing bursting at close range with this gun, you will realize that the first 3-4 bullets are accurate enough to hit your target. Now keeping mind cone of fire and deviation standing vs. crouching along with funky aiming due to movement, the recipe to close quarters domination is this:
Note: this example is the technique to be used against a running or standing target a close quarters.
Once again, unzoomed, direct the first bullet of the burst towards the opponent's torso area. Now if you pull your aim up barely to the guy's neck/chest area right after releasing the burst, your second shot should him in the head, doing immense damage. Now your third and fourth shots may have hit the body at some place and usually this is enough for the kill. However in the case of armored targets you have the option of either: desperately trying to land another burst by continuing into a spray, or making your initial burst a bit tigher and pausing for a fraction of a moment to acquire accuracy and rebursting.
Now considering what can be done with this gun at the moment, I think it will no longer be even a question as to which gun will be better after the patch. Since they will be improving the L85's accuracy(meaning that most likely the deviation added per shot will go down), it will have an even tighter cone of fire which will enable players who already know how to use it to utterly dominate. And thats all...
Last edited by DivineMomentofTruth (2006-10-08 19:07:04)