Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6987|Broadlands, VA
King - glad you got this put together.  I am gald I got to be a part of it.

Yes, Cougar, you're an ass.
no doubt man sorry to hear your buddie did that
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6809|Houston, TX

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

Good to see the video Downy I'm sure Skeetman's smiling up in the sky right now.

RIP Skeetman68
In many religeons, you don't go up to Heavan if you commit suicide.....

Why must everyone make this out to be a terrible tragedy?  Guess what?  We are ALL going to die.  And if his life was sooo bad that he had to kill himself, let him go in peace.  The world hasnt' changed; that's life. 
I am so tired of people wanting all this attention because of how bad their life is...booo hooo hoo...my parents don't hug me enough.  Well shit on me and call me purple.  You're a damned kid.  You haven't been around long enough to know what a bad life is.
If it doesn't say shop-vac keep shopping!
+25|6847|Grand Rapids, MI

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

. . .  Well shit on me and call me purple.  You're a damned kid.  You haven't been around long enough to know what a bad life is.
Hey purple,

Anger management . . . look into it.

Holy Crap!
oBy| Back In Business

King_County_Downy wrote:


nice video man.
one question whats the name of the song?
"Float on"
I thought it was fitting.
by who?

sorry for your loss man!
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7027|Melbourne, Australia

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

Good to see the video Downy I'm sure Skeetman's smiling up in the sky right now.

RIP Skeetman68
In many religeons, you don't go up to Heavan if you commit suicide.....

Why must everyone make this out to be a terrible tragedy?  Guess what?  We are ALL going to die.  And if his life was sooo bad that he had to kill himself, let him go in peace.  The world hasnt' changed; that's life. 
I am so tired of people wanting all this attention because of how bad their life is...booo hooo hoo...my parents don't hug me enough.  Well shit on me and call me purple.  You're a damned kid.  You haven't been around long enough to know what a bad life is.
steddy on mate... no need to come in here with all that dis respect.. go into the corner and think about what you have done
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6809|Houston, TX
It's not disrespect.  Death is a part of life.  Personally, I think that people that commit suicide are pertty selfish to do that and then leave friends and family with all that pain.  But, unlike most people, I do support the right to chose life or death.  All I ask is that if you are going to commit suicide, you do it right.  What I absoblutely cannot stand is all the freakin' teenie boppers running around all "emo" and "goth" whining about how bad life is and hwo they are going to kill themselves.  So what do they do?  They 'scratch' their wrists with a knife or take a few extra pills.  Retards.  I have yet to come across someone that has died from cutting their wrists because 1) people just cut the surface and 2) people never do it right.  You have to cut up your arm, not across.  Learn some anatomy.  I'm just sick and tired of people begging for attention.  Life is rough.  Deal with it, or don't.  But don't make everyone else suffer.

Cougar wrote:

R.I.P. Skeetman68 and {BMF}rebel
~I hope heaven has a gaming PC~

I don't mean to be an ass, but if your friend killed himself, I don't think he is heaven.
Yeah, tell that to the 911 hijackers. He's up there right now laughing with his 38 virgins and an 80 core Intel chip in a quad SLI bad-ass rig man (all water cooled and OC'd). He took the magic carpet ride all because he was an infidel himself. But instead of divorcing his wife like Clayton Bigsby, he widowed her and thus, is now a martyr of some sort. I don't keep up on religion as much as I do my Chappell's show.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

In many religeons, you don't go up to Heavan if you commit suicide.....

Why must everyone make this out to be a terrible tragedy?  Guess what?  We are ALL going to die.  And if his life was sooo bad that he had to kill himself, let him go in peace.  The world hasnt' changed; that's life. 
I am so tired of people wanting all this attention because of how bad their life is...booo hooo hoo...my parents don't hug me enough.  Well shit on me and call me purple.  You're a damned kid.  You haven't been around long enough to know what a bad life is.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

It's not disrespect.  Death is a part of life.  Personally, I think that people that commit suicide are pertty selfish to do that and then leave friends and family with all that pain.  But, unlike most people, I do support the right to chose life or death.  All I ask is that if you are going to commit suicide, you do it right.  What I absoblutely cannot stand is all the freakin' teenie boppers running around all "emo" and "goth" whining about how bad life is and hwo they are going to kill themselves.  So what do they do?  They 'scratch' their wrists with a knife or take a few extra pills.  Retards.  I have yet to come across someone that has died from cutting their wrists because 1) people just cut the surface and 2) people never do it right.  You have to cut up your arm, not across.  Learn some anatomy.  I'm just sick and tired of people begging for attention.  Life is rough.  Deal with it, or don't.  But don't make everyone else suffer.
He never begged for attention. He never said a word to anyone except on the day he did it. He wrote 3 letters. One to His wife, one to his brother, and one to his mother. And in those letters, he just stated the facts and who gets what of his stuff. He was not an emo kid. He wasn't a kid at all. He was 38 and he had his reasons. His family was/is very sad. I made this video to give them something from the BF2 perspective to remember him by.

And once again, that was me in the video guys, not Skeet.

Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-10-04 09:00:43)

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6809|Houston, TX

King_County_Downy wrote:

Cougar wrote:

R.I.P. Skeetman68 and {BMF}rebel
~I hope heaven has a gaming PC~

I don't mean to be an ass, but if your friend killed himself, I don't think he is heaven.
Yeah, tell that to the 911 hijackers. He's up there right now laughing with his 38 virgins and an 80 core Intel chip in a quad SLI bad-ass rig man (all water cooled and OC'd). He took the magic carpet ride all because he was an infidel himself. But instead of divorcing his wife like Clayton Bigsby, he widowed her and thus, is now a martyr of some sort. I don't keep up on religion as much as I do my Chappell's show.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

In many religeons, you don't go up to Heavan if you commit suicide.....

Why must everyone make this out to be a terrible tragedy?  Guess what?  We are ALL going to die.  And if his life was sooo bad that he had to kill himself, let him go in peace.  The world hasnt' changed; that's life. 
I am so tired of people wanting all this attention because of how bad their life is...booo hooo hoo...my parents don't hug me enough.  Well shit on me and call me purple.  You're a damned kid.  You haven't been around long enough to know what a bad life is.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

It's not disrespect.  Death is a part of life.  Personally, I think that people that commit suicide are pertty selfish to do that and then leave friends and family with all that pain.  But, unlike most people, I do support the right to chose life or death.  All I ask is that if you are going to commit suicide, you do it right.  What I absoblutely cannot stand is all the freakin' teenie boppers running around all "emo" and "goth" whining about how bad life is and hwo they are going to kill themselves.  So what do they do?  They 'scratch' their wrists with a knife or take a few extra pills.  Retards.  I have yet to come across someone that has died from cutting their wrists because 1) people just cut the surface and 2) people never do it right.  You have to cut up your arm, not across.  Learn some anatomy.  I'm just sick and tired of people begging for attention.  Life is rough.  Deal with it, or don't.  But don't make everyone else suffer.
He never begged for attention. He never said a word to anyone except on the day he did it. He wrote 3 letters. One to His wife, one to his brother, and one to his mother. And in those letters, he just stated the facts and who gets what of his stuff. He was not an emo kid. He wasn't a kid at all. He was 38 and he had his reasons. His family was/is very sad. I made this video to give them something from the BF2 perspective to remember him by.

And once again, that was me in the video guys, not Skeet.
As I did say, I support the right to chose.  It's always a shame when someone feels that their life is that bad that they have to do something so drastic.  In light of what you just mentioned about him...most of my comments don't apply to him at all...but are generalized to the kids of today.
+1,153|6938|Washington, DC

You really didn't need to bring garbage like that into this thread =/ for all ya know he could've been severe bipolar.
+46|6759|Bradford UK

King_County_Downy wrote:

This http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=35327 and this http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=35533 will tell the story. I've been slacking on making a video for it.

To summarize for those who don't wish to read the 10+ pages of threads...
My buddie's brother committed suicide about 5 months ago. He loved to play BF2. He wasn't the greatest and never claimed to be. But he loved it. I made this video for his brother who is letting me use Skeet's computer.


Now Updated with More Action! / Less Boring


LOL!! Here's an "out take". thats the best vid and music i ever saw, to the man .. rip. bf2 will never be the same whithout ya bro.

+46|6759|Bradford UK
thats the best vid and music i saw this year at least, heres to the man....bf2 will never be the same without ya bro.
+46|6759|Bradford UK
what also pisses me off is people coming on disrespecting his memory, all ya have to do is pay ya respects not give a personal opinion of why he did it or ur sick of people with problems, thsi post has been made to pay respects, please do so, if ya wanna flame me for this then make a seperate post to do so, please please please dont do it here. thank you.
+46|6759|Bradford UK

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

King_County_Downy wrote:

Cougar wrote:

R.I.P. Skeetman68 and {BMF}rebel
~I hope heaven has a gaming PC~

I don't mean to be an ass, but if your friend killed himself, I don't think he is heaven.
Yeah, tell that to the 911 hijackers. He's up there right now laughing with his 38 virgins and an 80 core Intel chip in a quad SLI bad-ass rig man (all water cooled and OC'd). He took the magic carpet ride all because he was an infidel himself. But instead of divorcing his wife like Clayton Bigsby, he widowed her and thus, is now a martyr of some sort. I don't keep up on religion as much as I do my Chappell's show.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

In many religeons, you don't go up to Heavan if you commit suicide.....

Why must everyone make this out to be a terrible tragedy?  Guess what?  We are ALL going to die.  And if his life was sooo bad that he had to kill himself, let him go in peace.  The world hasnt' changed; that's life. 
I am so tired of people wanting all this attention because of how bad their life is...booo hooo hoo...my parents don't hug me enough.  Well shit on me and call me purple.  You're a damned kid.  You haven't been around long enough to know what a bad life is.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

It's not disrespect.  Death is a part of life.  Personally, I think that people that commit suicide are pertty selfish to do that and then leave friends and family with all that pain.  But, unlike most people, I do support the right to chose life or death.  All I ask is that if you are going to commit suicide, you do it right.  What I absoblutely cannot stand is all the freakin' teenie boppers running around all "emo" and "goth" whining about how bad life is and hwo they are going to kill themselves.  So what do they do?  They 'scratch' their wrists with a knife or take a few extra pills.  Retards.  I have yet to come across someone that has died from cutting their wrists because 1) people just cut the surface and 2) people never do it right.  You have to cut up your arm, not across.  Learn some anatomy.  I'm just sick and tired of people begging for attention.  Life is rough.  Deal with it, or don't.  But don't make everyone else suffer.
He never begged for attention. He never said a word to anyone except on the day he did it. He wrote 3 letters. One to His wife, one to his brother, and one to his mother. And in those letters, he just stated the facts and who gets what of his stuff. He was not an emo kid. He wasn't a kid at all. He was 38 and he had his reasons. His family was/is very sad. I made this video to give them something from the BF2 perspective to remember him by.

And once again, that was me in the video guys, not Skeet.
As I did say, I support the right to chose.  It's always a shame when someone feels that their life is that bad that they have to do something so drastic.  In light of what you just mentioned about him...most of my comments don't apply to him at all...but are generalized to the kids of today.
doesnt matter just pay respects  thats all this post is for. not for opinions of youths of todays generation.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7027|Melbourne, Australia
i realy think you could of debated about suicide in another topic
and for the record i hate emos and goths to .. im sure everyone does
nice memorial vid & the flyby at the end was a thaughtful salute to your bud.
may he r.i.p

Last edited by -=5TON3D (2006-10-04 19:43:04)


I don't mind if people state their opinions on suicide. I dissagree with it myself. But it happened. So be it.

I'm going to put the origional on fielplanet tonight. It looks much better on my home pc. I really hate youtube. Sorry about the quality~
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7027|Melbourne, Australia
when you get around to it gimme a buzz ill def download it..

1 of the best vids iv ever seen 

im sure hes proud!
+270|6852|Cedar Rapids, Iowa
The "birds eye view" video has finally been made! just finished another memorial video for skeetman68. this is mostly the fly by and sniper salut to skeetman68. R.I.P.

+1,153|6938|Washington, DC

rofl@ my teamkills at the very end =p

Great video dude. Very nice companion to downy's.

Yes indeed, thank you so much for taking the time to make that! It's so cool for me to see the different views from the making of the video. All I had to work with was my own frapage (sp?) Very nice of you man. Thanks again
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
There is.
+1,380|6998|Devon, England
Good video.

Respect to you.
+270|6852|Cedar Rapids, Iowa
im so glad i finnaly did it, had a lot of troubles on the way but managed to make a video glad you guys liked it and it was loads of fun practising and perfecting the fly-by's

sry about graphics/lag though

Last edited by Madhadda1 (2007-02-08 14:22:52)

Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6967|The darkside of Denver
Sorry about your loss. BTW Good music selection, Modest Mouse is probably the best band of the last ten years. Your video was pretty good. I had a co worker take thier life this year. i know how hard it can be. we were pretty close.

<SS>SonderKommando wrote:

Sorry about your loss. BTW Good music selection, Modest Mouse is probably the best band of the last ten years. Your video was pretty good. I had a co worker take thier life this year. i know how hard it can be. we were pretty close.
Thanks for the kind words and sorry for your loss mate.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

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