Im Ron Burgundy?
+355|6784|USA ...a....COOKIE
Phorum Phantom
The first time I noticed being called a hacker: … e23f26.png
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6770|inside the recesses of your...
It's probably BECAUSE of your stats you were called a hax0r.....I've never been called one. 

I just own.  I'm just a force of nature.  The other players can't argue.  They only pray I don't rain death on them.

I had a 35-1 round last team won 280-0....not a peep from the other team. 
It's just a flesh wound

BanG89 wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Hes right tho there are 46,600 german bf2 players and 27.517 from the UK
so there are a lot more germans to pwn then uk. cool. ..
And the last time they tried that? They failed.
Being accused of hacking in a Punkbuster enabled server is always funny.
meat shield
Killed two helos and a tank in 30 seconds in SF, called a hack and got banded for TKng.  The problem with that was one guy was a two star, another a LT Colonel and a Major all on the other team.  It's almost impossible to find a good SF server these days.
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6806|Lancaster Ohio, USA

URE_DED wrote:

It's probably BECAUSE of your stats you were called a hax0r.....I've never been called one.
Ouch my pride...
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6687|Las Vegas
Congrats! Same here, I was banned from the XT server. The reason listed was Teamkilling, but I had not killed any teammates. Shortly after I was kicked, 2 of my squadmates were also kicked. Later, had another Squadmate go in there and ask them wth was up, and they said they thought I had an aimbot! ( I had about 55 kills in their IO server when they punted me) LMAO  They also said they would unban me, and did not.
+721|6731|the dank(super) side of Oregon
did you get a screen shot?  these are the moments you have to hold onto and cherish.  I have a special scrap book just for my hacking/botting accusations.

Last edited by Reciprocity (2006-10-03 23:29:29)

+16|6797|Alberta, Canada

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

..yawn.. this is s sausage fest with trekkies blabbering about how much they "own"

man saying own and noob every 5 seconds is so fresh and new ..

OMG H4X ?!!11 a fruity internets blowout!!!11
and what? u decided to add a cocktail weiner?
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6806|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Yeah, I got screenshots, I'm glad I did, still can look back and laugh.
+1,175|6713|British Columbia, Canada
I call people "hackers" all the time..

I do it if i get nade'd, killed by a J-10 and i'm on the ground, killed by a attack helicopter and i'm on the ground, killed by a claymore, killed by arty, killed by a tank.. so on

You know why..

Cause its makes people think "wtf is this guy talking about?"

and "omg that high ranked dude just called me a hacker, i must be so good, i'm gonna post a topic about it on right now!"

Sometimes i get my whole squad to say it, just so they think they are "uber 1337"
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6697|Doncaster, UK
Or you call someone a hack and they spend the next 2 minutes typing shit instead of playing the game
They accuse you cheating when your score os high...but that truth is you owning ass..

Or they said i REPORT YOU IN EA because your score is high you stat padders, but you play with 64 ppl.
Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6712|Australia, NSW
i get told im a hacker and planewhore all the time and i find it bloody funny. then i screenshot it and collect the comments.

mostly its just when u own them so bad they move to sad insults, thats when u come back with funny replies making the rest of the server laugh at them (unless you were owning them too)
+41|6616|Luton -WorstTownInBritain-
good for you

BandoIruka wrote:

Being accused of hacking in a Punkbuster enabled server is always funny.
Why's that? It's not like it actually works properly.
Once, on a 16 player Sharqi and I was extremely lucky with the Engineer's Shotgun and the UAV always seem to be where I wanted it to be, when I was in around the Garage thing at the TV Station. It got me a medal aswell.
+721|6731|the dank(super) side of Oregon

URE_DED wrote:

It's probably BECAUSE of your stats you were called a hax0r.....I've never been called one. 

I just own.  I'm just a force of nature.  The other players can't argue.  They only pray I don't rain death on them.

I had a 35-1 round last team won 280-0....not a peep from the other team. 
holy shit, you're the first person I've ever seen whos favorite team is the SAS. and you've spent a disturbing amount of time playing Ghost Town.  keep it up.
+269|6734|Marlton, New Jersey.
knew the first douche nugget comment would come within the first  5 posts.

Last edited by eagles1106 (2006-10-12 23:37:34)

+28|6886|Houston, TX
This =DC1= clans server admin just accused my fiance of being a hack. Either this clans is really, really, bad or, her CS abilities have carried over. I say that because she is still so noob in BF2 but, competes with CS. Either way it made my day. hehe
+605|6699|San Diego, CA, USA
I was accused to hacking during this round and the rounds thereafter...several people kept following me around and causing me problems (taking me to half health, running over my mines, standing near my claymores etc...)
+630|6795|The Netherlands
read my sig, i got tons of those....i'll post em up later caus i dont got the other sigs on this pc.

actually i got accused 1 hour ago, the guys was whinin all the time about me, "Terror fuckin hackker gay",and started to do kick-votes the whole round

Last edited by ']['error (2006-11-05 06:17:47)

+149|6699|USA bitches!
I've been accused of hacking while soloing. I got the "you never miss, cheater" and shit like that. I laugh it off.

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