The Power of Two
+188|6808|Sydney, Australia
In Counter Strike, a headshot entails falling on your back, your head tracing out a demi-circle of red. In BF2, a headshot consists of your bullet vaporising into a cloud of dust just before it reaches your enemy, leaving you dumbfounded and bewildered, and them perfectly healthy and poised to increase your mass with lead.

One thing I have noticed with the new patch is that there's been much more bullet-self-detonation. Though, fortunately, it was the crashes and connection problems which were nerfed and not the weapons, the patch has resulted increasingly in bullets just not hitting at all. It seems to happen a lot now that seeing an enemy I go prone and shoot at them, and almost a quarter of my bullets will hit my enemy but do no damage.

Does anyone share my frustration?

I remember a while ago someone posted something you enter into the console which makes sniping more accurate by reducing how much estimation the program does in regards to the position of the hitbox. Would that fix this problem do you think?
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6859|Doncaster, UK
I have noticed in general that since the patch I seem to be unloading full clips into people and not getting a hit, even if they are 2 feet away and not moving. I've seen a definite drop in my accuracy since the release of the patch, although it wasn't exactly brilliant in the first place.

I'd have to conclude, on my experience, that something has seriously affected hit box detection in the new patch.

I'm pretty sure this has been discussed elsewhere as well.
+30|6869|Holland Hardcore
well ur probably right.
i think that this is an increase in standard deviation by Ea to try and remove the noobish prone spammers. you forget thet if you go prone now you get .75 of a seconds weapon sway to try and prevent people prone spamming........... i think its good i have an answer to the disapearing bullets...

what kits are you shooting the armour on assault, support, and anti tank protects the user to an extent and if you shoot them in the chest it can appear that the bullets are disapearing but they are hitting the body armour
got any popo lolo intersting?

It's nice to listen bullet hit sounds without getting damage. happens once in a while...
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
tried it on an empty server last night, 16 of 100 shots to the head just poofed and didnt damage him
I would agree that hit detection in general does seem to be much worse, but not enough to bother me.
It works both ways remember, just the other day I heard someone emptying a full clip right behind me, not 2 feet away, nothing hit me! I turned and killed him with no trouble. He just typed "WTF!!"
I know I gotten hit by a sniper that used the M95 sniper and hit me in the head or pretty close to it. Because I saw the smoke puff just to my right. Didn't loose any HP at all. Have happened again now and then but it's mostly from snipers. It also have happened when I shot them, like 4-5 well placed shots in the head with the AK only to get gunned down by someone inront of the guy.
The Power of Two
+188|6808|Sydney, Australia

Deadman wrote:

I would agree that hit detection in general does seem to be much worse, but not enough to bother me.
It works both ways remember, just the other day I heard someone emptying a full clip right behind me, not 2 feet away, nothing hit me! I turned and killed him with no trouble. He just typed "WTF!!"
Might have been DoctorFruitLoop shooting you
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

I sort of noticed that yesterday while sniping someone who must of been AFK, but on the other hand, I 'pwned' someone with my G36E for 100 odd meters today with only 4-5 shots.  So I think its there, but not really a problem.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6859|Doncaster, UK

~Smokey~ wrote:

I sort of noticed that yesterday while sniping someone who must of been AFK, but on the other hand, I 'pwned' someone with my G36E for 100 odd meters today with only 4-5 shots.  So I think its there, but not really a problem.
Agreed, I don't think it's a constant thing, just sometimes it's off and you unload a full clip in frustration and then get a single shot to the head and die. It's just enough to start my accuracy dropping.

@Vub, I was just thinking the same thing myself.
i agree, i have a slow-mo of me sniping a guy pretty close, and in slow-mo its a direct head shot... like no if ands or buts... and his head even kicks forward to show its a hit... but no damage...  i watch it everytime and go huh?!?!?1?!

Vub wrote:

I remember a while ago someone posted something you enter into the console which makes sniping more accurate by reducing how much estimation the program does in regards to the position of the hitbox. Would that fix this problem do you think?
SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.1

0.1 = ping of 100
0.04 would be a ping of 40 etc etc..

Seems to help, if a target isn't moving much i don't miss. Give it a try.
I dont know to what extent this is true, I havent noticed myself (I usually just DIE, lol), but if it is true, well, then I could be pissed very soon.

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

Vub wrote:

I remember a while ago someone posted something you enter into the console which makes sniping more accurate by reducing how much estimation the program does in regards to the position of the hitbox. Would that fix this problem do you think?
SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.1

0.1 = ping of 100
0.04 would be a ping of 40 etc etc..

Seems to help, if a target isn't moving much i don't miss. Give it a try.
I usually have a pretty high ping (average around 70~80 for the servers I play on), would changing this setting to say 0.1 help my sniping (with whichever weapon)?
if you sum an average of me saying "fuck this fucking gay bullshit" at least twice every minute of gameplay * 60 * the number of hours I've played thats roughly 130,000 times this whole six hundred 100% accurate headshots do nothing bug has fucked me over, god i hate that fucking crap.

and i've been over that console setting ever since i found it back in 1.12 and it only seemed to be applicable at the time when you used the m95 and no matter what the gun was just a heap of crap that hit nothing, and if you think of all the different osi related data in every packet sent and received through your internal network and the internet the number of devices the packet must travel to its destination there's a really low chance of the console setting ever making any real difference, that's how i convinced myself...

Last edited by gga43ta234t2 (2006-09-22 07:30:39)


Rogue_Delta wrote:

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

Vub wrote:

I remember a while ago someone posted something you enter into the console which makes sniping more accurate by reducing how much estimation the program does in regards to the position of the hitbox. Would that fix this problem do you think?
SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.1

0.1 = ping of 100
0.04 would be a ping of 40 etc etc..

Seems to help, if a target isn't moving much i don't miss. Give it a try.
I usually have a pretty high ping (average around 70~80 for the servers I play on), would changing this setting to say 0.1 help my sniping (with whichever weapon)?
basic rule is, if you can make 150m headshots on laterally sprinting targets consistently then don't use this. If you cant then its worth trying (id set it at 0.08 not 0.1 in your case tho)
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
No in BF2 a head shot results in death, or well it does in post 1.2 BF2.
Quakecon Attendee
+17|6972|SLC, Utah, USA
Has anyone considered that this may be how body armor works now?  Maybe instead of reducing damage, it rolls a die somewhere and if it's in say the bottom 10% then no damage is dealt?  Very dumb, I know, but I don't really ever see the heavy body armor really helping out more than light, when I switch off of my Assault kit...
Aiming for the head
+88|6862|EUtopia | Austria
I think it might be that they improved the durability of helmets and body armors, going along with some reflecting effect. That shall mean, instead of doing damage to the head, the bullet does damage to the helmet but saves the life of the soldier (funny RL note: The number of head injuries and skull fractures increased dramatically after helmets were introduced for the British Army).

By the way: My accuracy dropped for almost 0.2%, that's pretty much considering I was improving my accuracy every day and I was close to 25% with firearms...
1.4 has really messed with the hitboxes. I have played this game for more than 900 hours prior to 1.4 and can see the difference like black and white.
Aiming for the head
+88|6862|EUtopia | Austria
Oh, by the way - today I found out that it isn't that easy to snipe players out of mounted mg's anymore. Either they have done something about the Bolt-Action rifle's accuracy or the server I was on was really lame.
However, it seems to me that they also raised the minimum deviation! Proneing with the G36E usually rocked - today on mashtuur I went really mad, since I couldn't hit shit, my ping was ok and I really aimed well.

All the things I've said here only might be true for inf-only servers. Amusingly enough, on normal servers even the L85A1 seems to work out for me. Strange.

Vub wrote:

One thing I have noticed with the new patch is that there's been much more bullet-self-detonation. Though, fortunately, it was the crashes and connection problems which were nerfed and not the weapons, the patch has resulted increasingly in bullets just not hitting at all. It seems to happen a lot now that seeing an enemy I go prone and shoot at them, and almost a quarter of my bullets will hit my enemy but do no damage.

Does anyone share my frustration?
Boy do I! When sniping you notice this a lot more since every bullet counts and I think it's not worse since 1.4, just more of the same. Did you see this thread? Read the whole thing but post #7 specifically.

Vub wrote:

I remember a while ago someone posted something you enter into the console which makes sniping more accurate by reducing how much estimation the program does in regards to the position of the hitbox. Would that fix this problem do you think?
Latency compensation and no, it won't fix this. It'll help you hit moving targets better if it's adjusted to your typical ping, rather than the default of 100.

walyl135 wrote:

i think that this is an increase in standard deviation by Ea...
Well if that were so it would be seen in the weapon stats.

walyl135 wrote:

what kits are you shooting the armour on assault, support, and anti tank protects the user to an extent and if you shoot them in the chest it can appear that the bullets are disapearing but they are hitting the body armour
Unless it has been changed it's nothing to do with body armour. Body armour doesn't 'work' in this game, it merely increases the hitpoints necessary to damage the player to 100%.

DeathUnlimited wrote:

It's nice to listen bullet hit sounds without getting damage. happens once in a while...
Sure is! Saved my bacon a bunch of times recently.

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

No in BF2 a head shot results in death, or well it does in post 1.2 BF2.
IF the shot registers and IF the bullet lands above the level of the nose and IF the bullet does the expected damage

Stormscythe wrote:

However, it seems to me that they also raised the minimum deviation! Proneing with the G36E usually rocked - today on mashtuur I went really mad, since I couldn't hit shit, my ping was ok and I really aimed well.
I played a game this morning where I medic whored my ass off and got Vet Medic Specialist, I got a few snipers poking off the edges of rooftops with standing three-shot bursts. My ping was good (25-30) but I think this whole issue is basically a crapshoot.
Last of the Uchiha
+4|7026|Hong Kong, China
And I thought it was just me, I was just wondering what the heck is happening when my head was literally being shot off (3 headshots, the "poof" things clouded my sight) and I was still running around trying to shake the damn Chinese medics with their AKs off my backs.
+18|6952|hamilton, scotland
thank god i wasnt the only one to notice this. One day i was playing and i saw this guy who was medic and i was support, i saw him well before he saw me and he was 2 feet away, even full auto to his chest should kill him, but no nothing he killed me instead.

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