i c evil in that cat, eeeeeeeevvviiiilllllllllllllllllllllllMason4Assassin444 wrote:
Tyler; 1 of 2 cats. Ill post the Siamese when I get home.
Wolf Hybrids are such awesome dogs. I don't know if it has something to do with the being half wolf wild in them but they all have so much personality and instinct. A friend of mine had a German Shepard/Wolf mix named Fenris (Norse Lore). He was the cat killer marking something like 10 or so under his collar before he was put down due to severe digestive tract issues. I'm sure Tasha and Fenris are happily chasing rabbits in the happy hunting grounds.ShotYourSix wrote:
She was a malemute/wolf hybrid. Before her cataracts pigmented dark she had piercing gold eyes which drew comments everywhere we went. In these pics she was almost completely blind though few people ever noticed. It was amazing how well she could navigate using what shadows she could see and sense of smell. She was quite an escape artist and would often slip between my legs as I came in through the door at night. God knows how, but she would disapear for hours at a time and yet somehow she always made it back. She was the most amazing dog I have ever known. At the age of 17 she died from a brain tumor.
Rest in peace Tasha....see you in my dreams.
BTW See you on POE2 Servers!
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
these are my 2 year old bitches,staff bull terrier/jack russel crossed.best temprement dogs ive ever known unless they see a cat or another dog then they go crazy,had em at 15weeks old,only bad thing about em was the lazy bitch i had em off couldnt be arsed to house train & just left the back door open so they could go in & out when they wanted so took me nearly 2 months to train instead of the normal week or 2.
p.s im not a tramp if your lookin at the sofa lol thats their bed,my dogs sleep n comfort.
p.s im not a tramp if your lookin at the sofa lol thats their bed,my dogs sleep n comfort.

Last edited by -=5TON3D (2006-08-30 06:07:02)
In Donald Duck comics there were a dog whose name was Tyson and it looked just like that
Ok, presenting, my 5 (yes, 5!!) cats!!1!one
Wen, The Eternally Suprised.





Yes, I like cats, sue me .
Wen, The Eternally Suprised.





Yes, I like cats, sue me .
Pets huh? here you go.

Ya rly!

Ya rly!
Here is Kyppa again today on the outer beach. Best day of the year.

There's nothing like living on the Cape

There's nothing like living on the Cape
Last edited by CC-Marley (2006-09-07 13:50:35)
If you live alone and you have a cat, you're either gay or a villain!
If I'm ever getting a pet, it's gotta be a Golden Retriever, my grandfather had one when I was a child, but it got rapies or something and kept biting people, so it had to be put down
If I'm ever getting a pet, it's gotta be a Golden Retriever, my grandfather had one when I was a child, but it got rapies or something and kept biting people, so it had to be put down
I managed to get a picture of my Dog.

This is Jazz. She's a Great Dane/Staffy/Lab cross whos tail didn't form properly. She was the runt of the litter and nobody wanted her so I took her. She's an excellent Dog

This is Jazz. She's a Great Dane/Staffy/Lab cross whos tail didn't form properly. She was the runt of the litter and nobody wanted her so I took her. She's an excellent Dog
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
That sucks, I feel for you.Wojo97civic wrote:
http://img351.imageshack.us/img351/3107 … kx5.th.jpg
My Pup, On the night we had to put her down, she was 12
Well, Alot of warm blooded pets, Well here's 1 of my many pets. Max 2yrs
sorry, new to forums, couldn't quite figure out how to post pics, the urls there check them out
ikurus wrote:
Well, Alot of warm blooded pets, Well here's 1 of my many pets. Max 2yrs

just have a blue budgie - so nothing special but a friend of mine has a dog like in scott & huutch (movie) - just in supersize. this beast has 68 kg. perhaps i can get a pic of him and post it.
And an estate Volvo, two children, khaki pants and loads of pique-shirts?PBAsydney wrote:
If I'm ever getting a pet, it's gotta be a Golden Retriever
Axon =Axon wrote:
Ok, presenting, my 5 (yes, 5!!) cats!!1!one
Wen, The Eternally Suprised.
Yes, I like cats, sue me .

Last edited by DonFck (2006-09-26 00:36:43)
I need around tree fiddy.
Dont Worry, I'll Sue Him. .DonFck wrote:
Axon =Axon wrote:
Ok, presenting, my 5 (yes, 5!!) cats!!1!one
Wen, The Eternally Suprised.
Yes, I like cats, sue me .
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin
AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
MyBFi/BF3i Admin
AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Here's mine. The late Mr. Ratamahatta.. R.I.P. *tear*
The forklift was too much for him..
The forklift was too much for him..

I need around tree fiddy.

I have finally got off my ass so to speak and posted a pic of my pets.
The tortoise: Rapheal, about 4 years old now, Male or Female? I haven't a clue, I want to sell "it" now as if I put it out the back I fear the dog will rip it's tits off and I will be left with a £300 ashtray
The dog: Rizla, she was about 2 months old in these pics and is now almost 1. She a pure Staffordshire Pitbull Terrier who is as soft as shit but will pin me up agaisnt the wall if I start beating the kids up (in a jokingly kind of way). I'll update when I take new pics of her, she has grown quite a bit and carries logs when we go walking. The logs are about the size of the average adult leg. Ive bought her to protect my kids and so far its working. She is on the dangerous dog list, you may know the following: Staff's and only one other breed are the only dogs recommended to have with children, they used to be called the nanny dog. They were bred for fighting and unfortuantly even though a lot of this has been banned it still continues in the underworld.
Haven't got pics of all the family pets, here's a couple I have got.
This is our two cats, Eric & Olly

...and the furry little bugger that is our syrian hamster, Fluff!
This is our two cats, Eric & Olly

...and the furry little bugger that is our syrian hamster, Fluff!






this is Fionn