
SargeV1.4 wrote:

as people keep on saying 'lol noob can't sprone spam anymore lol get skills noob lol lol' and such, I was starting to wonder just how many of you actually understand what else the removal of quick movement does.
In 1.3, You go prone, and you can instantly shoot someone. Sure, there's a slight accuracy delay, but in cqc that doesn't matter. If you kill them, good. Job done. If you miss, you go crouch, then you jump, and you get the f*&@ out of there. If another enemy shows up just after you killed the first quickly jump for cover and recover your aim. Now, however, without the ability to stand up quickly, you will not be able to escape quickly. Was it completely unfair before 1.4? No, because if they were quick, they could kill you before you could escape. But you had a chance. You could move about quickly and easily. Now, however, said enemy stands a much, much larger chance of killing you before you can escape. Simply because you're stuck on the ground unable to fight back properly.

CQC combat has been ruined even more by:

-Your inability to quickly pop up and get down behind cover. (nades were the way to go for this, but still people tried to shoot you and died, which made them complain.)
-Your inability to quickly go back round a corner if your attack goes wrong. (the equivalent of strafing around a corner in CS)
-Your ability to quickly reposition yourself.

In other words, it is now slow, lame, and extremely hard to beat more than one person at a time. In CS, your first two shots are pretty much fully accurate from a standing position. That way, a game without any odd movement is kept fast, fun, and with a high learning curve. Now, however, we still have to go prone, but cannot move around quickly enough. Thus, it's become static and boring.

It's not about my ability to be a flying pancake. I barely ever do that. It's simply free movement that has been nerfed resulting in an even more slow and boring infantry combat system.


Your the fucking reason why it was changed like that, Bunny hoppers take an exploit in the game and use it to gain an advantage, you go prone kneel and then jump to avoid fire then your a fucking bunny hopper.

Its because of people like you that EA try to prevent you "cheating". instead of fixing actual programing problems. You bitch and whine and bunny hop around the place but guess what you always finish last then you go to another server and do the same again.

One thing would be to add an option to servers were only a specific rank or above can get in to play, 1st LT would be a good start then all the little hoppers can fuck off and play in the kids servers where their whiny little asses belong and EA needs to put a stop to knife and pistol severs too as its against the ranked server rules.
another excuse for stat padders to earn a ridiculous amount of points for ZERO skill.

So go right ahead uninstall back to 1.12 so you can jump around like the faggot you are so the rest of us can enjoy some servers that you will no longer be in were people actually have the decency to play fair.

There is nothing wrong with the patch im just sick of them changing the game play to accomodate assholes that use exploits. They changed the PKM again, hardly any weapon spread cause they know beginers always go for the big gun they just never give you ammo when you need it thats why you need to put 2 in their head and just get one yourself, same with medics they only go medic to get the G36E easy gun they never do it to be team players.

This is truly a great game and one of the best ever made the only bad thing about it is that dickheads are bound to buy it too, what can ya do.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6893|Peoria, Illinois

-MIKI3. wrote:

the problem about this patch is that server crashes aren't fix yet.
Yes it is. Find a server that doesn't crash.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6852|Tampa Bay Florida
Nothings wrong with the patch, mkay?

God's Little Squirt

I am an admitted prone spammer!!! I will change my hurtful ways and find another way to exploit this game... lol j/k...

I will still love this game even if they take my gun and replace it with a cork on a string gun!!

Look we keep repeating history here... look at how people reacted after each new patch... all the same.  But your opinions do make my day at work much more interesting... kinda like watching a soap opera.  No diss, just love and peace!
Branjo said:
One thing would be to add an option to servers were only a specific rank or above can get in to play, 1st LT would be a good start then all the little hoppers can fuck off and play in the kids servers where their whiny little asses belong and EA needs to put a stop to knife and pistol severs too as its against the ranked server rules.
That wont solve anything, Most likely the higher rank the more they do it. Volx is on the first place and he did it .
+70|6805|The Netherlands

M1-Lightning wrote:

-MIKI3. wrote:

the problem about this patch is that server crashes aren't fix yet.
Yes it is. Find a server that doesn't crash.

Last edited by -MIKI3. (2006-09-06 13:39:13)

Junglist Massive
Poor MargeV1.4.
I love [fiSh]
The only thing i don't like right now, is that you're not able to snap shoot when you need it. For example you go from prone to crouch and want to launch your Anti-Tank missile. Until the delay's gone you're already killed by the tank, apc, helicopter.

Or if you're in a one on one situation against an other infantry and you're hiding behind a wall, box or whatever and your opponent is waiting for you to pop up you won't be the winner in this fight even if you're more skilled, got better reactions and a better aim.

Thanks to all those guys who did nothing then complained and weren't able to aim at their opponent and thanks to DICE for going the easy way to prevent pronespamming/clipping and therefore taking a lot of abilities to defend and attack out of the game.

Bunny Hopping and Dolphin Diving exactly work in 1.4 like they did in 1.3. As for prone spamming/clipping it doesn't work as well in 1.4 then in 1.3. You're still able to use it and shoot while doing it.

And to all those complainers who now reached their aim with DICE making prone spamming less effective. Do you really think that your aim increases now and you win a firefight against someone who's better then you? I doubt it and you'll feel it!

Last edited by fierce (2006-09-07 01:36:38)

+9|7000|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee

souljar wrote:

Shove ya shitty patch up your arse you bunch of wankers !
Absolute classic +1 dude...made me giggle!
+2|6685|Vettefan du
i hate 1.4 and 1.3
Call me crazy but I like the patch.  The new map is something different (although seems to be a nade war at the alleyway).  So far *fingers crossed* no CTD's and no "problems with my connection".

I could care less about bunny hopping, delay to get up as I never relied on it to kill/get ahead in the game.  I can still kill people with my guns, nads, clay's. 

I say THUMBS UP to the patch so far...
+163|6808|Odessa, Ukraine

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Poor MargeV1.4.
Your KDR pwnz .
I live for the 306
Have you noticed everyone who complains about people saying 1.4 sucks, never said the game was good in 1.12 ...I guess they never played it back then...

Last edited by Aphex_D (2006-09-07 02:46:59)

Junglist Massive

Longbow wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Poor MargeV1.4.
Your KDR pwnz .
As if I care whether I compare to players who've spent tens of thousands of hours on every shooter since the beginning of time, really.  If did care about good looking stats I would have 600 hours on Karkand and no other maps.  I'm improving and that's all that matters to me.  If you think it's bad now you should have seen it a few months ago.  And I'm still a casual player, quite a low daily average number of hours, mostly after visits to the pubs (yeah, the ones you drink at, not what you lot call pubs) but if people want to whine because they've change the play style in the public servers and say it's killing competition: 

You can install whatever fucking version you like on a private server, or even hybrid config files from previous versions into latest patches if you want to use fixes for the core elements.  You can run custom maps and mods.  But still there are people who can't stop bitching about changes to the play style in the public servers. 

Let's face it, these people complaining don't play on pubs for fun like most people, they play because they think it extends their e-penis to have more points and a higher SPM and KDR than everyone else.  It doesn't, it just shows they have got good continuous rapid repetive hand movement practiced alot more than most people.  That's why most of them have pictures of semi-naked women in their sigs, so they can practice the required motions while surfing the forum too...

edit: no offence intended, of course

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-09-07 03:10:15)

Fantasma Parastasie
So, let's see, I say that it's not the removal of dolpin diving that bugs me (keep it out for as far as I care), yet you all carry on calling me a dolphin diving noob/faggot/etc.

"I've seen you play SargeV1.4, you dolpin dive like crazy"

The only place you would have seen me play against you guys is in the Medic vs. Sniper comp, where yeah, I prone spammed like hell to dodge a dozen snipers shooting at me at once.

Then we've got the people telling me to stop whining and bitching, while ironically it was the people who did that in the first place that caused all this.

Every single decent player I've spoken to is unhappy with this patch.

Every single newbie or casual player has told me to stfu.

I see a pattern here.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6836|Canberra, AUS
I just tried 1.4.

I can't see why you're complaining - I can still quickly prone-crouch, but no so quick as to dolphin dive.

But seriously, build a bridge...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Every single decent player I've spoken to is unhappy with this patch.

Every single newbie or casual player has told me to stfu.
I live for the 306

Ben>You wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Every single decent player I've spoken to is unhappy with this patch.

Every single newbie or casual player has told me to stfu.

Anyone who never played 1.12 or before is happy with the patch.. Im disgusted at what they did to my game

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Every single decent player I've spoken to is unhappy with this patch.

Every single newbie or casual player has told me to stfu.

I see a pattern here.
Sarge, why is a person either good or a noob/casual player?  And what do you define a casual player as...someone who doesn't care about stats or someone who has less than 3-5 hours a day on BF2?

I don't consider myself a noob (usually end rounds with a 2:1 or greater KDR....old noob days furt the ratio but look at history, steadily climbing) and I am quite happy with the patch.  Anything that actually allows me to PLAY the game without constant crashes is fine by me.

Sure the playing style has canged from 1.12 to 1.14...can no longer chuck C4, PKM was ok then super then ok then crap, noob toobing has changed, and clay whoring has gone up and down.  That is all fine, I can learn to adapt.

Lighten up on the general assumptions and stereotypes....
A Wolf Among Lambs

Branjo wrote:

One thing would be to add an option to servers were only a specific rank or above can get in to play, 1st LT would be a good start then all the little hoppers can fuck off and play in the kids servers where their whiny little asses belong.
What the hell does low rank have to do with fucking bunny hopping. If anything I've found its the higher rankers who bunny hop and dolphin dive, take a look at Volx ffs. The only thing rank is an indicator of is how many hours you've put into the game.

Topic: I haven't really had a problem with the patch. The delay hasn't really hurt my gameplay and I have seen a reduction in dolphin diving since its come in though I can't seem to hit shit now with the G36E if Im standing.

Last edited by EarlOfBronze (2006-09-07 04:33:23)


EarlOfBronze wrote:

Branjo wrote:

One thing would be to add an option to servers were only a specific rank or above can get in to play, 1st LT would be a good start then all the little hoppers can fuck off and play in the kids servers where their whiny little asses belong.
What the hell does low rank have to do with fucking bunny hopping. If anything I've found its the higher rankers who bunny hop and dolphin dive, take a look at Volx ffs. The only thing rank is an indicator of is how many hours you've put into the game.
I agree completely, rank has NOTHING to do with skill...we could all be 4 star generals if we had the time to dedicate to the game...I would love to get an a server with all these high ranking players that think they are the shit and wipe the floor with their asses...I am not the best player out there but I can hold my own...
+1|6734|Inside ur armpit.
well fuck off n play counter shite then,
+76|6938|Antwerp, Flanders

Spearhead wrote:

Nothings wrong with the patch, mkay?

There's only one thing wrong with this patch: The no vehicle option. It was put in to silence all those whiners who go around complaining day in day out about those evil Karkand tank and apc whores. I for one take the whores as part of the game, I don't mind the tanks in Karkand, but I wouldn't mind playing a no vehicle Karkand either. But will some1 plz relate to me the point of a no vehicle Wake??????????????????????? They should have made no vehicle only available for city maps.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

So, let's see, I say that it's not the removal of dolpin diving that bugs me (keep it out for as far as I care), yet you all carry on calling me a dolphin diving noob/faggot/etc.

"I've seen you play SargeV1.4, you dolpin dive like crazy"

The only place you would have seen me play against you guys is in the Medic vs. Sniper comp, where yeah, I prone spammed like hell to dodge a dozen snipers shooting at me at once.

Then we've got the people telling me to stop whining and bitching, while ironically it was the people who did that in the first place that caused all this.

Every single decent player I've spoken to is unhappy with this patch.

Every single newbie or casual player has told me to stfu.

I see a pattern here.
Still here i see why not just leave it and just play the game ?? i mean you spend most of your time in a plane/chopper so is it going to affect you much the new patch no its not on public server's.

If you play scrims/officals it might a tad but ffs its 0.3 of a second with the prone spamming adjusted if you are as good as you reckon you are adapt to the play or find something different .

My reason for being pissed at you is because you made 2 threads covering the same ground .And you constant digs that everyone is shit compared to you ffs its a game .I bet you dont even take into the fact people have different comp specs which might hinder them,they dont play as often as you making them a casual player.You seem to think everyone here should listen to 2 threads of your whine and listening to insult players you dont know .

Well fuck you ,fuck off to CS come back here when you can open a thread without insulting other players to get your point across until then stfu everyone paid money for this game so you are no better then the rest of us .
Nade Spammers Must Die

Branjo wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

as people keep on saying 'lol noob can't sprone spam anymore lol get skills noob lol lol' and such, I was starting to wonder just how many of you actually understand what else the removal of quick movement does.
In 1.3, You go prone, and you can instantly shoot someone. Sure, there's a slight accuracy delay, but in cqc that doesn't matter. If you kill them, good. Job done. If you miss, you go crouch, then you jump, and you get the f*&@ out of there. If another enemy shows up just after you killed the first quickly jump for cover and recover your aim. Now, however, without the ability to stand up quickly, you will not be able to escape quickly. Was it completely unfair before 1.4? No, because if they were quick, they could kill you before you could escape. But you had a chance. You could move about quickly and easily. Now, however, said enemy stands a much, much larger chance of killing you before you can escape. Simply because you're stuck on the ground unable to fight back properly.

CQC combat has been ruined even more by:

-Your inability to quickly pop up and get down behind cover. (nades were the way to go for this, but still people tried to shoot you and died, which made them complain.)
-Your inability to quickly go back round a corner if your attack goes wrong. (the equivalent of strafing around a corner in CS)
-Your ability to quickly reposition yourself.

In other words, it is now slow, lame, and extremely hard to beat more than one person at a time. In CS, your first two shots are pretty much fully accurate from a standing position. That way, a game without any odd movement is kept fast, fun, and with a high learning curve. Now, however, we still have to go prone, but cannot move around quickly enough. Thus, it's become static and boring.

It's not about my ability to be a flying pancake. I barely ever do that. It's simply free movement that has been nerfed resulting in an even more slow and boring infantry combat system.


Your the fucking reason why it was changed like that, Bunny hoppers take an exploit in the game and use it to gain an advantage, you go prone kneel and then jump to avoid fire then your a fucking bunny hopper.

Its because of people like you that EA try to prevent you "cheating". instead of fixing actual programing problems. You bitch and whine and bunny hop around the place but guess what you always finish last then you go to another server and do the same again.

One thing would be to add an option to servers were only a specific rank or above can get in to play, 1st LT would be a good start then all the little hoppers can fuck off and play in the kids servers where their whiny little asses belong and EA needs to put a stop to knife and pistol severs too as its against the ranked server rules.
another excuse for stat padders to earn a ridiculous amount of points for ZERO skill.

So go right ahead uninstall back to 1.12 so you can jump around like the faggot you are so the rest of us can enjoy some servers that you will no longer be in were people actually have the decency to play fair.

There is nothing wrong with the patch im just sick of them changing the game play to accomodate assholes that use exploits. They changed the PKM again, hardly any weapon spread cause they know beginers always go for the big gun they just never give you ammo when you need it thats why you need to put 2 in their head and just get one yourself, same with medics they only go medic to get the G36E easy gun they never do it to be team players.

This is truly a great game and one of the best ever made the only bad thing about it is that dickheads are bound to buy it too, what can ya do.
Wow you're a fucking moron. They may have taken out BH and PS but they have in general ruined infantry. If you drop to shoot someone then another person comes round the corner you are helpless. Now all ou unskillfull people with no reflexes are abililty to think quickly might love this but for people who like a fast game, their game has just been ruined.

The speed and unique gameplay was what made BF2 special and what has kept me playing for 900hrs. But slowly patch by patch BF2 loses is flair and is very close to your average crappy badly though out FPS.

Sor far every person i have come across that has said that are glad BH PS are gone are the ones that sucked to begin with.

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