
do you miss the old days?

yes40%40% - 66
no8%8% - 13
hell yes30%30% - 49
hell no6%6% - 10
im a noob and dont even rember the good days14%14% - 24
Total: 162
I Hate Claymores
Hell I loved the blackhawk. Me and my friend would hop on TS find a mashtuur city server or a stalemate server and just fly around repairing and shooting. There used ot be some many things to shoot around the points. Infantry mower supreme. Then after the patch there was no longer any skill with missiles and he stopped playing hte game alltogether. RIP blackhawk miniguns. Luckily they were reincarnated on the little bird in AF.
I loved the old blackhawk, driver was a medic, the gunners were support, and everyone else was an engineer, and you would just RAPE everything, nothing could stop you.  *sigh* i miss those days. Now the blackhawk cant hit sh*t and everyone has to get out, and the engineers repair time sucks
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6772|Peoria, Illinois

Wojo97civic wrote:

I loved the old blackhawk, driver was a medic, the gunners were support, and everyone else was an engineer, and you would just RAPE everything, nothing could stop you.  *sigh* i miss those days. Now the blackhawk cant hit sh*t and everyone has to get out, and the engineers repair time sucks

Yeah raping everything is fun. Go rape the bots in coop mode if you don't want a challenge.
The "old days" SUCKED because of so many exploiters and cheaters, so I quit playing for many many months because of it.    BH circling around and spraying everyone down and being automatically healed in mid-air.. that was ridiculous..   and of course bunny hopping and crap like that was so wide spread and silly.  People hopping 10 feet in the air and shooting from mid-air- that is just goofy and a big turn-off to someone like me who likes at least a little realism.

Mashtuur was ruined by people sitting in the BH and doing absolutely nothing at all but collect points.
+50|6527|United States - Ohio

-MIKI3. wrote:

u fucking noobs crying about unbalancing, THAT was unbalanced maps like Mashtuur weren't even playable if you weren't in the Black-Hawk -_-
ur opinion.
Will fly for food.
+120|6550|Daytona Beach, FL

Greenspan wrote:

WTF!!!! YOU NOOBS! NO I don't miss the old days. That was one of the few things EA has done to actually IMPROVE the game, and you guys are day-dreaming about it. HOLY CRAP!
Ok maybe the minigun was a little overpowered.. but WTF?!.. now you can't hit the fuckin broad side of a barn with it.

If you people had half a brain.. you would coordinate an SRAW attack and blow that biatch out of the sky.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
The old blackawk = teamwork to the max.  Its too bad EA nerfed the ONLY vehicle that took 6 ppl to use effectively.

USAFDude_1988 wrote:

If you people had half a brain.. you would coordinate an SRAW attack and blow that biatch out of the sky.
If the MEC had less than half a brain, then I don't want to know what the BH-whores had. Probably 1/128 a brain or so, since all they could do was go "OMG IM SO 1337 I HAVE 1337 POINTS OMG" while aiming 5 feet away from a clump of infantry and killing all of them.

And just for the record the Black Hawk is a "transport" helicopter. (Actually, utility. UH-60.) Not a "OMG1337DEATHSTICK" helicopter. (that would make it a "OLDSH-60. and no one wants that.) And no, anything that has guns on it is not a gunship. A Humvee is not a gunship. My kit bag is not a gunship (it has at least 2 guns in it). The Z-8 is not a gunship. The Essex is not a gunship. End of story.
you people are joking.

- everyone tried to switch usmc to get the blackhawk so the first 50 ticks were always a mess, just like great wall these days in which everyone switches eu to get the 50hrs for the medal

- playing mec was a waste of time: yes you could avoid the bh hiding but that simply meant to lose the round in a few ticks since the bh could cap flags in notime

- there was absolutely no way to shoot it down, maybe only cooperating with 3 or 4 vodniks. besides the aa was pure crap so a full operating bh (medic, support and engys) was simply GOD

anyway, yes, it was fun. i've got hundreds of kills on that m134s and hours of fun. but let's face it, it was way too unbalanced. mashtuur city was unplayable and rounds lasted few minutes with the total annihilation of mecs. i've discovered a new map since the m134s were nerfed.

maybe they could have simply removed the choppers from the map... and from ghost town aswell
+50|6527|United States - Ohio
Miniguns are "OMG1337DEATHSTICK"s in "real life", k30dxedle.

Umibozu_IT, I agree they should take the choppers out of ghost town. Would be a MUCH better infantry map.

Last edited by AllmightyOz (2006-08-31 13:17:34)


AllmightyOz wrote:

Miniguns are "OMG1337DEATHSTICK"s in "real life", k30dxedle.
I didn't say anything about the miniguns. I know that they are OMG1337DEATHSTICKs. I said that the UH-60 is not an OMG1337DEATHSTICK.
or maybe they could have left the miniguns to their original power and reduce drastically the bh's hit points, aka with a single sraw / stinger / tank shell / grenade it should've come down
i love the old bh cannons
either you had to get up and move, or your ass was owned
the old bh cannons built character!!!

i wish they would have kept the cannons, but i do like that they changed it so everyone would have to get out in order to capture a flag faster

and i agree with what someone else said
they shouldnt have nerfed the bh, they should have made the other choppers better to equal it

Last edited by WarmPudgy (2006-08-31 13:29:31)

Same shit, Different Arsehole
If they gave the blackhawk its gun back with the same amount of armour it has now it would be fine, a 5 second shooting from a vodnik can destroy it.
+3,611|6662|London, England
It was way too easy to kill with that. I was easier than the Mi-28 becuase you had a much more stable gunning platform.

If MEC/China had the HIND instead of the HIP for transport (whilst they also had their hardcore attack choppers too) then it would've been a good attack/transport thing like the BH was and a decent MEC/PLA equivalent of the BH.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Maybe they should have 2 versions of the BH - one version for Mashtuur with nerfed guns (because I can see how bad that would be as MEC!!!), and another version for the other US maps (such as Wake) to actually give the US a chance.
Either that, or a different and special transport chopper for Mashtuur only, i.e. without miniguns.
It makes more sense.
bad touch

or if your team had an effective tanker on the MEC side of Mashtuur, the BH wouldnt be able to get low enough to do major damage, unless they were doing a C4 drop
i want a black hawk
+1,175|6604|British Columbia, Canada
When they nerfed the blackhawk, they took away teamwork..

A full Squad in a Blackhawk whoring is the most teamwork i have ever seen to this day..

Not only could you cape flags, but rape anyone if they came close to it..
yes i know there claws are really sharp.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6772|Peoria, Illinois

LT.Victim wrote:

When they nerfed the blackhawk, they took away teamwork..

A full Squad in a Blackhawk whoring is the most teamwork i have ever seen to this day..

Not only could you cape flags, but rape anyone if they came close to it..
You forgot your /sarcasm tags..at least I hope that's that case.

Teamwork my *ss. More like 6 people pointwhoring with each other, disguised as teamwork for justification.
+6|6547|international waters
im usually down witha jeep destroying helos so i dont miss the extra chance to die.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Let's see, pre-1.2:

-actual dogfights, skilled pilots, relatively balanced maps.
-If you could see a chopper, you could TV guide it
-no claymore whoring
-no lag, stuttering, CTD's
i only saw xtreme overpower of choppers and planes against the unuseful AA
there wasnt a limit of 2 claimores so is better now

Mekstizzle wrote:

It was way too easy to kill with that. I was easier than the Mi-28 becuase you had a much more stable gunning platform.

If MEC/China had the HIND instead of the HIP for transport (whilst they also had their hardcore attack choppers too) then it would've been a good attack/transport thing like the BH was and a decent MEC/PLA equivalent of the BH.
a transport chopper with antitank missiles? cool
but in general only noobs complain about nerfed things, GLs , charges , AA missiles... but LEARN TO PLAY. a noob is a player who only uses gliches and easy strategies to get points.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6750|Charlie One Alpha
I do miss the old miniguns sometimes. They should have just upgraded the guns on the MEC chopper instead of nerfing the guns on the hawk, in my opinion. I've never really had any trouble with the blackhawk when I was playing as MEC on Mashtuur, you just ahve to hide when it flies over. Firing a AT missile into it would even give you a couple of easy kills (the passengers in the back). It wasn't really that bad.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
prince of insufficient light
awww, I missed the hell yes option

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