$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

kardinalios wrote:

You forgot something pal.
2 Eryx from a long distance blows the Lav...
You dont have the time to stop or go back-repair and continue...
Good point... that's why tanks and apc's should stick together and both be engineers. Add a box of supplies and you got a deadly combination.

Who wants repair points when you can let hell loose with the APC gun, or a well placed tank shell.
I'm new to the game. 1 month since I bought it. I don't think the repair points are all that hard to get. I see 4 commander assets down on the map and I think "nice 4 (or whatever) repair points, ty." I have around a 5.2 points per hour rate on repairs. though I don't have the huge time logged in as the others.
Black Panzer Party
+184|6876|Eastern PA

kimaera wrote:

I'm new to the game. 1 month since I bought it. I don't think the repair points are all that hard to get. I see 4 commander assets down on the map and I think "nice 4 (or whatever) repair points, ty." I have around a 5.2 points per hour rate on repairs. though I don't have the huge time logged in as the others.
Accumulating points at a decent rate is not the issue, it's when the earning rate is compared across classes that problems crop up. It is far easier for Medic and Support players to accrue their respective team points than it is for Engineers and thus the relative rate of earning becomes problematic.
Member since 1984
+113|6833|Denver, CO
Its hard.... i'm approaching the time req for my Expert Repair... i still have no clue how i'm going to get 20 in a round without padding.... i've spent whole rounds doing nothing but repairing and looking for crap to repair and most i got ever was 14, which was already pushing it cuz i kept milking each asset for a point with a tank (i.e. bumping into it at full speed for full repair point).  And now that they're gonna nerf the cartillery the enemy commander won't be able to contribute to your badge anymore ... guess it'll take some luck and a lot of VERY VERY LOOOONG games.

GotMex? wrote:

Who wants repair points when you can let hell loose with the APC gun, or a well placed tank shell.
Uhhhh, me.
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6773|inside the recesses of your...

INCSOC wrote:

Its hard.... i'm approaching the time req for my Expert Repair... i still have no clue how i'm going to get 20 in a round without padding.... i've spent whole rounds doing nothing but repairing and looking for crap to repair and most i got ever was 14, which was already pushing it cuz i kept milking each asset for a point with a tank (i.e. bumping into it at full speed for full repair point).  And now that they're gonna nerf the cartillery the enemy commander won't be able to contribute to your badge anymore ... guess it'll take some luck and a lot of VERY VERY LOOOONG games.
Dude, I'm telling you, 16 man Warlord.  Go Insurgent.  A round will eventually last long enough or you'll get SAS hyper enough about blowing assets, you'll get it.
Member since 1984
+113|6833|Denver, CO

URE_DED wrote:

Dude, I'm telling you, 16 man Warlord.  Go Insurgent.  A round will eventually last long enough or you'll get SAS hyper enough about blowing assets, you'll get it.
yeah... thats what i hear... i guess i'll have to... even though i kinda dislike SF
20 repair pts are hard.  I've gotten 17 in a round on Warlord.   Even on a 16 player/64 player map it is very hard to get the 20 pts.  You have to have someone continously blowing up the assets.  As compared to the medic and support points it does suck.  Heal points themselves are not easy to come by, but you can leave medic bags all over the place for people to pick up at any time.  Revive points are easier to come by and the paddles do work as a weapon on the enemy.  Ammo points are the easiest of all to get.  Just throw a bag down and if someone throws a grenade you get an ammo point. 

Every partial repair helps, but it's way to hard to get them.  The weapons an Eng has suck as compared to those of a Spec Ops guy on foot.  Repairing things in a vehicle does repair them faster, and usually give you a little more protection as well.
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6773|inside the recesses of your...

DSRTurtle wrote:

20 repair pts are hard.  I've gotten 17 in a round on Warlord.   Even on a 16 player/64 player map it is very hard to get the 20 pts.  You have to have someone continously blowing up the assets.  As compared to the medic and support points it does suck.  Heal points themselves are not easy to come by, but you can leave medic bags all over the place for people to pick up at any time.  Revive points are easier to come by and the paddles do work as a weapon on the enemy.  Ammo points are the easiest of all to get.  Just throw a bag down and if someone throws a grenade you get an ammo point. 

Every partial repair helps, but it's way to hard to get them.  The weapons an Eng has suck as compared to those of a Spec Ops guy on foot.  Repairing things in a vehicle does repair them faster, and usually give you a little more protection as well.
OK true.  Even on Warlord I got the expert repair like 10 seconds before the round ended.  But no other map comes close, it seems.
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6677|Little blue planet, milky way
Ok... So the gist of things here.....

We have half the people complaining about how tough it is to get the engineer badge, and they hope to gain some much neeed shoulder to cry on by taping their concerns on this thread.... For those people: Buh-ho... If you WANT repair points, START BY PLAYING ENGINEER ! I'm utterly AMAZED at how many people think that they just "get" free repair points, or knife kills or whatever, without actually PLAYING for them. With the advent of cartillery in this patch, you'd think that at least SOME people have gotten a few repair points. Shit I got MY badge from fixing arty.
In conclusion: expert engy has never been as easy as it is now. Go get that badge before the patch is out.

Then we have at least a third of the people bitching about not getting ENOUGH repair points to get their medals. Well, read the last paragraph again. PLAY ENGINEER and you will get the points. It's not that tough. Stop spawnraping, stop jet whoring, and just go repair stuff. Run from tank to tank and fix it. Driver after EVERYONE who get shot at. It's NOT THAT HARD.... And yeah.. it's SUPPOSED to take a lot of time. You dont get medals for doing nothing. It took me almost half a YEAR to get my 1000 repairs. Dont expect to get it just because you think you're cool or a super über railgod god/godess.

Then theres the people bitching about not being able to throw around repair bags like the med bags... "get your nuts here !" Yeah.. That's gonna happen. It's pretty rediculous that you can actually do it with the ammo and med packs, and now people want to take away the only semblance of a chance to fight the armor ?!?!? Are you guys NUTS ? It's tough enough to kill an armored group with only one or two engys in it, now you want the engys to be able to insta repair the tanks, REMOTELY ?!?!? You might as well put up a sign saying "Welcome to tankwhoring country. Get owned or get lost". Pitched armor battles would take hours. Inf would be totally without options in fighting the armor, and massive spawncamping will ensure.. even WORSE than it is now, because the tanks will be virtually indestructible.

In case noone noticed, the poster simply wanted to adress the issue that the medics and ammo guys get proportionally MORE team points than the engy. And as someone else has pointed out. the engy is not "supposed" to be a foot soldier getting his points from repairing stuff. There's a REASON why you can repair one vehicle while being in another... It's because the armor can (and frequently do so quite successfully) repair eachother WHILE engaging the enemy. The engy is not supposed to get wads of teampoints from his repairs. he's supposed to get capture/assists, kill assists, and KILLS. Repairs are secondary. ANY decent tanker knows to play engy. Sure there's the occasional asshat who will attempt to get his 40 kills for an expert badge in whatever class TOTALLY disregarding his teams needs, but the GOOD players spawn engy when they play armor (unless the map makes for armor being the prefered form of transport).

Just my thoughts on the subject.
BTW I average just over 7 repair pts an hour as Eng.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-08-28 15:16:04)

Wish i had under 100 ping
+7|6612|Lima, PERU

RasorX wrote:

I've been a long time complainer about repair points.  Call me a chronic complainer, flame me, i dont care.  Now on to my point.  I took the stats of the players with the most hours played per kit, not most points per kit, and compared some stats. Take a look:

The number one support player is -=RD=-Volx with 764+ hours.  He has 51,249 support points which averages to 67 support points per hour played as support class

The number one player of the medic kit is with 1178+ hours. He has 34,135 heal and 72,244 revive points.  Which is about 29 heal points per hour played as medic and over 61 revive points per hour for a total of 90 medic support points per hour.

The number one player of engineer in the world is ECR.RC with 1520+ hours playing the engineer kit alone.  He has 4,020 repair points.  Yes, just 4,020.  Which averages out to a shade over 2.6 repair points per hour played as an engineer.

Support 67 pph
Medic 90 pph
Engineer 3 pph

I full realize that not all kits are created equal and some are just better at getting team points than others but i have two complaints about repair points. First is they're much much much more dangerous to get than heal/revive/support points.  Second, is it takes forever of cranking away just to get a single point. Now if you want to say that engineers just arent meant to be a support point getting class, then why would the requirement for the expert badges be the same?

My solution? Lower the requirements of getting a single point by something like 1/5 - 1/10. Even if it were lowered by 1/10, assuming backlog, ECR.RC would then have 40,200 repair points which would average him out to about 26.5 repair points per hour, much less than half of the 67 support points of -=RD=-Volx.  Some people have mentioned making a "repair kit" that you could throw out like the other classes.  Seriously bad idea.  Kits would throw balance way off in this game making vehicles invincible. Lowering the requirements per repair point would go a long way into making the engineer class a respectable support point class.
I agree with the 1/5 or 1/10 requirement for repair points, its way hard to get those damm points, about the repair kit u can throw i dont think its a good idea cause it will make vehicles too had to kill, i would love to have the wrench be used to kill people that would be awesome.
Mostly my complain is cause of the expert repair badge, its way way way HARD to get that many, it should be a lot less. Compared to medikits and ammo that can just leave there to pick up.

GotMex? wrote:

kardinalios wrote:

You forgot something pal.
2 Eryx from a long distance blows the Lav...
You dont have the time to stop or go back-repair and continue...
Good point... that's why tanks and apc's should stick together and both be engineers. Add a box of supplies and you got a deadly combination.

Who wants repair points when you can let hell loose with the APC gun, or a well placed tank shell.
Forget for a while that is a Karkand map,and tell me where else can you play like that?
Hockey Nut
+243|6684|Boston, MA
4.2 repair points per hour for me.
Say Hello to My 11-87
Im an engineer, and I hate how I cant get the repair badge (not that I care to try anymore).  But I  realize why they  are reduced because repairing armor greatly changes the game.  It returns to a blackhawk and armor fest, with no chance to run infantry against these people.

Only way to speed up repairs is to nerf everything else.
+151|6689|Forest Lake, Australia
I've seen people who have played forever with the engineer class, and don't have the Expert Repair badge.  That makes me feel a bit special because I've only played 100 hours and I've got it...It doesn't take much...You just have to know when to use it, and when not to use it

I think I'm just under 5 per hour...

Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-08-28 19:47:49)

I think the only answer is to increase repair points per item repaired. End of story!
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

kardinalios wrote:

GotMex? wrote:

kardinalios wrote:

You forgot something pal.
2 Eryx from a long distance blows the Lav...
You dont have the time to stop or go back-repair and continue...
Good point... that's why tanks and apc's should stick together and both be engineers. Add a box of supplies and you got a deadly combination.

Who wants repair points when you can let hell loose with the APC gun, or a well placed tank shell.
Forget for a while that is a Karkand map,and tell me where else can you play like that?
Other maps besides Karkand? Huh?
People do not seem to understand that Engineers tend to drive tanks or APCs, and hence tend to have a high or the highest score in every round. Can you imagine how many gold medals armor whoring Engys would get in every round if the engineers got more points per repair? I AM an armor whoring Engy and I think this is a bad idea. Repair points are fine the way they are.
+3,135|6892|The Hague, Netherlands

Hit_Sqd_BaKed wrote:

sgt.sonner  says "Does anyone know if jets can repair or re-supply eachother in the air btw???"

I believe they can.
you could, seen it yesterday got repaired by me fellow J-10, for a very short period tho, so not the best way to get it

JimmyBotswana wrote:

People do not seem to understand that Engineers tend to drive tanks or APCs, and hence tend to have a high or the highest score in every round. Can you imagine how many gold medals armor whoring Engys would get in every round if the engineers got more points per repair? I AM an armor whoring Engy and I think this is a bad idea. Repair points are fine the way they are.
What map is that on?  Usually the helo gunner or bomber LMG guy has the best overall total points on any map with them.  Even on Karkand a good medic or support person has a better round in total points than a Eng using armor all round. 

Armor is generally not good for capping flags. There are some exceptions, but they are few and far between.  Armor on Karkand is better used in a support role, killing people who spawan as infantry caps the flag.

When I got my 17 repair pts on Warlord, I wasn't trying to get the repair badge.  I was in the tank killing everyone I could find and capping flags as well.  I think 12 of repair pts were from going back to the SAS Uncap and repairing the sat, UAV, and Arty.  Even then I didn't get a medal at the end of the round, and I had a total score of over 100. 

One thing that would help without causing a major imbalance is to give a repair point for removing an AT mine.  After all Eng's get 2 points per kill when someone runs over one.  Eng's don't get out of their vehicle to remove them, they just find a different route.
+19|6738|European Battlefield Command

bedolf57 wrote:

i totally points should come twice faster IMO
or lower the meritorious medal req. to 497.
no, medals are ok but you earn points to slow. look:
support can throw 3 bags and earn 3 points in 5 seconds. engi has to work about 20 seconds to get 1 point. it should be changed...
Touches Himself At Night.

OrangeHound wrote:

I dunno ... I kind of like it that repair points are hard to get ... makes me feel special.

(BTW, I am better than Volx at repairing ... my repair points per hour is something like 3.5). 
Want a cookie for being better than a top 10?

If he was 11th would you still mention it? How about 100?
Killa of threads
+122|6796|7th level of hell

someone probably aready said this but I'm too lazy too read through all of these posts. all I have to say on repair points is ENG/ARMOR CONVOY! Stick together to fight, and you repair each other. playing Karkand I've gotten over 20 points many times this way. (and for you people looking at me stats, this was b4 I earned my hours for Vet Eng. I have een playing Medic ALOT lately, and haven't been concentrating on my Engie stuff.)
I agree with the original poster, in fact it's one of the changes I mentioned in this post, wouldnt mind some feedback on the others if you guys have time;

I might even send a mail to EA about it... After I've sent the one asking all servers giving uncap 'safe  zone' status to be removed from the ranked server list.

Last edited by Sea_JayUK (2006-08-29 05:33:34)

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