+5,233|6791|Global Command
“As Rome passed away, so, the West is passing away, from the same causes and in much the same way. What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended.”

America, and much of the organized world, is doomed due to elected leaders having abandoned the idea of individual nations sovereignty.
     For some as yet undefined reason, our borders have been abandoned.
     I believe that this is as great a threat to America as any Muslims terrorist attack could be, even worse because its so far advanced. Bell High Schoolis the  4th largest high school in America and  is 99% Mexican 85% percent of which are born to the familes of illegal aliens./url]

If this isn't stopped the fecal matter is going to collidie with the rotary ossicilator in a bad way.

Please discuss border security and whether or not it is a doomsday scenario as I believe.

Last edited by ATG (2006-08-20 19:00:25)

prince of insufficient light
Your end tags on the urls need a opening bracket.

Edit: Got all but one

I think it is a huge issue that isn't getting enough attention, but I don't think is quite as serious as you state.

Last edited by Flaming_Maniac (2006-08-20 19:02:41)

conservative hatemonger
right now in California the Illegal aliens are really bad though, we had that protest last year half the kids in the school were gone and i live in northern california

I don't think America is in danger of imminent collapse, but Illegal aliens definitely not only bring in some crime and a lot of drugs, but they bring in with them possible terrorists, i can't remember where i got this from but they have been finding Quran's on the paths illegal aliens travel, and Qurans mean Muslims, which are possible terrorists.

No i'm not saying all muslims are terrorists
So your saying that mexicans trying to get their kids a better education is going to ruin our country? Rome failed becasue a hostile army invaded....i dont really see the connection between that and a few mexicans trying to make better lives for themselves.

Rellim83 wrote:

So your saying that mexicans trying to get their kids a better education is going to ruin our country? Rome failed becasue a hostile army invaded....i dont really see the connection between that and a few mexicans trying to make better lives for themselves.
And you live in PA ans have no idea what it is like to live less than an hour from the border and how it is effecting everything around us.
bigger jails will help... I dont care who comes to the US... just learn English... assimilate and dont cause trouble(crime,gang or drugs etc...)  all the imigrants in the past(Italian,German,Irish all learned English...
The people that dont learn English will be stuck with never advancing financially or socially

The US will be fine... the individual states are starting to do what the gov wont during this election year...   I always laugh when people give The U.S.A a hard time... my question is why the heck do people come here in droves and some risk their lives...  its the greatest country on earth...  CB
Love is the answer
Mr. Bigglesworth

Ether151 wrote:

Rellim83 wrote:

So your saying that Mexicans trying to get their kids a better education is going to ruin our country? Rome failed because a hostile army invaded....i dint really see the connection between that and a few Mexicans trying to make better lives for themselves.
And you live in PA ans have no idea what it is like to live less than an hour from the border and how it is effecting everything around us.
Well I do live close to the border. And its not what you claim. All these illegals are trying to get a better life. Why do they come here? Maybe because on the Statue of Liberty it says :
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
See Mexicans come hear for a chance to live the dream. The same dreams that so many of us take for granted. Look at the news and tell me the US isn't the greatest place on Earth to live and raise a family. The Us has become what it has due to all the different ethnicities coming together and forming a great nation.

Sure, now were all concerned about the terrorists sneaking in (by way of Canada last I checked) and wreaking havoc. But punishing the poor migrants and lumping them together with the 19 9/11 bastards is wrong.
BTW: Mexicans really do share the same ideas and goals of us here in the good old US of A. So more Mexican immigrants doesn't mean the death of the west. On the contrary it will infuse this country with people who are HUNGRY for a piece of the dream.

Last edited by rawls2 (2006-08-20 19:39:28)

fuck it
The reason people are really concerned about it is because illegal aliens will work for a lot less money, so they are basically taking jobs away from legal citizens because their employers save tons of money and get the same amount of work done. It isn't doomsday unless you do manual labor for a living.
+5,233|6791|Global Command

rawls2 wrote:

Ether151 wrote:

Rellim83 wrote:

So your saying that Mexicans trying to get their kids a better education is going to ruin our country? Rome failed because a hostile army invaded....i dint really see the connection between that and a few Mexicans trying to make better lives for themselves.
And you live in PA ans have no idea what it is like to live less than an hour from the border and how it is effecting everything around us.
Well I do live close to the border. And its not what you claim. All these illegals are trying to get a better life. Why do they come here? Maybe because on the Statue of Liberty it says :
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
See Mexicans come hear for a chance to live the dream. The same dreams that so many of us take for granted. Look at the news and tell me the US isn't the greatest place on Earth to live and raise a family. The Us has become what it has due to all the different ethnicities coming together and forming a great nation.

Sure, now were all concerned about the terrorists sneaking in (by way of Canada last I checked) and wreaking havoc. But punishing the poor migrants and lumping them together with the 19 9/11 bastards is wrong.
BTW: Mexicans really do share the same ideas and goals of us here in the good old US of A. So more Mexican immigrants doesn't mean the death of the west. On the contrary it will infuse this country with people who are HUNGRY for a piece of the dream.
So, can you explain to be how having an open border policy will better serve the survival of our nation over th next 100 yrs?

Do you reject all laws or just those concerning the border?

Can you tell me if you are willing to sacrifice whatever social security you might have had so that illegal alien Mexicans can continue to receive benefits?

Last edited by ATG (2006-08-20 21:13:35)

conservative hatemonger
Lets see, 9 of 10 illegal aliens comes here to work, although for such low prices that its essentially slave labor
but the 1 of every 10 illegal aliens who comes here just to screw around and make crime causes a lot of trouble, my dad works at a large state prison, and 1/3 of the prisoners there are Illegal Aliens from mexico.  Enough of them come here and bring crime with them that percentages don't matter.  They do not all come here to get a better life, regardless of what you may hear from the newspapers/people on TV.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I'm not for Illegal immagrants at all. But America isn't the number 1 country in the world so please stop with your grade school bable about that, last I read we ranked number 13 in best country's in the world to live in.

  The main problem with the illegals is that they are a drain on our resources, majority of them make more then minimal wage and their still cheaper then U.S. Citizen working. If you think the people are mowing the lawns for 5 dollars an hour you are way wrong. They are getting paid around 10-15 dollars and it's still cheaper then paying a U.S. citizen 8 dollars an hour.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6843|SE London

It's the same in a lot of countries. There are big problems with immigration in the UK and look how small the UK is, with a population of 60+ million.

Some immigration is always a good thing, unless your country has an unreasonable high population, the birth rate inthe west is declining and to keep populations steady a bit of immigration is good - just not too much.

You'd better watch out, could end up with your country being run by the Mexicans - look at Palestine, it's what happened there....
+11|7076|California, USA

Bertster7 wrote:

It's the same in a lot of countries. There are big problems with immigration in the UK and look how small the UK is, with a population of 60+ million.

Some immigration is always a good thing, unless your country has an unreasonable high population, the birth rate inthe west is declining and to keep populations steady a bit of immigration is good - just not too much.

You'd better watch out, could end up with your country being run by the Mexicans - look at Palestine, it's what happened there....
I dont think so. Mexicans will never bite the hand that feeds them.
+52|7016|Christchurch New Zealand
Is it just me or are a lot of people confusing LEGAL immigrants with people who just crash across the border because they want to?

I'm sure that some immigration is very good for the US, However just plain old anybody coming in with no vetting etc in large numbers CANNOT be good for the country as a whole.

There are legal ways people can migrate - those who go illegally are criminals by definition.
+30|6838|Herts, UK

ATG wrote:

Bell High Schoolis the  4th largest high school in America and is 99% Mexican, 85% percent of which are born to the familes of illegal aliens

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

because illegal aliens

Blehm98 wrote:

Lets see, 9 of 10 illegal aliens
What's with the "illegal aliens" thing? Last time I looked they were Mexicans rather than little green men.

Rellim83 wrote:

Rome failed becasue a hostile army invaded
Lots of armies invaded and not so much armies but entire peoples. It wasn't a few people come over for a bit of pillage, it was mass migration by people displaced by Huns and various others.

Also, that Rome was living beyond her means economically may have had just a little bit to do with the collapse... (think of the US deficit here)
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6812|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

ATG wrote:

“As Rome passed away, so, the West is passing away, from the same causes and in much the same way. What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended.”

America, and much of the organized world, is doomed due to elected leaders having abandoned the idea of individual nations sovereignty.
     For some as yet undefined reason, our borders have been abandoned.
     I believe that this is as great a threat to America as any Muslims terrorist attack could be, even worse because its so far advanced. Bell High Schoolis the  4th largest high school in America and  is 99% Mexican 85% percent of which are born to the familes of illegal aliens./url]

If this isn't stopped the fecal matter is going to collidie with the rotary ossicilator in a bad way.

Please discuss border security and whether or not it is a doomsday scenario as I believe.
And the award for overeacting scaremonger 2006 goes to.......
Well here in Europe we have reasonably relaxed borders as I haven't seen the first horsemen so I'm thinking we'll all be fine.
Pimpin aint Easy

vedds wrote:

Is it just me or are a lot of people confusing LEGAL immigrants with people who just crash across the border because they want to?

I'm sure that some immigration is very good for the US, However just plain old anybody coming in with no vetting etc in large numbers CANNOT be good for the country as a whole.

There are legal ways people can migrate - those who go illegally are criminals by definition.
+102|6963|New York

Rellim83 wrote:

So your saying that mexicans trying to get their kids a better education is going to ruin our country? Rome failed becasue a hostile army invaded....i dont really see the connection between that and a few mexicans trying to make better lives for themselves.
Two things wrong with your post, One is you forgot the word Illegal, and Second, The word Few should read Millions.
Calmer than you are.

ATG wrote:

“As Rome passed away, so, the West is passing away, from the same causes and in much the same way. What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended.”

America, and much of the organized world, is doomed due to elected leaders having abandoned the idea of individual nations sovereignty.
     For some as yet undefined reason, our borders have been abandoned.
     I believe that this is as great a threat to America as any Muslims terrorist attack could be, even worse because its so far advanced. Bell High Schoolis the  4th largest high school in America and  is 99% Mexican 85% percent of which are born to the familes of illegal aliens./url]

If this isn't stopped the fecal matter is going to collidie with the rotary ossicilator in a bad way.

Please discuss border security and whether or not it is a doomsday scenario as I believe.
If an empire, a nation or a way of life is unrealistic, excessive etc, compared to the rest of the world, it will die. There is nothing wrong with that and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. Things tend to be evened out.

You cannot secure your way of life by hiding behind borders, armies and governments. The only way to maintain it is to make sure it is available for anyone who might want to live a life like yours. If that is not the case, the majority of people will take you down with them.
I'm dumbfounded by the whole thing.

IL-legal, means AGAINST the law. IF you're here against the law you need to be imprisoned until your country of origin takes you back, not given in-state tuition waivers and medical care on the backs of our taxpayers.

Fucking ridiculous.

We need an enormous electrified fence and I don't care who gets killed trying to crawl over it.

Go back to your country, LEARN ENGLISH, mail a resume to "JobSeekers USA" (or any number of 1,000 other similar services which will crop up), apply for a Visa and a taxpayer ID (social or similar), and come across when it's your turn.

Work hard, pay your taxes, get promoted, buy a house, move your family over, teach your children to value education and the opportunity that the Good Old United States of America has given you, and call yourself a success.

Sneaking across the border, living 20 to a shitty rent house, speaking a different language, getting paid in cash and hiding from the IRS, getting in legal trouble in bar fights (in Texas illegal immigrants are 12 times overrepresented in DWIs and alcohol related crimes), and refusing to become part of the culture of the United States is not an answer, it's bullshit. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of radio stations in Spanish, ATMs making me push "English", customer service lines making me push one for English, and so forth.

COME ON OVER, we LOVE anyone who wants to get here, roll up their sleeves, get to work, and become a team player. Don't fly the Goddamned flag of your OLD country, fly the flag of the GREAT nation that gave you the opportunity the live the way you're living. Don't fight the culture, join it. Learn the language, join the system, be a team player, and welcome to America. Otherwise, fuck off, I hope you get caught in the electric fence.
ATG wants the death of western civilization! He's a terrorist!
Mr. Bigglesworth

ATG wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

Ether151 wrote:

And you live in PA ans have no idea what it is like to live less than an hour from the border and how it is effecting everything around us.
Well I do live close to the border. And its not what you claim. All these illegals are trying to get a better life. Why do they come here? Maybe because on the Statue of Liberty it says :
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
See Mexicans come hear for a chance to live the dream. The same dreams that so many of us take for granted. Look at the news and tell me the US isn't the greatest place on Earth to live and raise a family. The Us has become what it has due to all the different ethnicities coming together and forming a great nation.

Sure, now were all concerned about the terrorists sneaking in (by way of Canada last I checked) and wreaking havoc. But punishing the poor migrants and lumping them together with the 19 9/11 bastards is wrong.
BTW: Mexicans really do share the same ideas and goals of us here in the good old US of A. So more Mexican immigrants doesn't mean the death of the west. On the contrary it will infuse this country with people who are HUNGRY for a piece of the dream.
So, can you explain to be how having an open border policy will better serve the survival of our nation over th next 100 yrs?

Do you reject all laws or just those concerning the border?

Can you tell me if you are willing to sacrifice whatever social security you might have had so that illegal alien Mexicans can continue to receive benefits?
The United States has always had an open border policy. Thats why its such a great place and why everybody wants to be an American.

I recognize all laws, however some more than others. When it comes to my ancestral people, I tend to want to bend the rules a little.

I tend to think the current state of morals in this country is a greater threat than millions of of illegals from Mexico.

Last edited by rawls2 (2006-08-21 10:25:34)

+122|6802|Omaha, Nebraska!
I read that article last night. Im gettin a little pissed about our borders, last night i was so pissed i said that we should only let 1/10 families cross our border. Think back into the 1700s when America sucked compared to Britian, we worked and got to where we are today by working in our own country, the Mexicans got to do the same. I dont give a care about how poor their country is, if Americans didnt work way back in the past we wouldnt be where we are today, Mexico can be a great country, but it wont happen unless they find a good leader and start workin their ass off. They dont need to cross our border, go find work in your country to make it better.

I'd like to add this in even though its off topic, President Bush said this morning if we pulled out of Iraq it would be a extremely bad decision because it would give the terroists the mood to attack more, they could regroup and start up again. If we pulled out it would show the terroists that we wont do anything if they attack us again. We need to stay in Iraq til they can handle theirselves, President Bush could never be more right.
I think we pull out of Iraq and invade Mexico.  Then they have no where to go.  They will get an immediate incerease in wages, what more could they ask?  [ Humor ]

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