Uzique wrote:
I agree with aardfrith.
You're mentioning your own supposedly 'legitimate' highest round score, when you have 1.5k pistol kills in 12 hours? 99.9999% likelihood that you have stat padded yourself. Best to just keep your head down in conversations like this,- because there will be no use in crying when your own stats are reset.
wow dude - in 5 hours I have 350 kills and 5200 revives with the shock paddles - zomg statpadder!!! People don't run around with the pistol out all the time. You whip it out as your last resort or whatever, then swap back to your rifle to reload. That = almost no time at all per kill.
As to KC - yeah, I used to be in the anti-kc camp. I am against armour spawn camping, and I am against the fact that he was working towards a war college ribbon by only playing the safe teams (mec sharqi, usmc karkand) - the two things dodoextinct has raised. BUT, 3 things:
1-Neither of those things are against the rules, and 90% of people in armour on karkand rape the hotel, and 80% of higher ranking players (and by that, I mean like anyone first sarge or over) play the stronger team - even now with no W/L requirement for the WCR. They are both lame tactics, I agree with dodo 100% that they are lame, but they aren't resettable offences, cause if they were, there would be about 20 players in Australia who hadn't been reset (me one of them, of course
2-It is not possible to get the WCR without using that tactic, teamswapping FTW, or constantly stacking one side with all your 1337 mates on small servers. Playing the safe side all the time, whilst lame, is still the most legit of tactics out of them to get it.
3-I said USED to be in the anti-kc camp. Over the last 8 months, I've seen a big change in his online persona, and I honestly think he has become a positive influence on the Australian servers. He's friendly, bloody great to squad up with (yeah, he gabbers, but he's an awesome squad leader and is really helpful to have around), and really seems (to me) to be making a real attempt to keep the game honest. Based on this, and knowing how much effort he has put into the game, I genuinly doubt he would statpad or glitch.