
LaidBackNinja wrote:

[tlv]TDL wrote:

Engineer is maybe the best kit for close combat, very useful on karkand. Snipers is totaly, completly useless, only for noobs with out skill enough to survive when enemies see them.
AT > Engineer in close combat (I'm talking about the DOA-12 of course)
Support > Engineer in close combat
Pft, the US-shotgun is awsome. And I do mostly play with out unlocks so...the DAO is good, yes.

Last edited by [tlv]TDL (2006-05-06 17:34:36)

+164|6911|Normal, IL
how silly of a post. each class has its good points and its bad points. to say that one is the most useless is about as silly as the post i am currently typing trying to convince those who will not touch certain classes because they "suck".

the first post said snipers suck. ok..... wow. i know that snipers are about useless against vehicles or most of the time in close range, but you can't always hide in a tank or apc. you can't get it every round. in fact, if there are 20 people on your team on sharqi for example, 19 are fair targets for my sniper rifle, and the terrain is PERFECT for sniping. yeah, you prolly shouldn't cap flags as a sniper, but thats why they play the role of support: covering the other guys stupid enough to walk into an enemy base, and pick off people heading for your bases.

i could go on and on about the sniper alone, and all the other classes for that matter. they are all good in one way or another, and they all have their weaknesses. it would be a futile effort to try to convince most of you who deeply despise one class or another, so i'll shut up. but hopefully a few of you will avoid starting useless threads like this one from now on.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

HisInfernalDeath wrote:

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Wrong. Firestorm spends most of his time commanding as a sniper... the kills he accumulates are mostly from artillery, which count globally for the kit you are using.

As I said, the only sniper worth a damn is a COMMANDER sniper because out of everyone on the team they have the right to sit still and have something to shoot at while their stuff is being refreshed.
U probably totally suck as a sniper. That will explain the reason why u find it the most useless class.

Well let me ring a bell for ya.
There is no useless class in BF2.

Just try to take any control point from me (sniper). I'll defend it, you'll attack or the other way around. U can choose whatever class u want. Lets see who is useless.

Whenever i play with my clan we always go organised as a real life squad. Every class is needed. We dont need 3 AT's to destroy a tank. One AT and support do the trick. Just as simpel as that.

Good snipers take out lots of troops storming a control point, wich leads to an advantage for the assault men on the ground.

I could go on and on.
I will not try to change your mind, but please think before u conclude something.

But as i can see in that one other post u replied on me, the only way u can be good at something is by calling people names. Really grown up i must say.
I suck as a sniper? Look at my stats.... sniper is my highest K/D ratio.

Someone with an SPM and K/D ratio as low as yours shouldn't be telling me that I suck.
I dont care about my stats m8. U still suck as a sniper if you say that sniper is the most useless class. It only means you r not using it the way its needed. Its very easy to gain a positive kd ratio as a sniper in a tank, apc, plane whatever. This doesnt mean you are a good sniper. So i'm still saying, u suck. Look at your sniper kills with sniper rifle, and then look at your kills with sniper kit. 6/7th of them are NOT with sniper rifle. lol.
SPM/KD means shit. Are you this kind of statwhore or something. I can give u lots of players with less spm then me, lower KD in their profile, and they would still kick your ass back home with a sniper rifle. Stats mean nothing dude. Remember it, you could learn from it someday.
oh hai :D
+156|6797|The Netherlands

SaladForks wrote:

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:


Kobrakai wrote:

ass ault.. like many others
Sniper / End-Runner / Wedge
+5|6876|Behind your front lines...

Zaitik wrote:

"As much as I play Assault, I would also pick the Assault class as the most useless.  The Assault class guns should really be more accurate than the Spec-Ops and Medic guns, especially as run-n-gun weapons.  It's sad that the Spec-Ops class can run-n-gun better than the Assault class."

they maybe aint accurate cos you cant aim..
Hahahahahaha!!!!   Dude, I play for accuracy, not spray and pray.  Assault is my most played kit.  I'm a G3/M16 sniper, and counter-snipe snipers just fine.  But the Spec-Ops guns are far more accurate than the Assault guns, especially when shooting and strafing in medium/short range.  At medium range, while moving, I can spray with the G36C and hit with almost every shot.  Not so with the G3.

If these are your stats, LOL!!!
Assault Rifles 22:20:55 646 940 0.6872 16.24%

But I take back my vote for Assault as most useless.  None is my new vote.

golgoj4 wrote:

I saw another comment on another thread which pointed out that assault players main purpose is that...assault. They arent worried about repairs or heals or destroying assets. Just taking flags and killing the enemy. Oh yeah, and as far as guns...maybe work on your accuracy instead of talking about how a gun sucks.
Dude, if this was meant for me, I'm more accurate than you with the Assault guns.  And better with the Carbines too.

Last edited by Ilocano (2006-05-08 09:44:24)

hm... I think none of them are useless, i like em all.
Finnish commander whore
Touches Himself At Night.
Anti Tank is a vital element of gameplay you nubs, you gonna throw sticks at the tanks?? NO. Funnily enough Anti Tank takes otu tanks.
Asault bashers check my link

Last edited by Sgt.Davi (2006-05-08 13:27:21)

+48|6803|Mexico City.
Ive taking down more times by Anti Tank guys than armor (i hate them ) .. Dont be silly. Anti tank its Key piece for a team, mostly in populated servers. I think all class have something, but lets face it if we were choose to put one away it would be the sniper, its just to have fun and have some points nothing more. if you ask me it doesnt even work for comanding or air power (most guys in airplanes, comanding and helos use sniper.. cos its cool)

comander: engineer its lot better you can fix assets
airpower: medic is the best kit: you can go out of flying zone longer periods,  sometimes you can be hurt by hostile fire and heal yourself again.
sniper: good for people who have fun with it, and some others wanna feel unique and cool.

Last edited by IronFerret (2006-05-08 12:07:46)

for me its sniper unless friendy claymore are off then its ok because u dont get the noobs get u tks all the time
then Assault just plain dull...
the spec opps after they removed throwing c4 lucky i got my 100h in b4
rest have some point 2 them at least...

Last edited by mattajohnstone (2006-05-08 13:53:15)

Spec ops.
class of '98


The Cereal Killer
+201|6804| United States of America

tvmissleman wrote:

You're wrong. And WTF is up with resurrecting a thread from May just to voice yet another sniper-bashing opinion? We get enough of that thrown our way... like monkeys pelting us with faeces... without you making a special effort to bring the bias to our attention.
support is the worst. the guns are so shit. as for support users, they require no skill too cause its just spray and prey. its all based on luck according to where ur bullets go

Todd_Angelo wrote:

tvmissleman wrote:

You're wrong. And WTF is up with resurrecting a thread from May just to voice yet another sniper-bashing opinion? We get enough of that thrown our way... like monkeys pelting us with faeces... without you making a special effort to bring the bias to our attention.
Quoted for fucking true.

Moral of the story:
- Dont revive worthless threads.


(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

tvmissleman wrote:

You're wrong. And WTF is up with resurrecting a thread from May just to voice yet another sniper-bashing opinion? We get enough of that thrown our way... like monkeys pelting us with faeces... without you making a special effort to bring the bias to our attention.
Quoted for fucking true.

Moral of the story:
- Dont revive worthless threads.

at least ppl searched.. bf2s is getting wierd, we flame ppl for not searching, and when they do they get flamed for bumping... at least the reviver didnt say sumthing like bump lol

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

You're wrong. And WTF is up with resurrecting a thread from May just to voice yet another sniper-bashing opinion? We get enough of that thrown our way... like monkeys pelting us with faeces... without you making a special effort to bring the bias to our attention.
Quoted for fucking true.

Moral of the story:
- Dont revive worthless threads.

at least ppl searched.. bf2s is getting wierd, we flame ppl for not searching, and when they do they get flamed for bumping... at least the reviver didnt say sumthing like bump lol
"I searched and found this thread, sorry for reviving it but I didn't want to make a new thread;


I think that would work.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6824|Middle of nowhere

pwned7 wrote:

support is the worst. the guns are so shit. as for support users, they require no skill too cause its just spray and prey. its all based on luck according to where ur bullets go
according to you, it's takes plenty of skill.  Just TRY and go 50-1 with a LMG without practice, and then i'll shut up
+98|6804|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
there all good in there own ways
+1|6682|South Africa
Spec Ops. Mainly because I rarely see them ontop of the score list.
Assault, it is only a gun, GL, grenade, and flash if you have it... wheres the fun?
Assualt and then sniper
+3|6677|Milwaukee, WI
Well lets take a look here at each classes unique abilities... I'll even do it in order of importance and usefulness.

1. Medic - Heal/Revive (In a game where you kill/die.. this class is paramount)
2. Support - Resupply (If your not dying, your gonna need more ammo)
3. Engineer - Repair (Given someone doesn't run your ass over while your saving their vehicle/life)
4. Spec Ops - Demolitions (A skilled spec ops unit can be alot more effective than an AT guy)
5. Sniper - Long Distance Killer, Anti Personal Mines. (Saves your ass alot more than you realize/give credit for)
6. Anti-Tank - Name says it all... (Shitty Self Defense Weapons)
7. Assault - Boucing projectile grenades with nerfed splash damage, 1 miniature smoke grenade. (hmmm kinda fun sometimes.. but i'll trade any day for medkit. OBSOLETE!! we have winner here.)

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