
PS3, Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii? (or PC)

Playstation 326%26% - 68
Xbox 3609%9% - 24
Nintendo Wii16%16% - 43
None, I'll just buy/upgrade a PC47%47% - 120
Total: 255
Stop reading this and look at my post
[neutral] The big debate for the next-gen console war. Which console(s) will you buy? Why? Is value key? Performance? Innovation? Upgradeability? Please vote and state your reason for your choice(s) here. Try not to flame etc.[/neutral]


PC: £300+
PS3: £425+ (or less in the US)
X360: £280
Wii: £130 or less


My view: the PS3.

Yes, it costs a bloody fortune. The games will cost at least £40 each. To be honest, I don't care. One, I have quite a lot of money. If I was worried about money I'd probably buy the Wii. I'm not going to start quoting too many specs but the PS3 is more powerful than the X360. Yes - the Xbox had a similar advantage over the PS2 but not quite as large. Another reason many miss is the disk drive. The 360 comes with a standard DVD drive, which can hold 9GB. The PS3 comes with a Blu-Ray dirve. A single layer disk holds 25Gb, and a duel layer disk 50Gb. Now, the Xbox can be upgraded, in December, with an HD-DVD drive, but that will cost around £100 estimated (bringing it up to PS3 price), and will only provide 15gb per disk layer.

PS3 runs on Linux, as I'm sure PC owners know, is a good thing. It can even browse the internet. It comes with a 60 GB Hard drive (to the 360s 20GB). The PS3 also has a motion sensitive controller. Yes, the diea was nicked off Nintendo slightly, but unlike the Wii-mote, it retains the functionality of a normal controller as well, with 2 analog sticks.

Yes, its going to make me broke, but I want one.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7073|Toronto Canada
i do too. it will be sick. the features on the ps3 are amazing. it has WI-FI!!
+75|6790|Birmingham UK
ps3 is going to rule, why u think sony held back on release to destroy the xbox 360

i played on the 360 an yes it is impressive with the full package and some of the gaming is quality (cod2)

headset is also impressive..but as soon as sony release the beast tht is the ps3 people are gonna save up an buy it ...however i will be buying the wii for pure comedy value and novelty controllers
A gaming PC that can match the 360 or PS3 is going to cost more than either, quite easily. Personally, I couldn't build a PC for less then $1,000 and be happy with it. In face, the PC I built for myself just a few weeks ago was just over 2 grand.

But since I already have a new computer, I'm going with the PS3. But I won't buy from the first batch, let them refine it like they did with the PS2. I think the WII is a joke, for as cheap as it is the graphics are going to be crap.
I am British!
+124|6991|England and damn proud

GrinchWSLG wrote:

I think the WII is a joke, for as cheap as it is the graphics are going to be crap.
I would prefer a damn good game that looks shit compared to a fucking shitty game that looks good!
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7138|Denver colorado

GrinchWSLG wrote:

A gaming PC that can match the 360 or PS3 is going to cost more than either, quite easily. Personally, I couldn't build a PC for less then $1,000 and be happy with it. In face, the PC I built for myself just a few weeks ago was just over 2 grand.
yes, i agree with tha thats why im not supporting sony and microsoft for their sorry excuses of "better consoles"

if i have a pc i can play good games, on high. without a crappy controller. but the wii, on the other hand, is totally  revolutionary. and nentendo knows what the future of gaming is going so im all nentendo console wise.

actually i just ordered my black ds lite. WOO!!!
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7138|Denver colorado

rustynutz wrote:

GrinchWSLG wrote:

I think the WII is a joke, for as cheap as it is the graphics are going to be crap.
I would prefer a damn good game that looks shit compared to a fucking shitty game that looks good!

sonys slogan should be

" not changing a damned thing since forever "

and that goes for xbox imo

Last edited by lavadisk (2006-08-06 15:33:17)

I am British!
+124|6991|England and damn proud

lavadisk wrote:

GrinchWSLG wrote:

A gaming PC that can match the 360 or PS3 is going to cost more than either, quite easily. Personally, I couldn't build a PC for less then $1,000 and be happy with it. In face, the PC I built for myself just a few weeks ago was just over 2 grand.
yes, i agree with tha thats why im not supporting sony and microsoft for their sorry excuses of "better consoles"

if i have a pc i can play good games, on high. without a crappy controller. but the wii, on the other hand, is totally  revolutionary. and nentendo knows what the future of gaming is going so im all nentendo console wise.

actually i just ordered my black ds lite. WOO!!!
\o/ +1 for you!
The bottom line is - nothing is better than PC. I voted for the Wii, because that is the only one i will or would buy ( already preordered, along with mario galaxy and zelda ). Never buying a sony again, the psx and ps2 were shit IMO. Thier price is rediculous - simple as that.

If you want top of the line, next generation gaming , get a pc - there is no other way around it.
Otherwise a DS or a Wii will tie you over - Teenagers probably only want the ps3 or xbox tho, im almost 30 and used to HATE nintendo , but nowdays, i fully appreciate the innovation they try to create and also the fact that they WANT people to have thier product and enjoy it- they make it affordable. Just look at how cheap and amazing the DS is..
+24|6848|GREAT Britain
The playstation 3 is gonna cost way to much, i want value for money with console gaming, and expense was segas downfall, not that sony could possibly fail, but the expense is still a valid point, i could buy a huge pc upgrade for the price of a ps3 and a few games

The xbox360 is ok, i dont have any real issues with it, and i would consider buying one, maybe this christmas when the price inevitably falls.

The wii is a completly not for me and has cheesy novelty controllers, even with the normal controllers u could get i still wouldnt be interested, nintendos games are too cutesy for me nowadays.

PC gaming however has really grown on me since the mid to late 90's and its now way better than console gaming, which never used to be case, with the added bonus a PC is definitely not just for games, so i think ill stick to the PC as the gaming platform of choice as i have done since the dreamcast died.

P.S actually one thing u didnt list, but isnt a proper console, i want a PSP!! still havent got one dammit, lol

Last edited by ericcartmanisbest (2006-08-06 15:57:31)

I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7138|Denver colorado

OneSixty wrote:

The bottom line is - nothing is better than PC. I voted for the Wii, because that is the only one i will or would buy ( already preordered, along with mario galaxy and zelda ). Never buying a sony again, the psx and ps2 were shit IMO. Thier price is rediculous - simple as that.

If you want top of the line, next generation gaming , get a pc - there is no other way around it.
Otherwise a DS or a Wii will tie you over - Teenagers probably only want the ps3 or xbox tho, im almost 30 and used to HATE nintendo , but nowdays, i fully appreciate the innovation they try to create and also the fact that they WANT people to have thier product and enjoy it- they make it affordable. Just look at how cheap and amazing the DS is..
YES, but im a teen and i am totally aganst wasting money on xbox 3sucksty and ps3.
now is verry much the time for nintendo to show what their made of and blow the competition away.

off topic: because of wal mart stopping from selling the umd or psp disks or w.e officialls are estimating that psp will be dead in a month. out of the 5 people my brother knew that got a psp only 1 didnt sell it away....

edit: BTW nintendo started allowing game companys for making gore and m rated games like that yakuza "redblade" game. thats not too cutesy in my oppinion..

Last edited by lavadisk (2006-08-06 16:05:29)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6998|Tampa Bay Florida
In my opinion, the PlayStation series of consoles is crap.  I'm not sure why, I think mostly because of the crappy controllers, too many buttons, and it just seems like cheap crap.  I know a lot of you would say that about the Wii, which is what I want to get, but to me Nintendo always has and always will have the best quality gaming experience out of all the others. 

Sure, the Wii may not have as many features or as many games, but it will still cost hundreds less than the others (that's at least 2-3 games), and it will be more mature than the other Nintendo consoles, while still having that fun "Nintendo" feel to it.  The fact that Call of Duty 3 is finally going to be included for the Wii makes it even better, because the new controller will make the game hella fun (new melee combat too!).  Plus, I'll be able to download old Nintendo classics, plus games from more recent consoles like the Windwaker (the only Zelda game I've liked so far) and Jedi Outcast, and of course Mariokart : DoubleDash. 

Of course, that's all my opinion, but I just think that if you want good graphics, you should stay on the PC.  As we (or at least the Call of Duty community) saw with Call of Duty 2, better graphics don't always make a better game.  Call of Duty 2 sacrificed loads of balancing, fun gameplay, and realism just for the sake of having good graphics and for Xbox compatibility.  Those of you who never played Call of Duty 1 and it's expansion, United Offensive, just don't know how inferior Call of Duty 2 is to it's prequels.  Heck, maybe some of you haven't even discovered how good of a game CoD2 is at all.  My point is, nowadays it seems graphics weigh more than gameplay, and that is a serious problem.  Nintendo knows this, and that's why they stick with what they do best : making fun, high-quality, balanced games. 

And that's why I'm getting the Wii.

Oh, I completely forgot the Xbox360.  Is there anyone who didn't buy it only because Halo 3 is coming out for it?  Nope?  K, didn't think so.  (CoD2 is shit on it compared to PC)

P.S. - I'm surprised at the amount of people voting for the Wii (it seemed like the Gamecube was almost completely ignored).

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-08-06 16:32:02)

+35|7079|Phoenix, Az

Talon wrote:

[neutral] The big debate for the next-gen console war. Which console(s) will you buy? Why? Is value key? Performance? Innovation? Upgradeability? Please vote and state your reason for your choice(s) here. Try not to flame etc.[/neutral]


PC: £300+
PS3: £425+ (or less in the US)
X360: £280
Wii: £130 or less


My view: the PS3.

Yes, it costs a bloody fortune. The games will cost at least £40 each. To be honest, I don't care. One, I have quite a lot of money. If I was worried about money I'd probably buy the Wii. I'm not going to start quoting too many specs but the PS3 is more powerful than the X360. Yes - the Xbox had a similar advantage over the PS2 but not quite as large. Another reason many miss is the disk drive. The 360 comes with a standard DVD drive, which can hold 9GB. The PS3 comes with a Blu-Ray dirve. A single layer disk holds 25Gb, and a duel layer disk 50Gb. Now, the Xbox can be upgraded, in December, with an HD-DVD drive, but that will cost around £100 estimated (bringing it up to PS3 price), and will only provide 15gb per disk layer.
I don't know if they're only doing this in the US (which I highly doubt), but it will not be 15gb. It will be a 60gb hd.
EDIT : Got this off wikipedia

Wikipedia wrote:

The price for the Xbox 360 and the 60 GB HD DVD bundle will apparently be lower than the price of the Premium PlayStation 3.

Last edited by revolution.inc (2006-08-06 16:28:25)

I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7138|Denver colorado

Spearhead wrote:

P.S. - I'm surprised at the amount of people voting for the Wii (it seemed like the Gamecube was almost completely ignored).
but everyone had one, you should keep that in mind  ( ;
fuck it
As long as you are willing to spend the money PC will ALWAYS win.

Last edited by iNeedUrFace4Soup (2006-08-06 16:35:05)

Phorum Phantom
Wii, not only is it cheap and inventive, fps's are going to be awsome on it. honestly, its like playing games at an arcade with the gun, but when you swing it, its also a melee weapon. how sweet is that.
PC end of discussion really...
Helping you help yourself
+34|6786| Texas
what he said
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6799|Menlo Park, CA
PS3 BABY!! Socom 4!!! oh mama!

two words. . . .BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PC still is the king though!! there is no disputing that. . . .

Last edited by fadedsteve (2006-08-06 17:01:18)

Back from the Dead.
I plan to keep and have a capable gaming PC ready at my disposal.

But there WILL BE a PS3 in my entertainment center. No doubt.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
I voted for PC, but the PS3 is very tempting with its real-time weapon changing and attacking weak points for massive damage.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6846|Long Island, New York
If I had enough money, I'd TOTALLY buy a PS3. But the fact is, I just don't. There's a chance I could get enough by the time it's released, but I doubt it, so I'll go with the Wii. The Wii looks very well done, with a unique controller that looks interesting and possibly even sweat breaking. I'd love the PS3, but I'm going to have to settle for a Wii.
bad touch

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

I voted for PC, but the PS3 is very tempting with its real-time weapon changing and attacking weak points for massive damage.
dont forget the crabs and ridge racer....

personally, i will be 'aquiring one' in order to play Killzone 2, then i will sell it for profit
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Talon wrote:


PC: £300+
PS3: £425+ (or less in the US)
X360: £280
Wii: £130 or less
Correction: The PS3 is Five Hundred and Ninety Nine U.S. Dollars.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6986|Middle of nowhere
PS3 all the way baby!!

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