will frag for food
+11|6985|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
So I'm curious. All of that giberish that I hear when I play as MEC or Chinese, is that authentic arabic and chinese or not?

Either way, I think it's a slightly unfair advantage toward the USMC players. Unless you speak fluent chinese/arabic, you will always have to watch the messages and the map to be sure of important stuff. With the Marines, you know when the arty is coming near, you know when an enemy tank is approaching, you know if your base is under attack and you know without ever having to read a thing.

I know that they can't do English with arabic/chinese accents for legal reasons, but there has to be a better solution.
Pew Pew!
+216|6993|San Francisco

if you want to be able to play without reading then you have two options,

1) check the 'English VO Only' box so that no matter which army you play for you always hear english, or

2) play enough that you know what most of the sound files mean regardless of language (my personal favorite so that I can differentiate between friend and foe in close combat fighting.)
Yeah its authentic arabic...I asked someone I know (who's native toungue is arabic) to translate a few... And yeah I've learned a few arabic phrases by playing the game.
I was thinking about this today.. I switched to english VO only, but now when I hear "throwing frag!" I have no idea if it is friend or foe.. think I will switch back and try to learn the phrases

I even know some chinese but mostly just stuff like hello, my name is, that kind of thing.. heh
Pew Pew!
+216|6993|San Francisco

priznat wrote:

I switched to english VO only, but now when I hear "throwing frag!" I have no idea if it is friend or foe..

tF-voodoochild wrote:

2) play enough that you know what most of the sound files mean regardless of language (my personal favorite so that I can differentiate between friend and foe in close combat fighting.)
Exactly the reason I switched back after playing with english VO only for a few rounds.
One of the MEC voice files sounds just like he's saying "Fodder", so I thought someone kept shouting at me using the in-game mic thing. Took me like two hours to figure that one out.....
Artillery catcher
+5|6983|Munich, Germany
im still not certain if i want to have the original or english only.
so many times i dont have time to read the chat when on native language but als the lack of differtiating when on english only is a disadvantage.
but i already know most arabic phrases, i love "bumbulla" , but i still have probs with the chinese. actually i have an overall prob with chinese i always semm to loose the rounds on their side
Radioactive Glo
+130|6983|A Small Isle in the Tropics

the chinese is reasonably accurate, as in Mainland Chinese the way it is spoken.
Get First Aid, Here!
There are actually 2 types of spoken Chinese, Mandarin and Cantonese (sp?). I'm actually curious to see which one it is. However, the written Chinese is the same.

Am I the only one who takes great joy in exclaiming "We've regained control, good work men!" in Arabic?

I asked someone about the MEC "UAV is online and transmitting", literally it says something like "Plane without a pilot is working and transmitting"
It is a bit more of an advantage if you play for MEC or PLA because if you are somewhat close to a US soldier and are hiding and you hear "throwing frag" you know to move your ass, but you wouldn't know it as US hearing an MEC do it
Yeah I see what your saying. but I know the arabic equivalent is, so if I here that then I know to move on...
+1|6988|Austin, Texas

priznat wrote:

I even know some chinese but mostly just stuff like hello, my name is, that kind of thing.. heh
Thats gunna help u lots in BF2, "Hello, my name is Yao (lol), Im going to kill you"

blue60007 wrote:

I asked someone about the MEC "UAV is online and transmitting", literally it says something like "Plane without a pilot is working and transmitting"
That sounds pretty accurate to me....UAV stands for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle so "Plane without a pilot" works. Funny, but it works.
Extra Green Please!
+53|6975|USA! USA! USA!
I think it is funny when you kill the enemy and you hear "Medic!"  It is a good indicator that a medic is about to walk around the corner and try to save him if he says it again.

tF-voodoochild wrote:

if you want to be able to play without reading then you have two options,

1) check the 'English VO Only' box so that no matter which army you play for you always hear english, or

2) play enough that you know what most of the sound files mean regardless of language (my personal favorite so that I can differentiate between friend and foe in close combat fighting.)
That helps alot too, I usually just listen for english or giberish then I start shooting
Radioactive Glo
+130|6983|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Seven wrote:

There are actually 2 types of spoken Chinese, Mandarin and Cantonese (sp?). I'm actually curious to see which one it is. However, the written Chinese is the same.

Am I the only one who takes great joy in exclaiming "We've regained control, good work men!" in Arabic?

ok, short thread response.

Seven (and all who cares to know): fyi, Mandarin is the official language of commerce and instruction in China. Whereas, Cantonese is a dialect spoken predominantly in Hong Kong and in the province of Guangdong and its vicinity. Cantonese is also what you would hear if you venture into most Chinatowns in the US although I believe that Mandarin is being spoken more frequently these days.

There are different intonations in Mandarin (from different provinces in China) which i wont go into as that is not the purpose of this thread
Moving Target

Krauser98 wrote:

I think it is funny when you kill the enemy and you hear "Medic!"  It is a good indicator that a medic is about to walk around the corner and try to save him if he says it again.
Actually I listen for the 'You're good to go, buddy!' and then it's frag time.  Hopefully I'll get both the medic and the revived zombie corpse.

I can say from experiance that tactic really pisses me off though when the tables get turned....
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6986|Cologne, Germany

blue60007 wrote:

Yeah its authentic arabic...I asked someone I know (who's native toungue is arabic) to translate a few... And yeah I've learned a few arabic phrases by playing the game.
so have I..but it's nothing you could use in a normal conversation....

I have "English VO only" unchecked. Would be too confusing to have everybody speak the same language. Most of the MEC voice overs I have figured out anyway.

mikeshw wrote:

Seven wrote:

There are actually 2 types of spoken Chinese, Mandarin and Cantonese (sp?). I'm actually curious to see which one it is. However, the written Chinese is the same.

Am I the only one who takes great joy in exclaiming "We've regained control, good work men!" in Arabic?

ok, short thread response.

Seven (and all who cares to know): fyi, Mandarin is the official language of commerce and instruction in China. Whereas, Cantonese is a dialect spoken predominantly in Hong Kong and in the province of Guangdong and its vicinity. Cantonese is also what you would hear if you venture into most Chinatowns in the US although I believe that Mandarin is being spoken more frequently these days.

There are different intonations in Mandarin (from different provinces in China) which i wont go into as that is not the purpose of this thread
HA~ I confirm.  There are so many dialects in the Chinese language.

In the past, I love to be in the US team because I could understand the commands given by the squad leader, etc. without reading the text and I could go as far as possible when I hear "Artillery firing". 

Now, I love to be in MEC or PLA for the reasons stated above.  It is actually an advantage.  Just like you are able to decode a secret code among the other team.  :p
Extra Green Please!
+53|6975|USA! USA! USA!

Burning_Monkey wrote:

Krauser98 wrote:

I think it is funny when you kill the enemy and you hear "Medic!"  It is a good indicator that a medic is about to walk around the corner and try to save him if he says it again.
Actually I listen for the 'You're good to go, buddy!' and then it's frag time.  Hopefully I'll get both the medic and the revived zombie corpse.

I can say from experiance that tactic really pisses me off though when the tables get turned....
Good call!  I might start doing that!
'twice cooked beef!'
as a truly bilingual person, i can offer some information on the chinese voices which perhaps others cannot. mandarin was the first language i learned, and while english came more than ten years later, i hope you can see that i command it with somewhat adequate finesse.

it appears that the devs utilized 3-4 separate voice actors to do these, and they range from fluent speakers to those who are atrociously bad at spoken chinese. at least one, maybe two, of the actors speak flawless mandarin chinese, which is what you would hear from a real PLA soldier. unfortunately, these authentic phrases are the ones you are less likely to hear in game, such as various 'spotted' messages.

the next level down sounds like a cantonese speaker speaking mandarin. the pronunciation difference between cantonese and mandarin is so large such that northern and southern chinese people can not understand each other. so, even though the phrases are somewhat annoyingly mispronounced, they are still understandable. a lot of the battle status messages, commander orders, as well as the female voice announcer, fall into this category. this is perhaps not surprising, as a disproportionately large percentage of chinese immigrants and expatriates are from the southern, cantonese speaking regions, which have easy access to seaports and a historical penchant for exploration.

finally, there is at least one voice actor who sounds like he just took a semester of chinese in college and failed with flying colours. he speaks so badly that many of the lines are unintelligible to me, and it took quite a while [about a week] of playing before i finally figured out what he was uttering.

my biggest gripe: the problem in the voice authenticity is not the comedically inadequate pronunciation. a lot of the lines are grammatically incorrect, or are things you would never hear a real chinese person say. it's obvious that they were written by someone completely unfamiliar with chinese culture, with only a textbook understanding of the language [or maybe they just threw english phrases into babelfish]. worse yet, the military terms are almost unequivocally wrong. just one example off the top of my head. 'attack this position' is translated into 'attack this battlefield/battleground,' referring to the map as a whole. it would be the equivalent of an officer in iraq telling his troops to 'attack iraq.'

despite all the glaring errors and painful speaking voices, i'm glad to be able to hear my native tongue, however butchered, in a videogame. and yes, it is an advantage, albeit a very small one, to immediately know what is being said without having to look up at the console output.
Have a nice day!

blue60007 wrote:

Yeah its authentic arabic...I asked someone I know (who's native toungue is arabic) to translate a few... And yeah I've learned a few arabic phrases by playing the game.
When in MEC army;   when u tab >  page-up =  U got it!...... the voice says >     "lekker werken"   ..              .now thats  Dutch language.                          ..from the Netherlands...  meaning... >  "Lekker" = yummi ... and   "werken"  means= working ..  is actually used by the Marrocan  guestworkers who live here...    but its totally my country,s language.  and not 1 letter is Arabic.  just for the record.        btw.  i use English language BF2 version.

Last edited by TheMajorBummer (2005-09-29 00:58:13)

Another German Mod
+6|6953|Lake Constanze, Germany
@Major: Just wondering: u don't say 'Shukran', eh, do you?

Zulu son, what!?!
+79|6930|Anaheim, CA

Anyone else notice when you're MEC and they put out UAV, it sounds like she's saying Bustin' Hymen?  Makes me crack up every time.

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