
Scratch[USA] wrote:

Anyone know how to add more bots to AI or increase the playable size of a single player map?
Finally figured out how to increase the playing size of a single player map (the area in red that will kill you if you stay in to long).  Say you are modifying a level (Karkand).  Go into the gameplayobjects.con in the SP1 folder.  At the very bottom is lines that start to read

CombatAreaManager.use 1
CombatAreaManager.timeAllowedOutside 10.000000

replace the lines that have
CombatArea.addAreaPoint -168.092102/-353.732849 etc. . .
with the same data from the 64 or 32 size maps gameplayobjects.con.

Voila, you have a single player 64 map that you can add control points, objects, and stuff.
I already knew the stuff you said at the beginning (made Kark US vs. US, one team speaks MEC other speaks Chinese, lol) but i want to know how i can replace the vehicle in the vehicle drop to say, i don't know, an airplane?

negatorynosirnowayman wrote:

I already knew the stuff you said at the beginning (made Kark US vs. US, one team speaks MEC other speaks Chinese, lol) but i want to know how i can replace the vehicle in the vehicle drop to say, i don't know, an airplane?
Only if you put a plane in there beforehand, e.g. replacing the US tank with an F-35.


KO wrote:

if i mess with teh  gun tweak files and  the item indexes within the file in bf2 mod will it affect online gameplay?
yeah you need to start a new mod
For example: I created a mod in which the US Medic kit has 9 different weapons, but I started a new folder for it.
+31|6863|New Jersey
ok i followed Citizen's instructions( copying XPACK etc..)and i know how to change the item index number (or IS IT THE OBJECT NUMBER) for the SPECIAL FORCES GUNS but only in the bf2 can u change the vanilla guns for your mod... would u pull out the gun files and put them in your new mod (AND if SO WHICH ONES)?

and can i change the item index number (or OBJECT NUMBER..sry i dont no whihc one u change) to 30 for oone gun then 31 etc..?


Last edited by KO (2006-08-15 19:44:39)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

KO wrote:

ok i followed Citizen's instructions( copying XPACK etc..)and i know how to change the item index number (or IS IT THE OBJECT NUMBER) for the SPECIAL FORCES GUNS but only in the bf2 can u change the vanilla guns for your mod... would u pull out the gun files and put them in your new mod (AND if SO WHICH ONES)?

and can i change the item index number (or OBJECT NUMBER..sry i dont no whihc one u change) to 30 for oone gun then 31 etc..?

I have that same question
/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
Well I tried the first thing, changing karkand to SAS vs MECSF but after the game loads and starts to verify I get an error D: something about there's no texture for MECSF for the minimap. Too lazy to get the error again, but I will if you need me too.

Last edited by Goven (2006-08-26 18:36:27)

cool, figure out how to make custom maps for Armored Fury , with all af vehicles and its LEGAL i think.

even have a watermark ingame (bottom right) , curtecy of BF2 1.4 beta 1 patch.

questions send me an email .

*****question though, how would i go about changing the a10's vehicle icon from the jet to a custom a10 icon ? ***** (for the minimap you see.)

Last edited by RogueSoljah (2006-09-20 23:46:00)


Scratch[USA] wrote:

Scratch[USA] wrote:

Anyone know how to add more bots to AI or increase the playable size of a single player map?
Finally figured out how to increase the playing size of a single player map (the area in red that will kill you if you stay in to long).  Say you are modifying a level (Karkand).  Go into the gameplayobjects.con in the SP1 folder.  At the very bottom is lines that start to read

CombatAreaManager.use 1
CombatAreaManager.timeAllowedOutside 10.000000

replace the lines that have
CombatArea.addAreaPoint -168.092102/-353.732849 etc. . .
with the same data from the 64 or 32 size maps gameplayobjects.con.

Voila, you have a single player 64 map that you can add control points, objects, and stuff.
Incorrect.  This does not work because the 32 and 64 maps are not navmeshed.

However, do a search for xstax981's post on 16, 32, and 64 SP/Co-op maps.  He has already done it...
I Hate Claymores
Alright I followed all directiosn and everything but when I launch SF. Karkand doesnt show up on any of the map lists.
I made it extremely easy for you guys to play SF with all the unlocks and BF2 with all the unlocks and SF tools such as the grapple hook and zip line.

You can then modify this mod to meet your needs.  This would include changing armies, kits, and more...
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6969|South Korea.
Guys, I'm glad you are all carrying on the awesomeness but I have officially evacuated this thread, and probably these forums since I haven't played BF2 in MONTHS. Also, I'm off to Seoul next week, so I guess this a goodbye, for now.

Later, it's been great.
Well, call me the noobest noob in the world but so far I haven't figured out how to replace vehicles on maps with vehicles of some other type that aren't present on the map.

To start with, I just butchered all the Euro Force and Armored Fury map files and extracted EVERYTHING named like 'common' and 'objects' from both server and client zips. Finally I've got four folders with EF/AF content: objects_client, objects_server, common_client and common_server.

Then I extracted and put its contents in a folder named objects_client.

Then I merged all those folders according to the general rule of server/client content distribution and finally got four zip files that I activated in ServerArchives.con and ClientArchives.con respectively.

So I converted all the EF/AF stuff into Vanilla BF2 stock goodness. The object and material names stay the same, so I can plase EF/AF vehicles and objects on any custom made map (in the BF2editor, I mean). Since I have incorporated all the necessary resources into BF2, the new vehicles no longer depend on AF/EF. Actually I can use these even without AF/EF installed, which I proved by uninstalling them, but I think I ought to have AF/EF installed all the time to be legally permitted to use their stuff in my Vanilla BF2.

The question is: having EF and AF vehicles as stock resources that can be called upon by any custom map via .con files, what do I do to replace BF vehicles with let's say EF ones?

I don't plan replacing tanks with aircraft and aircraft with boats, just replacing US tanks with EU tanks, US aircraft with EU aircraft and so on.

For example I replaced USMC army with EU on the FuShe Pass map. Now I want to get EU vehicles in instead of US ones. I understand I have to put some lines into GamePlayObjects.con to 'activate' the EU vehicles I want to get on the map, i.e. run their .con files as CitizenOne has written in this thread, but after doing so, what do I do to replace the actual vehicles on the map?

I want to replace them completely, Single Player included. Remember: I use EF and AF vehicles as BF2 stock objects, so there's no trouble for the game to locate them and use on any map. The problem is just that I don't get it how to replace the vehicles after 'activating' them in the gameplayobjects.con.

Last edited by baklajan (2006-12-16 07:55:28)

+54|7072|Upper Franconia
Now I am telling you some more random stuff about this:

For most weapons in bf2, the projectile is defined within the weapon's tweak file. It could be also in Objects/Armament/Missiles or Objects/Common/Projectiles, but this is rarely the case.

In the USRIF_G36C.tweak file you will find this piece of code, representing the projectile of the weapon:


ObjectTemplate.create GenericProjectile G36C_Projectile
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser nfe
ObjectTemplate.createNotInGrid 1
ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1
rem ---BeginComp:DefaultCollisionComp ---
ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultCollisionComp
rem ---EndComp ---
rem ---BeginComp:DefaultDetonationComp ---
ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultDetonationComp
rem ---EndComp ---
rem ---BeginComp:DefaultProjSoundComp ---
ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultProjSoundComp
rem ---EndComp ---
rem ---BeginComp:DefaultRicochetComp ---
ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultRicochetComp
rem ---EndComp ---
rem ---BeginComp:DefaultPenetrateComp ---
ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultPenetrateComp
rem ---EndComp ---
ObjectTemplate.floaterMod 0
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.physicsType Point
ObjectTemplate.material 38
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate S_G36C_Projectile_Looping
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate S_M4Projectile_Looping
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.timeToLive CRD_NONE/0.5/0/0
ObjectTemplate.material 38
ObjectTemplate.minDamage 0.2
ObjectTemplate.damage 25
You can add an explosion to the DefaultDetonationComp which is now emtpy.


ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultDetonationComp
ObjectTemplate.detonation.explosionMaterial 87
ObjectTemplate.detonation.explosionRadius 3.5
ObjectTemplate.detonation.explosionForce 3
ObjectTemplate.detonation.explosionDamage 55
ObjectTemplate.detonation.endEffectTemplate e_exp_grenade
Explosion Material: The 'material of an explosion' might sound... odd... but in bf2 everything is a material and when it collides with another one, different things might happen. The material behaviors are defined in the two con files in Common/Material. The explosion materials are different for AT Missiles, Grenades and 30 mm GUNS. I would recommend using the above, you can look up others in a weapon's tweak file that contains an explosion.
Explosion Force: The force that pushes you around. Does not affect the damage done.
Explosion Radius: Just... the radius... in meters
Explosion Damage: This is the maximum amount of damage done [right in the center of the explosion]
End Effect Template: The effect when the projectile 'dies'. Look up others in Objects/Effects/Impacts/Explosions

Save the file and you have a weapon that fires explosive projectiles.

Maybe you also want the files to fire a specific object? Use


ObjectTemplate.create GenericProjectile G36C_Projectile
ObjectTemplate.geometry USSHT_Jackhammer
for that purpose. My G36C will shoot jackhammers. But they are way too fast to see them. Somewhere else in the weapon code you find


Change this to 100 or so. But now the bullet drop in bf2 will cause the bullet to drop on the floor after a few meters. Go back to the projectile template and add


ObjectTemplate.gravityModifier 0
to the projectile to disable the projectile bullet drop. Now there is another problem: The projectiles will automatically die after they are fired because bf2 bullets don't have a long life [this is to decrease lag]. The projectile template has a line saying


ObjectTemplate.timeToLive CRD_NONE/5/0/0
this line determines how long a projectile lives. I have no clue what all those values do but the 5 means it flies 5 seconds around [this is my value]. Oh btw: if you like you can also change the item index of the weapons around here, but be careful that no soldier has the same weapon index twice.

Go to the of FuShe pass and open all the GamePlayObjects.con files you can find in GameModes [many of them...], now replace all the USTNK_M1A2 ObjectTemplates for team 2 with the EU tank [I have no clue what's the name of the EU tank because I don't have Euro Force installed]. As already said, you also have to add the EU tank to the staticobjects.con for FuShe pass. You can find out the tank's name when browsing through the booster pack's file, looking for objects/vehicles/land/blah.

Oh and btw: you don't have to copy all everything in the zip files, just the tweaks and cons which you modify! Simply edit the ServerArchives.con to


fileManager.mountArchive Objects
fileManager.mountArchive Common

fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Objects
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Menu
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Common
and clientarchives.con to


fileManager.mountArchive Objects
fileManager.mountArchive Common

fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Objects
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Common
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Menu
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Fonts
fileManager.mountArchive mods/bf2/ Shaders
This will make bf2 loading also content from the mods/bf2 directory. And the files you define FIRST will be the ones KEPT when the same file is found twice. So baklajan, you don't have to merge the archives; adding the booster files to the server/clientarchives.con files is enough.

I have no idea why I wrote all this.
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6969|South Korea.
Is anyone still using this? All the image shack pictures got taken down.. :s

Citizen One wrote:

Is anyone still using this? All the image shack pictures got taken down.. :s
Holy shit! You!

Welcome back, don't be in a hurry to leave!
I need around tree fiddy.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

Citizen One wrote:

Is anyone still using this? All the image shack pictures got taken down.. :s
I missed you!
404 - Not Found
Why you came back? Do you still play BF2?
Typical white person.
+389|7080|San Antonio, Texas
Everyone uses this guide... DUH!
404 - Not Found
I would like to know how I can edit a map so that there won't be any bot teammates, and I would be alone and outnumbered and no vehicles for enemy but I would have littlebird at some spawn point?
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6969|South Korea.

Hacial wrote:

Why you came back? Do you still play BF2?
>_< Aw guys. I'm not back, I don't even have Battlefield 2 anymore. I don't think I remember you guys either, but I guessed you changed your nicks like a million times or something.. lol. Maybe I'll get Battlefield 2 again but I dunno. My friend has all my games and account details. Plus, I only have internet like.. a couple times a month when my friend comes round with her laptop..

But seriously, does anyone have the images because how can anyone still use this without the images :'(
prince of insufficient light

Citizen One wrote:

Hacial wrote:

Why you came back? Do you still play BF2?
>_< Aw guys. I'm not back, I don't even have Battlefield 2 anymore. I don't think I remember you guys either, but I guessed you changed your nicks like a million times or something.. lol. Maybe I'll get Battlefield 2 again but I dunno. My friend has all my games and account details. Plus, I only have internet like.. a couple times a month when my friend comes round with her laptop..

But seriously, does anyone have the images because how can anyone still use this without the images :'(
There are a LOT of new people here since you left, and many users who are just now posting enough to be recognized.

I doubt anyone has the pictures if you don't still have them, but why were they so necessary to the guide?
404 - Not Found
Why did you even use imageshack anyway? Why everyone uses imageshack? It's not even good, your pictures will get taken down and not working if you use imageshack! Photobucket FTW!
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6969|South Korea.
I don't know, I just thought they were needed since they show what's going on.

The fruits of this guide:

(Yes, I'm standing on a destroyed Little Bird. On Dalian. With an AK-47.)

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