its pure skill. As a sniper you dont take chances with shots. If you cant hit him, you dont shoot wild and give yourself away.
Trained snipers practice for hours with getting their stances and positions solid and as steady as a rock. They practice breathing techniques and when to fire in between their breaths so that they are increadibly consistant. Even when using special match grade ammunition, they re-sight their weapons with each batch of ammunition so that if the gunpowder from one batch burns slower or faster, they are prepared and dead on. They take care of their weapons to such an extent that weapons from Vietnam sniper service were still in use into the 90's, even after having hundreds of thousands of rounds fired through them.
Being a sniper is another level of dedication to a single purpose.
Trained snipers practice for hours with getting their stances and positions solid and as steady as a rock. They practice breathing techniques and when to fire in between their breaths so that they are increadibly consistant. Even when using special match grade ammunition, they re-sight their weapons with each batch of ammunition so that if the gunpowder from one batch burns slower or faster, they are prepared and dead on. They take care of their weapons to such an extent that weapons from Vietnam sniper service were still in use into the 90's, even after having hundreds of thousands of rounds fired through them.
Being a sniper is another level of dedication to a single purpose.