I have a terrible time redirecting TV missles

fine corrections just seem to not work

It like my mouse is slow

anyone have any suggestions
I have times when it seems like it doesnt correct as fast as i am clicking if thats what your talkin about but i have no clue what it is
Stormin' through the party
Aim for the tail of the chopper because there is lag on all servers and if you aim directly for the cockpit whilst the chopper is moving from left to right, it will go right thru it.
+140|6525|Armidale, NSW, Australia
I think you might have the same problem as me. You fire the missle and then there is a pause. After that it about three frames before the missle goes flying past the target. If that's normal I don't know how anyone can hit anything unless it's stationary. I think it might be because I have a 2.4GHz processor with 1 Gig of RAM. An upgrade might help. I get terrible lag on Mashtuur City.
Frosties > Cornflakes

This is more a fps problem, if your ping is sub 100 then it's definetly more of a fps, turn down your graphical settings.  I had this to, my computer will allow me to run on high 90% of the time, although for those 10% times, it is usually a critical moment, so turning down increased fps, and makes for smoother game play.  May not look as good but it will allow u to play easier.
+1,128|6680|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

MorbiD.ShoT wrote:

Aim for the tail of the chopper because there is lag on all servers and if you aim directly for the cockpit whilst the chopper is moving from left to right, it will go right thru it.
best advice for tv missile ever.
The lord high master of pies
I've noticed that if you hit a helo straight on with a TV missile it doesnt hit, but if you move it slightly to the side like hitting it in the missile arms it blows. My friend checked and confirmed this for me, but there is still a chance that we are just lucky Hope this helps
+15|6532|Los Angeles, CA United States
I typically never lag with tv missles. But what blows more is when your in a 2v2 ladder match and the missle lags, it could cost you a kill and possibly the game.
yep this is because you have a low fps, i have the same problem. you will need upgrades on your pc
Served and Out
+642|6599|Southampton, UK

Does everyone elses TV missile , have limited manuever capabilities?

Mine can move at the start but never after a quarter way through flight.
+718|6559|Austin, Texas
Knight- you have to reclick to adjust the TV missile, not guide the mouse.

I get the same problems... I dont see where the missile is going until 2 or so seconds after I fire, and I've hit many choppers straight in the nose to no avail. ALWAYS aim for the tail, like Morbid says. I don't know why, but it always registers a hit.
conversation is combat
Aiming for the tail is not quite it exactly. Your computer actually predicts where the graphics of other people will appear and actually draws ahead by a few hundred frames (using some rather complex algorithms).

What you need to do is aim for where the other chopper was half a second ago.

Think of a chopperfacing you head on; now draw as small a box as you can around that chopper. Accounting for their speed and direction of travel, if they are (for instance) head diagonally up and to the right of you, you would aim your tv missile for the lower left corner of the box. If they are moving at a significantly high rate of speed you would aim further away from where the chopper appears to you.

Try it next time you see some 1337 chopper pilot doing a barrel roll to avoid you. Most pilots roll to their right so aim your missile towards the top right of their chopper image and go for about 2 meters from the (upside down) underbelly of their vehicle. Roll's are generally done at the same speed and once you get the hang of it you'll rarely miss.

not sure if I've explained it clearly for you, if you're an aussie then find me on a server as I happily give chopper lessons in flying and gunning.

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

Aiming for the tail is not quite it exactly. Your computer actually predicts where the graphics of other people will appear and actually draws ahead by a few hundred frames (using some rather complex algorithms).

What you need to do is aim for where the other chopper was half a second ago.

Think of a chopperfacing you head on; now draw as small a box as you can around that chopper. Accounting for their speed and direction of travel, if they are (for instance) head diagonally up and to the right of you, you would aim your tv missile for the lower left corner of the box. If they are moving at a significantly high rate of speed you would aim further away from where the chopper appears to you.

Try it next time you see some 1337 chopper pilot doing a barrel roll to avoid you. Most pilots roll to their right so aim your missile towards the top right of their chopper image and go for about 2 meters from the (upside down) underbelly of their vehicle. Roll's are generally done at the same speed and once you get the hang of it you'll rarely miss.

not sure if I've explained it clearly for you, if you're an aussie then find me on a server as I happily give chopper lessons in flying and gunning.
I'm not sure what "1337' references

I've turned down my graphics some, not the resolution

my problem is that when I click the mouse button it doesn't fire or redirect or sometimes delays

Is there anything I can do?  should I turn down my resolution

thanks for the advice
Germans did 911
+427|6719|Disaster Free Zone

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

Aiming for the tail is not quite it exactly. Your computer actually predicts where the graphics of other people will appear and actually draws ahead by a few hundred frames (using some rather complex algorithms).

What you need to do is aim for where the other chopper was half a second ago.

Think of a chopperfacing you head on; now draw as small a box as you can around that chopper. Accounting for their speed and direction of travel, if they are (for instance) head diagonally up and to the right of you, you would aim your tv missile for the lower left corner of the box. If they are moving at a significantly high rate of speed you would aim further away from where the chopper appears to you.

Try it next time you see some 1337 chopper pilot doing a barrel roll to avoid you. Most pilots roll to their right so aim your missile towards the top right of their chopper image and go for about 2 meters from the (upside down) underbelly of their vehicle. Roll's are generally done at the same speed and once you get the hang of it you'll rarely miss.

not sure if I've explained it clearly for you, if you're an aussie then find me on a server as I happily give chopper lessons in flying and gunning.
that could help, But why cant the graphics just show where the damn chopper is. Im sick of flying my damn missiles into the cockpits of other choppers only to find out I really missed by close to 10 metres. Its the same with bunny hopping/etc/etc. I have no problem with it in therory I have problem that the graphics of the stupid fish jumping around is not actually what is there, so no matter how accurate or good I am I still miss (infact the better I am the worse I become). Lagg accounts for what 0.01-0.05 seconds so thats not it.

Last edited by DrunkFace (2006-07-30 08:46:06)

conversation is combat

Thumper wrote:

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

Aiming for the tail is not quite it exactly. Your computer actually predicts where the graphics of other people will appear and actually draws ahead by a few hundred frames (using some rather complex algorithms).

What you need to do is aim for where the other chopper was half a second ago.

Think of a chopperfacing you head on; now draw as small a box as you can around that chopper. Accounting for their speed and direction of travel, if they are (for instance) head diagonally up and to the right of you, you would aim your tv missile for the lower left corner of the box. If they are moving at a significantly high rate of speed you would aim further away from where the chopper appears to you.

Try it next time you see some 1337 chopper pilot doing a barrel roll to avoid you. Most pilots roll to their right so aim your missile towards the top right of their chopper image and go for about 2 meters from the (upside down) underbelly of their vehicle. Roll's are generally done at the same speed and once you get the hang of it you'll rarely miss.

not sure if I've explained it clearly for you, if you're an aussie then find me on a server as I happily give chopper lessons in flying and gunning.
I'm not sure what "1337' references

I've turned down my graphics some, not the resolution

my problem is that when I click the mouse button it doesn't fire or redirect or sometimes delays

Is there anything I can do?  should I turn down my resolution

thanks for the advice
1337 = 'leet'

Anyway, sometimes the TV does misfire.. you left click, here a noise and then nothing. This happens to me maybe once in every twenty shots. Also, make sure your missile has fully loaded (bottom left of screen)... and to make sure it has, if you're not in an intense firefight stay in tv mode until it does reload after you've killed someone.

Other than that mate, your resolution will have no effect on whether or not your tv fires. Except maybe if you're getting skippage due to your computer labouring to draw all on screen details, you might left click during a pause and the computer won't recognise that you have done so.

And to the guy who posted below you, there is a line you can enter in your command screen (` button) that will lower the prediction rate. Not sure where that thread is though, try searching for 'latency'.
Claymore magnet
i found that leading your target in front of it helps, i had a few troubles with the tv my self, it wont fire or sometimes fire and i cant get it to lead, dont know if its lag or a glitch
u need to have a low ping, 80 or lower at least,
+186|6597|The real world
I have a not 1337 pc, and I still got a quite good miss/hit ratio with that darn thing, sometimes its just the server to

cospengle wrote:

I think you might have the same problem as me. You fire the missle and then there is a pause. After that it about three frames before the missle goes flying past the target. If that's normal I don't know how anyone can hit anything unless it's stationary. I think it might be because I have a 2.4GHz processor with 1 Gig of RAM. An upgrade might help. I get terrible lag on Mashtuur City.
Had the same prob, it stopped after I upgraded to 1,5 Gig RAM

spawnofthemist wrote:

MorbiD.ShoT wrote:

Aim for the tail of the chopper because there is lag on all servers and if you aim directly for the cockpit whilst the chopper is moving from left to right, it will go right thru it.
best advice for tv missile ever.
Sounds strange, normally if there is lag you have to target in front of the helo (like in JO or BHD). I think now I know why I often seem to shoot through the Helo.
Thanx for the advice. (+1)

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

Thumper wrote:

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

Aiming for the tail is not quite it exactly. Your computer actually predicts where the graphics of other people will appear and actually draws ahead by a few hundred frames (using some rather complex algorithms).

What you need to do is aim for where the other chopper was half a second ago.

Think of a chopperfacing you head on; now draw as small a box as you can around that chopper. Accounting for their speed and direction of travel, if they are (for instance) head diagonally up and to the right of you, you would aim your tv missile for the lower left corner of the box. If they are moving at a significantly high rate of speed you would aim further away from where the chopper appears to you.

Try it next time you see some 1337 chopper pilot doing a barrel roll to avoid you. Most pilots roll to their right so aim your missile towards the top right of their chopper image and go for about 2 meters from the (upside down) underbelly of their vehicle. Roll's are generally done at the same speed and once you get the hang of it you'll rarely miss.

not sure if I've explained it clearly for you, if you're an aussie then find me on a server as I happily give chopper lessons in flying and gunning.
I'm not sure what "1337' references

I've turned down my graphics some, not the resolution

my problem is that when I click the mouse button it doesn't fire or redirect or sometimes delays

Is there anything I can do?  should I turn down my resolution

thanks for the advice
1337 = 'leet'

Anyway, sometimes the TV does misfire.. you left click, here a noise and then nothing. This happens to me maybe once in every twenty shots. Also, make sure your missile has fully loaded (bottom left of screen)... and to make sure it has, if you're not in an intense firefight stay in tv mode until it does reload after you've killed someone.

Other than that mate, your resolution will have no effect on whether or not your tv fires. Except maybe if you're getting skippage due to your computer labouring to draw all on screen details, you might left click during a pause and the computer won't recognise that you have done so.

And to the guy who posted below you, there is a line you can enter in your command screen (` button) that will lower the prediction rate. Not sure where that thread is though, try searching for 'latency'.

Now I have to ask

1337= "leet"

sorry don't get it

in plain terms for us old guys please
conversation is combat

Thumper wrote:

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

Thumper wrote:

I'm not sure what "1337' references

I've turned down my graphics some, not the resolution

my problem is that when I click the mouse button it doesn't fire or redirect or sometimes delays

Is there anything I can do?  should I turn down my resolution

thanks for the advice
1337 = 'leet'

Anyway, sometimes the TV does misfire.. you left click, here a noise and then nothing. This happens to me maybe once in every twenty shots. Also, make sure your missile has fully loaded (bottom left of screen)... and to make sure it has, if you're not in an intense firefight stay in tv mode until it does reload after you've killed someone.

Other than that mate, your resolution will have no effect on whether or not your tv fires. Except maybe if you're getting skippage due to your computer labouring to draw all on screen details, you might left click during a pause and the computer won't recognise that you have done so.

And to the guy who posted below you, there is a line you can enter in your command screen (` button) that will lower the prediction rate. Not sure where that thread is though, try searching for 'latency'.

Now I have to ask

1337= "leet"

sorry don't get it

in plain terms for us old guys please
Hah, I'm an old guy too.

1337 comes from the old days of 'teh intranet' where more tech-savvy users were referred to as 'elite' or even cooler by using numbers to spell a word as in 31337, the first 3 (e) being dropped off later.

And you bastards, I have a 4 kdr in the chopper and have given some solid gold tv advice, where's the karma love?

Clean your mouse?

There was a piece of dust that got pushed over the scroll sensor whenever I tried to scroll up. Pulled it out and voila! perfect working mouse again.
+186|6597|The real world
haha I have 6
conversation is combat

elmo1337 wrote:

haha I have 6
With just 3 hours in.

I know you're good elmo but come back when you have 30.

And isn't it hard mate when you try start a chopper account and there are so many useless people out there who want to get in the chopper with you. I always do better solo.

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