
CackNBallz wrote:

I pull out my knife as well. I get angry when my teammate kills the knife wielding foe before I get to cut him up.

With a quick Say All, "Never mess up a man's knife fight!"
Yep, pisses me off, something aweful.... You're both and low health and BLAM! ARTILLERY! (or something that kills either one of you)
i like to help a team-mate who is engaged in a knife- oder even some other fight, by hitting our opponent just a little by one shot (scope is important) and healing during the fight or reviving him afterwards. this way my team-mate has his kill and i have the assist or can save his life and we both do something for the team. you can also win friends with this kind of action.

besides that, i find it stupid running around with knives when everybody else has guns. i really don't like those guys, who are following my vehicle to be safe till they see some1 to kill by knife and get killed by the movements of my vehicel when i got into the action an punish me for that.

but i like to watch knife-fights, so gimme more!

dshak wrote:

Just because someone wants their knife badges doesn't make me dishonorable for shooting enemies.
Fuckin' right, yo...preach it.

I can't count the number of times I've spawned as USMC at the forward non-caps to see some toolbox waiting there to try and knife me as I spawn.  They always say the same thing, "omg i just need three more knife kills wtf lol let me kill u".  Once I said, "ok, come up the hill behind you and kill me" and then when he got close I shot him in the face and humped his lame-ass dead corpse.

Open statement to those that don't have it:  Want your knife badge?  EARN the goddamn thing.  Don't be a snatch and go to some knife-only server, and don't be a snatch and ASK people if you can kill them.  I got mine on Wake Island sneaking around like a motherfucking ninja at the northeast spawn...coming up from the beach and sticking snipers and AT troops while the rest of my team assualted the spawn.

EARN that shit, yo.
I have two quotes for this thread...

The first is from Sean Connery playing Malone in The Untouchables,
"Just like a wop to bring a knife to gunfight"

and the other by unkown (at least to me)
"All is fair in love and war"

I think that pretty much sums it up, so don't be surprised when you run at me with your little knife and I fill you full of holes with my PKM while you are still 10 paces away
+28|6887|Houston, TX
I have just recently gotten into the habit of using my knife alot more than usual. Especially when I'm sniper. If they pull a knife I will duel them. Even better is when I'm prone and, they walk towards me. I will pop up and charge them with a blade. It has actually proven effective in the right situation. I haven't used it much in the past but, am starting to enjoy it. Knife kills are great. I guess bring a knife to a gun fight isn't always a bad idea.
My $00.02 worth.

Its the generation of people now days . I would say anyone from 25 on down years of age have no honor.
They are so scared to get a ass whoooooopin. When I was in high schoool so many years ago, it was honorable to when someone challenged you to a fight  man to man you went into the bathroom kicked his ass or not. Either way it it was fist to fist. Head in toilet . .
  Now days if most are challenged to a fight,  they usially bail and come back later with a knife, gun or whatever. Scared to get that ass whoooopin.
All I can say here is  they are all sissy ass PUNKS. Which carrries on to video games as well.
I have had everything up above happen to me while playing so far.
   I was on the CFH server the other night playing. I was in the top 4 scores or higher for so many rounds.Getting bored of the newbs I was playing against. Just pwning them over and over. So the last few rounds. with I being the smartass I am . I told them each time where I was heading, what flag I WAS GOING TO CAP and do it with a KNIFE ONLY . SAYING after that, if your any good and not scared you will come here and take me with your knife if you dare and if you can.
  Most of the time I was shot or NOOBed tubed. Again sissy ass punks. Scared to get a ass whooooopin.
So you all younger generation grow some balls, learn some honor and a little self respect. Next time someone comes at you with a knife or you see a enemy with a knife after a teammate in game, take yours out.
  If not just  know you will always be that sissy ass punk that you are.
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
My problem is I'm trigger happy, I shoot the guy with the knife, he gets scared, pulls out his rifle, while I'm like "oh god sorry! Lets knife!" and then he has his rifle, and I've got my knife, and we know how that goes.

Knife fights are funny. This is a game, people. We're here to have fun.

CreepingDeath wrote:

So you all younger generation grow some balls, learn some honor and a little self respect. Next time someone comes at you with a knife or you see a enemy with a knife after a teammate in game, take yours out.
I'll shoot you in the face, too...and you'll get an extra-crispy humping.  Hell, I'd hide and wait for one or your medics to revive you, then shoot you in the face again...then I'd take your knife and beat you with the butt end of it.

Tough guys like you make me laugh.
Real men pull out there knife when they have no ammo in any of their guns, those men also don't know how to aim for shit.
RKF77 <------- I must of touched a feeling of knowledge about himself. So it seems you must be one of the balless, no honor, no respect in one self so it seems. Scared to get your ass whoooped . .Which I am pretty sure has happend many of times in yer life. SAD SAD person..
  And with someone that isn't even in the stat board here .Couldn't find the player "RKF77". (24) . Hmmm makes you wonder.
  JUST LAME . .All talk and no action . .like many on here( the internet)
I generally blow the guy away.

CreepingDeath wrote:

So it seems you must be one of the balless, no honor, no respect in one self so it seems.
Nope, just smart enough to blow away idiots like you running around swinging kinves in the middle of gunfights.

CreepingDeath wrote:

Scared to get your ass whoooped
By who?  You?  Heh...let's just say I'm not too concerned about you.

CreepingDeath wrote:

And with someone that isn't even in the stat board here .Couldn't find the player "RKF77".
Sorry, I don't care too much about my stats, so I don't display a stats sig.  But, seeing as how I've exposed you for the mediocre player that you are, I'll link to mine.

CreepingDeath wrote:

Hmmm makes you wonder.
Actually, what makes me wonder is, why a guy with one knife kill to his name is talking smack about knife fights...why someone who ain't even cracked 1500 global points yet is even talking smack to begin with.

It's odd how you claim "I was in the top 4 scores or higher for so many rounds.", yet your accumulated stars tell quite another story.

Now, be predictable and tell us how that's not really you, that you are really some other player that's uber-high on the leaderboard with 2038483 knife kills...go on, we know it's coming.

CreepingDeath wrote:

You certainly are.

Last edited by RKF77 (2005-11-22 07:55:40)

Unfortunately while you and that guy may be honorable, his teammate who is just about to step around a corner is NOT
+27|6923|Atlanta, GA USA
I usually pull out my knife. 
When trying to get my knife, I actually had a few guys pull out their knife when they saw me try to knife them.  A lot of fun!  Even when I lose I laugh my ass off!
+0|6894|Liverpool, UK
I'm still tryin' to get my basic knife. In knife fights I may aswell stick it in my own head ! (probably miss that too)
+13|6884|Orange County, CA
For me the object is to get them down as quickly as possible.  Then there are the knife fighters who can do this really cool swan dive from ten feet away with their knife and skewer you.  I still haven't figured that one out, but I guess that is what the DAO is for.  Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you!

Summo wrote:

I'm still tryin' to get my basic knife.
hehe, good luck...I know some will say it's a breeze, but IMO, it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination.

Try what I did, on Wake Island...sneak down the beach.  When you hear snipers close, inch up and stick them...or wait like I did until your team is attacking a spawn and sneak up and stick the AT troops trying to take out your teammates.  Find a good 300-ticket server and you should have it in no time if you're patient.
Got milk?
If he is with a knife , I'm with  Shock Paddles

Last edited by Dr.Battlefield (2005-11-22 08:22:11)

+6|6886|In a van down by the river
What I hate is when you run up on someone with a knife, they have their weapon and unload a clip and don't hit you at all, bunny hop away, reload or pull out the pistol, then reload instead of pulling out your knife.  If you unload a clip and don't hit me, be a man, don't bunny hop away and then reload.  Buncha idiots.  Take the game too seriously.  Think that if they actually get knifed its the end of the world.
+4|6892|Hamilton, Scotland
u know i would pull out my knife but the bastard will just make me a new hole 2 breathe out of, so i shoot first, ask questions later.
Oh btw, y dont they have bayonets?

Last edited by A.Drew(G.Drew (2005-11-22 08:32:42)


RKF77 wrote:

Summo wrote:

I'm still tryin' to get my basic knife.
hehe, good luck...I know some will say it's a breeze, but IMO, it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination.

Try what I did, on Wake Island...sneak down the beach.  When you hear snipers close, inch up and stick them...or wait like I did until your team is attacking a spawn and sneak up and stick the AT troops trying to take out your teammates.  Find a good 300-ticket server and you should have it in no time if you're patient.
Wake is a good map for that.  I got mine on Sharqi.  I got sort of lucky though.  Two enemies just got 'naded and I saw a medic run up to revive them.  I waited until he revived the first one - knifed him - he revived the second one - knifed him - then I knifed the medic.  It all took about 5 seconds.  If it wasn't for that little bundle of kills, I probably wouldn't have gotten it that round.

As everyone has said here in multiple threads... it just takes patience, some smarts, and sometimes, a little bit of luck.
RKF77 your just lame and by the way checkout my stats at ? http://bf2s.com/player/{BK}CreepingDeath/
this is mine .. and yours RKF77 isnt anything .. that phatty buns or whatever it was ?Whos is that your hero in the game the same one that plows over you all the time.
dude as I had said .. I must of really sparked a inner issue with you.. Next time someone challenges you to go to that bathroom .. dont run home and get your gun or knife .. take the ass whoopin. its more of a honor and respectful then being a noob as you sound to be.

CreepingDeath wrote:

RKF77 your just lame and by the way checkout my stats at ? http://bf2s.com/player/{BK}CreepingDeath/
Still amuses me that someone who couldn't even get basic knife is talking smack about knife fights.  Now THAT is lame.

CreepingDeath wrote:

this is mine .. and yours RKF77 isnt anything .. that phatty buns or whatever it was ?Whos is that your hero in the game the same one that plows over you all the time.
No, those are my stats.  I don't use the same name here.

It's funny that someone that doesn't use the exact same name on this forum that you use in the game, like you, would have the balls to insinuate that those aren't my stats.

There's a simple way to to prove it, though...you can put your money where your mouth is.  Watch that stats page, and when you see me online, join the same server and ask me what my BF2s.com forum name is.  Then you can try to "whoop my ass".  Make sure you take that knife out, so I can shoot you in the face and call you a dumbass for bringing a knife to a gunfight.

But, given your knife stats, I'm not too worried about getting stabbed by you.

CreepingDeath wrote:

its more of a honor and respectful then being a noob as you sound to be.
Let's analyze this statement...I've got a higher SPM, higher K/D ratio, higher accuracy, I've capped and assisted on capping more control points, I have more teamwork points, a shitload less teamkills, and I HAVE my knife badge...yet I'M the noob?

That's pretty funny...heh, I also know the difference between "your" and "you're".

Last edited by RKF77 (2005-11-22 09:17:09)

I dont have basic knife because to many noobs newbs out there are so scared as I have said to go knife for knife. But instead they most take the COWARD way out. SHOOT them ..
  So no biggy..
I think the person proposing a knife fight (by his actions) should accept the recipient's decision without complaining one way or another.  Attacking with a knife is either an act of desparation or an OFFER of a knife fight.  The person being offered the knife fight isn't obligated to drop his plan of attack or waste any time fighting with a knife only.

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