+783|7001|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Needs to work on teamwork to combat score ratio
Good KDR
Great accuracy
Good SPM
Maps pretty much balanced, not too much though.
Great vehicle stats, especially aviator
Holy crap victimize this.
Lacking a few awards

Overall 8/10
+127|6716|Dublin, Ireland
Aries you are a pretty good player nice SPM and K ratio
+783|7001|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Nothing to rate really jack, good SPM and KDR is over 1.
+1,128|6799|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
PBAsydney.. you have a PERFECT 2 overall KDR.

spawnofthemist wrote:

PBAsydney.. you have a PERFECT 2 overall KDR.
You have ALMOST exactly a 1:1 k/d ratio with sniper rifles!

Wake is fun.  Pretty good stats.  SPM could use a little boost, but for a sniper though, its good already.
+917|6776|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

BetterThanNyte wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

PBAsydney.. you have a PERFECT 2 overall KDR.
You have ALMOST exactly a 1:1 k/d ratio with sniper rifles!

Wake is fun.  Pretty good stats.  SPM could use a little boost, but for a sniper though, its good already.
team switcher, warlord/medic palace whore.

i can just tell.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
prince of insufficient light
Pretty good kdr, almost over one infantry wise. Pretty good all around, really nice W/L ratio.
Canada's French Frog
+123|6783|Quebec city, Canada
good spm, nice awards (I want some of them )

dont give up on your way toward the rank of captain

good overall stats
+783|7001|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Good KDR
Good WLR
Good SPM
Better accuracy than me (h4x0r!)
Good balance of maps
Nice victim list
Good vehicle ratios
Ugh...lots of ugly basic badges.

PBAsydney wrote:

Good KDR
Good WLR
Good SPM
Better accuracy than me (h4x0r!)
Good balance of maps
Nice victim list
Good vehicle ratios
Ugh...lots of ugly basic badges.
let me rate som1 else than u for 1ce. Stop posting!
@ tyler

lots of gold medals/badges, thats sweet!  your k/d an spm make me feel a lot better about mine.  not that yours are bad at all.  major in 10 days, good job.  maybe a little less time on karkand lol

Last edited by spcespff (2006-07-20 12:28:15)

- spces -

nice k/d ratio

work on that spm

sweet ratios on your kits

decent balance on map rotation

Last edited by Jim_Bred (2006-07-20 12:37:50)

+153|6905|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
jim_bred: nice spm

alright kd ratio overall

work on your infantery weapons ratio

play too much on karkand... well, i play my favourite maps alot too, so never mind this sentence
@ SteikeTa

Average infantry player, 1.35 kdr

A little above average vehicle scores, BUT airplane MASTER!! 24kdr after 100 hours! Nice...

Overall: 65% (most of it, because you mastered the plane)

>>> <<<

Last edited by alav (2006-07-20 23:53:05)

Nade Spammers Must Die
ALAV: Good KDR and SPM.
You play karkand alot, which is good, so start tank whoring.
Nice number of stars.
Dammit i want your assault rifle KDR. I suppose its what i get for standing around for 70 hrs waiting for planes.
All round very good player
Professional Medic Whore
Sgt_bob05, I'm drooling at your 200,000+ GS. Im stuck at 83,000. And you pwn at flying. J-10 ftw!
Ninja's > BF2s
nice kill streak phoenix, nice SPM, need to get into SF some more, 36% of kills in vehicles, not bad, maybe get out on foot a bit more, nice victim list, and a nice solid 1.5 weapon KDR.

Good stuff

edit. LOL @ UR ANTI TANK DEATHS!! "     666    "

Last edited by Reizors (2006-07-21 00:17:35)

@ Reizors

Couldn't retrieve your stats using that nickname on bf2s...

@ Phoenix2

There were too many "Phoenixes"... and none unique Phoenix2

@ Sgt_Bob05

Nice accuracy 26%

Very good SPM 4.3. That is explanable though. 60% of your time is shared between Karkand (medic kit aka easy points or tank/apc spawn raping... nothing to criticise, very good way to rack up points) or Wake (Airplane time... figure the rest... I'll give an idea... something involving a carrier ).
Anyway, nice SPM.

Infantry. 3 medium to good stats (assault rifle & LMG 1.8kdr, grenades 6.2kdr... spam spam spam ). Besides that only average or below average infantry weapons performance.

Good overall vehicle stats, except heli.
Very good plane kdr, 15. Well done.

You beat me on Overall Score, airplane kdr & SPM. That has to do with amount of time played in certain maps and airplane time. You have 150, I've around 65 hours with the jets.

Overall: 75%. Good all-rounder, very good jet pilot. Recommendations... improve infantry and heli pilot performance. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

ufff... long post.

>>> <<<

Last edited by alav (2006-07-21 00:54:02)

props to all those who like me, ground pound.....and yes I play karkand a lot, cause it's by far the most enjoyable bf2 map...easily
+39|6795|OREEGONE, USA
Great overall accuracy.  Solid K/D ratio.  You should try out some other maps besides karkand for a while.  Sheesh. Great overall revives. I'm sure karkand helped with that.

Last edited by millhous (2006-07-21 01:20:43)

BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6738|Melbourne, Australia.
Nice assault rifle ratio,
good tank and aviator ratios
kit times are fairly well spread too.
bad touch

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Nice assault rifle ratio,
good tank and aviator ratios
kit times are fairly well spread too.
omg hacks

like the GP kdr
+3|6791|Central Coast, NSW Australia

Even time with all kits is good
Not very eve with maps though
Nice Win/Loss ratio and excellent K/D ratio
Ground pounder, nice to see.
Nice SPM

Overall 9/10 Very Good stats.
@ CrazyJeepDriver

A little above average infantry player, 1.5 average kdr

You play all maps, but mostly Karkand.

Nice accuracy.

Very good ground defence kdr 9.5, average armor kdr 5.8 and below average on all other vehicles.

Overall: 50%

>>> <<<

Last edited by alav (2006-07-21 01:41:12)

Nade Spammers Must Die

alav wrote:

@ Sgt_Bob05

Nice accuracy 26%

Very good SPM 4.3. That is explanable though. 60% of your time is shared between Karkand (medic kit aka easy points or tank/apc spawn raping... nothing to criticise, very good way to rack up points) or Wake (Airplane time... figure the rest... I'll give an idea... something involving a carrier ).
Anyway, nice SPM.

Infantry. 3 medium to good stats (assault rifle & LMG 1.8kdr, grenades 6.2kdr... spam spam spam ). Besides that only average or below average infantry weapons performance.

Good overall vehicle stats, except heli.
Very good plane kdr, 15. Well done.

You beat me on Overall Score, airplane kdr & SPM. That has to do with amount of time played in certain maps and airplane time. You have 150, I've around 65 hours with the jets.

Overall: 75%. Good all-rounder, very good jet pilot. Recommendations... improve infantry and heli pilot performance. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

ufff... long post.

>>> <<<
The reason my Asault rifle KDR and KPM sucks is because i spent atleast 100 hrs bumming around waiting for planes. When i had 10000 kills from karkand whoring my KDR was still like 1 because of that. And i am a different medic whore, 2.07 KPM as infantry. So i kill first then revive, which amazingly i can count on 1 hand the number of people that do this.

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