+7|6826|St. Louis

elmo1337 wrote:


ok, st00pid n3wb question...

for tv missles, you left click once to lock where its gonna fire, then right click to shoot?

(and left clicking again resets the crosshairs?)

whats the point of the box then?
No, u right click once, it opens the box for the tv missile

Then just click away with the left mouse button, updating its new impact point, and when the missiles hit something (or just run out of fuel) bf2 will automaticly go back to the gunners position thing
what i mean is after you've right clicked into the tv missle screen, you aim, left click to fire, then left click adjustments as appropriate to steer the missile to your target?

sorry if it sounds like im jsut repeating what you said, but im not totally clear on all this yet.
You are correct now RedArmy, the box just helps you see where the missle impact will be while you are moving the crosshairs around...
HakLaw in the house
elmo whats ur in-game name? i think i owned you in sharqi once with the choppers?
+7|6826|St. Louis

[CF]Snowytheman wrote:

You are correct now RedArmy, the box just helps you see where the missle impact will be while you are moving the crosshairs around...

i'd +1 ya but i dont have enough posts for karma yet
Raiders of the Lost Bear

FIrstly I want to say I'm sorry, I really hate to do this, I don't like spitting on other people's hard work. Neither do I want to ground your opinion into dust, but your chopper guide is little more than a rehash of what can be found on Secrets of Battlefield.


Good guide on the TV missile though.
+186|6879|The real world

polarbearz wrote:

FIrstly I want to say I'm sorry, I really hate to do this, I don't like spitting on other people's hard work. Neither do I want to ground your opinion into dust, but your chopper guide is little more than a rehash of what can be found on Secrets of Battlefield.


Good guide on the TV missile though.
Where is the part of hovering?
Fantasma Parastasie
Try using TV-guided missles as scouts to see ahead. I practice 1 on 1's with clanmates on Dragon Valley and it can be very hard to see each other sometimes. Sometimes you've just got no idea where they are beyond the fog so a missle to extend your view can be quite useful
+186|6879|The real world

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Try using TV-guided missles as scouts to see ahead. I practice 1 on 1's with clanmates on Dragon Valley and it can be very hard to see each other sometimes. Sometimes you've just got no idea where they are beyond the fog so a missle to extend your view can be quite useful
But then again, u only have 8 of them, and when the other guy hears a huge explosion in front of behind him he'd be alerted and u dont have the element of suprise anymore
Fantasma Parastasie

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Try using TV-guided missles as scouts to see ahead. I practice 1 on 1's with clanmates on Dragon Valley and it can be very hard to see each other sometimes. Sometimes you've just got no idea where they are beyond the fog so a missle to extend your view can be quite useful
Today 17:00:06 -1 My chopper guide (took me a shit long time to write) kk 

ok little boy, take a look at this

Do you see the clan in third place with 14 wins and two losses?

Guess who's in that clan lil' buddy?


Guess what league that is, kiddo?


So who knows what he's doing?


now fuck off!

SargeV1.4 wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Try using TV-guided missles as scouts to see ahead. I practice 1 on 1's with clanmates on Dragon Valley and it can be very hard to see each other sometimes. Sometimes you've just got no idea where they are beyond the fog so a missle to extend your view can be quite useful
Today 17:00:06 -1 My chopper guide (took me a shit long time to write) kk 

ok little boy, take a look at this

Do you see the clan in third place with 14 wins and two losses?

Guess who's in that clan lil' buddy?


Guess what league that is, kiddo?


So who knows what he's doing?


now fuck off!
your sig means nothing whileu have 9000 kills in a Jet and 900 deaths. U are a whore too.
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
Does no one use the view keys anymore?  You forgot always press F9 to change to invisible cockpit mode ( very important for the gunner to see whats almost below you).  Saved my butt and got me a kill many times as a gunner.
+186|6879|The real world

cheshiremoe wrote:

Does no one use the view keys anymore?  You forgot always press F9 to change to invisible cockpit mode ( very important for the gunner to see whats almost below you).  Saved my butt and got me a kill many times as a gunner.
Its a bit standard isnt it, its automatic for me so I didnt write it down, I use C btw, works better for me
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways
Aq uestion, do you PERSONALLY use a mouse and keyboard/ keyboard/ joystick?

I have a joystick so im wondering if i should be using that instead
feauture request
Horseman 77
hovering behind the tv station spawn killing the cobra is some pretty weak shit. imho
+72|7042|Indianapolis, IN
I just tried gunning in a helo tonight for my first time really. (before I read this thread)  I had a friend flying and he would line up every shot for me and if I missed, he would finish it off. 

Great guide thought, I shall try to incorporate more of these things next time.
conversation is combat

elmo1337 wrote:

cheshiremoe wrote:

Does no one use the view keys anymore?  You forgot always press F9 to change to invisible cockpit mode ( very important for the gunner to see whats almost below you).  Saved my butt and got me a kill many times as a gunner.
Its a bit standard isnt it, its automatic for me so I didnt write it down, I use C btw, works better for me
Hmm, I have cockpit linked to the thumb button on my mouse (mouse 3) but the bastard of a thing won't work if I'm in the gunners seat doing some solo strafing. I've also got C linked to prone (as well as mouse 3) so I use f9 for cockpit.

You're right, I should change that.
Was ist Loos?
wow elmo, i had no idea that u had the attention span for that amount of writing!!! (sry, the sig just sorta makes u look A.D.D) n e ways, gj +1
awsome post and I think a complete guide is few and far between and this is one of the most thorough I've seen.  I'm mainly a jet whore and just wanted to bring up certain issue regarding what you wrote about turning and firing your missles at jets.  this is effective against rookie pilots but I highly recommend you DO NOT do this against seasoned fighter or bomber pilots.

I usually take down helicopters on the first pass 4 out of 5 times, and when I do this there is no warning lock I aim for your canopy (since I sometimes shoot out the pilot) because it does more damage than anywhere else and boom the helo falls out of the sky, I'll initially come from your 4 oclock to 5 oclock position or 7 to 8 oclock position WITH NO LOCK TONE.  If you see a pilot doing this or variation of this, take note and counter, heres what I found makes a hard target for me when engaging an attack helo and if you want to survive at least some of the time when in a helo against a veteran jet pilot here's what makes life harder for us(assuming your fighter pilot is not doing his job, shooting down jets)


before I go into these maneuvers which I know for a fact evade most pilots THEY WILL NOT WORK ON VERY GOOD PILOTS WHO KILL ON ONE PASS WITHOUT GIVING YOU A MISSLE WARNING!!! only your fighter jet can stop this.  now if he needs two passes to take you down keep reading, this is how your going to survive...

1.  youll only have about 6 to 7 seconds to do this so be quick about it, right after he makes his first pass, drop between buildings or other solid objects  (IE. hills, mountains, hangers ect) so your covered by at least 2 sides, like between two buildings.  Your going to have to literaly drop close to the ground about 10 feet off of it and wait about 10 seconds and pray you dont get towed, tv'd ect.  This works mainly because I cant spot you visually and I cant scan with anti air on and turn it off the second I see you. 


after the ten seconds go by you should be clear to get your ass to the helo pad for repairs but again, you want to keep your head on a swivel, alot of times if I engage a helo and for some miracle evades me I know where your going (the helo pad for repairs...Duh), and yes I'll be waiting, If you have two helipads like on gulf of oman, I highly recommend you change up which helo pad you repair and rearm at time to time, IT WILL SAVE YOUR ASS.  IMPORTANT!!!  if you see him fly by you after you take cover between the buildings, assume he saw you and is coming back for a third pass, and change location...QUICKLY.  believe me when I say this, If I have to take 3 passes to kill you I leave myself open at low altitude for a very long time to the enemy fighter getting on my ass and shooting me down or enemy ground AA shooting me, which brings up another very important issue, if Im up in the air and your being engaged by an enemy jet or attack helo....SPOT THE SOB!!!!  even if your totally off on location I'll check my map for whos flashing after jet or helo spotted sounds and I'll be coming to your location within 10 seconds,

***if no cover available go to option 2 below***

2.  Some maps like WAKE have no building to hide between or very sparse cover, PALM TREES PROVIDE NO COVER AND VIRTUALLY NO CONCEALMENT VS JETS!!!!  the concealment might work against other attack helos or ground forces but not jet pilots who know what they are doing...period.  How do I evade jets if I cant duck between buildings or duck in between hills? you might ask?  Assuming he didnt kill you the first pass, you just want to start gaining altitude as fast as possible go straight up and face away from the direction you think he might be coming from (explained below in what not to do),  alot of times you can gain enough altitude that the jet will lose you entirely or youll at least screw up his second attack run (yes this has even caught me off guard once or twice).  again aftter pass #2 you want to change location, now you want to nose the helo down and take it as low as you can go as quickly as possible, this willl take the jet pilot to attack run #3, hopfully your spotting the hell out of this guy because like I said before, if you have a pilot on yoru side with any ounce of skill, he will engage the enemy jet and clear your six.  Change this up though, If you get lit up again on the third pass sometimes keep climbing to prevent being predictable ( also jets  go a little faster at around 300 feet) However, DO NOT keep climbing after the third pass ever though, if hes determined to kill you, he'll come up under you or If hes smart and determined to kill you, he'll climb to 700 feet and come down on you which is lethal ( i'll explain why later)
the above two tactics are further enhanced if you can do them above known freindly aa stations, (explained later in this guide)

these two evasion tactics are for if you are getting shot down like clockwork BUT... very important but, it takes at least two passes for him to kill you, a single pass helo kill is very difficult to counter for a helo.  On that note I want to bring up a few things I've seen that dont work and just make you look outright bad before you die.

1. Dont do flips and loopty loops, why you might ask?  I just have to aim at your base of the rotor, that spot is your pivot point and you will still die the second pass since I only have to adjust slightly with guns to hit that spot, secondly, your going to run out of altitude or better yet smack something stationary,(I see the latter alot) and kind of shrug and move onto the next target chuckling.

2.  DONT face the helo!!!, you present the highest damage portion of the helo which is the cockpit, the cockpit takes the fewest hits to take down the helos, I've seen alot of posts from other helo pilots recommending to face attacking jets, omg!!! dont do it if the pilot of the jet knows what he is doing, your making his job easier, you actually want to maneuver so your rear is facing him if possible but dont fly away from him, it gives him more time empty rounds into you, instead pull back ward a bit, this will make it so the jet has to empty rounds into a smaller target thats not as vulnerable as your cockpit for a shorter time.  When I know a pilot will consistantly face me and fire missles, One tactice that works very well on attack helicpoters is this, I climb high above him, I then come down on him with guns blazing, and time my missle to actually lock at the last possible moment and fire, the missle always hits.  I'm not sure if it's the same situation when your just sitting on the helipad and the flares just fall down away from the helo but the missle just always hits, ever since the game came out for all the patches.  so if you want to face me and fire, go ahead but youve been warned.  reason why I dont do the last method as the most preferable is because it uses a missle and I like to save those for other jets,


as a jet fighter pilot, I have a targeting priority this is it and yes it is very simple yet flexible.

1.  Kill jets
2. kill AA/KILL HELICOPTERs (interchangeable depending on map and circumstances)
3.  bombing

when I shoot down the enemy fighter jet, I know I have 30 seconds (on most maps)  to find the attack helo and shoot him down before the enemy fighter gets back up,  why is this important you might ask?  because you now know that when being engaged by a GOOD FIGHTER PILOT that he is aware that he needs to shoot you down quickly to be able to reengage the enemy jet, also if I get locked on by enemy AA while engageing an attack guess who I'm going to go after?(the aa if you didnt figure it out) since he is actually a threat to me, that buys you enough time to get out of the hot zone.


these are some things you can do to evade the better pilots, and this guide is written specifically to evade better pilots, not noobs, yes there plenty of evasion tactics that work on green pilots and they are not hard to evade also green pilots also smack the ground alot of times if I just lock onto them going in for a bombing run, so if nothing else, just put this in your toolbox and use it if you want but know this, I value a good attack helicopter on my team because I know how effective they are on armor when they are not dodging other jets, other attack helos and enemy AA, so I facilitate  their mission with my targeting priority (see above) hence, I want them to survive, so they kill the maximum amount of armor, so we win.  I hope this helps, If you have any specific questions for me I'm more than happy to answer, If I dont know Ill be honest and tell you that.  I hope If your on my team that you use this and you do your job, kill armor and infantry.  thanks for listening,


Last edited by ||3rb||MOBB (2006-07-21 21:50:46)

+186|6879|The real world
Thanks mob im gonna add that to the original post.

What I do when I get damaged by a jet (goes very fast with no lock tone, faster then a 50. cal, go low indeed, what I also find helpfull to do, it face the jet, and make a hard right, like in the following movie:

you see I go 90 degrees on my side, which makes me a harder object to hit, and a faster since my throttle is faced to the right to.

The fourth manouvre I use against slowdown jets, the biggest noobs in the aviator history, what do you think of them MOBB?

fifth is just some flying low, which I not very often do only if there are 2 good jetwhores on the other team, to give my gunner a better shot

and hey to be honest flying 6 feet above the ground, at 300 kmph, takes some practice so dont sweat it when u crash into a latern (I avoid those for a reason )

oh and Cactusfist I use a mouse and keyboard, with the mx1000 as a mouse
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways
Thankyou muchly
Thanks a lot, that guide is very helpful. You really know your info.
+515|6975|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
Elmo.....ive just read this post after looking for something is VERY good, a great, interesting read!

Now, can you try and be this nice and helpful with all your other posts

elmo1337 wrote:

Even my mom can do it, and she doesnt have battlefield 2
+186|6879|The real world

usmarine2005 wrote:

elmo1337 wrote:

Even my mom can do it, and she doesnt have battlefield 2
My mom doesnt have the atention span to write such a guide, kthx

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