+4|6620|I'm not sure

Sarrk wrote:

petethecheese wrote:

Macros. Almost cheating, isn't it?  Binding keys to do something the game wasn't designed for=change to the game mechanics=cheating.  Just my penny's worth
Not really, it only crosses the line when its used to violate game mechanics and exploit, eg, making a macro for you to C4 chuck all the time or Dolphin dive, having one to click multiple times is not
I haven't had the pleasure (sarcasm) of this yet so please correct me if I have the wrong idea, but isn't it effectively providing every member of your team with a constant, personal UAV, whether or not the other team has destroyed your UAV or not.

What part of it is not cheating?

Yes, I understand the commander could theoretically spot every enemy manually (maybe even possible on a small map), but no HUMAN can, and I don't think we all love this game because computers (MACRO's) are so fun to play against. Using the PC to do your job is cheating.

Having said that, I also agree that spammed spotting would drive me nuts / give me the shits / be counter-productive (people ignoring relevant spots) / and get in the way of communication. Most of all though, think about some psychology, a real person, giving useful spots only, and actually updating the team on tactics in a human voice, will always make the team work together much better. No I'm not a psychologist.

So yeah, give me strategic spotting, talk to the team about what you want done (overall battle view - thats what you are there for) and in return I'll mostly follow your attack / defend / repair orders etc. But spam using a macro and I'll vote for a mutiny every time.

Thoughtful disagreement welcomed.

Last edited by Moggle (2006-07-14 05:30:21)

+35|6797|UK - England

[mcp]eltorrente wrote:

I HATE when friggin Commanders do this!!!  AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH  I hate it.  Hate it.

It is the most annoying thing ever.  Enemy Infantry Spotted, Enemy Infantry Spotted, Enemy Infantry Spotted... OMG that drives me crazy.

I try to mutiny or vote to kick when the Commander is being lame like this.  If the votes don't work- which they never seem to on a 64 person server- I just leave.  I would rather not play at all than listen to that crap.
I dont know how you can comment when you have never experienced what commanding is all about (commander score = 0!)

The way I see it I dont give a sh*t about what other players say. I carry on doing what i'm suppose to do, and if that means enemy Infantry spoted, so be it...

Last edited by --->[Your]Phobia<--- (2006-07-14 02:27:20)

+4|6548|the grim and cold north.

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

The way I see it I dont give a sh*t about what other players say. I carry on doing what i'm suppose to do, and if that means enemy Infantry spoted, so be it...
That’s true in a sense.
But you have to adapt to the environment, if your best squads uses one type of tactics more then you need to support that one. If they want you to be conservative with the spotting and only spot dangerous enemies and use VOIP to order them around, and you spam, then they might leave or change team. It also works the other way around.

Noting is actually wrong or right, it’s about what is best at the moment and what the majority of the good players want.

I must stress the fact that the VOIP in conjunction with the command tool is far superior to Only using the command tool, like spotting and mark new orders etc. There is nothing that can unify a team more then the use of the VOIP, and a united team with a sense of community is lethal.

To get a “You are the best squad…” and a new order via the command tool compared to get a real human voice in your ears saying stuff like, “Excellent, good work squad 4 and 6, now clear out the two enemy soldiers at the bottom floor and head towards the hotel. And take out the sniper on the crane!” is an easy pick for me.
Needless to say, the three enemies would also be spotted by the commander.

The power the VOIP gives is awesome, not only the direction of a spotted enemy but also the location in height etc. “He is on the roof”, “between the fence and the building that the APC spawns at”, “hiding behind the UAV” etc etc.

And if you ask for a supply drop and it’s not loaded yet, and you get an in game “No aircraft is available..” and then the commander saying “10 sec left to recharge the supply drop” or maybe “Sorry, I have another supply request waiting in line before yours”.
That’s all you need to know to decide if to wait or head towards the new target.

And if you have squads that begin to see the light on the battlefield, then you don’t have to spot so much. Example:
“Squad 2, we have an enemy at the factory, can you clear him out?”

“Ok, no problem, can you drop a car for us?”

“Commander, can you re-spot the enemy at the factory, he has timed out”

*Spotting the enemy..*
“Squad 2, he is on the small roof at the flag”

Or if one of the soldier in a squad see a threat and relay the information via his squad leader to you.

“Squad 6 here, we have seen about 5 enemies on the ridge heading towards the TV-Station, ther last location is question marked”

"Råger that, tanks for te info"

*spotting the enemies*
"Squad 2, can you inform your helo pilot and clear out the enemies on the ridge?"

*replying with an in game "yes sir"*
"Yo UberPilot, can you take out the enemies on the ridge at the TV-Station?"

"jawohl, easy tarrget"

Commanders and Squads that act like that make this game so fun to play.
When I’m in a team that plays like that I Don’t want to quit and go too sleep.


Last edited by T0xicboy (2006-07-14 06:16:55)

it does get really really annoying when thats all you can hear...its nice to have a commander that spots the enemy for you, but its really annoying when there is too much spotting, you cant even hear yourself shoot

T0xicboy wrote:

Commanders and Squads that act like that make this game so fun to play.
When I’m in a team that plays like that I Don’t want to quit and go too sleep.

yeah but how often do you find a server full of players that want to play like that? instead of running around like idiots not listening to or trying to help anyone but themselves?
When i am trying to capture a fag, i listen for footsteps aproaching, ENEMY SPOTTED doesnt help
Fag capturing?

Anyway, spotting is best done in moderation, like most things, as it is distracting for the majority of players.  What I would really like to see is a volume control for the radio alone, or just the ability to mute the radio stuff and depend on the text.  The former would be best for me, because I do need info provided by radio, but sometimes....not so much as the commander is giving.

Last edited by InnerMonkey (2006-07-14 06:47:44)

has the greatest stats on earth
just delete the enemy forces and enemy infantery spotted -sounds in your bf2 folder... easiest way to get informed without beeing nerved!

petethecheese wrote:

Macros. Almost cheating, isn't it?  Binding keys to do something the game wasn't designed for=change to the game mechanics=cheating.  Just my penny's worth
IMO, macros are indeed a form of cheating, just EA can't really do anything about it.

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

When i am trying to capture a fag, i listen for footsteps aproaching, ENEMY SPOTTED doesnt help
Ahh...That gave me the laughter of the day and will earn you +1.

FFLink13 wrote:

so you dont find it annoying when all you here is:

"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy armor spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"

it pisses me off.
lol, nyte dont get mad, its pubbing. which means you will have to deal with idiots all the time.
+45|6688|Austin, TX
Perhaps Dice could just release a new sound effect for the commander spotting. Instead of the whole babble, it could just be "infantry" or "tank" and in a quiter, softer voice. That way commanders could spot to their hearts content and it wouldn't be annoying.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6631|Reisterstown, MD

When I command, I don't spot every person on the enemy team.  Like others have said, that is counterproductive.  The people will just ignore you and then nothing gets done.  The best way to be a successful is to alert squads and lonewolves of enemy infantry and/or tanks/apc's/yadda yadda without being annoying to the point were they don't care what you say.  Most people just want to play the game without being annoyed with mindless chatter.  I spot often but I don't spot every second.  I find that if you communicate via VOIP instead of constantly spotting people, things get done quicker and more effeciently.
I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6647|Parainen, Finland

FFLink13 wrote:

so you dont find it annoying when all you here is:

"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy armor spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"

it pisses me off.
Yap, especially when its  arabic!!!!
mostly afk
+480|6590|CH/BR - in UK

~Solar~Fire~ wrote:

Perhaps Dice could just release a new sound effect for the commander spotting. Instead of the whole babble, it could just be "infantry" or "tank" and in a quiter, softer voice. That way commanders could spot to their hearts content and it wouldn't be annoying.
make your own sounds and replace the other sound files... You can make it some beeping sound, so that you notice at all, and check the map before moving on...
Fantasma Parastasie
Nyte, I'm not going to turn my SFX down for one asshat who does things differentely. I rely on sound just as much as sight to know where my enemy is and with a constant "ENEMY        INFANTRY      SPOTTED" I can't do that.
Tank Troll
+71|6730|London, UK
lazy buggers stop using Macros and do it the old fashioned way >(

I scan, then spot Jets/tanks/Apcs

UAV in the middle of the map depending if its sharqi or karkand
The Last Black Winegum
Mmmm! Winegums
+52|6646|Lancashire, UK
They should change it so that the "Enemy spotted!"  Sample can only play a certain number of times per minute.
You should still be able to spot constantly,  just limit the amount of times we have to hear the sample.
The text should still appear,  and a flashing red blip is pretty obvious,  so I think that is a possible solution.

Ubersturmbannfuhrer wrote:

FFLink13 wrote:

so you dont find it annoying when all you here is:

"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy armor spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"

it pisses me off.
Yap, especially when its  arabic!!!!
Amen! Is it just me or is it even louder (and hence automatically more irritating IMO).
Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6601|Australia, NSW
commander spotting FTW!!!!!!
i much prefer commanders that spot enemies, its really annoying to have 1 just sitting there, almost idling.
i have found that if u spot in bursts, say 8 times in a row, then stop till they dissapear then do it again, people dont complain as much, and actually like u as a commander.
however, the best commanders are the 1s that actually use voip.
whenever im in a jet on wake, and theres a voip commander, he'll actually tell me where each enemy blackhawk, f35, att chopper is, and then scan for boats going off arty island, and around the edge of the map. When this happens, i have a great round, and can sometimes stop the enemy team from capping a flag, by myself, for the whole round, without even putting a bullet into the carrier.
so for commanders out there with mics, start using them and u'll find your team will do alot better.
Why is everyone ignoring the fact its Stat Padding?
+6|6546|international waters

FFLink13 wrote:

so you dont find it annoying when all you here is:

"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy armor spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
the comander just should locate the players going to the last base, or snipers,saying more than 4 times enemy spotted is excessive

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