Note:  Yes I did a search on this but couldnt find any relevant posts, so no flames please.

So I was playing last night trying to get more points towards meritorius service medal and was used to "get ammo here" and "get health here" calls while playing on karkand.  But then I heard something I have never heard before and it took me a second to realize where it was coming from.

There was a Master Gunnery Sergeant playing medic and tossing health bag sout when I realized that his radio chatter sounded different than everyone else.  It was more grizzled and veteran sounding.  I just thought that it was a nice touch if it was intentional and I wasn't hearing things. 

It any event gonna play around with this tonight http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=4643 to see if I can actually find whats different.
+7|6931|Boulder, CO
I haven't noticed any voice changes due to rank. Commanders have a different voice but I thought everyone elses was the same.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|6956|The Hague, Holland
Yeh, commanders do have a diffrent voice. He probably whas a commander?
Ah, I think thats what it was.  They were commander at the time.  Guess Im just never close enough to a commander this is being "active" on the frontlines before.
there is severeral different sounds to each saying. I found alot alternative callings in one of the .zip files in the bf2 folder, but have not found out how to implent them in the game...
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
There are different voices for being a squad member, squad leader, and a commander.
I heard a new voice today i've never heard: Wait up, I'm out of ammo bags.

Anyone heard that so far?
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7017|Bryan/College Station, TX
I realized there were different voices for Commanders but I did not realize there were different voices for Squad Members and Leaders. Guess I never paid that close attention before. I wonder if Lonewolf have different voices also.  Would be nice if they added more variety in voices though. Even between kits.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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