I am a slightly above average jet pilot.  When i hop in any jet my main goal is simple; COMPLETE AIR SUPERIORITY.  Once i get in the air i'll shoot down a jet or two, if i can, and any choppers.  But then once i shoot them down i immediatly go to their airfield and punish them for thinking they can take off again.  I relentlessly circle and destroy the jets as soon as they spawn, ruthlessly mowing down would-be pilots again and again with my lethal machineguns.

To me this makes perfect sense. In the real world, air superiority involoves not letting planes take off in the first place. I mean, why would you?  Letting a jet take off when you have the opportunity to destroy it on the ground is tantamount to calling a "timeout" cause you skinned your knee in combat.

Recently i have heard the other team crying/complaining that this is base raping and for lack of better words "not fair".  In a Kubra Dam map which my team ended up losing, one opponent whom i killed several times said that we would not be losing if our jets would do something besides bomb/strafe their airfield.  This is a silly notion to me.  What would he rather i do in a jet, heal my teammates at 1000mph? Maybe i could open up my cockpit and throw out some ammo bags...

Am i alone in thinking this is an excellent strategy?
Aussie Outlaw
With 2gb of RAM i get into the server early enough to get over to their airfield to get one or 2 kills in. I generally let them in the air and fight them in the skies though.
Well, your argument is good and bad, good that you're doing exactly what is expected of you. Air superiority is how you describe, also taking out SAMs and AD RADAR, and any ohther airborne threat... also I think we've come to the conclusion that's 'base raping' doesn't exist... it's war . Now the 'bad' bit, you're going to piss off a lot of people with that tactic, some of them are going to be admins (can you see where I'm going with this), as for others that complain... It's a tough war but they have to deal with it

If I'm on the same server as you and you're doing your bit, I'll try to find a way of bringing you down, and that doesn't include moaning or complaining about what you're doing, it also doesn't include TKing

RasorX says, "What would he rather i do in a jet, heal my teammates at 1000mph? Maybe i could open up my cockpit and throw out some ammo bags..."

That's really funny... I've played that image over in my mind and I have to say, being hit at 100mph with an ammo bag is gonna hurt like hell
+-2|6964|The Seventh Circle of Hell
Rasor...I remember playing on a server with you. Yeah, it pissed me off when I couldn't get in a jet with you strafing the airfield. So I just changed sides since my side was losing anyway. That's my favorite tactic. Can't beat em? Join em! LOL
Oh did you want that tank?
+0|6933|Mechanicsville, VA
Well see theres a thing though... when theres only one flag left and its uncapable its not base raping... when your team has 4 flags... and all your doing is circuling the spawn bombing and killing people as they spawn.. it is spawning and base raping.. cause theres no chance for the person even to leave the spawn area. Which I consider annoying as hell, and personally hate.  I think if you really have a good enough grasp on flying a plane... wait till they get off the ground or leave spawn and than you can kill them... atleast than they have a chance to avoid and dodge. or abandon and run. If your killing someone before they even get a chance to run. its definately base raping. You could be using your good flying skills to help your team capture flags and win the round instead of being an annoying base raping bitch.
You could have also been helping your team taking out enemy armor or troop concentrations.  Didn't that baseraping get monotonous?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7003|Cologne, Germany

shortah wrote:

Well see theres a thing though... when theres only one flag left and its uncapable its not base raping... when your team has 4 flags... and all your doing is circuling the spawn bombing and killing people as they spawn.. it is spawning and base raping.. cause theres no chance for the person even to leave the spawn area. Which I consider annoying as hell, and personally hate.  I think if you really have a good enough grasp on flying a plane... wait till they get off the ground or leave spawn and than you can kill them... atleast than they have a chance to avoid and dodge. or abandon and run. If your killing someone before they even get a chance to run. its definately base raping. You could be using your good flying skills to help your team capture flags and win the round instead of being an annoying base raping bitch.
please no...

I kindly refer you to the Base raping thread which can be found here. http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=3397

I'm not even going to start argueing this again here.

Wise tactic to me. Word.
njah think thats pathetic way of getting your kills

do you really think your a good pilot if you only can kill the enmy "pilot" if they just got in the plain ??

and what Greenie_Beazinie does is really anonying yes, some people are faster in the game and then take the advantage, and then they can keep that advantage the whole round.

and if you think your are a good pilot or if you are, then its really pathetic that you dont try to create a nice airfight
noob on tour
As the uber pilot you claim to be ou shold´ve let them take off and then crush them in a dogfight. Strafing again and again is just boring and it´s not that skill involving.
+27|6933|Atlanta, GA USA

Tigg@lot wrote:

As the uber pilot you claim to be ou shold´ve let them take off and then crush them in a dogfight. Strafing again and again is just boring and it´s not that skill involving.
That's inane.  "I've got to show everybody that I'm a 1337 pilot, so I'll let him takeoff so we can dogfight."  That's like being in a tank, seeing an enemy run towards another tank and saying, "well, I should wait until he gets in the tank so it will be a fair fight."  Bullshit!  I'm gonna cap his ass before he gets there!

picasso wrote:

and what Greenie_Beazinie does is really anonying yes, some people are faster in the game and then take the advantage, and then they can keep that advantage the whole round.
How can a ram upgrade be annoying? We can all do the same thing and as for "take the advantage", that's a well recognised tactic in any war/situation.

More ram, gotta get more ram
Flying Solo
+98|6932|Canada, Ont
Keeping them on the Ground is more or less Stat-Padding, Unless lets say the Enemy Bomber is whats Keeping you from Victory, Keeping it Blown up at the AirField is a Tactic, But if your just Base Raping your just Stat-Padding.

shortah wrote:

You could be using your good flying skills to help your team capture flags and win the round instead of being an annoying base raping bitch.

my two cents:
If there are other control points on the map that my team needs to capture, I'll use my plane to help them do that.  Besides, I have a lot of fun both evading and chasing enemy jets.  If the main, uncappable base is the only one left, then do what you gotta do.  But, while I can't argue with the "air-superiority" logic, I do think it's pretty gay to get kills that way.

It may be a smart tactic, but I wouldn't go around saying that I'm a good pilot just because I can kill people at an airfield by strafing/hovering over the area.

Tigg@lot wrote:

As the uber pilot you claim to be ou shold´ve let them take off and then crush them in a dogfight. Strafing again and again is just boring and it´s not that skill involving.
I said i was slightly above average, i'm a B grade pilot. 

I think some of you need to reread what i wrote. I have one goal; AIR SUPIRIORITY. Im not trying to test my pilot skills, rack up kills, spawn kill etc. I will shoot a jet even if nobody's in it, i don't wait for someone to hop in just so i can get a kill.  It's a simple math equation, why waste minutes chasing down the enemy jet, when i can spend seconds shooting it when it's on the ground?

In addition, its not like i spend the ENTIRE round above the enemy airfield, jets don't have unlimited ammo, you realize.  So you have about 30 seconds to either get out of the base or decide in your thick skull, not to spawn there anymore.

If you're going to post a reply with something along the lines of "But Rasor, you're not helping your team that way!" (or some misspelled variation) don't bother replying. By keeping their jets/helos off the ground you're keeping your helos/jets alive, keeping your troops alive, helping your team cap flags( flag goes neutral you get bombed by enemy jet), etc.

I honestly can't understand the mentality of people who just get killed over and over and over and over and over again with this strategy. Hey genius! Stop going for the jets!!  I have been killed at my own airbase by jets doing this and when it happens, I DO SOMETHING ELSE.
RasorX says, "I DO SOMETHING ELSE". Yeah, I remember I have the fence to repair, or the cats to feed
But Rasor, you're not helping your team that way!"

RasorX wrote:

I am a slightly above average jet pilot.  When i hop in any jet my main goal is simple; COMPLETE AIR SUPERIORITY.  Once i get in the air i'll shoot down a jet or two, if i can, and any choppers.  But then once i shoot them down i immediatly go to their airfield and punish them for thinking they can take off again.  I relentlessly circle and destroy the jets as soon as they spawn, ruthlessly mowing down would-be pilots again and again with my lethal machineguns.

To me this makes perfect sense. In the real world, air superiority involoves not letting planes take off in the first place. I mean, why would you?  Letting a jet take off when you have the opportunity to destroy it on the ground is tantamount to calling a "timeout" cause you skinned your knee in combat.

Recently i have heard the other team crying/complaining that this is base raping and for lack of better words "not fair".  In a Kubra Dam map which my team ended up losing, one opponent whom i killed several times said that we would not be losing if our jets would do something besides bomb/strafe their airfield.  This is a silly notion to me.  What would he rather i do in a jet, heal my teammates at 1000mph? Maybe i could open up my cockpit and throw out some ammo bags...

Am i alone in thinking this is an excellent strategy?
Although you would certainly p*ss me off, that doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong! Your tactic is one I would expect from any good, experienced pilot.
My job, as your enemy (surely) would be to get my sorry ass onto an AA and try to bring YOUR sorry ass down in flames, or at least badger you enough to give our air assets time to get airbourne.

RasorX wrote:

If you're going to post a reply with something along the lines of "But Rasor, you're not helping your team that way!" (or some misspelled variation) don't bother replying. By keeping their jets/helos off the ground you're keeping your helos/jets alive, keeping your troops alive, helping your team cap flags( flag goes neutral you get bombed by enemy jet), etc.
The title of your thread is a question asking for people's opinions.  If you can't stop being a bitch when they give you answers, don't ask questions.

If you are only above their airfield shooting at jets on the ground, then your jet is effectively out of the game as well.  The 25 tickets you take from the opposition can pretty easily be countered by the extra 25 I get in a tank since I don't have to worry you bombing me.

RasorX wrote:

I honestly can't understand the mentality of people who just get killed over and over and over and over and over again with this strategy. Hey genius! Stop going for the jets!!  I have been killed at my own airbase by jets doing this and when it happens, I DO SOMETHING ELSE.
You say your goal is complete air superiority, and yet you can't understand why someone would want to keep trying to take that edge away from you?  Genius...right.

Last edited by dsb (2005-11-14 07:34:42)


picasso wrote:

do you really think your a good pilot if you only can kill the enmy "pilot" if they just got in the plain ??
I think the pilot who just got bombed has team-mates who aren't keeping the enemy busy enough for him to take off.
If you are playing on a server full of individuals, you're gonna get hammered by the likes of RasorX, but I think (and he'd be the first to admit) if you were opperating your airbase as a team, he wouldn't be able to be so casual in his killing. So in the end...isn't it your teams fault and not his?
Dirtier than thou
First of all, just as a general comment that applies to everyone in here, not just this thread: this game is not war.  It is a game.  The comparisons to a real war need to stop.

But anyways, the only time I have a problem with strafing the airfield is if the enemy has jets or helos in the air.  Not to accuse anyone in here because I have never played with you, but a lot of pilots completely ignore enemy jets because killing people at the airbases is easier.
Well lets just say Spawnkilling Sucks!!
I mean i played several team on both sides the Spawnkillers and the Spawnkilled.
But for example it really lame like on Wake 07 when u are USMC and u just want to get of the Airfield but the only think what is happening is that u are dying all the time!
I mean u spawn and there comes the jet with his bomb, next spawn is an artillery on your head, and the next is and missled rocket from the chopper!  I mean comon people thats really lame!
Its like Camping all the time in Counterstrike on the Bombspot and waiting for the Counters to rush the Bombsite and to give them a headshot!
i mean its no satisfaction killing an enemy who doesnt see you or who is about 1,5 sec alive because he just had spawned!
Your right about your tactic but thats a game man and it should make fun i first place!
Got milk?
Hmmmmmm, well I guess that bombing airfield isnt a base raping cuz usually spawn points arent near. So basicly you dont do spawn raping, you just bombing your enemy. I agree that its not rey fair when pilots spawn rape. But in my opinion airfield isnt a place of mass spawn cuz there are only 2-3 ppl waiting for the plane all game. And its good for your team when opponent dont fly, so you have to be afraid of heli only. Well its only my opinion, personally I think that base rape is weak and no skill but airfield bombing hmmm there is some profit for ur team
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

I don't care if you do this, but doesn't base-raping and spawn-camping get boring? I tank whore sometimes, and it just isn't any fun. Yeah you get mad points, but it gets really boring after a while.

BiRdMaN829 wrote:

First of all, just as a general comment that applies to everyone in here, not just this thread: this game is not war.  It is a game.  The comparisons to a real war need to stop.
And you expelled how much energy to tell us the so blindingly obvious. Man, you need to stop and think first

picasso wrote:

But Rasor, you're not helping your team that way!"
How can preventing the enemy's use of air assets not be 'helping the team'?

I'm no expert in warfare, but as the last 2 Gulf wars (and our own Falklands conflict) clearly show...a Commander in Chief would chew his own nuts off to guarantee his side air-superiority. It has to be one of the major deciding factors in any modern war.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm talkin out of me pipe

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