
The most anoying thing in BF2

Getting Badges/Ribbons3%3% - 13
Accident punishers33%33% - 115
Tk'ers21%21% - 73
Lag/Comp. requierments12%12% - 42
Load times12%12% - 43
Gun inaccuracies15%15% - 53
Total: 339
Dirtier than thou
You aren't even any good with it.  .81 kpd? lmao.  I barely even use the thing because i hate it and im probably better than you with it.
+81|7078|LEEDS!!!!!, Yorkshire
2. Whiners who complaion about n00b t00bs, but drive around in tanks (n00bzilla) or fly helo's or jets racking up their 1,000's of kills.

this has to be one of the funniest things said so far.
Dear God please let my karma one day reach 100, whether it be tomorrow or 1000 years in the future i want it to happen.
+28|7049|Germany, Berlin
what really sux are palyers who drive off ina vehicle refusing to take anyone with them........AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHH   i hate those cocksuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also, i hate people who use artillery against uncapturable bases...........fuckin' noobs lookin' for easy kills........sooooooooooooooo lame
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7115|Orlando, FL - Age 43

BiRdMaN829 wrote:

You aren't even any good with it.  .81 kpd? lmao.  I barely even use the thing because i hate it and im probably better than you with it.
Well, Birdie, I guess I'll have to improve that, won't I?

One map later.....it's up to .82 now

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-13 18:05:48)

Bloody Sky

[S.P.S]1on1killa wrote:

what really sux are palyers who drive off ina vehicle refusing to take anyone with them........AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHH   i hate those cocksuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also, i hate people who use artillery against uncapturable bases...........fuckin' noobs lookin' for easy kills........sooooooooooooooo lame
Umm if Im Commander and all they have is an uncappable base, then I'm going to arty that (if a lot of them are there and no where else).

But I do agree with you on the vehincle thing. Quite annoying.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7115|Orlando, FL - Age 43

[S.P.S]1on1killa wrote:

what really sux are palyers who drive off ina vehicle refusing to take anyone with them........AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHH   i hate those cocksuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also, i hate people who use artillery against uncapturable bases...........fuckin' noobs lookin' for easy kills........sooooooooooooooo lame
Well, 1on1....since most of the assets such as planes, tanks and helo's are at uncappable bases, the best thing a commander can do is keep those monsters off his teams back, hence the artillery.

I too agree with idgets that drive off solo.

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-18 06:47:22)

complaining about n00b t00bs is like the spatic complaints about "awp whores" in CS. FFS, its in the game, its there to be used. If you own with it - good for you, stick with it. What the hell do you complainers want? Send your complaints to EA. Then they can send them to the military that they based their weapons on.

Dear Department of Defence,
I am writing concerning the use of grenade launchers by the armed forces. Its just not fair on the enemy that you allow your troopers in the field with such an effective weapon. Please remove them from service and produce a written request form that the enemy may sign to approve the deployment of incendiary devices upon their person.
Yours Sincerely,
Gamer for Dignifed and Formal Use of Grenades

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2005-11-13 21:14:22)

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7055|The United Center

oberst_enzian wrote:

complaining about n00b t00bs is like the spatic complaints about "awp whores" in CS. FFS, its in the game, its there to be used. If you own with it - good for you, stick with it. What the hell do you complainers want? Send your complaints to EA. Then they can send them to the military that they based their weapons on.

Dear Department of Defence,
I am writing concerning the use of grenade launchers by the armed forces. Its just not fair on the enemy that you allow your troopers in the field with such an effective weapon. Please remove them from service and produce a written request form that the enemy may sign to approve the deployment of incendiary devices upon their person.
Yours Sincerely,
Gamer for Dignifed and Formal Use of Grenades
man, incendiary grenades would be awesome.
People who use the M203 to kill one person. I can completely understand using it to hurt/kill a group capping a flag or to take out light vehicle. But to just turn a corner and get blasted with it is annoying. There's really no skill to it.

Getting punished for running over your teammates who lay in front of the plane/helicopter/tank because you got there first and they want it. You tards. You die and you don't get the vehicle. I lose 4 points and get a tk.

Getting kicked because you're winning. Yes, my score is better than yours. No, it's not a good reason to kick me.

Jumping off a building and your chute deploying. Later, jumping off that same building and it not. WTH.

Spawning with a tank/APC barrel in your face. I'm not complaining, really. I understand it happens and it's part of the game (I do it too), and that's fine, but it's still annoying.

Getting in the passenger seat of the plane/helicopter and dying in the next five seconds due to a sudden loss of distance between vehicle and ground. Play single player and learn to fly. Or let me fly.

Shooting a heat-seaking missile that's locked onto the enemy plane/helicopter and it swerving to hit the suddenly-appeared team vehicle and hitting it. The missiles behavior may or may not be realistic, but it's so annoying!

The MP5. What a terrible weapon.

Getting killed by a supply drop. Thank you for the supplies. (Although, it is kinda funny when you think about it. Really funny when you are the commander.)

Dying because somehow the eryx that hit the front of the tank caused a large enough explosion to totally remove the health from my gunner seat body that's curled up in a ball hiding from said rocket. WTH??

Getting shot out of the gunner seat of the chopper by an eryx. What kind of voodoo is involved here? The same cockpit that prevents the pilot from instantly dying has failed to protect me? WTH??? Did the Anti-tank person cast a spell on the rocket?

Having over 80 points and 1st place and only 2 minutes to go when "THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH YOUR CONNECTION" blinds you. Sorry, your connection has been lost. !@#&$%

Having a lag spike end your kill streak. 12...13...14..."THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH YOUR CONNECTION" *is dead*

Having to wait until after you fulfill your ** hour requirement to count your ** kills in a round.

Idiot medics who can't use the defibrillator. KNEEL POINT AND CLICK. How hard is that??

Karkand. Yes, I do realize that my stats show I've spent more time on it and Mashtur. Is it just me or does every other server only play those maps? I want to play Gulf of Oman, Dalian Plant, Wake Island, Daqing... It's hard finding good servers that play those maps.

I'm sure I'll think of more later.

Since you took the time to look at my stats, you also saw that I use the entire variety of kits, the t00b just happens to be my favorite.
Considering that more than 1/3 of your time is spent as assualt and 1/4 of your time using the tube, that does not qualify you as using a "variety of kits." Besides, you don't even have a 1 k/d ratio.

Last edited by RVS-Valve (2005-11-13 23:03:42)

Dolphins on crack.
I was playing and this guy, as a sniper, constantly jumped up and dolphined and all kinds of crazy stuff and worst was, he was able to shoot pretty exact after landing from a running 2m dolphin dive with 180° turn.
[Expert Smoke Grenade]
+44|7083|Hamburg, Germany
Teammates trying to collect the "grey pizza"...
soup fly mod

pink bunnies, they really annoy me
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

1. People who punish me for their stupidity ( "Dude, I was absolutely sure you would be able to stop your Humvee from 60 to 0 within 3 feet.." )
2. drivers who don't even look around before speeding of alone
3. people who cannot use the HUD properly ( refers to 2. ).
4. people who cannot use the commo rose properly
+23|7058|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL

oberst_enzian wrote:

complaining about n00b t00bs is like the spatic complaints about "awp whores" in CS. FFS, its in the game, its there to be used. If you own with it - good for you, stick with it. What the hell do you complainers want? Send your complaints to EA. Then they can send them to the military that they based their weapons on.

Dear Department of Defence,
I am writing concerning the use of grenade launchers by the armed forces. Its just not fair on the enemy that you allow your troopers in the field with such an effective weapon. Please remove them from service and produce a written request form that the enemy may sign to approve the deployment of incendiary devices upon their person.
Yours Sincerely,
Gamer for Dignifed and Formal Use of Grenades
The problem isn't those who use the launcher...it's the fact that the blast radius is so inaccurate that I can die 2 feet from someone using a launcher while they aren't injured...same for the AT missle...what complete BS. I'm fine if you want to suicide, but game mechanics that allow impossible and completely stupid kills annoy me no end.

I'll laugh at a SpecOps that blows both of us up...it proves their skill, IMHO. I'll even laugh at suicide car bombers. But when an AT or launcher kills me within knifing distance without them dying, it's friggin' annoying...
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7115|Orlando, FL - Age 43

RVS-Valve wrote:

Since you took the time to look at my stats, you also saw that I use the entire variety of kits, the t00b just happens to be my favorite.
Considering that more than 1/3 of your time is spent as assualt and 1/4 of your time using the tube, that does not qualify you as using a "variety of kits." Besides, you don't even have a 1 k/d ratio.

I think that you made a lot of excellent points.....you mention many things that I did not write about and I agree with 95% of them. However, your comment where you don't think I play a variety of kits is a little strange.....I have more time playing just support and engineer than you have total playing the game and only two hours less as spec-ops alone (72hrs to your 74 total time). Of my total time played, only 15% has been with the t00b. I haven't worried too much about my k/d ratio, although many here seem to think that this is the be all and end all of stats, I take many for the team. That means as an assault, I am the first of my squad to rush a defended point, the first to climb a ladder, etc (If I am determined to take out a sniper, I don't let a few claymores get in the way). I also love to take out campers, which may mean spawning in their sights a few times till I get em. That's not to mention that it took me a looong time to get up to speed in this game. I was owned terribly when I first started playing and I have not created a new account since I got relatively "good". I invite you to play on a squad with me before you make such rash statements.

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-18 06:48:15)

Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7115|Orlando, FL - Age 43

oberst_enzian wrote:

complaining about n00b t00bs is like the spatic complaints about "awp whores" in CS. FFS, its in the game, its there to be used. If you own with it - good for you, stick with it. What the hell do you complainers want? Send your complaints to EA. Then they can send them to the military that they based their weapons on.

Dear Department of Defence,
I am writing concerning the use of grenade launchers by the armed forces. Its just not fair on the enemy that you allow your troopers in the field with such an effective weapon. Please remove them from service and produce a written request form that the enemy may sign to approve the deployment of incendiary devices upon their person.
Yours Sincerely,
Gamer for Dignifed and Formal Use of Grenades
couldn't have said it better myself!

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-18 06:48:33)

+7|7145|California, USA
The nooblet tube may not be realistic (activating < 15m or whatever the minimum distance is for activation), but it's in the game...just deal with it and laff at the ppl when they blow themselves up.
Ach du Sheisse!!!!
The worst thing for me:

Pilots who cannot fly in a straight line, even on a lag free server...
Shitty server rules/admins...
People who tk for fun...
People who run in front of vehicles, thinking they'll have Battlefield Insurance...

wensleydale8 wrote:

2. Whiners who complaion about n00b t00bs, but drive around in tanks (n00bzilla) or fly helo's or jets racking up their 1,000's of kills.

this has to be one of the funniest things said so far.
If you mean me: my stats show that I don't use armor very often.

Darth_Fleder wrote:

RVS-Valve wrote:

Since you took the time to look at my stats, you also saw that I use the entire variety of kits, the t00b just happens to be my favorite.
Considering that more than 1/3 of your time is spent as assualt and 1/4 of your time using the tube, that does not qualify you as using a "variety of kits." Besides, you don't even have a 1 k/d ratio.

I think that you made a lot of excellent points.....you mention many things that I did not write about and I agree with 95% of them. However, your comment where you don't think I play a variety of kits is a little strange.....I have more time playing just support and engineer than you have total playing the game and only two hours less as spec-ops alone (72hrs to your 74 total time). Of my total time played, only 15% has been with the t00b. I haven't worried too much about my k/d ratio, although many here seem to think that this is the be all and end all of stats, I take many for the team. That means as an assault, I am the first of my squad to rush a defended point, the first to climb a ladder, etc (If I am determined to take out a sniper, I don't let a few claymores get in the way). I also love to take out campers, which may mean spawning in their sights a few times till I get em. That's not to mention that it took me a looong time to get up to speed in this game. I was owned terribly when I first started playing and I have not created a new account since I got relatively "good". I invite you to play on a squad with me before you make such rash statements.

I'm sorry but I really don't want to play in your squad. If I want to knife someone, or if I'm even close to an enemy, you will tube me to death because you wan't to kill that guy that I want to kill too.

What you say about, spawning at campers and spawning at "under heavy fire" places is very stupid. As a well trained soldier you have to point out the most strategic spawnpoint to spawn at, where you won't die instanly. This is in my opinion a part of Battlefield 2. It's not a skill but just common sense because even the beginners, like you were, and me, know to apprehend that.
You also say that when you started with this game, you were terrible at it and you haven't changed account since. Same here and still I have a positive kill to death ratio. That is because I know how to point out where to spawn, what's best for the team, knowing where tanks are etc. I don't need a m203/gp30 for that job because me and my gun are best friends. I can shoot an enemy for minor distance in a giffy, and I'm reasonable at long distances. Mostly I play the medic kit because reviving and healing my teammates is the best for my team. That's what I think. When a squadmember is killed, I kill his subdeur, and revive him. If he needs first aid, i'll give him that.
THAT'S the best for the team. Why is using a grenade launcher best for the team?

I will spare you the fact that you run into claymores when you know they are there...
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

then those off days
then having a sucky team
then the fact that despite having a 6800, an Athlon 3000 XP, and 1GB dual-channeled RAM that people have better computers and have more money to spend
then the times when I can't spawn because of arty/campers/203 whores
and then tk'ers
Aliens Ate My Babysitter
There's a lot of things more annoying (like being switched the team you've just helped destroy at the last minute), people who can only use the grenade launcher at close range, and somehow don't get a scratch despite being as close the thing when it goes off as you, deserve to suffer for eternity. I utterly respect those people who can get you are range with it, but there are some people who only ever use it at close range (I know, as I've been on and against teams with these players).

Those guys irk me.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7115|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Obviously, we all bow to your infinite wisdom, especially in light of the fact that post was NOT directed to you. But, since you felt it necessary to put your two cents in, something I wrote must have touched a nerve. FIrst of all, Speelie, the ONLY reason that you have a positive k/d ratio is that you use weapons other than those in your kit, i.e. helicopter, armor etc.

                          Kills  Deaths
Totals 153:06:08 5,111 6,263    <-------look it up yourself


The above are YOUR kit weapon totals as reported by this site. That Mr. smarty is a .81 k/d ratio. So don't presume to lecture me as to how smart YOU are and how handy you are with your "best friend" gun, when it comes to playing the game.

Neither do I "need" the GL, I just like it best. Nothing in this game is more gratifying then to lay a grenade right at somebody's feet and watch them fly ass over teakettle, five to ten feet in the air, then lay there twitching. I also like spec-ops and engineer as well. I have no problem breaking off an engagement and change kits to go repair commander assets or a friendly vehicle. You also have vet engineer and know how hard it is to get ten repair points in a round.

I am glad that you like to play the medic kit, because we all could use a little revival (you can read more into that if you like), and my thanks when you do. It is the variety of people playing different kits that makes this game fun. I have no problem when the enemy (the key word is enemy)  uses anything at his disposal to accomplish a victory. I ask for no quarter as many of the whiners do when they get pwned by someone skilled with the grenade launcher. Don't give me this friendly fire crap either, I incur far fewer teamkills with the t00b than I get.

In regards to dealing with the claymores that you allude to, if I climb the ladder first with a teammate slightly behind....goodbye sniper. But, obviously, self-sacrifice is not yet in your character, being too worried about your precious k/d ratio. 

How does my using the GL help the team? Well, one example comes to mind which should just tickle you to death. After launching one your teammates a short way to heaven, his trusty medic buddy goes to revive him and *BooM*, two tickets are subracted from then enemy score instead of one. , not to mention that will kill a vodnik/hmmv with two hits, soften up multiple enemies from a distance...etc. But you are smart guy....figure it out.

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-18 06:50:20)


nzjafa wrote:

an annoying thing happened today. i was on a karkand map and i clicked sniper by accident. i dont like sniper because i have crap aim and i never get any kills with it. i got about 3 kills before i died in the square (finally).
then, with about 2 seconds to spare, a medic runs across the square to revive me. within 5 seconds i'm dead again, from the same guy. then the medic (who was lying behind me so i was his meat shield) revives me. it happened 4 or 5 times before someone finally killed him.
"please just let me die!" i yelled but to no avail... any other time i would have been really grateful.
Why didn't you just swap kits with the first body you came across?

Anyway, I clicked badges, etc, because I hate, hate the knife and pistol badges which unless you possess the powers of the ninja, you have to die multiple times to get. I know, there are lots of super knifers and pistoleers running around and yay for you, but to me, it strikes me as stupid to charge people with knife in hand when you've got a perfectly good assault rifle just begging to be used, and thus it's stupid to give people a badge for it, IMO. I understand the pistol one is a little more reasonable, but still... The other reason why I hate badges etc is because in almost every game, you'll get a C4/tank/medikit/plane whore who justify their at best irritating actions by saying: "I'm going for my badge, sorry" after they TK you for the armour.

And pilots who kamikaze into helicopters because they figure the suicide is worth the 2, 3 ... 6 kills are a close second, for mine.

I've flown into enemy helicopters a couple of times trying to do the flypast missile kill and stuffed it up, and each time I've apologised to the enemy I've killed. Simply because I'm not a cheap player and seeing as I play on much the same servers all the time, I don't want familiar faces thinking that's how I get my jollies.
The only three things I find annoying are hoppers, people that run over mines and punish you and people that run you over and you use a grenade launcher or rocket on the incoming car and it goes right through it. There is no skill required if you hop. All the do is jump up and down whilst the other guy wastes his bullets, who aims at someones feet anyway? If they jump shoot them in the gut! It pisses the fuck outta me when the run over mines and punish you for there idiocy! and when people run you over and the grenade or rocket goes right through the car... That pisses me off! Any other time it wouldn't annoy me Nothing else annoys me. Well maybe when im a victim of a BHwhoring spree.
People who kill you with the eryx or 203 at knife range and don't take any damage.

Getting an award just to get kicked/lost connection/etc and lose it. That sucks.

People who fly into you. I can understand if you screw up and don't pull up. I can't understand kamikaze plane BS. Learn to fly properly.

People who abuse the Q command. "Neg neg neg neg neg neg neg neg negative. en en en en en enemy forces spotted!" WTH are you accomplishing?!?!?!?

People who put AT mines at the only exit to a friendly base. I want to drive my tank out, and I don't want to have to wait while I blow up the mines.

Lopsided games. If I see that the enemy team is lacking personnel, I will switch over. I can't stand seeing a team outnumbered 2:1.

My team capping the last enemy flag, ending the game after only 8 minutes. Good job guys, we won. Now how many points did you earn? 12? Whoopdy do. Let the game go on for at least 15-20 minutes. I want a score at least around 40.

In regards to dealing with the claymores that you allude to, if I climb the ladder first with a teammate slightly behind....goodbye sniper. But, obviously, self-sacrifice is not yet in your character, being too worried about your precious k/d ratio.
Or you could use a kit that allows you to use an actual grenade and just throw it up on the roof, eliminating the claymore. Then you can proceed to kill the sniper yourself. That's one less death and one more kill. This isn't real life. Jumping on a grenade to save your squad doesn't work, and blowing yourself up by running into a claymore you know is there isn't doing anything but show how dumb you are. You don't get brownie points for something like that. Dropping a C4 at your feet and taking out 4 enemies is a worthy reason for self-sacrifice. Running into a claymore you can avoid is dumb.

What you say about, spawning at campers and spawning at "under heavy fire" places is very stupid.
AMEN. Spawning to die is dumb. Spawn nearby and rush over.

Of my total time played, only 15% has been with the t00b.
You suck at math, you know that? Let's see... 53 total time tubing, divided by 195 total time... (notice I'm even rounding down for tube and up for total time, to make it less than it really is) carry the 6... equals... 27%. That's more than 1/4, like I said. Not 15%. I guess you haven't finished 5th grade yet. Heck, you can just look at it straight and say 53 is close to 50, 195 close to 200, 50=1/4 of 200. No division required. Now we're talking 4th grade.

I have more time playing just support and engineer than you have total playing the game and only two hours less as spec-ops alone
We are not comparing my stats to yours. We are comparing your stats to yourself. My time played has nothing to do with your stats. 39% of your time is spent as assualt. 22% SpecOps. Those two kits make up more than half your play time. That's not variety. That's speciality. And before you say anything about my time spent on kits, I'm working on vet badges one at a time, so don't even mention my time spent on any kit. If you look I just earned vet sniper, and now I'm going to work on engineer and medic. The time I spent as specops and assualt was used to gain the points needed for unlocks.

One last annoying thing totally unrelated to BF2: Highschoolers who don't know what an adjective is. Or an adverb. Or long division. Thank God I'm out of that hell.

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