Lindsay Lohan was 10 times hotter during her "chubby" days.  Now she just looks like a strungout crackwhore.  How can anyone think Richie and Lohan are hot when you can see bone sticking out through the skin.
Have you seen my nutz?

Hyper wrote:

shoutwire ftw
could have at least posted your source
I did look at the bottom of the ORIGINAL POST FTW!!!
well then ill wipe the egg off my face

read it 2x and still didnt see it
i'm glad i have a son.

Smaug, your daughter wasn't around Camp Pendleton at all? 5'7"ish brown hair, green eyes, maybe a 130 lbs?.. if so.. i'm the father...
I do it for the lulz.
Are you looking for investors in your Chili-stuffed Hot Dog Corp.? I'd buy a sizeable amount of stock.
Mmmm chili-stuffed hot dogs.. what would the name be?
I killed you,you just don't know it yet
the thing is you the wrighting on that top only means what you 1t it to mean.   

"i got something in my eye no no I faked it"

and so on at the end of the day you nor anyone Else can agree with everything so just take things in your stride and let there mom and dad decide what is right and wrong for THERE kids
Member since 2005
+44|6814|Kansas, USA
I agree with the OP about the state of things today. And several others have made some good points concerning different views of the causes. I think there is some truth to all of them. Bad parenting, or more correctly lack of parenting, is the primary cause. One poster brought up the fact that in the US people are much more uptight about sex and the body in general. I agree with that, but again it goes back to the parenting and being able to talk openly and frankly with your children. The schools shouldn't be teaching sex-ed, the parents should. But, because that is not happening the schools need to start covering the slack.

Another problem IS the mainstream media. Reality TV, rap music, etc. have elevated bad behavior as not only accepted behavior but to admired behavior. I'm not saying rap music makes kids bad per say, but it is a contributing factor. Again, the primary responsibility lies on parenting (I have 2 kids by the way, so I'm not talking out of my ass). Along with contributing factor is the extreme liberal elements of our society. No matter how abhorent a behavior is there is someone out there who is defending it or minimizing it by trying to label it as a disease (like alcoholism) or saying that it is appropriate for them because they come from a certain segment of society.

Anyway, I wnted to comment on a couple of posts:

max wrote:

This reminds me a bit of the pedophilic thread somewhere here on the forums. I mean you can't really blame guys for living out their fantasys when they are practically invited to fuck the little girls. Dont get me wrong, i condone that activity but i can also somewhat understand the men.
Max, I think you have the complete opposite understanding of the word 'condone' as to what it really means. Either that, or you are a sicko.


the thing is you the wrighting on that top only means what you 1t it to mean.   

"i got something in my eye no no I faked it"

and so on at the end of the day you nor anyone Else can agree with everything so just take things in your stride and let there mom and dad decide what is right and wrong for THERE kids
I don't know how much consideration I can give your statement considering you don't know the difference between 'their' and 'there' and I don't know what 'wrighting' is. Those are not the type of errors I would expect from an educated adult. So I would have to guess that you are either an uneducated adult or a kid. In either case you do not have the credentials to make an informed opinion on this matter.

Your lame attempt to try and minimize the message on the girl's shirt is the same type of arguments used to minimize or elevate bad behavior as I stated above. Consider the song by the Black Eyed Peas "Don't Phunk With My Heart". I suppose you would try to say the word "Phunk" isn't a psuedonym for "fuck". Yes, it has some other meaning, but it also has that meaning as well.

I am not for censorship by any means. Hell, in my opinion if we had more boobs on TV, and in society in general we wouldn't have so many men obsessed with big boobs. I'd be interested in knowing the statistics of women getting breast augmentation in the US vs Europe - anyone? It all comes down to the parents - not to shield their kids from all this "crap", but to explain and guide them so that they do not admire it. Without people consuming this "crap" it will be diminished.
'twice cooked beef!'
where to begin?

it is no secret that american culture is at the same time sexually liberated and repressive. compared with certain traditional cultures, the amount of wanton, gratuitous sex in american media is huge. yet, most americans [and much of Western culture at large] exhibit an almost fanatical devotion to sexual mores and normative behavior. homosexuality is only now beginning to be mainstreamed, and you only have to look to your state legislature to see the conservatives fighting it tooth and claw.

in relation to this thread, and the pedophilia thread, we see the intolerant attitudes that people can have about any sexual culture that deviates from their own. notably, most of the posters don't seem to grasp the difference between sexual orientation and sexual behavior. pedophiles have no control over what they are attracted to, but that doesn't stop people from wanting to 'castrate all of them.'

i have to ask, why do people think it's ok for two 15 year olds to have sex with each other, but not an 18 yr old and a 15 yr old? no one honestly believes that teenagers [and pre-teens] don't have sex. some people say that a line needs to be drawn for legal reasons, and that line is necessarily arbitrary. while there is truth in that, other cultures have no problem with leaving the issue out of the government's hands entirely. in some australian states there are no age limits for consentual sex between identically aged people at all.

'Studies have found that before age 13, from one-third to half have engaged in sex play, and from 20% to one-third have attempted or completed intercourse.'source
'According to Alfred Kinsey's examinations in the 1950s, children are capable of experiencing orgasm from the age of five months. Kinsey observed that among three-year-olds girls more often masturbated than boys, probably because of their faster developed motor function. Lubrication of the vagina was also observed on sexually aroused girls, similar to that of adult women. Until boys start producing semen (around puberty), they can only experience dry orgasms.'source
in other cultures, sex is a healthy and natural thing that children are exposed to at a very early age. yet, i bet that the quotes that i picked out above bothered at least some of you. westerners overwhelmingly consider children and sexual activity to be inviolably separate concepts, which shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence. the social stigma is so strong that even people who don't necessarily agree with the publically prescribed notions of child sexuality are usually too afraid to speak their true minds. and i can't help but wonder if some of the vehemence that people exhibit toward sexual deviance is caused by an over-compensating need to cover up their own hidden desires.

if there is a point to this post, it's that it's good for us to keep a healthy amount of moral relativism. sexual attitudes evolve, and at a faster rate today than ever before due to the rapid spread of information. the ancient greeks would have found our attitudes toward child sexuality laughably prudish. you would be hard-pressed to say who was right in the end - after all, the ancient greeks were a bastion of knowledge and advanced culture.

Member since 2005
+44|6814|Kansas, USA

Krappyappy wrote:

... I have to ask, why do people think it's ok for two 15 year olds to have sex with each other, but not an 18 yr old and a 15 yr old? no one honestly believes that teenagers [and pre-teens] don't have sex. some people say that a line needs to be drawn for legal reasons, and that line is necessarily arbitrary. while there is truth in that, other cultures have no problem with leaving the issue out of the government's hands entirely. in some australian states there are no age limits for consentual sex between identically aged people at all.
I agree with what you said. However, I want to respond to the above quote.

I have lived in several states in the US and while all of them have statutory rape laws (consensual sex between and adult and a minor), they also have what are called "Romeo & Juliet" exclusions. basically if the minor and an adult are within a certain number of years of each other, than it is not a crime. Otherwise, if two 17yr olds had a sexual relationship and then one turned 18 it would be a crime. That is only an example, the atge of consent and the actual laws vary from state to state.

I think most Americans would agree that the statutroy rape laws are there to protect young children from much older adults. Recently a 26 year old man impregnated his 14 year old girlfriend. They went to a neighboring state which allowed them to marry with the permission of the girl's parents; so he would not be prosecuted in his home state. However, it doesn't work like that and they prosecuted him anyway. The funny thing about all that was that this was in the "bible belt" (very conservative and uptight about sex) and there were a lot of people defending their actions because a marriage is a union "blessed by God." I consider myself pretty open minded, but I think 26 and 14 is wrong.
The first true Sniper.
+95|6682|Cumberland, MD, USA
Speaking from a young adult's point of view I believe that this "Romeo & Juliet" exclusion makes a lot of sense. Personally, I don't have to worry about this problem, but a good friend of mine did. He was dating a girl that everyone could tell he felt for her very much, and her the same. He was 17 at the time and she 6 months back, but when he turned 18 by law he could no longer date her so they broke up. Although she has since turned 18 and they are back together, it makes you think, is this right? Should we force responsible, affectionate couples to break up?

In my opinion this is no. At 16 a young person is able to drive, a chore in which that young person takes his/her life and the other driver's lives on the road in their hands; a great responsibility. At 18 a young person can join the military branch of his/her choice, go out, fight for their countries' freedoms, kill hundreds of men, and get killed, yet they can't have a relationship with a younger person in their grade? Rediculous.

But back upon the topic of this thread. I haven't been around for long, but even I have seen the decaying state the United States is in. Granted, it is better then what my father has told me of the 1980's and earlier 1990's, and we will never be a Utopia and I realize that, but things could always be better. We must strive for greatness in each and every step we take to reach for our ungraspable goal.

Now back to the issue of Sex. Ed. It is my firm belief that Sex. Ed. needs to be taught at just the right time or the children will not grasp the contents. Too early and the students are mostly too immature; too late and they already think they know everything! In my mind early Middle School is the perfect time for this. The children are just starting to mature and learning of their bodies. I also believe that this should be taught with an incorporated life-procedures class with subject matter as to caring for young children, CPR, pulse, and the like.

However, it's not just the schools' responsibilty to teach this matter to the kids; it's the parents. My father taught me CPR and pulse at a very young age, but nothing was said about sex, ever. I learned through school classes, word-of-mouth from peers, and experience; not exactly an ideal upbringing I'm sure, but I got through alright.

Bottom line: Young children today need to be taught earlier than ever about their bodies nowadays. We can't let this or the next generation learn from experience and a half hour-long, daily class for 9 weeks. I say parents need to step in and say what is right for their kids and stop doing what they think is cool.
I killed you,you just don't know it yet

Psycho wrote:

I agree with the OP about the state of things today. And several others have made some good points concerning different views of the causes. I think there is some truth to all of them. Bad parenting, or more correctly lack of parenting, is the primary cause. One poster brought up the fact that in the US people are much more uptight about sex and the body in general. I agree with that, but again it goes back to the parenting and being able to talk openly and frankly with your children. The schools shouldn't be teaching sex-ed, the parents should. But, because that is not happening the schools need to start covering the slack.

Another problem IS the mainstream media. Reality TV, rap music, etc. have elevated bad behavior as not only accepted behavior but to admired behavior. I'm not saying rap music makes kids bad per say, but it is a contributing factor. Again, the primary responsibility lies on parenting (I have 2 kids by the way, so I'm not talking out of my ass). Along with contributing factor is the extreme liberal elements of our society. No matter how abhorent a behavior is there is someone out there who is defending it or minimizing it by trying to label it as a disease (like alcoholism) or saying that it is appropriate for them because they come from a certain segment of society.

Anyway, I wnted to comment on a couple of posts:

max wrote:

This reminds me a bit of the pedophilic thread somewhere here on the forums. I mean you can't really blame guys for living out their fantasys when they are practically invited to fuck the little girls. Dont get me wrong, i condone that activity but i can also somewhat understand the men.
Max, I think you have the complete opposite understanding of the word 'condone' as to what it really means. Either that, or you are a sicko.


the thing is you the wrighting on that top only means what you 1t it to mean.   

"i got something in my eye no no I faked it"

and so on at the end of the day you nor anyone Else can agree with everything so just take things in your stride and let there mom and dad decide what is right and wrong for THERE kids
I don't know how much consideration I can give your statement considering you don't know the difference between 'their' and 'there' and I don't know what 'wrighting' is. Those are not the type of errors I would expect from an educated adult. So I would have to guess that you are either an uneducated adult or a kid. In either case you do not have the credentials to make an informed opinion on this matter.

Your lame attempt to try and minimize the message on the girl's shirt is the same type of arguments used to minimize or elevate bad behavior as I stated above. Consider the song by the Black Eyed Peas "Don't Phunk With My Heart". I suppose you would try to say the word "Phunk" isn't a psuedonym for "fuck". Yes, it has some other meaning, but it also has that meaning as well.

I am not for censorship by any means. Hell, in my opinion if we had more boobs on TV, and in society in general we wouldn't have so many men obsessed with big boobs. I'd be interested in knowing the statistics of women getting breast augmentation in the US vs Europe - anyone? It all comes down to the parents - not to shield their kids from all this "crap", but to explain and guide them so that they do not admire it. Without people consuming this "crap" it will be diminished.
my spelling is somthing i am happy with at this moment in time because i have been fighting dyslexia for my whole life so because of that in your mind i can not make an informed decision it is nice to know people know the fact's before the stat dismissing someone
+44|6714|West Point, NY
Psycho = pwndizzled

Hey Clever, not trying to joke or offend you, bro.  But you spelled "warm" wrong in your sig.  Thought you might want to fix that.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6605|NYC / Hamburg


max wrote:

This reminds me a bit of the pedophilic thread somewhere here on the forums. I mean you can't really blame guys for living out their fantasys when they are practically invited to fuck the little girls. Dont get me wrong, i condone that activity but i can also somewhat understand the men.
Max, I think you have the complete opposite understanding of the word 'condone' as to what it really means. Either that, or you are a sicko.
whoops .. i meant condemn
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
+190|6663|Home of the Escalade Herds
Meh i have a 14 yo niece that is on the inevitable path to becoming a whooooore. The state of things is quite sad.

Good post m8.
This is an interesting topic, I also agree with the original poster.

Personally I find it disturbing.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6847|Marathon, Florida Keys
well im 16 and all for it
Have you seen my nutz?

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

well im 16 and all for it
Oh course but as soon as you get married you "might" get a little smarter.
I killed you,you just don't know it yet
i wonder why the is still no reply from Psycho????? mmmm
Everything's Eventual
+9|6609|USA - North Carolina


i wonder why the is still no reply from Psycho????? mmmm
I think Psycho meant well.  But I think he's busy trying to get the taste of boot out of his mouth. 

It's sometimes hard to figure out who ignores spelling and grammar out of ignorance, who does it because "teh internet, lolz", cultural differences, or other.
Ea & Dice Hater Fan Club
+17|6558|Oro Valley-Tucson, AZ
Yup i hear ya's getting more and more of a worse issue
Have you seen my nutz?

Psycho wrote:

I agree with what you said. However, I want to respond to the above quote.

I have lived in several states in the US and while all of them have statutory rape laws (consensual sex between and adult and a minor), they also have what are called "Romeo & Juliet" exclusions. basically if the minor and an adult are within a certain number of years of each other, than it is not a crime. Otherwise, if two 17yr olds had a sexual relationship and then one turned 18 it would be a crime. That is only an example, the atge of consent and the actual laws vary from state to state.
Ahh I don't think there should be exceptions for the statutory rape I mean kids arn't supposed to be having sex(but they do I know this) My sisters their highschool year there were about 20 girls pregnant when they were juniors. Then when she hit senior all those girls had already quit school because they had to take care of a kid and most of them were sleeping with older men in their 20's this stuff just keeps happening and really nothing the government can do. Only thing we can hope for is a major mind change in all the youth.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6587|Southeastern USA

kr@cker wrote:

girls are only good for one thing, at least she's not fooling her daughter

kr@cker wrote:

calm down, it's a joke
no it's not

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-06-30 08:07:24)

Have you seen my nutz?
Whoot bumping almost a year old thread i started along time ago. But I had to I saw this shirt today on a 13-14 year old girl and I can't believe it.
Member since 2005
+44|6814|Kansas, USA


i wonder why the is still no reply from Psycho????? mmmm


my spelling is somthing i am happy with at this moment in time because i have been fighting dyslexia for my whole life so because of that in your mind i can not make an informed decision it is nice to know people know the fact's before the stat dismissing someone
1. I have a life and do not always have time to follow up on threads I have posted to. Would never have even posteed again had the OP not bumbed the thread.

2. If you do know you have dyslexia, then you should know, more than most, that misspellings can cause miscommunication. Knowing that and the fact that using a spelling checker is very simple you have no excuse in my opinion. I don't know if this forum had a spelling checker at that time, but you could easily write your posts in an application with that feature then copy into a post. I have done that many times on forums where there is no spelling check feature.

3. Regardless of all of the above, the point you were trying to make was an insult to common sense. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and quacks like a duck: it's a duck. Show me any proof where the term "I faked it" has another common meaning in society other than referring to a woman faking an orgasm. Because, there are numerous references where the phrase means exactly that. This is the same kind of double speak argument that Clinton tried to use when he tried to defend his statement that he "...never had sex with that woman". Oh, he didn't know that "sex" meant oral sex as well. Golly gee!

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