Im tired of sniping sometimes with the M95. I hit te guy he lose only 95% of his health. Its a FREAKIN .50 cal for goodness sakes. I doubt anybody in real life who gets hit by that sucker in the body is gone.
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- Should M95 be made to kill in one shot from torso up.
It's a game, not a sim.
you would think that would be a good idea because its a 50 cal but that would suck so bad. people would run around with it like a noob tube....
If they wanted to be realistic you should but it is a game and i think people would get pissed off if it was 1 shoot 1 kill. I think is should be a 1 shot kill nipple and above.
I see....AWPS!
it should be a 1 shot kill, and it should only be as accurate as it is in prone. But remember, this is EA we're talking about, realism never suits them.
So then what is the problem?Kissmybumper wrote:
I doubt anybody in real life who gets hit by that sucker in the body is gone.
call of duty, call of duty 2, day of defeat, counterstrike, medal of honor, all 1 hit kills on the torso with sniper rifles, go play one of those please.

If you use the search all will be good and we won't have nooby questions like this floating around will we...
LoL. +1 for you, sir.Tushers wrote:
If you use the search all will be good and we won't have nooby questions like this floating around will we...
How many times do we have to hash and rehash this subject until it finally dies. If you would have searched you could have found every opinion this community has ever had on the subject.
Edit: opps, someone beat me to it.
Edit: opps, someone beat me to it.
Last edited by Flaming_Maniac (2006-06-25 19:01:04)
They should not increase the damage, but rather decrease the accuracy of all sniper rifles back to how it was 1.12.
1 hit 1 kill, no problem at all.
1 hit 1 kill, no problem at all.
If you can't hit someone in the head with that giant cross hair you shouldn't be sniping.
Leave the M-95 as it is.
If you want n00bish one shot killer-rifles, play CS and get the AWP...
If you want n00bish one shot killer-rifles, play CS and get the AWP...
Its a game, not real life. Will make the game unfair if you dont have to have any skill to kill people in one shot.
It's all a question of balance; each gun has different strengths and weaknesses so that using it doesn't give you an insane edge over other people who might not have the unlock.
When they upped the accuracy of the PKM in one patch so it was like an automatic sniper rifle with unlimited ammo, that was an insane edge. Same thing with the .50 cal... if it were a single-shot kill to the torso the whole world and its aunt would be using it to get instant kills on everything they aimed at.
When they upped the accuracy of the PKM in one patch so it was like an automatic sniper rifle with unlimited ammo, that was an insane edge. Same thing with the .50 cal... if it were a single-shot kill to the torso the whole world and its aunt would be using it to get instant kills on everything they aimed at.
How many of these stupid "Make sniper rifles one shot one kill"-threads will we have to put up with? This is getting really annoying... if one does not know how to place a clean headshot, lead a target or be accurate and fast to place two shots in a target.... play something else...
1. No, it shouldn't be one shot one kill.
2. If you want the real life business here it is:
A: The M95 is indeed a worthless peice of shit, so worthless the USMC Scout Snipers don't use it, its still the M82a3.
B: Speaking from Experience you don't even need to be remotely close with a .50 Cal to disable a target, using either the M82A3 or M2 HMG at ranges under 1000 Meters.
C: If you want realism, sign up USMC 03 Infantry, due a little time in the Fleet wait for the Scout Snipers to recruit, pass the "INDOC" then pass the 10 week school and you'll be up to your ass in realism.
D: Accuracy, thats what its all about.
3. If some how, some way, .50 Cal had the unique ability in Battlefield 2 to kill with one shot, then everybody and their mom, sister, brother, sister's best friend's former roommate would be running around as a Sniper or in a Turret of an Abrams Tank.
Now for the love of All things Holy quit this One shot, One Kill bullshit.
2. If you want the real life business here it is:
A: The M95 is indeed a worthless peice of shit, so worthless the USMC Scout Snipers don't use it, its still the M82a3.
B: Speaking from Experience you don't even need to be remotely close with a .50 Cal to disable a target, using either the M82A3 or M2 HMG at ranges under 1000 Meters.
C: If you want realism, sign up USMC 03 Infantry, due a little time in the Fleet wait for the Scout Snipers to recruit, pass the "INDOC" then pass the 10 week school and you'll be up to your ass in realism.
D: Accuracy, thats what its all about.
3. If some how, some way, .50 Cal had the unique ability in Battlefield 2 to kill with one shot, then everybody and their mom, sister, brother, sister's best friend's former roommate would be running around as a Sniper or in a Turret of an Abrams Tank.
Now for the love of All things Holy quit this One shot, One Kill bullshit.
Last edited by [1FR]S3v3N (2006-06-26 15:01:12)
maybe for non - armoured inf. 1 shot 1 kill and for armoured such as anti tank 95 %
Just use the AT kit. It might not have the range of sniper rifles but it's deadly accurate and is a one shot kill
Using it in short range is great because if you miss you can just pull out the DAO
Using it in short range is great because if you miss you can just pull out the DAO
There's a thread like this at least once a month - use the search function people.
Sniping is all about accuracy - if you can't kill your target in one shot in the head, then you're not doing your job as a sniper, regardless of realism. My advice to you is to just get better at hitting people in the head - OR, learn to switch from the sniper rifle to a pistol and spam fire at the guy until he dies - it only takes 1 more bullet.
Sniping is all about accuracy - if you can't kill your target in one shot in the head, then you're not doing your job as a sniper, regardless of realism. My advice to you is to just get better at hitting people in the head - OR, learn to switch from the sniper rifle to a pistol and spam fire at the guy until he dies - it only takes 1 more bullet.
ive only played Call of duty in the list above, and as ronin says, all bolt actions rifles and snipers kill in one shot in the upper half of the torso (like where is the heart and above) and no one whines about that and I think its perfect as it is in Cod. The thing is that in cod, there is a "breathing effect" so sniping is harder than in bf2..:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
call of duty, call of duty 2, day of defeat, counterstrike, medal of honor, all 1 hit kills on the torso with sniper rifles, go play one of those please.
I agree about the sniping in CoD or DoD being harder due to the breathing/wobble effect, and it should be one shot one kill cos thats what snipers do! So it should be the same in BF2.
Hit some one with a .50 and it will rip a hole in them so big it don't matter where you hit them. Even with basic sniper rifles it will put a big hole in your target, certainly wont be running about after you hit them where ever!
Having said this, I did get 3 kills with 3 shots with the basic USMC sniper rifle one after another at long range and they were torso hits and have never repeated this since but this proves one shot,one kill to the torso can happen
Hit some one with a .50 and it will rip a hole in them so big it don't matter where you hit them. Even with basic sniper rifles it will put a big hole in your target, certainly wont be running about after you hit them where ever!
Having said this, I did get 3 kills with 3 shots with the basic USMC sniper rifle one after another at long range and they were torso hits and have never repeated this since but this proves one shot,one kill to the torso can happen
only if the target is already hurt...
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- Should M95 be made to kill in one shot from torso up.