
The most anoying thing in BF2

Getting Badges/Ribbons3%3% - 13
Accident punishers33%33% - 115
Tk'ers21%21% - 73
Lag/Comp. requierments12%12% - 42
Load times12%12% - 43
Gun inaccuracies15%15% - 53
Total: 339
Ach du Sheisse!!!!
What is the most annoying thing in BF2?
Add any others if you please...
Gl Noobs
If U Are Wouned And Lieing On The Ground, And A Medic Walks Over U, Thats Annoying
noob on tour
Artillery and punishers are the most annoying things in BF2 and then there are the n00b tubers.
+1,411|6903|FUCK UBISOFT

i hate spawn campers/base rapers
Commander Disconnect
1) When people forget to spot a tank/apc/other major killing machine
2) Medics ignoring the injured
3) Thinking your safe from arty and then BOOM
Instant Cereal
Most annoying to me: People who complain about "noob tubers" and other imperfections of fellow gamers to their subjective standards.

Last edited by Instant Cereal (2005-11-12 13:16:09)

'twice cooked beef!'
people always complain about whatever kills them.

'omgz i can't believe you shot me! guns are so gay lolwtfbbq!!111one'
The All Rounder
+22|6920|Rotherham, England
instant cereal, the only reason, you say you hate people who complain about n00b tubers is because you are one of them. Just looked at stats, suprise, suprise (fav map fckin karkand) and over 1000 kills with n00b tube.
just another point whore.

Most annoying thing for me, is that most people play nothing but Karkand, Sharqi, Mashtuur. Even though i like these maps myself i like to play on all maps as all classes and most importantly play for the team rather than just running around  like an idiot with GL. I only have one thing to say to people who only use n00b tube and only play karkand, what a waste of £35quid.
Aussie Outlaw
I would of picked artillery if you had it as a option... sometimes i get artillery fired apon me when there is only like one other team member remotly close to me on a 64man server... pisses me off so much... commander has it out for me.
+9|6910|Philly PA USA
Anti tank   Seams that every one and there brother has the kit....Hide like roachs come out...and go right back in to hideing...... I dont like shooting them i try to run over them like a bug   he he
1-People who make you tk because they're pissed they didn't get their vehicle.
2-People who tk you out of your cockpit because they're pissed they didn't get their vehicle.
3-People who shoot at you with the m203/gp-30, miss, then bunnyhop around reloading it while you're shooting at them, then miss again.
4-People who speak English like college professors and people who talk "lyk diz."  I like it in the middle.
5-The fact that I can't get any points on any map other than karkand. I need help!

divided wrote:

1-People who make you tk because they're pissed they didn't get their vehicle.
2-People who tk you out of your cockpit because they're pissed they didn't get their vehicle.
3-People who shoot at you with the m203/gp-30, miss, then bunnyhop around reloading it while you're shooting at them, then miss again.
4-People who speak English like college professors and people who talk "lyk diz."  I like it in the middle.
5-The fact that I can't get any points on any map other than karkand. I need help!
i have enjoyed reading this post - espacially point  3. & 4.  - cuz people t4lkin lyk diz r great - rofl
1. All you kids that complain about M203. You whinny kids.
2. TK punishers. I don't punish.
3. Any support role that does not support. ( Ammo/Medic )
4. Those kids that kill you for a vehicle. Nice teamwork johnny. Now go finish your grade 10 homework.

F@#$% you smartasses. Go play another game.

Last edited by Heretic (2005-11-12 19:20:18)

Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6968|Orlando, FL - Age 43
1. People who Tk for vehicles!
2. Whiners who complain about n00b t00bs, but drive around in tanks (n00bzilla) or fly helo's or jets racking up their 1,000's of kills.
3. Stupid server rules such as no uncappable flag camping, no c4 at flags, n00b t00b= ban.....etc.
4. Idiots who hop in and drive away in my hmmv/vodnik when I am using it to defend a flag.
5. Squads who don't follow orders.
6. Commanders flying jets on 32/64 player servers.
7. Admin abuse.
8. Whiners in general.

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-18 06:44:20)

an annoying thing happened today. i was on a karkand map and i clicked sniper by accident. i dont like sniper because i have crap aim and i never get any kills with it. i got about 3 kills before i died in the square (finally).
then, with about 2 seconds to spare, a medic runs across the square to revive me. within 5 seconds i'm dead again, from the same guy. then the medic (who was lying behind me so i was his meat shield) revives me. it happened 4 or 5 times before someone finally killed him.
"please just let me die!" i yelled but to no avail... any other time i would have been really grateful.
Bloody Sky
Well I would of said Accidental Punishers, but now that I am trying to get my Expert Spec Ops badge (now that I have 100 hours as Special Forces) I have to say this is the most annoying thing I have faced BY FAR!! I have gotten 40, and over, in rounds before! But I have tried ALL DAY today and the closest I got was 39!!!!

Mass Media Casualty

Really good Snipers. Not that I don't respect them, I aspire to them, It's just annoying being shot and not knowing where it came from.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Instant Cereal

mjw wrote:

instant cereal, the only reason, you say you hate people who complain about n00b tubers is because you are one of them. Just looked at stats, suprise, suprise (fav map fckin karkand) and over 1000 kills with n00b tube.
just another point whore.

Most annoying thing for me, is that most people play nothing but Karkand, Sharqi, Mashtuur. Even though i like these maps myself i like to play on all maps as all classes and most importantly play for the team rather than just running around  like an idiot with GL. I only have one thing to say to people who only use n00b tube and only play karkand, what a waste of £35quid.
I'm a n00b and I wasted my money because I have roughly 1,000 kills with the grenade launcher and of my close to 400 total hours I have 140 in Karkand? That's really not that much.... See, you're just providing an example for my previous post. Thank you. What's next? Win whoring? Also, "hate" is a strong word man. Don't take things so personally.

   Anyway, some more things that annoyed me when I used to play:

1. Right when you're about to fully cap a flag, artillery rains down or you get killed by whatever kind of weapon.

2. When you're driving a buggy and a huge lag spike shows its ugly face, thus sending you flying off a cliff or slamming into a wall.

3. Desperately low on ammo and/or health, you head straight for a supply crate, only to see it crumble before your eyes due to maximum use or enemy fire.

4. Being a sniper while in a good spot, two dogfighting jets fly by with guns blazing and you happen to get killed by a freak burst. Yes, it happened to me a good handful amount of times. I guess I'm unlucky.

Last edited by Instant Cereal (2005-11-12 22:48:28)

ArmChair Warrior
+4|6917|NH - USA
The people that play it.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6908|The United Center

fucking parachutes.


id almost prefer them not being in the game...then i wouldnt be so tempted to jump off buildings and ledges, jamming away on my 9 key, only to make a nice splat on the ground.

fuck you parachutes, fuck you.
You forgot to add BF2 in-general.
+20|7000|government yard in trenchtown.
I have to say Load times. I'm not really bothered with anything else in bf2 like the darn endless loading screens and music.
I get "turned off" from the game's "atmosphere" during those breaks.

I mean - I understand that it has to check if the client files are unmodified and stuff, but don't the other games do that too, but MUCH quicker?

Darth_Fleder wrote:

1. People who Tk for vehicles!
2. Whiners who complaion about n00b t00bs, but drive around in tanks (n00bzilla) or fly helo's or jets racking up their 1,000's of kills.
3. Stupid server rules such as no uncappable flag camping, no c4 at flags, n00b t00b= ban.....etc.
4. Idiots who hop in and drive away in my hmmv/vodnik when I am using it to defend a flag.
5. Squads who don't follow orders.
6. Commanders flying jets on 32/64 player servers.
7. Admin abuse.
8. Whiners in general.

This can only come from a n00b tuber herself. U pansy, look at your stats! You are a tube abuser..

What's most annoying? The lack of service EA offers us. Most of the server aspects don;t work properly.  You get a "GAMESPY: There was an error reading from the server" message and automaticly log off. You were just in a game earning a gold medal but you don't remember the IP or Server name. What do you do?  You check your favorites. AND ITS NOT IN THERE BECAUSE OF THE REFRESH RATE!!

And other things that are excluded: No refresh serverlist on maps, amount of players, map sizes dont work properly and so on.

Last edited by Speelbal (2005-11-13 02:40:43)

Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6968|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Speelbal wrote:

Darth_Fleder wrote:

1. People who Tk for vehicles!
2. Whiners who complain about n00b t00bs, but drive around in tanks (n00bzilla) or fly helo's or jets racking up their 1,000's of kills.
3. Stupid server rules such as no uncappable flag camping, no c4 at flags, n00b t00b= ban.....etc.
4. Idiots who hop in and drive away in my hmmv/vodnik when I am using it to defend a flag.
5. Squads who don't follow orders.
6. Commanders flying jets on 32/64 player servers.
7. Admin abuse.
8. Whiners in general.

This can only come from a n00b tuber herself. U pansy, look at your stats! You are a tube abuser..
That's Mr. N00b T00b to you! And if I don't get you with the t00b, I'll knife ya!

I know that I use it, why do you think that I find people whining about annoying? It's an effective weapon, although not nearly as bad you think. You missed the point though, you won't hear me whining about other terrible weapons in the game, such as tanks, which my n00b t00b is useless against, or the missiles from jets that one-hit-kill my tank, etc. If they took the t00b out of the game, you whiners would something else to to moan and groan about. Since you took the time to look at my stats, you also saw that I use the entire variety of kits, the t00b just happens to be my favorite.

Btw, This pansy would be more than happy to meet you in a map and even tie my t00b behind my back

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-18 06:46:03)

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