Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

These forums weren’t like This 6 Months Ago.
Fact. They were truly Alive, with interesting Comments to my left and Right.
Not Anymore.

I Have analyzed these forums now and have Assessed the Situation as Several Problems.

1. Reporting the Noobs

What is it with people obsessions for posting about this?
OK, so you’ve found a Padder.
OK, so you’ve got him doing it.
OK so you need to know where to Report him.

Did you think for a Moment that no body really cares?
Did you think for a Moment that there is a Big Search button?

But that’s what happens, people post about these people and let the posts gather up, whilst they hope they get some Inner Spirit, AKA karma.
But the karma just sits still like Moss on a Rock,
Because No one Cares

Report him, Good on You. But don’t go on about it.
Somewhere in the Bible is a Little thing mentioning that Good Deeds are rewarded in Heaven, but only if you are Humble.

So Come on Guys, Be Humble. Do the Right thing, but don’t go on about it to get More Karma.

2. Posting In the Right Section

There was a Time where I visited every Section, and found Something interesting.
It slowly went downhill, and Now, the only sections used are Chatter, the “Topic du Jour” section, Tech and the Not Bf2 or Bf2S section.

Now I Know what Your thinking right Now, its “Why is He Going on about Posting in the Right Section, when he isn’t posting this in the Appropriate Section? Fact is, if I don’t post here, noone will read it. And that’s just a Use. But we need to stop this, It’s just a Matter of Posting in the right section from now on. So, who will support me on my Quest to get people to post in the right section. If you’ve got an Idea for bf2, post it in the Improvements section. Simple.
And start looking at all the Sections guys, if we ignore it, the problem will just get worse. A little effort goes a long way, so lets put in some effort to get people posting in the right section.

3.Useless Quoting
Here I am, reading a interesting thread. The first 2-3 posts are good, lengthy posts, and I am interested. Suddenly, the next post is some forum newb posting “STFU noob”. Suddenly, the next 7-8 posts are just people quoting the newb, or people quoting the people that quoted the newb. Then, what was an interesting thread turns into a thread that gets out of hand, and it is closed by a Mod. Get my Point?

That’s an example of a Good thread gone wrong. In My threads, I try to post at least 2-3 lines, not just “nice stuff, +1 kthxbye”.
I want you, the good members of to do similar. Make it interesting, give your full opinion. Talk about the good, and in a civilized manner, talk about the bad. I’m not saying we should turn this into a Posh British Dinner Party conversation,  cause that’s not what a forum is about. Just have a bit more respect for the person, and not just OMFG STFU N00b Neg Karma 4 j00!!11one!

4. The Stickies

Stickies. So Important, yet so Unrecognized by the Community.

These things are things we should all pay attention to, yet we don’t.
Why, just yesterday I saw a thread about typing Jalalabad with your elbows get more posts in 1 day than 3 Stickies have gotten in a Week. WTF?
Pay attention to these things, they are Important to this Community.

5. Abusing the Karma System

This truly has Gotten out of Control. It went from a nifty little idea to recognize good members and Good posts, to an alternative to calling the person a “noob”.
If they have made a Good Post , then reward them for their actions.

If They have made a stupid unintelligent post, then I believe you have the Right to Negative Karma Them.

NOT if you don’t agree with your opinion.

Anyone asking for karma in their Sig's shouldn’t receive any. In fact their Sig should be removed. Cause that is not what the Karma System is about.

Also, having the Balls to leave your name in a Negative karma which has some meaning gives me more respect for you than a single piece of Positive karma ever would.

6. Making Useless Posts

Ever since the dawn of forums, there has been useless posts.
They get attention, but have no real meaning.
They are stupid, annoying and they remove all the good things.
I believe it is because the Useless posts once were small in numbers.
I believe it is because many good members have left, and have been replaced with cretins. Want me to Name a Few? Beeng, =Robin Hood=, tthf? Get my Point?
They may have had their stupidity's, but they weren’t useless.
That’s why I am being pulled to, cause it’s all the members of bf2s minus the Cretins.

Cmon, make your post count to Something. Make me laugh, Make me Think. Don’t waste my Time.

Regardless of these Things, there are Still members that Make it Shine.

I have to shout out to Chuy and the Mods, Ty, Beano, cougar, ninja and so Many More.

This Has Been My Analysis,
Thanks for Reading,

P.S. There may be Something to Lift the Spirits pf the Forums in a Week or So, but thats all I'm Saying.
Sorry Ty
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
These days, during the world cup, I am taking a break from both BF2 and all BF2 - related forums...

Ugh I know what you're talking about, before I registered I was just browsing the forums...Having just left a 3000 member plus multi-gaming community, I found a pure BF2 forum that was full of good ideas, hardly any 'OMFG PADDER OMFG WHAT SHOULD I DO' *pisses pants* Jesus, I want my BF2s back...And kimmy's forums hurt my eyes.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

PspRpg-7 wrote:

And kimmy's forums hurt my eyes.
You Can always change the template......
Fantasma Parastasie
The quality of a forum is all down to the people who post in it.

Let's just ban everyone who's registered in the past 6 months

I've seen this happen before though.. about a year ago the official steam forums were great.. heck, there was a dance competition and there were senior members dancing to the backstreetboys! That's good stuff! Now it's just links to news, stupid videos.. bah, no fun.
agree on all matters, this forum is going down hill, and its the mods fault more than anything - theres just no admin, they dont really care and as such there not cleaning it up.
the karma system is really flawed (something that can easilt be fixed by a) removing it or b) seeing who karmad you)
the repeated posts are getting boring (such as 4+ thread on rtj)
and lastly the guides everyone seems to be making (bc obviously there so much better than everyone else) are pointless since we already have great guides in the stickies section + plus peoples guides arent just about the game anymore , stupid stuff is clogginf the forum like the 'guide to teabagging' - WTF why do i need some dubass guide to teabagging that has NOTHING to do with the game at all , but yet was posted in the bf2 section, if you wanna post cack like that put it in the section its supposed to be.

Last edited by iamtheoneneo (2006-06-19 01:56:56)

I agree, tho im not so sure Why the mods are letting things get to the point of having to close the thread before they do something? Im not sure what rules there going on either tho...  But moving threads to the correct place and keeping the trolls growling under the bridge should be #1 priority. Karma shouldnt be anon either imho.

my 2 cents.
this is sort of like a guide to what to do if your new to the forums... sorta...
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

liquidat0r wrote:

this is sort of like a guide to what to do if your new to the forums... sorta...
Yeah, Kinda.

iamtheoneneo wrote:

its the mods fault more than anything - theres just no admin, they dont really care and as such there not cleaning it up.
I Believe they are Cleaning it Up. Look at THA's posts and look how many he has Closed. BEcause they start flame wars. I believe that the Mods should however assert their Authority to calm down a Thread, rather than simply closing it.
Yep. need someone with a bat going NO *wack*...  but yeah, if somethings not done fairly soon, ill leave this to the trolls.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
This is the website I frequent the most, so that me tells me it's the best website I visit.  I have nothing but help here and are very grateful.  The sence of humour we all have is healthy as well with even serious topics taken light heartidly sometimes.  The most annoying thing is mods closing threads when people are still posting on them, Alpha being my biggest gripe, however I fully understand he's trying to do the best for all of us so I am grateful for that.  If Alpha for eg, didnt take the time an effort he does this place would be worse off and that goes for all the mods, they might annoy you but they do a good job for everybody.  Anon karma is silly, you recieve -1 beacuse someone is jealous that they didnt think of that, or don't agree with your opinion.

I'd like an over18 section where you could swear and post adult content including naked football chicks. lol

I wouldn't start a thread saying how this forum is going down hill, I wouldn't visit here. I never reply with "who cares" beacuse again, if you don't care , don't take the time to reply.

All in all considering we are still playing the same game with mostly the same content and things are bound to be repeated I think infact the forum isn't getting any worse at all.
Mass Media Casualty

nice one +1 kthxbye!

Heh heh. Just kidding.
And no worries mate... it's still very cloak-and-dagger stuff with the... thing.

Your right, and I'm annoyed by it. I've noticed even my own posts starting to become lowbrow, and it's because of the lowbrow thread, (or at least that's what I'm blaming at this point.)
The amount of threads devolving into karma accusations is worrying, I mean it's karma! Who cares! In the past day I've lost three karma points and I DON'T CARE!! It dosn't matter, it was just a little thing which was meant to be fun. I'm not saying it should be removed or changed, meerly that people should change their attitudes and realise it for what it is - a useless bit of FUN! I preferr giving karma and adding long ridiculous reasons than looking over my own, (although I do appreciate it when people leave a decent reason, honestly, even insults are fine by me.)

And yeah, Useless posts, they can be fun and all for a while, but an OVERFLOW of them. Is there some kind of competition that I am unaware of where people try to make a useless thread last for as long as possible?

Right section, searching, honestly that dosn't bother me as such, I just try to do my part to make sure the forum isn't uselessly cluttered. I foolishly believed that it was common knowledge that you were to check if your question had already been answered and posting in the right section. Apparently not.

My message is; if you don't want to be a good productive Bf2s member, piss off because we don't want you.


... man, where did that come from? Jestar you awakened the beast.
[Blinking eyes thing]
soup fly mod

my one gripe is that mods should be able to delete posts instead of closing the thread.  why should a really interesting thread be shut down because two idiots start flaming each other.  delete their posts, give am a two day ban and let the rest of the thread go forward.

also, delete reduntant or stupid threads instead of just closing them!
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

1927 wrote:

This is the website I frequent the most, so that me tells me it's the best website I visit.  I have nothing but help here and are very grateful.  The sence of humour we all have is healthy as well with even serious topics taken light heartidly sometimes.  The most annoying thing is mods closing threads when people are still posting on them, Alpha being my biggest gripe, however I fully understand he's trying to do the best for all of us so I am grateful for that.  If Alpha for eg, didnt take the time an effort he does this place would be worse off and that goes for all the mods, they might annoy you but they do a good job for everybody.  Anon karma is silly, you recieve -1 beacuse someone is jealous that they didnt think of that, or don't agree with your opinion.

I'd like an over18 section where you could swear and post adult content including naked football chicks. lol

I wouldn't start a thread saying how this forum is going down hill, I wouldn't visit here. I never reply with "who cares" beacuse again, if you don't care , don't take the time to reply.

All in all considering we are still playing the same game with mostly the same content and things are bound to be repeated I think infact the forum isn't getting any worse at all.
This May be True, but it is a Mere Shadow of the Forum it used to be.  Look at the Main page of Chatter. What do You See?

-5-6 Threads about Hackers and Padders, right up top
-3-4 Threads on Funny things, near the bottom
-2 or 3 Closed Threads. (Usually When THA is on )

The Fact is, Majority of the Threads aren't in the Right Section, and Majority aren't useful to the members.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6888|Melbourne, Australia.

Jestar12345 wrote:

3.Useless Quoting
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Goddamn You Jack.....

I'm Serious. At Least give your opinion. Jezz.

how many mods are there, does anyone know?  A site of this size should have Atleast 25 mods.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Beer_Ranger wrote:

how many mods are there, does anyone know?  A site of this size should have Atleast 25 mods.
Here are the Moderators

Note that Some are Inactive.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7029|Sydney, Australia

Beer_Ranger wrote:

how many mods are there, does anyone know?  A site of this size should have Atleast 25 mods.
15 or something like at. Look at the WIKI Staff pages.

Jestar12345 wrote:

Here are the Moderators

Note that Some are Inactive.
What the hell is "promoted" group? I get what "demoted" is, but...?

EDIT: ah yea, I'm WIKI group


Last edited by mcminty (2006-06-19 02:21:45)

Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Obviously people who are good members. Taking a Look at it, the promoted list doesnt seem to have been updated in a while.....
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Jester, Ive just cheked the "chatter" section and I don't see the things you mention.  I understand what you are saying and some days that section looks like that, but I dont think thats the case today.  I also have no problem with people posting about cheaters, if we didnt make people aware of it they would get away with it forever.

I think you have misled us by saying the following "The Fact is, Majority of the Threads aren't in the Right Section, and Majority aren't useful to the members."

Fact? That must mean you have the stats to back that up. eg % I don't agree, I belive that statement is an opinion you have, Im happy to be proved wrong.
Mass Media Casualty

There are:
Four Administrators and fourteen Mods.

The shortcomings of the forums arn't their fault. Hell, dealing with some of the dickweeds who stroll onto these forums is a full time job. I reckon it's great that THA is trigger-happy with the close button, (although THA, you should probably give a warning to prevent further whining.) The Mods are awesome, I've never seen any thread closed for an unjustified reason, and no Moderator or Administrator has ever abused their banning power.

The important thing is for us to heed thes dire occurences, (see? With a sensible thread even my writing is improving,) and make sure BF2S stays the arse-kicking website it has been. Don't give useless threads the privilage of having your comment on it. The Mods don't have to close a thread, it can be shut down simply by no-one responding to them, (not literally, but an empty thread is as good as a closed one really.)
If there is a repeated queary, direct the poster to the Search function, or even help them out by directing them to the correct thread. If someone has already done this before you, leave it.

With Karma, if you don't like the system, ignore it. negiive, positive... what does it matter if you insist that you don't care? If you do like it, use it sensibly. Using it to try and piss people off is childish, and we don't want those types here. If you want to karma or de-karma someone, give a reason. If you have a reason, you should fear no revenge from the de-karma'd.
If you are de-karma'd and you feel it unjustified, try not to care. No doubt you'll earn that mischievous point back in no time if you are the sensible and upright Bf2s member you should be. If you still feel raw about it, ask a Mod to identify the Assalient and ask them by way of Private Messaging for a justified reason, there's no reason to bring your indignation to the rest of the community.

So the weight dosn't fall on the Mods. There are no reasons why sensible members cannot do their part to change the community for the better.

Now here comes all the rainbows and the smiley-face sun while some banner comes down held by smiling cherubs that reads "Together, we can make the world a better place."
Fucking take it to heart.

- Ty.

Edit: The promoted list is an out-of-date system where promoted members were the only ones who could talk in the 'Debate and Serious Talk' section. It's all on this thread here.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-06-19 02:35:52)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Well then, todays just one of those Days where everyone good is on.

1927 wrote:

I also have no problem with people posting about cheaters, if we didnt make people aware of it they would get away with it forever.
What do You Mean with this. People have seen a Cheater thread before. They KNOW the rules, so why don't they just report him? They have to make an entire thread about him, and in the end they knew what to do, they just wanted their 15 seconds of fame as the guy that wanted to report someone. How in Any way is posting about it going to make them aware. The Community is already well and truly aware.

Last edited by Jestar12345 (2006-06-19 02:33:01)

So, the prisoners are running the asylum?
Someone wanted examples. This is the first page of bf2 chatter. should be in not bf or bfs2 bf2 improvements either help or complaints borderline too, but i think its help material not bf2 not bf2s

thats, the first page. edit*at the moment i was looking*edit

Last edited by Beer_Ranger (2006-06-19 03:13:20)

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