June, 3rd 16.00h ---> until ---> June, 4th 16.00h
We accept and respect all efforts and the work behind producing and designing a patch for a game like Battlefield 2. However, the purpose of a patch is enhancing a game for the customers - not only representing ideas of the publisher
This can be traced as follows:
With the release of patch 1.3 Electronic Arts and Dice slapped many gamers in the face.
* the patch blocks the Alternative Battlefield Ranking (ABR) which was developed gamers and has been approved by DICE (more information)
* a petition of more than 10.000 active gamers which was asking for an introduction of "squad hopping" as a server option has been ignored by Electronic Arts (more information)
* many alternative game modes in Battlefield 2 modifications provided by the community are not working anymore or not properly. Modding teams have not been informed about these changes
* the current patch contains some good improvements (search for servers for example) but is unfortunately is as faulty as version 1.2 (ingame server browser, crashes)
Thus, we request the publisher and game developer:
* to contact the developers of ABR and to fulfill promises given previously
* to handle petitions of gamers more seriously
* to test patches even more correctly in future
* to inform modding teams in advance about changes via release notes
To form this protest more distinctly, we will stop playing Battlefield 2 for one day on Saturday June 3rd and we will make our servers inaccessible. All servers taking part in this action will be protected with a password and will be labeled with
bf2-bday.info |
What BF2-BDAY is supposed to be
With this campaign we would like to convince DICE and EA to communicate with players and modding teams in advance before releasing a patch instead of delivering accomplished facts.
What BF2-BDAY is not supposed to be
BF2 B-Day is not supposed to be a simple "Fuck You" to the employees over at Dice and EA as you can read it throughout so many signatures and forums. This day is supposed to make clear that any change of the game is up to us - the people who keep the game with their tools, their mods, and their servers alive since Battlefield 1942 was released.