how does this keep happening
"Snow is fake" conspiracy theorists are making noise. Honestly cannot tell if they're trolling or serious, but Texas.
it's always funny coming across a southerner that is all macho until it gets to the 60's F and hearing him bitch about how it's " fucking cold ". Southerners are such babies when it comes to their " winter "
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Bill Gates, in the eyes of conspiracy-minded Texans:
But remember, man-made climate change is fake news.
But remember, man-made climate change is fake news.
Everything Tucker Carlson Said That Should Have Gotten Him Fired Already … r-AA1ahF4x
there's not enough time in the day. … r-AA1ahF4x
there's not enough time in the day.
Evil woke liberal judges finally brought down Tucker Carlson
What a day in history.
What a day in history.
Fuck Israel
Maybe this is the future Trump warned us about.
Fuck Israel
I think Fox stopped short of admitting any wrongdoing, but a nearly billion dollar settlement is fairly [h] text for something read in between the lines.
Tucker probably won't be in the poor house anytime soon? He can just do book deals, tedtalks, and reboot his show some other way.
Tucker probably won't be in the poor house anytime soon? He can just do book deals, tedtalks, and reboot his show some other way.
But what if the dems de-dollarize the dollar?unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Tucker probably won't be in the poor house anytime soon? He can just do book deals, tedtalks, and reboot his show some other way.
Fuck Israel
Thats what they want you to think.
Fuck Israel
RIP FiveThirtyEight

So Britain has coronated its last king, a momentous day in history.
Fuck Israel
I wasn't expecting a Russian Civil War in June.

The Gays did this. It happened during Pride month.

No, it was woke liberals, they do this kind of stuff every month
Fuck Israel
The gays get one begrudging pride month out of the year. For everyone else, it's the whole year. Soon, the corporate window dressing will be taken down and employees will be ordered to not wear colorful clothing or accessories for the next 11 months.
I hope they keep printing rainbow beer cans. It's been a hilarious sideshow.
I hope they keep printing rainbow beer cans. It's been a hilarious sideshow.
I don't really feel like I get 11 months pride per year.
A whole month is out of proportion to the 2% of people who are actually gay, should be a week at most.
A whole month is out of proportion to the 2% of people who are actually gay, should be a week at most.
Fuck Israel
June was your month too, dilbs. The furries marched in solidarity.
Even a retreat like our bf2s was, no big surprise, fairly 'phobic.
It doesn't have to be about population ratios. You could probably work in proportionality if you accounted for all the extra stuff they get to deal with in life. How many people get shunned and ousted from their friend and family circles, jobs, and communities for being straight.Dilbert_X wrote:
A whole month is out of proportion to the 2% of people who are actually gay, should be a week at most.
Even a retreat like our bf2s was, no big surprise, fairly 'phobic.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (1 year, 8 months ago)
It is still really troubling how many LGBT people get kicked out of their homes by their own family. I wish the people who would do such a thing realize their actions are like Biblically bad. Cain and Abel bad.

Blah blah blah sanctity of Todd's 4th marriage.

Wesleyan college is ending legacy admissions. First major school to do so. The people upset about affirmative action also being angry at legacy admissions get a cookie for being consistent at least.
I don't like the suggestion that we do affirmative action based on class. We should just use test and grades. Maybe just test even.
I don't like the suggestion that we do affirmative action based on class. We should just use test and grades. Maybe just test even.

Definitely been here before on bf2s, but we could also stop trying to crush education, and instead expand schooling and college accessibility/quality and lifelong learning in a federal act of nation building.
WhErE wIlL tHe MoNeY cOmE fRoM?!
Find out where it's all going and plug the leaks.
WhErE wIlL tHe MoNeY cOmE fRoM?!
Find out where it's all going and plug the leaks.