
I'm noticing a bit of a swing irt views on nail grooming. I knew members of the greatest generation, including the stereotypical 'manly men,' who seemed to value life without gross, infection-prone digits. Then later on, for some reason, even hand lotion became too girly. Now I'm sitting here reading your concern about boys with longish, buffed nails. Boy with ADHD and autism has enough on his plate without his decrepit millennial teacher taking notes about his "effeminate" manicure. Cautious social commentary from the man with a porking closet in his workplace where he preys upon underlings.

e: There's a lot of writing criticizing the utilization of IQ scores. Ones like this google-fu'd: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2 … 133334.htm

How many people were discounted and discarded because they couldn't solve some giganerd's test riddle or trick question with triangles or whatever.

Imagine if IQ were based on rifle recognition, and you didn't get some completely unrelated job because you were unable to distinguish between two 'AR clones.'

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-09-13 21:24:40)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Ah, we've finally drawn out full context. I would say a doctor's/therapist's note would suffice for qualifying a restroom switch, then. That stuff should be easily enough handled by the school nurse and administration, right? If it causes problems and "gay panic" or whatever for other students, offer the kid the use of one of the staff restrooms.
How is girls not wanting a boy in the girl's restroom 'gay panic'? Its completely normal to feel uncomfortable about it.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

That's a bit sticky though, isn't it. People with a history of whining about trannies on the shitter will always reduce down to the 'men sneaking peeks' argument against it.

I don't think the girls are unjustified to feel uncomfortable at that stage. The boy needs to talk to a counsellor, and maybe go to therapy.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
And not go in the girls restroom.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I'm noticing a bit of a swing irt views on nail grooming. I knew members of the greatest generation, including the stereotypical 'manly men,' who seemed to value life without gross, infection-prone digits. Then later on, for some reason, even hand lotion became too girly. Now I'm sitting here reading your concern about boys with longish, buffed nails. Boy with ADHD and autism has enough on his plate without his decrepit millennial teacher taking notes about his "effeminate" manicure. Cautious social commentary from the man with a porking closet in his workplace where he preys upon underlings.

e: There's a lot of writing criticizing the utilization of IQ scores. Ones like this google-fu'd: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2 … 133334.htm

How many people were discounted and discarded because they couldn't solve some giganerd's test riddle or trick question with triangles or whatever.

Imagine if IQ were based on rifle recognition, and you didn't get some completely unrelated job because you were unable to distinguish between two 'AR clones.'
The nails don't bother me. I am worried because he is mute and his autism clearly affects his social life.

You can be really melodramatic. I think you are jealous that I work around women and you work at a gay steel mill.


Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2022-09-14 04:22:33)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am tired of this. I talk about how nice I am to the trans kids and you spin it as me being judgemental. I stand up for the working man against royal tyranny and Uzique racially abuses. (Something Dilbert has never done.)

I am leaving forever. Good bye

I'm not spinning anything. I even gave you a pat on the back for being nice to the trans kid.

My commentary is in that it's sad that doing so is exceptional enough to be worth comment, and also that it's funny you think a kid politely asking for something like that, in private, is them being "pushy," I mean my goodness.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
National Review article complaining about how offensive a New Yorker cover is. I couldn't read the article because of pay wall. Here is the offensive cover.

https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/10/ … cover-art/

Here is the article.

Why is the flag attached to the door frame like that?

NR article starts out bad, smug, misses point, didn't get more than a paragraph in. Too early for hate-reads, always too early to bother with that rag.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am more bothered by the blackboards. Schools no longer use blackboards. Everything is whiteboard like colleges now.

No dust. No making small kids fill up buckets of water to wash your board.
it’s a cartoon, not an interior by vermeer. i don’t think verisimilitude is the point.

Definitely not the point. It's just that with the lines the way they are here, even without the nightmare scenario the eye is drawn to the door where that flag exists outside of realspace. I think it's even pointed toward the center of the room.

Another aside, every student desk I had in gradeschool had one of those plastic drawers to hold my stuff, or at least a rack somewhere underneath. Are those not a thing anymore? I would've felt cheated if presented with one of these. Maybe we can start making those drawers with kevlar lining so the kids can empty their contents and use them as little Captain America shields in a pinch.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
They have all sorts of chair and desk combos. There is no standardization even in the same building. They probably buy whatever they can from the authorized vendors.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
For at least 15 years now, it's been ridiculous that "shut off the lights and hide" is the go-to plan for school shootings. As many have pointed out, every child who has attended school since then knows the drill. Maybe if we were worried in 2001 about an adult Taliban guy coming in, it'd throw him off, but as school shooters are overwhelmingly students, no one's being fooled.

I vote for Mac to spearhead a new incentive of human wave assaults rushing the attacker.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

DesertFox- wrote:

I vote for Mac to spearhead a new incentive of human wave assaults rushing the attacker.
Send wave after wave of students...

Students mercilessly assault 9-year-old girl on school bus, parents pressing charges: video
https://news.yahoo.com/students-mercile … 31565.html

Lawrence Richard
Thu, February 2, 2023 at 10:26 PM PST
A video of two students viciously beating a 9-year-old student on a Florida school bus has surfaced online, alarming the community and prompting a swift reaction from the girl’s parents.

The disturbing footage shows two boys repeatedly striking the girl as she is folded over in a seat, barely defending herself with one hand as she tightly grips her backpack with the other. Many of the punches land on the girl’s head, neck and face.

No fellow students or adults intervened to stop the brutal assault.
An interesting call-out by Fox, so early in the article, and mentioning (shaming) students before adults.

What exactly are the other kids expected to do? Being assaulted (whether or not you fight back), intervening, or even being in the proximity of a fight seems to be a big no-no. Highly discouraged, and can get you in all sorts of trouble.

Mac's listed reasons for this that I suppose are supposed to explain why, or if any other students on the bus will be called into the principal's office for a vicious tongue-lashing. I wonder how long the 9yo's mandatory suspension will be.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
National Review article title

"Meet the NYC Theater Teacher Who Stood Up to ‘Anti-Racist’ Activists at the Height of the Moral Panic of 2020"

Meet the teacher who ruined his life for conservative clout.

Earlier this year, while working as a visiting teaching artist at a New York City public high school, theater director Kevin Ray pitched a potential lecture about plays involving magical realism, since his students were reading a book of that genre at the time.
If he had to pitch it to someone it meant that it wasn't part of the curriculum. I never had to pitch a lesson on World War 2. I did pitch a lesson on LGBT and 9/11.

“They didn’t want that,” Ray told National Review. Instead, the teachers asked Ray to develop and teach a workshop on “Theater and Toxic Masculinity,” he said.

“I refused to do that because I believe criticizing and demonizing teenagers based on their identity is cruel bullying,” Ray said. He was transferred to a different class over his objection, and no one at the school explained to him what New York state academic standard would be fulfilled by teaching so-called toxic masculinity in an English Language Arts class.
Nobody gets transferred over one thing. I would bet a decent amount of money that this guy had issues with his directors for awhile. I would bet he probably made his views on 'woke' or whatever quite public.

The theater nonprofit that placed Ray in the high school agreed that teaching about toxic masculinity was an inappropriate use of his talents. But the teachers’ insistence that he focus his lesson on progressive grievance politics suggests the moral panic around race that followed the murder of George Floyd still holds sway in New York City’s K–12 education system, particularly in cultural spaces such as the performing arts.
Huh? He was hired by a nonprofit? Never heard of that before. The people who got him the job thought it was appropriate. What an ingrate.

When the wave of progressive racial activism crested in the summer of 2020, Ray was working with New 42, a leading performing-arts group whose mission is to get young people interested in theater. The organization leaned hard into the leftist preoccupation with diversity, equity, and inclusion that dominated cultural institutions across the country in those early months of the pandemic, demonizing “whiteness” in its communications with employees and creating a hostile workplace in the process, according to a complaint Ray filed in federal court.
Guy teaches in the most diverse school district in the country and is shocked that the people there are interested in diversity and inclusion. He should have never taken the job.

“We acknowledge how essential it is for us to re-think and dismantle white-centered practices that have been embedded in our nonprofit for decades and have caused harm and pain,” reads the “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging” page on New 42’s website.
Again, know the politics of your bosses.

This preoccupation with rooting out racism came to define Ray’s experience at New 42. For many months, he documented a hostile environment laced with insults, stereotypes, and race-based discrimination packaged as “anti-racism,” according to the complaint, first published by the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, a nonprofit that represented Ray in the suit.
Guy opposes the existence systemic racism as a concept but also believes he was systemically racially abused. Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot doesn't it?

This preoccupation with rooting out racism came to define Ray’s experience at New 42. For many months, he documented a hostile environment laced with insults, stereotypes, and race-based discrimination packaged as “anti-racism,” according to the complaint, first published by the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, a nonprofit that represented Ray in the suit.

In over 70 emails exchanged between staff, countless workplace training sessions, and other interactions with his colleagues, Ray watched as an obsession with race corrupted New 42’s educational mission.

As the incidents mounted, Ray sent a letter to the New 42 human-resources department, but instead of helping him navigate a difficult situation, they immediately “hired attorneys to investigate,” he said. Rather than putting a stop to what he saw as illegal discrimination, the company retaliated by refusing to give him any further work assignments, according to the complaint.
Again, I would like to hear this guy's views on the systemic racism that the blacks complained about forever.

This article goes on for longer but you get the idea. I don't doubt that the organization had little patience for conservative cultural values. But I don't need to go very far back in time when America's cultural institutions were hostile to anything not white. I would hope that this guy realized how much it sucks when it happens to you but considering he made such a big deal about it in the first place, I doubt he learned anything.

Men should despise toxic masculinity, the poisoning of men's culture with traits that are harmful to their well-being, and harmful to those around them. Only allowed to bond with one another over toxic opinions and personality traits. Instead, you get Fox enjoyers who forget that 'toxic' is an adjective and think that masculinity as a whole is what's being called toxic, and that all the wokes who talks about it must just hate men.

I think such a thing could be a delightful workshop, although the guy's students probably know more about it than he does. I don't think these sorts of workshops should precede debate and critical thinking. That sort of thing should be a required class. Kids should already be thinking for themselves before they randomly encounter Rand and adopt that into their unshakable core beliefs.

The "emails" mention is fairly brief, for something that wouldn't surprise me to learn influenced a response with lawyers rather than a reply over email.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
But who defined it as toxic?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It is objectively strange to be angry at a beer bottle having a tranny on it for a single ad. Who even likes beer? 🤮

Dilbert_X wrote:

But who defined it as toxic?
Check the wiki.

Use of the word "toxic" isn't really a leap of logic. These are behaviors, expectations, and indoctrinations proven or linked as emotionally and even physically harmful and diminishing. It's not an attack on the gender itself.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
New principal at my HS. Old one was forced out after over 20 years. They unfairly blamed him for all of the fights and stuff that showed up on social media. The new principal is about a decade older than me. The new principal laid out a new set of "tough policies" that include suspensions for things like not having a hallway pass, sharing lockers, cutting class, and being in the wrong cafe.

I know I probably advocated for such tough on kids policies but now that they are here I am having remorse. A lot of parents are upset that the punishments are too harsh too. The mayor and school board came out in favor of them though. The issues that upset me:

(1) The punishments will be selectively enforced. They were already selectively enforced but now that the punishments are raised the gap between the people punished and the people who will not be will be even more embittering.

(2) The school is overwhelmingly not white. White kids make up like 10% of the population. A new white guy principal is appointed and wants to entrench himself politically by enforcing draconian punishments on non-white kids.

(3) The arguments between parents online are interesting. Again it seems like the older white grandparents are happy that "rules will now be enforced" and "order has been restored." It rubs me the wrong way.

I definitely believe that the new principal is the most qualified person for the job. There were no minority elementary school principals and thereby no one qualified within the district. That is a problem itself but a separate issue. I just don't like how new harsh punishments are going to be used a tool to entrench the leadership of a white minority that already has disproportionate power relative to their numbers.

And I sense this will all end badly. I think it will be ugly when someone is willing to publicly say what many are thinking.

It seems unfair that your old principal was fired for that, but the courts showed the Bremerton Inquisition back to his old post as creepy street preaching coach with a rabid following. Ah well, seems he's quitting anyway after all that.

re: school discipline and gym coaches, did you catch the story about that 12 year old dying from PE class?

A 12-year-old boy in southern California has died after his gym teacher told him to run in triple-digit heat.

Yahshua Robinson, a middle school student from Lake Elsinore, California, arrived to his gym class on Tuesday in the wrong clothes, Amarna Plummer, Robinson's aunt, told NBC Los Angeles. In response, Robinson's gym teacher made him run outdoors during high temperatures, Plummer said, describing what Robinson's fellow students had relayed to her. https://www.insider.com/student-dies-af … eat-2023-9
The school's hearts are with the family. Not a whole lot of ways the kid can "build character" now.

Other schools were canceling outdoor PE due to the heat.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Crazy story. I don't do PE but the students have told me that the gym teachers cancel going outside if it is too hot.

The government should probably do some sort of program thing
to install air conditioners in all public schools. I am sure there would be plenty of people who would be against that since "I didn't have AC when I was your age."

https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/07/ … on-system/

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2023-09-09 11:46:53)


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