
SuperJail Warden wrote:

I haven't listened to a single speech by the queen. She has literally never said anything important.
neither have you, you spick.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Mac's reddit link is literally a video of a twitter screen, the platform I'm apparently supposed to join for some reason (honestly I don't have the inclination to curate a bunch of of follows of the snidest wits to ever flame there).

I can watch some of this stuff out of personal interest, having gone to school in America, and dwelling in a country where our dumbest states are trying to claw us underwater. But it's more clinical than a thing I'd kick back with a bucket of popcorn to enjoy, and I've a preference for not watching people get brutally killed like we're squatting on ogrish.

There wasn't really much to look at on the video anyway. A push, the strike back, and then a bunch of stuff obscured by the foreground.
what could possibly be of any human interest in watching a random fight in a random school somewhere?

like i genuinely don't get it. mac spends his time on things like 'public freakout'. lmao why? it's incel worldstar.

Well if you're going to press on with human interest, I feel a bit sorry for the kid for being pushed and the teacher for being beat up by a student? I don't think I'm trying to put it in that light though. It's more of a thing where I went to public high school and junior high, so let's see what Teacher Mac has curated in terms of school craziness. You can get the same effect from a local news article also clipping Twitter, but the comments there should you still deign to read them would be even worse.

I don't even go out of my way for this stuff. It's like 99% bf2s, mac provision. I'm not going to click it if it's a reporter getting their head sawn off. It's not imagery I pursue. A headline is vivid enough, thanks.

We can of course criticize the broadcasting of this stuff in general, in terms of providing rubbernecking spectacle which alone won't likely do much to move and shake society.

I do think there are more people who just go "that's nuts" and move on a bit more numb than before, than there are people who gleefully, deliberately dwell on this stuff.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Reddit thread asking teachers how to improve American schools. The top comment was: "allow us to fail kids. kids don't put in the effort because they know they will be passed along"
Make some subjects failable and some not, that sorts them out.

Everyone knew woodwork and home economics were unfailable. The dumb kids left school with at least one qualification.

I enjoyed woodwork, I'm an engineer now.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Home ec should be mandatory lest we end up with more deviant mac diets in the world.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why do the schools even need to get involved in making bathroom policy? I wish there was a solid directive from the state.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have heard stuff like this. Sucks this lady must deal with it.
why on earth would you keep your college gown and cap in your classroom? do you think children are motivated to go to college because they get to dress like a hogwart’s postal worker for a day?

1) What do you mean bathroom policy, mac? Like who gets to go when, how much unrighteous power a teacher can leverage in telling a student they can't use a toilet? Or is NJ still struggling with transgender stuff? Is your school packed with "tranny linebackers?" Are pearls being clutched at PTA meetings?

2) Showcasing a bunch of your personal items and collectibles in a classroom with a bunch of kids seems like a really poor decision if you want to keep things or not have them stolen.

3) Side note, imagine the outbursts of a bipolar Hogwarts student with catastrophic, supernatural power.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
What do you do if a boy wants to use the girl's bathroom but the girls don't want him in there? Trust and believe that has happened.

Transgender stuff aside, people bully their own biological gender in the restroom.

I imagine a transgender teen just wants to get through the day without soiling themselves, or being harassed no matter which restroom they pick. Do you have staff restrooms? Why not offer the use of those if it's so important.

All this restroom fearmongering stuff is straight from the right-wing noisemaking tool bag. They don't care about kids. If they did, they wouldn't consider free school lunches, among other things, to be so vile.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am not fearmongering. I saw this happen. A male dressed in gothic female attire was in the girl's bathroom and the girls complained about him being there since they felt uncomfortable. An aide who witnessed this didn't know what to do. I don't know what to do. And I feel that the group of girl students aren't wrong for feeling uncomfortable.

Ah, we've finally drawn out full context. I would say a doctor's/therapist's note would suffice for qualifying a restroom switch, then. That stuff should be easily enough handled by the school nurse and administration, right? If it causes problems and "gay panic" or whatever for other students, offer the kid the use of one of the staff restrooms.

You can't blame me for nipping at this, you've been on about the restroom stuff before.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
They can't use the staff bathroom. The union would not allow it. Justifiably so.

Do you only have one staff bathroom? Redesignate a spare, sheesh.

What do you want a hypothetical trans teen to do then, defecate outside? Maybe you could send teens into 120 degree, plastic honey buckets. I'm sure that would be a news item "teen dies of heatstroke on outdoor crapper. Wasn't allowed inside."

A "crossdressing" goth boy visiting the girl's room on the surface suggests more to me that he has (maybe even non-trans) gender issues to sort out with the oversight of a therapist, rather than that he's sacrificing his reputation and student record on the altar of getting an afternoon of pervy peeks. Kid should probably have a chat with the school counsellor for starters (do you even have a school counsellor?). Maybe it was something as simple as someone threatened to beat the crap out of him in the boy's room at first opportunity.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The staff bathrooms are located in the teacher's lounge. You think it should be okay for a student to come into our lounge and use our bathroom?

Trans advocates would cut your throat for suggesting mental healthcare for the youth.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The staff bathrooms are located in the teacher's lounge. You think it should be okay for a student to come into our lounge and use our bathroom?
Ah, yes. They would have to walk past their teachers having sex in the supply closets, or worse yet the pedophiles administration hasn't gotten around to firing yet.

I'm pretty sure there were staff restrooms outside of the lounge at my high school. Probably a good thing because of the place's size.

Trans advocates would cut your throat for suggesting mental healthcare for the youth.

Most trans advocates I speak with advocate for greater and more affordable access to healthcare, and mental healthcare, in general. It's probably better to have someone to talk about that stuff to who isn't a parent, teacher, peer, or some complete stranger on the internet whose quora qualification is "Sopranos fan." Walk through your feelings with a professional and get stuff figured out. It's good that psychiatrists are in the loop on this stuff anyway on the chance things move forward. HRT be crazy and GD might not be the only potential thing going on.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-09-13 17:51:28)


Two unrelated questions:

- Do you have one of those guys working at your school who each new incoming class is creeped out at, yet he's still inexplicably works there?

- What are your thoughts on that case with the Texas kid, linked in the transgender thread?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I told this joke when talking about the rumors about somebody else. "I will never understand why anyone would want to date the kids when you could try to date the teachers instead." It sounded better in the moment.
I skimmed the article. The family services people were acting within the law that was passed to stop gender reaffirming treatment? If that is so, that is what the people in Texas want. My stance on Texas and Florida is: let nature take it's course.
Do you think every trans youth has gender dysphoria or do you think some can be guided away from trans stuff through medication and therapy? I get that activist want mental healthcare but they also don't want mental healthcare that might result in some kids coming to the conclusion "this ain't for me". Of course the Christians dummies want to go in the whole opposite direction with their nonsense. I can genuinely see why the activists would be skeptical. I also have no love for the conservative Christians. They are who I am talking about when I talk about letting nature take it's course.


I noticed the openly LGBT kids in that come my way usually have autism and/or ADHD in their files. I have neither, officially at least, but I had my ups and downs. Medication helped. Changed my life. What worries me regarding the trans stuff is that there are kids who need a lose dose antidepressant and to get off of the internet for awhile who are instead going to get deeper and deeper into trans stuff as people who want to slow down the whole thing are silenced or move into other things. I would say the same thing about kids looking at guns and porn all day too.


I have one openly trans kid in my class. I was very nice to him and am probably their favorite teacher now. I have two kids that I suspect are trans or something now. I am very nice to them too. I don't like seeing them mistreated and I also have a LGBT project with my name on it. I am just hesitant regarding how fast we go with all of this. I support universal healthcare. I would be fine with the government paying for their gender reaffirming treatment if the button was set in front of me. I rather hang out with the LGBT weirdos at the Brooklyn concert halls than spend a moment listening to anything a Christian Conservative had to say. I dislike them most of all. My least favorite people.

Doctors and therapists are the gatekeepers of addressing that stuff medically. There's less harm in a teen having problems seeing a doctor for that stuff to try and figure out things one way or another, than be left to spiral off towards some random self-medicated self-destruction on their own and end up with a whole cocktail of issues. Equal shrug to whether they figure out they're trans for sure, or they're not. On with the rest of the day.

Do any trans people you know try and force other people to be trans, or is that just in the porn story subreddits you're subscribed to?

A digital detox every now and then could be helpful to pretty much everyone with too much of that in their lives. I've read accounts where "yes, still trans, but I'm liberated from Facebook."
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The kid with the pronouns email was the only kid that was pushy with it. Pushy isn't even the best word for it. The kid sent the most polite email from a kid I have ever seen. They have probably read somewhere that it is important to be polite with their request. The kid also was very friendly when I talked to them about their bag and bands they like.

The other two has a picture in the software we use that shows them as a little girl. In class they look totally like a boy. I was confused about it the first few days. The kid is friendly. I assume they really want to date girls because they were happy when I partnered them up with another girl to help her get caught up. I wonder if she had any clue because I wouldn't have known.

The last kid is a guy who nearly mute. Wears a facemask still and doesn't talk. I noticed he had long nails polished like a girl. We communicate with with thumbs up and head nods. System says 79 IQ, Autism, and ADHD. He is the one I am probably most worried about. God knows what is going on in his head. Any SCOTUS wants to give him a gun someday.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Look at the shit I have to deal with at work. It is nonsense. All I want to do is teach about World War 2 and raw dog the manic 25 year old on the opposite side of the building. I don't think I am asking the universe for much.

You only call it 'pushy' because your anti-trans views, even if you've adjusted your opinion, are still background radiation.

Being sent the most polite email you've ever seen from a kid. Getting things out of the way in private and not disrupting your class. 'Pushy.' bruuh

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