
Nobody is going to read a book like that for new and interesting insights. Sounds like just more mass market bias confirmation. A bathroom reader for racist uncles licking their wounds from their facebook ban.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
The average boomer could barely scrape through the simple job they were spoonfed. And mostly pen and paper.

How many applications and application updates does the average worker have to deal with today?
Still hating SAP, the more I use it the more annoying it gets.
Every sub-environment is different and worse than the previous one.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-05-21 06:17:22)

Fuck Israel

?? what are you talking about?

Boomers as young/30s parents were some of the pioneers in transition to the 80s, esp. 90s digital work life. Plenty of younger people are hopeless with computers. Some take the same weird pride in it as the stereotypical boomer mother confiding "of course, I'm just no good with these things" to her friends. That boomers are technically incompetent is probably a bit of a stupid generational stereotype. What do people think humans did before younger generations came along?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-05-21 10:31:31)


Aside from the point that I have no idea what Fox thinks woke is from one hour to the next, I found this amusing:

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Erm, Star Trek was woke politics and socialism literally from day one.


Not sure if this is relevant but posting it anyway

Fuck Israel

Tories launch investigation after tweet from candidate’s account says 16-year-old girls have ‘creamy, buttery’ smell
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/p … 85042.html

and on game forums, made in 2020 and still existing for some reason: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/t … st-8406080


The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Fuck Israel
this guy seems to be the thinker du jour at the moment, a lot of people reading and citing and looking to his commentary as a lodestar.

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

Fuck Israel
i have no idea what that is because i stopped consuming entertainment media intended for children when i was ~16.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I have no idea what an Adam Tooze is because I don't listen to cranks on youtube.
Fuck Israel
cranks on youtube? he's a leading economist/historian, lol. professor at columbia. cambridge -> LSE -> yale.

even outside of academia, he's written about 5 nonfiction books for general readers and won just about every single prestigious book prize in his field. leverhulme prize (top prize in british academia), wolfson prize (top prize for nonfiction books), etc.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I checked him out. He wrote some books about World War 1 and 2. Good for him but unless World War 3 happens and we need to reexamine the first two world wars then the world doesn't need more world war books.

I don't agree with that sentiment, that we don't need more books about those wars. Maybe some people could stand to read less coffee table rehash about the same stuff they already have 12 copies of across different compilations.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I checked him out. He wrote some books about World War 1 and 2. Good for him but unless World War 3 happens and we need to reexamine the first two world wars then the world doesn't need more world war books.
in terms of 'trade' (i.e. regular readership, general audience) nonfiction, these are lynchpins of the publishing industry.

it makes sense for an economics or history academic to re-examine these pivotal moments through the lens of their own 'theory of history' or macroeconomics. it's a chance, in the long lens, to delineate trends and patterns that fit their novel argument. no serious academic or historian is writing yet another 'and then a happened, then b happened ...' type of history of ww1/ww2. the stuff that gets bogged down in details about battle dates, key figures, troop movements, etc., has all been conclusively settled, of course.

for a person who has a graduate degree in history, you do not display much understanding of what's going on when leading thinkers opt to write books on historical topics. like, i'm sure nobody needed another play-through of the history of empire, for example, but then hobsbawm came along with a new form of marxist historiography and turned the entire discipline's understanding on its head (or provided a strong counter-analysis, at the least).

anyway, i was referring more specifically to his books on the financial crash, covid, etc. much more topical and relevant to him becoming a very public intellectual today.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I'd been wondering how Uber managed to convince many countries to destroy their taxi industries and make travel less safe - now we know.

They just bribed politicians.

housands of leaked files have exposed how Uber courted top politicians, and how far it went to avoid justice.

They detail the extensive help Uber got from leaders such as Emmanuel Macron and ex-EU commissioner Neelie Kroes.

They also show how the taxi firm's former boss personally ordered the use of a "kill switch" to prevent raiding police from accessing computers.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Uber app is super convenient. Let's not forget all of the problems with taxi services before Uber.

https://newsone.com/3786582/taxi-indust … assengers/

"There Are Few Tears Among Black People For The Slow Demise Of The Taxi Industry"
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Was it black taxi drivers doing that though?

It gets deeper.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Elon Musk backing out of that Twitter deal is something.
what a genius. now he's embroiled in a court battle that is likely going to cost him a cool billion.

any potential buyer or investor would have appraised themselves of twitter's business model and it's ongoing issues with, e.g., digital legislation in the EU and malicious bot networks acting on behalf of political entities (e.g. russia, CCP, trump). this is basically common knowledge, hardly business insider stuff. but, no, musk decided to commit to a massive purchase on a whim.

like all of his grandiose promises, they serve up a good PR and newsround spectacle for a few weeks ... and come to nothing.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think he genuinely didn't understand how a hostile takeover of the modern marketplace of ideas ( ) was like kicking a hornet's nest. He got the attention he wanted but also a lot of attention he wouldn't want. Telsa stock is down 42% YTD. For reference the S&P 500 is down only 12% YTD.
twitter stock plummeted after he announced it, too. he committed to buying out a social media site that he immediately devalued.

he isn't pulling out because of 'concerns with bots'.  he's pulling out because he foolishly committed to a buyout that has immediately lost like 30% of its stock price value and will not rally anytime soon under his 'leadership'.
I am all that is MOD!

It was all part of his plan to liquidate some of his Tesla holdings. I called it from day one (not here, IRL)
i thought he was obligated to do that last year, anyway? what's the deal, KJ?
I am all that is MOD!

The options would expire, yes. But him liquidating $8.5B in stock would have tanked Tesla more than it already has. This is a charlatans's way of taking his money (at virtually the peak stock price), professing he is doing it for a noble cause ("freeze peach!") to make all his weird sycophants happy, and avoiding any difficult conversations.

He's still in it for humanity, folks! He was just trying to make the world a better place by buying Twitter!

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