
The Subway stuff amounts to pretty much eating too much bread and maybe too many servings of cheese and meat. All that bit about losing weight by eating Subway before Jared was outed as a creepy villain, you still have to exercise portion control and maybe burn some calories in your day.

Also lol at the alcoholics who obsess with health food except when it comes to getting absolutely sloshed.
subway is every bit as bad for you as mcdonald’s tbh. those huge sandwiches and all their processed fillings are full of salt, sugar, fat, etc. not to mention the classic scenario of people getting their ‘healthy’ lunch baguettes and salad boxes not so much lightly drizzled as inundated with maximum-unhealth toppings and sauces at the end of the counter. ‘but my foot-long baguette of salty-sweet bread covered in a flume of bbq/ranch dressing is so much healthier than a quarter-pounder!’

it was genius marketing by subway to position themselves as a ‘healthy alternative’ to the big bad trio of burger king/mcdonald’s/KFC and so on. but marketing was really all it is. subway’s lunch offers swap out fries and coke for, er, a packet of chips and a coke. or why not have a large cookie with that over-stuffed baguette, sir? healthy!

it’s amazing to me that subway literally marketed, in all seriousness, the ‘success story’ of a guy who ate subway everyday to ‘lose weight’. truly a testament to an advertising culture that tries to sell opiates on TV like candy. lmao. didn’t that jared guy lose weight by only eating one subway per day in total? well, yeah, anyone is going to lose weight if they go from eating 3-5 meals a day to 1. still doesn’t mean that subway isn’t a terrible choice for nutrition and sensible diet in every way.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-27 00:31:34)


The marketing worked. Subway was the "healthy lunch" for the longest time, and the screams of nutritionists (into the void) were drowned out by commercials of some dude walking around (before people later split hairs irt his degree of pedophilia).

It doesn't (or shouldn't) take a food genius to understand that a 12" or even 6" length of THICK bred generously drizzled with oil and fatty toppings isn't the healthiest thing to eat on the regular, or that drowning your salad in dressing defeats the whole purpose of eating healthy. In pretty much every case, you'd be better off with the burger and a normal side of fries. A mere fraction of the bread. A sandwich a day diet is not a balanced meal plan. Completely irresponsible, arguably malicious targeting of a market prone to or suffering from obesity.

Also gotta laugh at the packaged grocery store salads. A dozen broccoli florets, some cherry tomatoes, and a double handful of baby carrots in a plastic bowl, but with enough dip to coat every surface of every piece. Better use it, wouldn't want it to go to waste!
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Subway is still the least bad mainstream fast food option.
If there's nothing else and I forgot to make sandwiches thats what I pick, although obviously the average deli is preferable.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Don't be fooled, Subway is junk fast food ranking down there with the rest of junk fast food. Unhealthy menu, a dispensary of cholesterol bombs that would make a Big Mac blush. You would probably be better off eating a Reese's peanut butter cup.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Subway is still the least bad mainstream fast food option.
If there's nothing else and I forgot to make sandwiches thats what I pick, although obviously the average deli is preferable.
it's actually not true though, not at all true. that's the canniness of their marketing.

you can eat a whopper meal at burger king and have it be less calories than a subway sandwich.

like there is no 'least bad' about it at all. it's all just marketing and perception.

It's interesting to have a case study to bounce this off of, but weird that it's coming from the resident scientist.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
I need calories to do stuff, what I don't need is grease and cartilage.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
also lmao at the eco-warrior who 'always eats locally' and brags about his green credentials just, ho hum, 'accidentally' dropping by subway every week.

notoriously locally sourced subway.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I need calories to do stuff, what I don't need is grease and cartilage.
there's a vegan/vegetarian/fake meat option at every major fast food chain now. but, sure, why not, let's get into another 15 post back-and-forth about why dilbert's consumption is, ackshually, ethical and best, and why idiots (mostly "americans", it seems) are all stupid fatsos who are stuffing their faces and despoiling the planet.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-27 02:52:39)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

'accidentally' dropping by subway every week.
You're really good at making stuff up.

I can count the number of times I've eaten at subway in my life on one hand.

I'm really good at remembering to make sandwiches.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

The healthiest thing you could possibly assemble at a Subway is a bland salad using bland ingredients with thawed guac. With "eating healthy" in mind, it's not even worth the drive.

Again, daily calorie intake is not the only thing people should be paying attention to. You could meet 2k on nothing but potato chips, all the time. Should you? No.
I'm really good at remembering to make sandwiches.
we all know your mother packs your lunchbox.


I feel like we're witnessing some kind of cell division on Captain America's chin. Does he reproduce asexually? Also, what is he standing on? The others are flying (or swinging).

Some kids who grew up in bad towns used to fill those lunch pails with rocks for a handy self-defense bludgeon.
i had to specifically search for old lunchboxes. in my head they all have the square briefcase design from the neon-plastic 1990s.

you'd be encouraged to know that, it seems, all the contemporary lunchbox designs are very bougie, evidently designed with lots of compartments for sliced vegetables and fruits. none of that in my day ... we got our '5 a day' from froobs and sugary tube yoghurts.

I had bulky, tilt-top cooler a little bigger than those old metal pails that wouldn't be out of place at a picnic or a ballgame. Rather awkward to tote around though, and didn't really fit in my backpack with books. Not as "tv-cool" as a brown paper bag, but it did keep food cold.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Script I made for a podcast for my class. Basically creating like verbal lessons they can listen to and work on.

Please pick it apart for bad grammar, historical abuse etc.

"Hello Class. Today’s audio lesson will be an introduction to World War 2. We will be working on the World War 2 unit for the next several weeks. You can refer back to this audio lesson at any time if you need a refresher.

So let’s begin

World War 2 was a conflict that took place between the years 1939 and 1945. The conflict is called a World War because it took place in almost every corner of the globe and involved almost all of the countries of the world. The reasons for this are complex but have their roots in what we learned during the New Imperialism and World War 1 units.

Try to remember what we learned during the World War 1 unit. Can you recall the global conflict that took place when Germany and its allies went to war with the British, Americans, and our other allies? World War 2 was very much like that conflict but on a larger scale. Up to four times as many people lost their lives in World War 2 than people were lost in World War 1. Up to 100 million lives were lost. We study World War 2 to not only understand the world around us today but to also remember the innocent lives lost.

The conflict itself started when Germany led by the Nazis and Adolf Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. The Nazis sought to conquer Poland and to remove the people already living living there. The Nazi ultimate plan was to depopulate all of Eastern Europe and replace the people with Germans. They planned to do this through slavery and murder. The French and British Empires meanwhile opposed the conquest and went to war with Germany to defend Poland. This resulted in what historians call “World War 2 in Europe.” Nazi Germany then went on to invade and take over many other countries in Europe including France, the Netherlands, Norwary, Denmark and more. The Germans were never able to defeat the British though and eventually Hitler turned his attention to Russia then under the control of the mighty Soviet Union. Hitler’s invasion of Russia failed and the Russian armies then began to push the Germans out of Eastern Europe and all the way back to Germany’s capital. Meanwhile the Americans, us, and our allies liberated France and many other countries while we chased the Germans out of the countries they had conquered in Western Europe. Finally, with the Soviet Union’s armies besieging Germany’s capital, Berlin, Hitler committed suicide and his suriving generals then surrended. This ended World War 2 in Europe and inaugurated a new phase in World History: The Cold War.

While Hitler was on a mission to conquer all of Europe, in Asia there was another empire that was trying to conquer and control the people around it too: The Empire of Japan. Japan at this point was under the control of powerful military leaders who coveted the resources of the people of Asia. Japan began by invading China in 1937. The Japanese were unable to defeat China though. The country was simply too large and had too many people for Japan to do so. Japan eventually became frustrated and began to look at stealing the resources of the countries around them. They wanted to steal the resources held by the British Empires and their allies who were busy fighting Hitler and the Nazis. In order for Japan to steal those resources they felt they needed to eliminate the Americans who had bases in the East Asian country of the Philippines. Japan’s plan was to attack the Americans at Pearl Harbor Hawaii and destroy our Navy there. They thought the Americans, us, would be too afraid to fight them. They were very wrong! The U.S. then rallied our allies to defeat the Japanese and their allies Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. America used its navy and army to liberate land conquered by Japan and eventually pushed the Japanese all the way back to their home islands. Originally the U.S. planned to invade but instead decided to use a new type of weapon we had made, the atomic bomb. A bomb so powerful it could destroy an entire city in an instant. The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and after that the Japanese surrended. This ended the conflict in East Asia during World War 2 known as “The Pacific War.” Nazi Germany had already surrended several months earlier. World War 2 was over.

We will be learning more about all of this in more detail during the coming weeks. Please submit any questions you may have through Schoology so I can answer them for you. Have a great rest of your day! "
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
The Russians did more of the fighting than anyone else.

Should probably mention than America stayed out of the war and watched Europe burn, and would have continued to do so but for Pearl Harbour.

Also America blockaded Japan triggering the Pacific war.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

The Russians did more of the fighting than anyone else.
people also forgot they tried to invade finland and also partitioned poland with the nazis and surprise pikachud when got barbarossad'

not like the russians have a choice to fight. you can say they didnt do jack shit against the japs the entire war either.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Script I made for a podcast for my class. Basically creating like verbal lessons they can listen to and work on.

Please pick it apart for bad grammar, historical abuse etc.

"Hello Class. Today’s audio lesson will be an introduction to World War 2. We will be working on the World War 2 unit for the next several weeks. You can refer back to this audio lesson at any time if you need a refresher.

So let’s begin

World War 2 was a conflict that took place between the years 1939 and 1945. The conflict is called a World War because it took place in almost every corner of the globe and involved almost all of the countries of the world. The reasons for this are complex but have their roots in what we learned during the New Imperialism and World War 1 units.

Try to remember what we learned during the World War 1 unit. Can you recall the global conflict that took place when Germany and its allies went to war with the British, Americans, and our other allies? World War 2 was very much like that conflict but on a larger scale. Up to four times as many people lost their lives in World War 2 than people were lost in World War 1. Up to 100 million lives were lost. We study World War 2 to not only understand the world around us today but to also remember the innocent lives lost.

The conflict itself started when Germany led by the Nazis and Adolf Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. The Nazis sought to conquer Poland and to remove the people already living living there. The Nazi ultimate plan was to depopulate all of Eastern Europe and replace the people with Germans. They planned to do this through slavery and murder. The French and British Empires meanwhile opposed the conquest and went to war with Germany to defend Poland. This resulted in what historians call “World War 2 in Europe.” Nazi Germany then went on to invade and take over many other countries in Europe including France, the Netherlands, Norwary, Denmark and more. The Germans were never able to defeat the British though and eventually Hitler turned his attention to Russia then under the control of the mighty Soviet Union. Hitler’s invasion of Russia failed and the Russian armies then began to push the Germans out of Eastern Europe and all the way back to Germany’s capital. Meanwhile the Americans, us, and our allies liberated France and many other countries while we chased the Germans out of the countries they had conquered in Western Europe. Finally, with the Soviet Union’s armies besieging Germany’s capital, Berlin, Hitler committed suicide and his suriving generals then surrended. This ended World War 2 in Europe and inaugurated a new phase in World History: The Cold War.

While Hitler was on a mission to conquer all of Europe, in Asia there was another empire that was trying to conquer and control the people around it too: The Empire of Japan. Japan at this point was under the control of powerful military leaders who coveted the resources of the people of Asia. Japan began by invading China in 1937. The Japanese were unable to defeat China though. The country was simply too large and had too many people for Japan to do so. Japan eventually became frustrated and began to look at stealing the resources of the countries around them. They wanted to steal the resources held by the British Empires and their allies who were busy fighting Hitler and the Nazis. In order for Japan to steal those resources they felt they needed to eliminate the Americans who had bases in the East Asian country of the Philippines. Japan’s plan was to attack the Americans at Pearl Harbor Hawaii and destroy our Navy there. They thought the Americans, us, would be too afraid to fight them. They were very wrong! The U.S. then rallied our allies to defeat the Japanese and their allies Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. America used its navy and army to liberate land conquered by Japan and eventually pushed the Japanese all the way back to their home islands. Originally the U.S. planned to invade but instead decided to use a new type of weapon we had made, the atomic bomb. A bomb so powerful it could destroy an entire city in an instant. The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and after that the Japanese surrended. This ended the conflict in East Asia during World War 2 known as “The Pacific War.” Nazi Germany had already surrended several months earlier. World War 2 was over.

We will be learning more about all of this in more detail during the coming weeks. Please submit any questions you may have through Schoology so I can answer them for you. Have a great rest of your day! "
acktually you can say it started in 1931 with japan invading china.

Last edited by Cybargs (2022-12-18 00:21:43)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
No-one gives a fuck about Japan invading China
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i think you should probably stress the connection to ww1 and the german state more. you already established the connection with the students by mentioning the previous classes on it. without some sort of bridging context you almost make it sound like this big bad man hitler came along with a super evil plan.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
But it was all Hitler's fault. The SS were just following orders. 😔 😅

WW2 seems like a really difficult infodump to plan over the course of a few short classes in a few weeks. A lot of abridgement is going to occur even keeping with whatever curriculum requirements. The causations and politics and all the events leading up to it always felt more like an afterthought in school, nevermind perspectives in hindsight and various takes and legacies. I got more information from books and library documentaries than classes.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
The Germans were so butthurt about getting their asses kicked for starting WW1 they decided to double down and get their asses kicked in WW2

^ This is as American as I can make it.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

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