
Dilbert_X wrote:

You're still not getting it, for the average Oxbridge nincompoop Farage is as close to a pleb as they'll ever meet in their entire lives.
That was the point. Please try to wake up.
jacob rees-mogg's mother was working-class. she was his father's secretary on fleet street. his maternal grandfather was a lorry driver.

why don't you wake up instead of relying on caricatures and cartoons? rees-mogg's self-conscious stylings as an 18th century gentleman are pretty easy to see through, if you're 'awake', that is.


i think the oxford lot recognise farage rather well. the City and oxbridge are not exactly antipodes. you're just relying too much on his own populist portrayal. it's no different from trump vis-a-vis the political establishment. more often than not the money-men and trumpers are at the same balls as the political elites, bankrolling their election campaigns and donating mega-bucks. they're the same.

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-27 15:39:56)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
His mother was a pleb, the male line weren't exactly. Jacob went to prep school, Eton and Trinity college.

i think the oxford lot recognise farage rather well. the City and oxbridge are not exactly antipodes. you're just relying too much on his own populist portrayal. it's no different from trump vis-a-vis the political establishment. more often than not the money-men and trumpers are at the same balls as the political elites, bankrolling their election campaigns and donating mega-bucks. they're the same.
That was my point, you seem especially slow today.

Dilbert_X wrote:

a bunch of public school history coasters who have deluded themselves into believing they understand technocracy and the people because they once wrote an essay on industry and got a B and met Nigel Farage at a party isn't it

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-01-27 15:55:47)

Fuck Israel
His mother was a pleb, the male line weren't exactly. Jacob went to prep school, Eton and Trinity college.
uhm, quite irrelevant when your line was 'they've never been near a pleb in their lives'. i'd say one half of your matrilineal descent, including your own mother, is pretty 'close' enough, wouldn't you? that the rees-moggs are social climbing parvenus is common stock and folderol in westminster's bars.

lol at the idea that nigel farage and the city are either (a) 'technocrats' or (b) 'the people'.

ruling class elites are ruling class elites. even putting some sort of division between the politicians and bankers is dumb.

they both opportunistically speak 'for the people' when it suits them, as a not very subtle camouflage for their own naked class interests.

saying 'nigel farage is the closest they've ever got to a pleb' is completely nonsensical.

Last edited by uziq (2022-01-28 02:18:00)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
So anyway, seems pretty obvious Downing St and the Met are acting in concert to protect the PM.
Fuck Israel
yes very strange.

the one property in the U.K. with a police officer stationed on the doorstep, didn’t seem to notice about 17 secret parties taking place against lockdown laws.

there’s an ‘investigation’ into a premise where every single member of staff has to swipe in with their ID card as standard security protocol. hmmm i’m sure they need some expert sleuths on that case.

the met have asked for the report to be redacted and scrutinised in case any of the evidence given in it affects their ‘inquiry’. lol the covid laws and fines are essentially on a level with a parking ticket. ‘inflames the inquiry’. it’s not the fucking OJ simpson case. there’s no jury being compromised.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Its like the cold war all over again.

Fuck Israel
an 'excessive drinking culture' at downing street ... 16 parties ... basically, in terms of non-investigated 'events', reports of friday booze-ups in downing street going as far back as the cameron/may years, with no cessation during a pandemic and times of maximal restrictions to personal liberty.

an entire government in turmoil, when you think about it, because of that all-so-innocent tipple. why couldn't this lot leave off getting pissed at least once a week?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am still getting the 'garlic to vampire' reaction to alcohol when I see/smell/think about it. Weird how one awful hangover rewired my brain to alcohol.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I think the takeaway really is that all the highly and expensively educated classics experts haven't learned ethics, humility,self-control or the ability to think past the ends of their noses.
These people are basically selfish children who put partying ahead of everything else.

And I'm sure there was plenty of cocaine floating around at these events, maybe why it was referred to the police so quickly.

I'm expecting there's a picture of Johnson plastered with booze in both hands and Michael Gove in the background with powder on his face.
Fuck Israel
nice thesis except the majority of the people involved in these parties are not the eton-classics lot.

no. 10’s office is full of SPADs and student politics type. they are overwhelmingly young, which has been commented on previously by the tory faithful and party proper. an incredibly juvenile atmosphere has presided over the executive office … but that’s because dom cummings purposefully wanted to recruit based on ‘genius ability’ and not from the usual public school->oxbridge->civil servant mandarin route.

so once again you are full of prejudices and totally divorced from the actual matter. precisely what has characterized the 'cummings mastermind' no 10 and its rather aggressive stance to the rest of the legislative/judiciary is precisely this contempt for the haw-haw, amiable gent yet sociopathically selfish and insider'ish establishment idiot stereotype that you keep invoking. you really can't have it both ways. if there's a vulgar, selfish and juvenile workplace atmosphere at no 10, look no further than all the whizzkids and 'mould breakers' brought in by your favourite advocate for technocratic governance.

some of these parties were attended by up to 60-70 people. you don’t have to look very far beneath the chortling BoJo/gove type figureheads to see a very different cast of people. similar to how the cameron executive and, indeed, the blair years were full of slimy PR men and tabloid editors/‘comms experts’. it’s not exactly formal hall at christ church in there.

two of the most notorious whizz kids on the BoJo/cummings brain trust team were typical ‘disruptors’, some uncouth tech-geeks from new zealand who between them didn’t have 40 years of age. look up sean topham and ben guerin, aka 'topham guerin'.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-01 03:01:55)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

nice thesis except the majority of the people involved in these parties are not the eton-classics lot.
Except the people in charge, like Boris, Cummings etc in fact are.
Fuck Israel
responsibility lies with boris johnson, no question, as in any scenario where workplace culture has taken a dive off a cliff.

but the make-up of the office, and those partaking in the nonstop irresponsibility and 'banter' culture, are just as much tech-geeks and oiks as effete eton classicists. i don't know why you have such a retardly manichean view of the world.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-01 04:28:19)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Yes I'm sure the interns and analysts were calling the shots on whether to hold a party and who to invite in one of the most secure buildings in the country.
Fuck Israel
you need to read more about how much johnson deferred to cummings, and how much cummings deferred and gave free rein to his 'genius', 'outcast' , 'misfit' staff hires.

once again, the entire culture of no 10 downing street has been an experiment, aggressively pitched, against all the old 'sclerotic' forms of whitehall-type governance, the formality and (supposed) mediocrity of the old hierarchies. cummings and his ilk were given free reign to create their own work culture based on their own ideas.

johnson's head of staff was responsible for a lot of the email circulars. a law graduate from cambridge. not exactly the eton-oxford-humanities type you like to rant against in your misconstrued attacks against all the 'decadence' of the snobs. we're talking a traditional law-path graduate, not 'PPE' or any of your other shibboleths -- and law/jurisprudence degrees, LLBs, postgrad qualifications, etc, are hardly the real provenance of the 'humanities'.

Before entering government, Reynolds worked as a lawyer in London.[2] From 1997, he worked at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.[3]

Becoming a diplomat, Reynolds served at the British High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa as Deputy High Commissioner between July 2011 and November 2014.[4][5]
... unless you want to make out, of course, that someone with a near-identical career and posting as your own father is part of the 'corrupt elite'.

in addition, there's a quite heavy implication - you've alluded to it yourself when making misogynistic wisecracks - that johnson's own wife had essentially set up private court. that's why cummings left or was booted out, after all: conflict with carrie johnson, who was making her own appointments and pushing her own agenda. not exactly an eton-oxford-humanities type there, either. she's thoroughly a middle-class botherer. pretty sure she did theatre or drama or something at warwick. are you going to suggest no 10 has been dangerously over-run by acolytes of conceptual dance?

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-01 05:13:58)


Dilbert_X wrote:

And I'm sure there was plenty of cocaine floating around at these events, maybe why it was referred to the police so quickly.
also LMAO at this. fuck me how clueless are you? the whole debacle of justice in this is that the police should have stopped the parties, right then and there, when they were occurring ... starting almost 24 months ago! the covid legislation is a very minor bit of public order legislation. it's a ticketable/fineworthy offence, and that's it. they could have put a stop to the first party, issued tickets, informed everyone they were in breach of (their own) covid rules, and then neatly drawn a line under the whole ensuing mess.

as far as policing is concerned, this is the sort of day-to-day routine thing that a probationary officer would be entrusted with.

'referred to the police so quickly' yes because cocaine was involved !!!

i'm not even discounting the possibility of cocaine being taken on the premises - the stuff is measurably all over parliament and its toilet blocs, after all - but the idea that any part of this furore was 'referred to the police with haste' is fucking LOL. jesus you are DUMB. for months the met police have been issuing statements, demurring and prevaricating, saying ludicrous nonsense phrases such as 'we don't investigate crimes retroactively' (i guess scotland yard is the minority report?). lmao hahaha referred so quickly.

it's far more likely that the reason why the met police are insisting on so much 'sensitive' material being redacted is because it mentions the rather uncomfortable fact that these parties were occurring for 24 months whilst there were met police staff in fucking attendance, or at the front door letting the punters file in, at the very least. it raises serious questions about their selective policing, not raises alarm bells about *shock! horror!* cocaine use!

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-01 05:29:49)

£4 billion of covid contract fraud written off.
£9 billion of wasted PPE contracts and surplus orders rotting in a warehouse, medically unusable.

‘£350 million extra a week for the NHS, just get brexit done’.
actually btw we are increasing the national insurance tax by 10%. you’ve got to pay for the NHS if you want to keep it!

all this approved by a chancellor of the exchequer who is the richest MP ever, a literal billionaire, and who also voted - twice - against extending free school meals provisions during the pandemic to the poorest students.

the funniest thing is that lickspittle fascist droogs like dilbert will tell you that it’s refugees seeking shelter or benefit claimant fraud that are ruining the country. you know, annual benefit cheats amounting to £60 million a year, or 2% of the total fraud committed.

but remember: white collar crime doesn’t hurt anyone else! it’s jewish ponzi schemes and untrustworthy romanians that should be watched out for.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-02 00:03:42)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Nope I've said that migrants and benefit cheats are what piss off the populace, the direct impact is small.
The indirect impact, turning the nation into a Nigerian and Iranian benefits mill is not trivial.

The audacity of the tory's self-enrichment scam - and hiking taxes on the plebs to pay for it - is actually breathtaking, if the people weren't so fat, lazy and stupid there'd have been a revolution by now.

Looking quite likely Sunak will be the next PM, whatever he does will be in his personal interests and those of his fellow indians, best of luck chaps.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-02-02 00:11:58)

Fuck Israel
‘his fellow indians’ lmao. sunak is from the public school anglophile elite, not a terrace of bengalis near brick lane. he’s a tory party stooge not some racial partisan.

you have some very funny ideas. … 84675?s=21

nigeria and … iran? do you just pull these names out of hat depending on which way your xenophobia blows that day, on a whim, or what? how many poor iranians are there scrounging on benefits in the U.K.? i see lots of rich iranians but not many council blocks full of them.

lmao there are 3,000 iranian refugees a year. let me guess, you read about them as ‘boat people’ and think there’s an ‘overwhelming invasion’. the U.K. being turned into an iranian benefits mill, indeed.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-02 00:31:32)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Wait and see, the Indian govt is keen to do deals and export excess Indians, that is already the price of a trade deal.

India wants more opportunities for Indians to live and work in Britain, and any trade deal could involve negotiations on relaxing rules and lowering fees for Indian students and professionals going to the UK.

You can bet your bottom Sunak will let that through.
Fuck Israel
it’s what the brexiteers voted for. enterprising global free market, no?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
People need to be careful what they wish for, letting Pandora out of her box and all.
Fuck Israel
it would be much better if socially backwards rednecks and a severely developmentally stunted, backwards-looking party weren't allowed to enact their psychodramas on the national/global stage. seems to me like the 'tory heartlands' barely even know themselves what they want: stoked up by farage, pandered to by cynical money-men, led by donkeys. 'we want this and we want it NOW!' 'no, not that!' 'why is my business suffering?' 'no, no indians, we meant no to those as well as no to europe, we didn't read the small print about being fine with a WTO-style deal ...', 'just make us rich and the beneficiaries of global trade without any of its attendant costs; make everyone else deal with that part'.

it's like dealing with a creche of very entitled children. if this is the party of 'white middle england' then they're rather letting the side down.

✅ £37bn on Test & Trace that “made no difference”
✅ £12bn lost to Brexit in a single month
✅ £4.3bn Covid fraud written off
✅ £8.7bn on PPE written off
✅ £7k a day on consultants
✅ 4% Brexit hit to GDP

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-02 02:58:37)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Maybe stop electing people whose only, limited and self-qualified, skill is criticising the past.
Fuck Israel
maybe stop viewing politicians', or indeed any career worker's, abilities based on an undergraduate subject they read when they were 18 years old?

honestly, are you so fucking myopic in engineering or what? even like 80% of STEM graduates don't go on to work in fields directly relevant to their degree.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-02 03:07:11)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
80% Of Govt are pond-life from the same isolated ankle-deep pool, lets try fishing somewhere else.

Not frustrated artists though, we've had that discussion.

What is with these guys and their outfits and symbolism?
Fuck Israel

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