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First post of this thread.

FFLink wrote:

Seems to use CryEngine 3, will be PC only and will be released in 2014 if all goes well, with Alpha and beta after 12 months and 20 months respectively.
Mass Media Casualty

In fairness the scope of it has expanded massively since it was first announced. Hard to think it's been going since 2012 though.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6784|Little Bentcock
Hard to believe its even the same concept
Sorry for reviewing such an old thread... But I was thinking about getting the game.  Do you think the devs are going to fulfill at least 3/4 of the promises? I know they did get tons of money, but even the greatest billionaire can lose all of his money if he mismanage fiances...

I got kinda tired with Everspace prety quick, was looking for something more involving this time

Thanks in advance guys.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6784|Little Bentcock
I'm sure it'll be fine. 3.0 is coming out soon.
Post limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.
Here's the latest info on [url=]Squadron 42[/url]

anyone here play star citizen actively ?
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6784|Little Bentcock
Myself and Canin are inn the same group, haven't seen him for a while though

Adams_BJ wrote:

Myself and Canin are inn the same group, haven't seen him for a while though
haven't played in a while because bg3 ... the cycle will turn again once 3.20 lands in the PU

funny never got into this until a couple years ago; amazing to see how far its some. Hopefully they don't get too lazy focusing on selling ships

Did they ever stop selling older ships? I wonder every now and then if I'm sitting on something big, like unused hats from a certain pvp fortress game.

Every time I think about loading it up again, some new space game comes along. No Man's Sky, Satisfactory(ish), Everspace 2, Dyson Sphere Program, Outer Worlds (kinda?), maybe space fallout if the early feedback is good.

Breathedge was cute for awhile, but made for people who really like to sift through debris. I was going to get Hardspace: Shipbreakers before finding out that had a time limit. Not a lot of hope for Wars/Trek and I barely see any news. There's always Kerbal 2 to look forward to. MS should just release Space Simulator 2. Or I guess it's been long enough that they could just call it Space Simulator without being too ambiguous. That was the shit.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Did they ever stop selling older ships? I wonder every now and then if I'm sitting on something big, like unused hats from a certain pvp fortress game.
The only truly rare afaik is the Aegis Sabre Raven ( … abre-Raven) since it was something limited at the time.

They always have this core group of ships for sale and some ships only go on sale throughout the year (i.e. Alien week). Some of the larger ships like the 890J ( … p/890-JUMP) only sell during short ranges and in limited quantity.

Almost all ships are purchasable in game (auec) at either A18, Hurston, or, Orison. Downside with in game is that when they do a wipe you lose those. IMO ground vehicles are never worth pledging since they are cheap in game.

that looks really familiar, but i don't remember if it's something i had, a person i played the game with had, or if i had a similar looking or sounding variant.

i'm pretty sure i bought something that was described as a heavy fighter, though. i really need to check up on my account i guess.

Not sure how long1 this site was popular but its a good resource for calculating upgrades and comparing flyable/drivable ships/vehicles.

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