Uzique The Lesser
i don't moralise, sorry. people can legally do what they want. having heated discussions about music and matters of culture is not 'moralising'. moralising is when you wish to control or limit someone else's choices or conduct. i am not trying to ban dubstep. similarly my position on drug and other social behaviour, which is strictly liberal, can hardly be said to be 'moralising'. it is the opposite of infringing on other's people's freedoms, or forcing your views on anyone else. my only position is that i think people should be able to do whatever they want with their own person in the safety of their own homes. if you want to somehow view that as a 'moral crusade', be my guest, you fucking gomp.

and i only vote for myself and my nearest? my family are loaded, and privileged. 70% of the people in my (mother's) home constituency, not cheltenham, where my father's side of the family are from, are working-class. 50 years ago the place had mines, for fuck's sake. the real reason i vote labour there is because the current tory MP wants to sell off all of the woodland - the UK's second biggest forest, and it's greatest ancient wood - to property developers and business interests. so yes, i vote labour. guess i'm just so self-interested. how the fuck would me voting for labour be in my self-interest, in any way? they are against public schools and all forms of class inequality. they would tax the shit out of my family.

derp derp derp dilbert.

i never twisted the socratic method, either, here we go again. you constantly trying to make out i am misrepresenting it, when i'm the only one here that has actually read the fucking words of socrates/plato, or studied the socratic method beyond wikipedia glancing (you even started cockily wheezing when i mentioned plato and asked why i had back-pedalled to another thinker; fucking rofl, you don't even know that 100% of socrates' teachings are given to us in plato's writing). the socratic method involves a technique of ironic dissimulation to follow a person's (fallacious) beliefs to an endpoint that q.e.d.'s their false thinking. it is a rhetorical dialectic method that gently goads the person being instructed in a process of 'seeing why they are wrong'. socrates uses it in dozens of examples in the works of plato to educate young men on the roadside, wayward soldiers, zealous politicians, etc. it's all there. go read it. the socratic method is a method of INSTRUCTION. it was used in a philosophical SCHOOL to teach LESSONS. i don't really care how modern liberal school-teachers are using it to promote 'relativity' and 'inclusion'. in socrates day the matter of ethics and metaphysics was not a post-modern plurality. he used it to teach people his (or his schools') views. PERIOD. bring up the conversation again when you've actually read some fucking socrates. thank you.

here's a simple definition for the philosophically-illiterate (i.e. you) from ''

A Definition of the Classic Socratic Method:

The Classic Socratic Method uses creative questioning to dismantle and discard preexisting ideas and thereby allows the respondent to rethink the primary question under discussion (such as 'What is virtue?'). This deconstructive style of the Socratic Method is ‘Socratic’ precisely to the extent that the weight of the actual deconstruction of a definition rests in the respondent’s own answers to more questions, which refute the respondent's previously stated answer to the primary question. The result of the Classic Socratic Method is, by definition, a failure to find a satisfactory answer to the primary question in a conversation. This failure produces a realization of ignorance in the respondent (Socratic Effect) which can, it is hoped, inspire the respondent to dig deep and think about the question with a new freedom that is obtained from discarding a previously held belief. If a satisfactory answer is found, this represents a transition to the ‘Modern Socratic Method.’
i bolded it for you, to make even easier. just as i said, all along. socrates feigns ignorance or ironically dissimulates; person follows argument to realize they have been in error; correction is made; lesson learned; socrates gives a little wink and continues on his way. DONE. stop fucking bringing it up now. go read a fucking book.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-29 04:10:32)

thats pretty dumb to sell off massive amounts of forests to business'.
Uzique The Lesser

Cybargs wrote:

thats pretty dumb to sell off massive amounts of forests to business'.
yeah well i'm so selfish and self-obsessed and venal that i use my democratic vote to protest against that sort of thing.
you selfish prick you, those business' really need to destroy the second largest forest for the umm economy and stuff. yeah you selfish prick hopefully you die in a fire.
Uzique The Lesser
by the way the tory MP that tried to wholesale sell off the forest is the same minister for immigration that macbeth linked in the australia thread-- the guy behind the genius scheme to put 'wogs go home' on a van and drive it around poor areas of east london. so pardon me for using my democratic vote to try and shift out an odious little tory twerp. even when my own family are conservative, and have obvious financial interests in voting conservative. you fucking donk. call me selfish again, you clueless live-at-home urchin.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-29 04:38:49)

The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique wrote:

don't moralise, sorry. people can legally do what they want.
Thats you personal moralising, imposing the moral that everyone should be free to do as they want, when it really doesn't suit a lot of people or make for good social order.

Uzique wrote:

i bolded it for you, to make even easier. just as i said, all along. socrates feigns ignorance or ironically dissimulates; person follows argument to realize they have been in error
I can't be bothered to find the post where you claim the purpose is to ridicule and humiliate people until they realise they're ignorant uneducated plebs and accept your point of view.
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
it's moralizing to say 'people can do whatever they want'? keep tying yourself in knots, now.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

it's moralizing to say 'people can do whatever they want'? keep tying yourself in knots, now.
Please explain.
Uzique The Lesser
how am i being moralistic or trying to preach my beliefs to people when my belief on social issues is generally 'let people do what they want'? how is being anti-dogma dogmatic in-itself? how is it moralistic to only talk about private and personal morality? that makes no sense at all. dilbert is trying to squeeze a very shallow argument out of some very tendentious thinking.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

that makes no sense at all
It makes perfect sense.  You are wrong.
Uzique The Lesser
please explain how basically insisting there is no moral code or 'norm' or 'right way' to act is "moralizing". i am all for people doing whatever they want that makes them happy, so long as it doesn't harm anyone else. how the fuck is that "moralizing"? moralizing is prescribing or proscribing what other people cannot do. i am PERMITTING EVERYTHING. i would never wish another person to be forced to live the way i choose to live. i would never wish for anyone to be curtailed in their freedom to pursue their own happiness. i do not subscribe to any belief system or ideology that has an ethical function, i.e. that says 'this is how things should be' or 'this is how you should act'. i don't have a single iota of investment in any of that stuff. so how the fuck do i moralize? please substantiate.
Extra Medium
You're so far off I'm not sure I want to waste my time proving you wrong.
Uzique The Lesser
i knew you were trolling when you started posting this way earlier in the day. that time of week again when you want to make rukus or cybargs laugh, so you'll get a free reacharound? monday is a lonely and depressing day.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i knew you were trolling when you started posting this way earlier in the day. that time of week again when you want to make rukus or cybargs laugh, so you'll get a free reacharound? monday is a lonely and depressing day.
How am I trolling you?  You wrong with your bullshit.  Just because you want to live a certain way doesn't mean it isn't going to affect someone, regardless of how hard you try.  You are a selfish prick.  Every junkie in every opium den in China thinks like you.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England

Extra Medium wrote:

You're so far off I'm not sure I want to waste my time proving you wrong.


"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i knew you were trolling when you started posting this way earlier in the day. that time of week again when you want to make rukus or cybargs laugh, so you'll get a free reacharound? monday is a lonely and depressing day.
How am I trolling you?  You wrong with your bullshit.  Just because you want to live a certain way doesn't mean it isn't going to affect someone, regardless of how hard you try.  You are a selfish prick.  Every junkie in every opium den in China thinks like you.
Effected how? By making others around them feel sorry for them? By being a dependent waste? That shit happens anyway. Unless the guy is out breaking into cars and stealing stereos or holding up liquor stores, he's not physically doing any damage to anyone but himself. You have no right to tell anyone what to do unless or until they cross that line.

You're no different from Bloomberg.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i knew you were trolling when you started posting this way earlier in the day. that time of week again when you want to make rukus or cybargs laugh, so you'll get a free reacharound? monday is a lonely and depressing day.
How am I trolling you?  You wrong with your bullshit.  Just because you want to live a certain way doesn't mean it isn't going to affect someone, regardless of how hard you try.  You are a selfish prick.  Every junkie in every opium den in China thinks like you.
can you explain how i am selfish? how my actions have affected anyone but myself? i don't have a wife or kids. i experimented with drugs between the age of 18-21, put my mind in some bent positions, had some far-out rides and got a bit of perspective. now i exercise 6 times a week, i'm the highest academic achiever in my graduating year, and i'm in a healthy, stable relationship. how am i being selfish? my only moral position is 'let people do what they want so long as it harms nobody else'. i don't think drugs should be legalized because i am aware they can blight communities, i.e. harm innocent people. but i do think they should be decriminalized, i.e. if an individual buys some and wants to put shit in his body/mind, let him do so. in america you have private health-care so it's not even as if the irresponsible idiots do any harm. anything else can be neatly written down to darwin's theory, which i know you individualists are so fond of adapting.

so please explain how i am selfish? i do not wish to legislate people's private behaviour or life choices in any way. i refer nobody to any reigning faith or ideological belief system.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-29 10:20:26)

Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i knew you were trolling when you started posting this way earlier in the day. that time of week again when you want to make rukus or cybargs laugh, so you'll get a free reacharound? monday is a lonely and depressing day.
How am I trolling you?  You wrong with your bullshit.  Just because you want to live a certain way doesn't mean it isn't going to affect someone, regardless of how hard you try.  You are a selfish prick.  Every junkie in every opium den in China thinks like you.
Effected how? By making others around them feel sorry for them? By being a dependent waste? That shit happens anyway. Unless the guy is out breaking into cars and stealing stereos or holding up liquor stores, he's not physically doing any damage to anyone but himself. You have no right to tell anyone what to do unless or until they cross that line.

You're no different from Bloomberg.
can you explain to me how i am "dependent"? i won my way through college and took personal loans. you got government help. you can stop with the subtle attempts to put me down. it is kind of pathetic.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i knew you were trolling when you started posting this way earlier in the day. that time of week again when you want to make rukus or cybargs laugh, so you'll get a free reacharound? monday is a lonely and depressing day.
How am I trolling you?  You wrong with your bullshit.  Just because you want to live a certain way doesn't mean it isn't going to affect someone, regardless of how hard you try.  You are a selfish prick.  Every junkie in every opium den in China thinks like you.
can you explain how i am selfish? how my actions have affected anyone but myself? i don't have a wife or kids. i experimented with drugs between the age of 18-21, put my mind in some bent positions, had some far-out rides and got a bit of perspective. now i exercise 6 times a week, i'm the highest academic achiever in my graduating year, and i'm in a healthy, stable relationship. how am i being selfish? my only moral position is 'let people do what they want so long as it harms nobody else'. i don't think drugs should be legalized because i am aware they can blight communities, i.e. harm innocent people. but i do think they should be decriminalized, i.e. if an individual buys some and wants to put shit in his body/mind, let him do so. in america you have private health-care so it's not even as if the irresponsible idiots do any harm. anything else can be neatly written down to darwin's theory, which i know you individualists are so fond of adapting.

so please explain how i am selfish? i do not wish to legislate people's private behaviour or life choices in any way. i refer nobody to any reigning faith or ideological belief system.
Because nothing catastrophic will ever happen in your life that causes you currently controlled vices to take over and become a problem. 
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Jay wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

How am I trolling you?  You wrong with your bullshit.  Just because you want to live a certain way doesn't mean it isn't going to affect someone, regardless of how hard you try.  You are a selfish prick.  Every junkie in every opium den in China thinks like you.
Effected how? By making others around them feel sorry for them? By being a dependent waste? That shit happens anyway. Unless the guy is out breaking into cars and stealing stereos or holding up liquor stores, he's not physically doing any damage to anyone but himself. You have no right to tell anyone what to do unless or until they cross that line.

You're no different from Bloomberg.
can you explain to me how i am "dependent"? i won my way through college and took personal loans. you got government help. you can stop with the subtle attempts to put me down. it is kind of pathetic.
I wasn't talking about you, you narcissistic jackass.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser
you normally are when you make those remarks. you get on a high and mighty liberal chair and even when you're ostensibly talking in support of my argument, you're just taking an opportunity to make sidewards snipes and establish your more 'hard-earned' liberal credentials. so i apologise if you sincerely were not trying to make passing references. but it's not like you haven't made those remarks to me before (just as factually incorrect).

and medium what the fuck are you talking about? did you pass a HIGH SCHOOL science class? what life-crisis is going to come up that is going to see me run howling back to drugs? i didn't become addicted to any substance, you idiot. that is not how it works. besides, what stops people from encountering a life crisis and turning to the bottle, and losing themselves to perfectly legal drink? oh wait... that already does happen. to millions more people and to far more devastating effect (to families and the medical system) than any illegal drug. guess you better put that beer down buddy. in case hard times come. fucking idiot.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

you normally are when you make those remarks. you get on a high and mighty liberal chair and even when you're ostensibly talking in support of my argument, you're just taking an opportunity to make sidewards snipes and establish your more 'hard-earned' liberal credentials. so i apologise if you sincerely were not trying to make passing references. but it's not like you haven't made those remarks to me before (just as factually incorrect).

and medium what the fuck are you talking about? did you pass a HIGH SCHOOL science class? what life-crisis is going to come up that is going to see me run howling back to drugs? i didn't become addicted to any substance, you idiot. that is not how it works. besides, what stops people from encountering a life crisis and turning to the bottle, and losing themselves to perfectly legal drink? oh wait... that already does happen. to millions more people and to far more devastating effect (to families and the medical system) than any illegal drug. guess you better put that beer down buddy. in case hard times come. fucking idiot.
You honestly think that drugs don't eventually get the better of LEAST 50% of people that use them?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

you normally are when you make those remarks. you get on a high and mighty liberal chair and even when you're ostensibly talking in support of my argument, you're just taking an opportunity to make sidewards snipes and establish your more 'hard-earned' liberal credentials. so i apologise if you sincerely were not trying to make passing references. but it's not like you haven't made those remarks to me before (just as factually incorrect).

and medium what the fuck are you talking about? did you pass a HIGH SCHOOL science class? what life-crisis is going to come up that is going to see me run howling back to drugs? i didn't become addicted to any substance, you idiot. that is not how it works. besides, what stops people from encountering a life crisis and turning to the bottle, and losing themselves to perfectly legal drink? oh wait... that already does happen. to millions more people and to far more devastating effect (to families and the medical system) than any illegal drug. guess you better put that beer down buddy. in case hard times come. fucking idiot.
You honestly think that drugs don't eventually get the better of LEAST 50% of people that use them?
unless it's meth, no.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser
i am confident that 95% of drug users are high-functioning, perfectly normal adults that lead successful careers and family lives. the mass of cocaine consumption in america is done by middle-class yuppies, bankers, lawyers, young media types etc. they all lead extremely high performance lifestyles. cocaine is extremely prevalent in the UK banking system as a 'softener' for big deals and hand-shaking occasions. brokers have written entire books on the cocaine culture that pervades dealerships. so yes, i am confident that most people that smoke weed, snort cocaine, pop ecstasy in clubs once every few months... lead completely ordinary lives.

alcohol is more chemically addictive than most drugs. how many people get addicted to alcohol? alcoholism is, furthermore, one of the hardest dependencies to give up on (outside of crack coke, meth, and hardcore heroin). how many people do you know that enjoy getting drunk, without falling off the wagon and ruining their lives? alcohol is more chemically addictive, i repeat, than most drugs. don't let the science get in the way, though.

if you'd like to show me a study, or some fact, or evidence, i will read your evidence. feel free. i welcome it. you said "50% lose their lives to drugs". okay. now show me this is more than redneck paranoia and, to quote your own term, 'dumbassery'. go. don't let the statistics interfere with your sense of reality, of course.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-29 10:32:41)

The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

how am i being moralistic or trying to preach my beliefs to people when my belief on social issues is generally 'let people do what they want'? how is being anti-dogma dogmatic in-itself? how is it moralistic to only talk about private and personal morality? that makes no sense at all. dilbert is trying to squeeze a very shallow argument out of some very tendentious thinking.
Its just a different set of morals, just as a hardcore Christian won't agree his views are morals - they're gods word, your 'morals' are a Libertarian 'value system'. Don't call them morals if you don't want to, it just confuses the issue.

You like your value system, other people like theirs, you're trying to ram them down other peoples throats just as hard.
One man's freedom is another's tyranny.

can you explain how i am selfish? how my actions have affected anyone but myself? i don't have a wife or kids. i experimented with drugs between the age of 18-21, put my mind in some bent positions, had some far-out rides and got a bit of perspective.
You were also hospitalised, and arrested and incarcerated for threatening violence while off your head IIRC, hardly zero burden on society or your family and associates.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-07-30 06:05:34)

Fuck Israel

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