i don't moralise, sorry. people can legally do what they want. having heated discussions about music and matters of culture is not 'moralising'. moralising is when you wish to control or limit someone else's choices or conduct. i am not trying to ban dubstep. similarly my position on drug and other social behaviour, which is strictly liberal, can hardly be said to be 'moralising'. it is the opposite of infringing on other's people's freedoms, or forcing your views on anyone else. my only position is that i think people should be able to do whatever they want with their own person in the safety of their own homes. if you want to somehow view that as a 'moral crusade', be my guest, you fucking gomp.
and i only vote for myself and my nearest? my family are loaded, and privileged. 70% of the people in my (mother's) home constituency, not cheltenham, where my father's side of the family are from, are working-class. 50 years ago the place had mines, for fuck's sake. the real reason i vote labour there is because the current tory MP wants to sell off all of the woodland - the UK's second biggest forest, and it's greatest ancient wood - to property developers and business interests. so yes, i vote labour. guess i'm just so self-interested. how the fuck would me voting for labour be in my self-interest, in any way? they are against public schools and all forms of class inequality. they would tax the shit out of my family.
derp derp derp dilbert.
i never twisted the socratic method, either, here we go again. you constantly trying to make out i am misrepresenting it, when i'm the only one here that has actually read the fucking words of socrates/plato, or studied the socratic method beyond wikipedia glancing (you even started cockily wheezing when i mentioned plato and asked why i had back-pedalled to another thinker; fucking rofl, you don't even know that 100% of socrates' teachings are given to us in plato's writing). the socratic method involves a technique of ironic dissimulation to follow a person's (fallacious) beliefs to an endpoint that q.e.d.'s their false thinking. it is a rhetorical dialectic method that gently goads the person being instructed in a process of 'seeing why they are wrong'. socrates uses it in dozens of examples in the works of plato to educate young men on the roadside, wayward soldiers, zealous politicians, etc. it's all there. go read it. the socratic method is a method of INSTRUCTION. it was used in a philosophical SCHOOL to teach LESSONS. i don't really care how modern liberal school-teachers are using it to promote 'relativity' and 'inclusion'. in socrates day the matter of ethics and metaphysics was not a post-modern plurality. he used it to teach people his (or his schools') views. PERIOD. bring up the conversation again when you've actually read some fucking socrates. thank you.
here's a simple definition for the philosophically-illiterate (i.e. you) from 'socraticmethod.com'
and i only vote for myself and my nearest? my family are loaded, and privileged. 70% of the people in my (mother's) home constituency, not cheltenham, where my father's side of the family are from, are working-class. 50 years ago the place had mines, for fuck's sake. the real reason i vote labour there is because the current tory MP wants to sell off all of the woodland - the UK's second biggest forest, and it's greatest ancient wood - to property developers and business interests. so yes, i vote labour. guess i'm just so self-interested. how the fuck would me voting for labour be in my self-interest, in any way? they are against public schools and all forms of class inequality. they would tax the shit out of my family.
derp derp derp dilbert.
i never twisted the socratic method, either, here we go again. you constantly trying to make out i am misrepresenting it, when i'm the only one here that has actually read the fucking words of socrates/plato, or studied the socratic method beyond wikipedia glancing (you even started cockily wheezing when i mentioned plato and asked why i had back-pedalled to another thinker; fucking rofl, you don't even know that 100% of socrates' teachings are given to us in plato's writing). the socratic method involves a technique of ironic dissimulation to follow a person's (fallacious) beliefs to an endpoint that q.e.d.'s their false thinking. it is a rhetorical dialectic method that gently goads the person being instructed in a process of 'seeing why they are wrong'. socrates uses it in dozens of examples in the works of plato to educate young men on the roadside, wayward soldiers, zealous politicians, etc. it's all there. go read it. the socratic method is a method of INSTRUCTION. it was used in a philosophical SCHOOL to teach LESSONS. i don't really care how modern liberal school-teachers are using it to promote 'relativity' and 'inclusion'. in socrates day the matter of ethics and metaphysics was not a post-modern plurality. he used it to teach people his (or his schools') views. PERIOD. bring up the conversation again when you've actually read some fucking socrates. thank you.
here's a simple definition for the philosophically-illiterate (i.e. you) from 'socraticmethod.com'
i bolded it for you, to make even easier. just as i said, all along. socrates feigns ignorance or ironically dissimulates; person follows argument to realize they have been in error; correction is made; lesson learned; socrates gives a little wink and continues on his way. DONE. stop fucking bringing it up now. go read a fucking book.A Definition of the Classic Socratic Method:
The Classic Socratic Method uses creative questioning to dismantle and discard preexisting ideas and thereby allows the respondent to rethink the primary question under discussion (such as 'What is virtue?'). This deconstructive style of the Socratic Method is ‘Socratic’ precisely to the extent that the weight of the actual deconstruction of a definition rests in the respondent’s own answers to more questions, which refute the respondent's previously stated answer to the primary question. The result of the Classic Socratic Method is, by definition, a failure to find a satisfactory answer to the primary question in a conversation. This failure produces a realization of ignorance in the respondent (Socratic Effect) which can, it is hoped, inspire the respondent to dig deep and think about the question with a new freedom that is obtained from discarding a previously held belief. If a satisfactory answer is found, this represents a transition to the ‘Modern Socratic Method.’
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-29 04:10:32)