Extra Medium
Full of trolls, liberals and foreigners.  Terrible moderation and constant downtime.  Layout is nice and easy on the eyes. 

Go Cougs!
+691|6464|Washington St.
full of people who think they know everything about the world when they don't. refuse to believe other people and are too stubborn to open their mind up to new ideas.

bf2s forums = closed minded
Extra Medium
What would you rate it out of 10 though?
Go Cougs!
+691|6464|Washington St.

i try (TRY) to stay out of the threads that call for an opinion
It's still the BF2s forums with BF3s slapped on as a name. Wonder if chuy will call it the BF4s forums when BF4 comes out.
Extra Medium
Well that isn't any fun.

This thread can be your opinion free sanctuary.  Just you and me, pen pals for life bro.
Extra Medium
Damnit Roc.  Me and pirana were going to be pen pals and you ruined it.
Go Cougs!
+691|6464|Washington St.
on occasion i will wander through D&ST then my brain will go insane so I will head on over to the 'respond by pic' and rock myself to sleep
Extra Medium
I do that in the ass appreciation thread.
Go Cougs!
+691|6464|Washington St.
that too
Extra Medium
Who's your football pick for the super bowl this year.  Don't you dare say the seahawks.
Go Cougs!
+691|6464|Washington St.
SEAH- oh.

Broncos or Falcons looks good.

I dunno about Matty Ice but he should stay decent. And I'm not sold on how many years Payton has left as an elite QB but if he can do what he did last year... they only lost to that end-of-the-season fluking Ravens team.
Extra Medium
I'm think the Falcons are going all the way this year.  They go so close last year and faceplanted so this year I think they come back with a vengeance. 

Cowboys...........ahh nevermind.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

i think the moderation herd needs thinning out, there are currently sixteen and half that many regular posters.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6858|United States of America
So who gives a shit? If the last three people on this forum are all mods, is one of them going to have to be demoted back to member just to be petty like that? It's a sunk cost of effort.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

DesertFox- wrote:

So who gives a shit? If the last three people on this forum are all mods, is one of them going to have to be demoted back to member just to be petty like that? It's a sunk cost of effort.
demoted? ur so cute! no mod has been ever demoted. they fuck up, and it doesn't cost them. ur such an an Ingenue! as uzique would put it,

fuck off and die american! you don't know shite!

you should start a forum with uzique and consummate ur affair there.
got any popo lolo intersting?

still, in 2013 this is easily the nicest looking forum with the best layout, out of all forums i've seen.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

because form over function, looks over content amirite?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Bf2s was a much better site than Bf3s.

Even if half the remaining features on BF2S stopped working tomorrow, it would still look better than most of the dark text on blinding white background forums out there. Devoid of users, it could be put behind a glass case.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6858|United States of America

Steve-0 wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

So who gives a shit? If the last three people on this forum are all mods, is one of them going to have to be demoted back to member just to be petty like that? It's a sunk cost of effort.
demoted? ur so cute! no mod has been ever demoted. they fuck up, and it doesn't cost them. ur such an an Ingenue! as uzique would put it,

fuck off and die american! you don't know shite!

you should start a forum with uzique and consummate ur affair there.
He wasn't Scottish...

You still haven't made a point about why we should put all this effort into policing moderators when the populace dwindles.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

DesertFox- wrote:

You still haven't made a point about why we should put all this effort into policing moderators when the populace dwindles.
no, and that is not a point i'm going to make.

the question is, why do we need 16 moderators for 5 active users?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
we dont need mods
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5531|London, England

Steve-0 wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

You still haven't made a point about why we should put all this effort into policing moderators when the populace dwindles.
no, and that is not a point i'm going to make.

the question is, why do we need 16 moderators for 5 active users?
Why does it bother you do much?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

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