The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

oh and really? americans knew that the NSA were harvesting and looking through all of their mobile phone photos and videos? all of their facebook sign-in info? okay. none of you mentioned this before when you were making all those comments about how crazy europe's socialist governments are.
You know that the UK intelligence services can and do monitor and pull up any record, email, text message etc they like?
Phone calls, emails and texts are all scanned.

The Police can and do track and monitor whatever they feel like, a warrant is only needed if they want to use it in court.
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
the police don't store all of the information. they don't have the data capacity, nor are they intending to. i've spoken on here before in the past about how a friend's dad is actually one of these shadowy people that works in a position that 'doesn't exist' for a major telecomms company. they have a danger-word blacklist that is brought up. not the same thing as indiscriminately saving all photos, videos, website log-in info, etc. our intelligence services don't have the resources and, frankly, with the ECHR, they never will. as for the police's involvement... i have first-hand experience of this, and know that the police are even more resource strapped than the state-level services and bureaucracy. no police force at any level has the time, effort, money, or inclination to sift through your average street drug-users or online bullies phone texts. just doesn't happen.

and yes aussie, everyone knows this is from the patriot act. nobody is saying this is new. just a new scoop on the extent of it nowadays - i.e. complete and total surveillance, at a whim, with no guilt or reasonable suspicion. also if you want to be technically historical about it, obama stressed the reauthorization of the patriot act and signed off on a load of measures that made it even more draconian. obama has rolled over on his democratic principles time and time again on this count (just like with drones). so yes, i don't really want to make this a partisan thing.

and medium, you should really look up "negative liberty". it's a concept that's pretty important to western liberal democracies. to everyone saying "why should i be worried if i don't do anything wrong?", that is badly misreading what liberalism is all about. you are giving the state far too much power. if they came around and said they were going to install a camera in every single one of your home's rooms, but "don't worry, it'll only go off if you do something wrong", would you be comfortable? that's a very odd definition of 'freedom'.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-06-07 01:35:02)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England

AussieReaper wrote:

This is a great beat up - these sort of powers were voted when congress was passing things like the Patriot act.

It's just the latest media theme of big government since the IRS scandal (which is worth investigating). The Republicans won't argue this is government overreach. They instigated this.
It's not like Obama has overturned a single policy from the Bush era... In fact, he's strengthened most of them.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser
yeah you can't even say this was a congress/supreme court thing. obama sat down and re-signed the patriot act in his own hand-writing.

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

yeah you can't even say this was a congress/supreme court thing. obama sat down and re-signed the patriot act in his own hand-writing.
people voted for obama because they thought he would be different in every aspect in america's foreign policy, yet he's just bush 2.0
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England

Cybargs wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

yeah you can't even say this was a congress/supreme court thing. obama sat down and re-signed the patriot act in his own hand-writing.
people voted for obama because they thought he would be different in every aspect in america's foreign policy, yet he's just bush 2.0
He's worse. You could at least say the Bush administration didn't fully understand what their policies would look like 7 years later; implementation is different from theory. Obama on the other hand has had the benefit of being able to see the stuff in action, and decided to make it even worse with NDAA etc.

The two people I would like to castrate most in this world are Obama and McCain. The 2008 election really was a choice between two evils and I really don't know which one is worse. They both seem to enjoy the permanent war footing, and the power that gives them, immensely.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
not to mention obama expanded the drone killings. push would've been ostracized to death for it yet there's very minimal media attention and criticism especially from the likes of maddow and olbermann who'd talk shit about bush all day when he was president.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
eh, i'm looking and maddow seems to have basically devoted the entire show to this
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

eh, i'm looking and maddow seems to have basically devoted the entire show to this
maybe not maddow but i don't see bill maher constantly criticizing obama the same he did with bush, when the criticism was about the exact same foreign policy practices.
Uzique The Lesser
so this is floating around the twitter echo-chamber right now... pretty funny thought. SPEARHEAD will surely like:


note microsoft are the very first major company to sign up to this PRISM data-harvesting privacy-snooping thing.


always-on/passive listening kinect on the xbox one?


Uzique The Lesser
Basically power is less a confrontation between two adversaries or the linking of one to the other than a question of government. This word must be allowed the very broad meaning which it had in the sixteenth century. "Government" did not refer only to political structures or to the management of states; rather it designated the way in which the conduct of individuals or of groups might be directed: the government of children, of souls, of communities, of families, of the sick. It did not only cover the legitimately constituted forms of political or economic subjection, but also modes of action, more or less considered and calculated, which were destined to act upon the possibilities of action of other people. To govern, in this sense, is to structure the possible field of action of others. The relationship proper to power would not therefore be sought on the side of violence or of struggle, nor on that of voluntary linking (all of which can, at best, only be the instruments of power), but rather in the area of the singular mode of action, neither warlike nor juridical, which is government.
- michel foucault, 'the subject and power (beyond structuralism and hermeneutics)'.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-06-07 05:16:18)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

yeah you can't even say this was a congress/supreme court thing. obama sat down and re-signed the patriot act in his own hand-writing.
people voted for obama because they thought he would be different in every aspect in america's foreign policy, yet he's just bush 2.0
He's worse. You could at least say the Bush administration didn't fully understand what their policies would look like 7 years later; implementation is different from theory. Obama on the other hand has had the benefit of being able to see the stuff in action, and decided to make it even worse with NDAA etc.

The two people I would like to castrate most in this world are Obama and McCain. The 2008 election really was a choice between two evils and I really don't know which one is worse. They both seem to enjoy the permanent war footing, and the power that gives them, immensely.
Bush created most of the evil though.
Fuck Israel
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7007|Tampa Bay Florida

Jay wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

This is a great beat up - these sort of powers were voted when congress was passing things like the Patriot act.

It's just the latest media theme of big government since the IRS scandal (which is worth investigating). The Republicans won't argue this is government overreach. They instigated this.
It's not like Obama has overturned a single policy from the Bush era... In fact, he's strengthened most of them.
Which is pretty much why he was elected in the first place.  The reason why a lot of democrats wanted him instead of Hillary Clinton.  Cuz he was an outsider, not a member of the establishment, etc..

BTW I'm not so sure that he was planning on doing this before he was president, he seriously underestimated the influence of the MIC/intelligence community.  Stanley MCChrystal first went behind his back and leaked the amount of troops he wanted in Afghanistan.  The first sign he was a loose cannon.  Then Petraeus said he would have resigned if Obama had not given them what they wanted over there.  That combined with Guantanamo not closing down and I think Obama just decided from then on "fuck it, give them what they want"  Not as if thats an excuse, he just got his ass beat real hard in the first year of his presidency and needed to give the military support if he was going to win in 2012.  Thats how I see it anyway.

Cybargs wrote:

not to mention obama expanded the drone killings. push would've been ostracized to death for it yet there's very minimal media attention and criticism especially from the likes of maddow and olbermann who'd talk shit about bush all day when he was president.
Thats kind of a misconception, there was a survey done and drone strikes were actually pretty high on the list in terms of "issues you are concerned about in this country".  Drone strikes are also being covered pretty heavily by the beltway media/NYT.  The reason its not causing bigger problems is no Presidential candidate has the guts to run against them, except maybe Rand Paul, and also the fact that the only people seemingly affected personally by them are Pakistani villagers and the pilots who are flying them in Kansas.  Its not exactly going to start an anti-war protest when no ones being drafted and no ones being sent overseas to die against their will.

Last edited by Spearhead (2013-06-07 07:18:08)

Extra Medium
I still think it's hilarious that the one politician that basically said he was against all the shit you people hate was laughed at and the one guy who said he would change things and failed to do so is defended.

Ron Paul's Ghost 2016.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7007|Tampa Bay Florida

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

always-on/passive listening kinect on the xbox one?

I think the engineers at microsoft went out of their way to make the red circular sensor look exactly like HAL 9000.  They probably did it at first as a joke, then no one at microsoft was smart enough to say "wait a minute" and here we are.  The Kinect is cool in that the angle of the entire body actually adjusts, so a little motor makes it go up and down depending on if youre standing up or sitting.  It will be very trippy to be watching 2001 with some friends whove never seen it before only to have them look 2 feet down and see THE EXACT SAME RED CIRCLE looking at them
Uzique The Lesser

Spearhead wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

always-on/passive listening kinect on the xbox one?

I think the engineers at microsoft went out of their way to make the red circular sensor look exactly like HAL 9000.  They probably did it at first as a joke, then no one at microsoft was smart enough to say "wait a minute" and here we are.  The Kinect is cool in that the angle of the entire body actually adjusts, so a little motor makes it go up and down depending on if youre standing up or sitting.  It will be very trippy to be watching 2001 with some friends whove never seen it before only to have them look 2 feet down and see THE EXACT SAME RED CIRCLE looking at them
bit of an aside, but i hate the whole design principle. in the news recently that a kickstarter project got its funding for a 'full body' simulation, too. like an actual cage you stand in and run on the spot. hate it. i don't want games to become movement based. i want to sit on my arse and play tf2 without needing to break a sweat.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7007|Tampa Bay Florida
Its called "going outside and doing real exercise".  I didnt buy the Kinect and don't really use it at all, it just kind of fell into my lap.

The whole Wii thing was kind of revolutionary for its time but after a couple hours with it I had pretty much decided it was a gimmick and was not really interested in waving my hands around for extended periods of time.  The Wii U I do not understand at all.  A gameboy thats also a controller thats also a nunchuck?  What the fuck Nintendo.

Last edited by Spearhead (2013-06-07 08:11:32)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7007|Tampa Bay Florida


I think it is strange that people are angry at the government for having all of this info but don't mind a corporation having it. People need to think about that.
Uzique The Lesser

Macbeth wrote:

I think it is strange that people are angry at the government for having all of this info but don't mind a corporation having it. People need to think about that.
it's probably the fact corporations don't have the power to come and arrest you in the middle of the night.

lesser of two evils.

Still FB shouldn't be able to keep all of your info and sell it. The phone company shouldn't keep your phone records too. What if these companies volunteered the info or sold it to the government?

I know people are going to say that you shouldn't use the service if you don't want to play by their rules but you cannot survive today without a home phone for instance. We are sort of captive consumers.

I also find it strange that people are so quick to come to the defense of the companies with a "too bad, their rules". Whatever happened to demanding something better as a consumer? Why is it looked down upon now?
Da Blooze

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

I think it is strange that people are angry at the government for having all of this info but don't mind a corporation having it. People need to think about that.
it's probably the fact corporations don't have the power to come and arrest you in the middle of the night.

lesser of two evils.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
You are the product on facebook though
Extra Medium

Macbeth wrote:

Still FB shouldn't be able to keep all of your info and sell it. The phone company shouldn't keep your phone records too. What if these companies volunteered the info or sold it to the government?

I know people are going to say that you shouldn't use the service if you don't want to play by their rules but you cannot survive today without a home phone for instance. We are sort of captive consumers.

I also find it strange that people are so quick to come to the defense of the companies with a "too bad, their rules". Whatever happened to demanding something better as a consumer? Why is it looked down upon now?
Yes, facebook should just develop their software, make regular updates and maintain servers for one of the busiest websites in the world FOR FUCKING FREE.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/20 … :Position3
I guess the UK feels the same warm and fuzzy boot pressed against its face.

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