Extra Medium

The Constitution=Bad
Privatized Medicine=Bad
Differing opinions=Bad

BIGGER government=Good
Ridiculous gun control measures=Good

You people have a seriously distorted and sheltered view of the world.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5404|London, England
Says the guy that lives in North Dakota
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
sorry you feel that way
Are you implying that it's not ok to be a homo
inane little opines
I am all that is MOD!

he's a try hard troll.  It's obvious and it hurts my brain to read his posts.
Extra Medium

Shocking wrote:

Are you implying that it's not ok to be a homo
That's very much what I'm saying.


he's a try hard troll.  It's obvious and it hurts my brain to read his posts.
Your attempts to de-legitimatize my posts by constantly calling them trolls hurts my brain.  Are you so self-righteous and self centered that you believe everyone who has a different opinion or view of something other than your own is a troll, or stupid, or both?
I am all that is MOD!

Nope, i don't call you out on all your posts, just the ones that are blatant trolls.  All your posts could very well be trolls, but my trolldar is not as strong as my gaydar, and I don't really care enough to go through and find all your posts.  No, you're quite plainly trolling with your previous post, and from my perspective you're trying pretty hard to do it.  You need to work on your subtlety.
Extra Medium


Nope, i don't call you out on all your posts, just the ones that are blatant trolls.  All your posts could very well be trolls, but my trolldar is not as strong as my gaydar, and I don't really care enough to go through and find all your posts.  No, you're quite plainly trolling with your previous post, and from my perspective you're trying pretty hard to do it.  You need to work on your subtlety.
It's not a troll.  That was an observation of the general consensus of the users on the forum as I have seen it.  I think it is quite sad.  I also think it's sad that we have moderators here that straight out attack members without even given them the slightest benefit of the doubt.  While I have trolled here before, I also distinctly remember saying that I was trolling (See the train thread). 

But furthermore,  lets say hypothetically I was to make a thread on each of the aformentioned topics, how do you think the members would react?  If I made a thread saying "religion is good" it would descend into madness.  If I made a thread called "Homosexuality is wrong" I would be labeled a troll instantly.  If I made a thread about how healthcare should remain privatized in the U.S. it would have 100 replies of charts, graphs and pictures from European countries and 20 people telling me I don't know shit, within a day.

sorry you feel that way

Extra Medium wrote:

Shocking wrote:

Are you implying that it's not ok to be a homo
That's very much what I'm saying.
The only 'argument' you could possibly have is religion. If you discriminate others only because doctrine tells you to, I guess you do fit the "stupid" label. You see any sort of opinion you may have I would be ok with but I really, really don't understand what goes on in the minds of people who  choose to hate others for... no reason at all.
inane little opines
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
nice try troll.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Extra Medium

Shocking wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Shocking wrote:

Are you implying that it's not ok to be a homo
That's very much what I'm saying.
The only 'argument' you could possibly have is religion. If you discriminate others only because doctrine tells you to, I guess you do fit the "stupid" label. You see any sort of opinion you may have I would be ok with but I really, really don't understand what goes on in the minds of people who  choose to hate others for... no reason at all.
I do not practice any religion.  Surprise!

I have a very simple reason that I do not support homosexuality.  Everyone I have ever met that is a homosexual (working in Dallas, I met a lot), the instant reading I got on most was they were extroverted attention seekers and the few that weren't were obviously mentally damaged.  The more and more liberal our society becomes the more and more extreme people have to act in order to stand out.  With the onset of the INDIVIDUAL generation, people are now taught to be themselves, do what you want, do what feels good, no one can judge you.  THAT'S WRONG.  People no longer have limits to their actions, no boundaries, no guidelines.  I believe that modern prevalence of homosexuality is a direct cause of this thinking. 

Even beyond homosexuality, look at young people today, guys dress like girls and girls want to work like men.  Gone are the days where young boys wanted to grow up and be strong and do well and get a good job and raise a family, they all wanna be hip and cool and petite and pacifist, just go with the flow baby, whatever you know.  It's the second coming of the hippys.  That's why they call the worst of the worst HIPSTERS.  Guess what, I'd bet most hipsters are gay.  Disagree?

EDIT, I never said I HATED them, I simply don't approve of them on a personal level.

Last edited by Extra Medium (2012-12-19 11:10:13)

sorry you feel that way
If someone happens to be attracted to the same sex that preference doesn't affect you or society in the slightest. It's also not some sort of removable character trait or symptom of a broken society or whatever you were trying to say. Shit, this would be like me stating that being black is a problem because I met like two black people and I didn't like them.

Extra Medium wrote:

Gone are the days where young boys wanted to grow up and be strong and do well and get a good job and raise a family, they all wanna be hip and cool and petite and pacifist, just go with the flow baby, whatever you know.
Do we live on the same planet?

Last edited by Shocking (2012-12-19 11:25:17)

inane little opines
Extra Medium

Shocking wrote:

If someone happens to be attracted to the same sex that preference doesn't affect you or society in the slightest. It's also not some sort of removable character trait or symptom of a broken society or whatever you were trying to say. Shit, this would be like me stating that being black is a problem because I met like two black people and I didn't like them.

Extra Medium wrote:

Gone are the days where young boys wanted to grow up and be strong and do well and get a good job and raise a family, they all wanna be hip and cool and petite and pacifist, just go with the flow baby, whatever you know.
Do we live on the same planet?
Child molesters don't affect my life in any way.  Does that mean I should support it?  Homosexuality most DEFINITLY affects society.  Jeez man, just turn on the TV every now and then.  Every other show on TV is about gay people and the ones that aren't make sure to stuff a gay character in some where.  You don't think that shit teaches kids that it's "ok" to be gay?  You don't think that it desensitizes them to that?  So they grow up and if they want to be gay they can be gay and that's ok by society.

Would you agree that anyone who chooses to be gay is more than welcome to do so in today's society?  Is anyone stopping them?
sorry you feel that way
A grown man loving a grown man is not the same as a grown man abusing a child.

Also, you can't really 'choose' to love a man. If you think so, go on and be my guest. Try it.

Last edited by Shocking (2012-12-19 11:34:45)

inane little opines
Extra Medium

Shocking wrote:

Also, you can't really 'choose' to love a man. If you think so, go on and be my guest. Try it.
No, I'm fine.  I take it you have tried?
There are enough fucked up people, damaged people, drama llamas, and idiots in the world that I don't feel the need to single out specific oxygen thieves by their sexual preference.

Biggest problem in the world right now is religious extremism, by any of the three Abrahamic religions.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

rdx-fx wrote:

drama llama
Extra Medium

rdx-fx wrote:

Biggest problem in the world right now is religious extremism, by any of the three Abrahamic religions.
sorry you feel that way
I'm not gay. It's not a choice. You are either attracted to men or you're not. Simple as that. Same as anything else you don't have a choice on.

You honestly have nothing to argument here. I really can't believe you base yourself on: 'well, I've met some gay people and I didn't like them so being gay is bad'. As I said, it'd be no different than me 'disapproving' of black people because I met a few black guys and didn't like them.
inane little opines
Extra Medium

Shocking wrote:

I'm not gay. It's not a choice. You are either attracted to men or you're not. Simple as that. Same as anything else you don't have a choice on.

You honestly have nothing to argument here. I really can't believe you base yourself on: 'well, I've met some gay people and I didn't like them so being gay is bad'. As I said, it'd be no different than me 'disapproving' of black people because I met a few black guys and didn't like them.
Black people is a whole other thread.

Actually...whether or not you like gay people is a whole other thread as well.

or whether someone is a troll or not, too.

Everyone back to the topic please. Thanks!
Extra Medium
Apparently Jay and I are not allowed a fair shake on this forum.  No wonder ATG went nuts and left.

Extra Medium wrote:

No wonder ATG went nuts and left.
ATG didn't need the forum. btw, he still logs in from time to time.

tuckergustav wrote:

or whether someone is a troll or not, too.
i've been here 2350 days, and haven't trolled once.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5404|London, England

west-phoenix-az wrote:

rdx-fx wrote:

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Extra Medium wrote:

Apparently Jay and I are not allowed a fair shake on this forum.  No wonder ATG went nuts and left.
So who is this guy really? Anyone uneartherd the truth yet?

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